Saturday, December 24, 2011


David Garibaldi: Jesus Painting from Thriving Churches on Vimeo.


When I did a study of the book Christmas Is Not Your Birthday by Mike Slaughter, I invited all of the participants to take the time to tell the story of the Nativity to someone, their grandchildren perhaps, using a Nativity set as a prop perhaps. This video is a sample of what those grandchildren might do themselves if you told them the story. Terrific. The kid's accents are New Zealand Accents. The story is universal. I love the Sheep!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 11, 2011 "WHO'S GETTING THE MESSAGE?"

Glorious God, Our Creator, on this glorious Sabbath day, we come into your presence offering our thanks and praise. Warm our hearts to your presence as we seek to recognize your face in the faces of those around us. We confess a sense of distance from the message of the Advent season, perhaps because waiting has not been our strong suit. And, too, O Lord, we can get so caught up with the dizzying expectations of all-things-Christmas, that your true message for humankind gets lost in the shuffle. O God, while we are busy being here and being there, for this celebration or that benefit, or this concert, or that party, remind us to look up; to search for your promise in the stars, the promise of Emmanuel who will most certainly come to us. Amen.
What is Good News to you? Is it that the Stock Market is booming? Is it news from your Doctor that your blood pressure is under control? Is it the news that your child was accepted to the college of his or her choice? The Good News to be heard, received, embraced and proclaimed throughout the world, is the true manna from heaven. It is not news that caters to your individual wishes, wants and needs, rather it is the Good News of Luxuriant Grace, Infinite Love, and boundless Hope promised, poured out and revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. Now, Pass it on.
Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon the gifts we offer with cheerful hearts. As we continue to ponder the meaning of the Advent Season, we pray that your message of salvation and purpose will be fully revealed to us. Our tithes and offerings are meant to honor you. But equally important are the gifts of our time, participation, prayer, service and witness. We will give the gift of time and presence, this season, to someone in need. We will do this to honor the coming of the Christ Child, in whose name we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 4, 2011 "WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?"

To thee, now high Exalted One, we lift our voices in praise. Indeed, it is right and a good and joyful thing, to praise your Holy Name; for there is no one who has known the universe from its beginning, besides you. You are the first, the beginning, the starting spark of all that is; how can we not carry expressions of awe upon our faces? Yet, O Lord, you did more than create us; you loved us. Your willing compassion, mercy and forgiveness are neither, easy to bestow, nor, superficial in scope. We know, by the person and presence of Jesus Christ, that these qualities are real beyond our reckoning, real beyond our understanding, and real beyond our awareness. Wake us up, O God, when we doze off, spiritually; when we let our pride get in the way of fulfilling our commitment to you, and your commandment to love, as you have loved us. We are made glad by the cheerful moods folks share during the holiday season. Let gladness for your presence in our lives, cheer us all the days of our lives. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
This year’s, Neiman Marcus Fantasy Christmas gifts include: Dancing Fountains for your home, from the company called WET = $1,000,000; a Hacker-Craft Speedboat =$250,000; a Weekend for two at Stone Barns Farm in New York =$20,000; the Dream Folly Backyard Yurt = $75,000; the Tom Burr Table Tennis Table =$45,000 ( Is there a relatives discount?); the Johnny Walker Private Scotch Tasting = $5000.00; a trip to Europe with 9 friends for an International Flower Show tour = $420,000; the Assouline Custom Built Home Library = $125,000; and last, but not least, the Ferrari FF = $395,000. With your purchase of the Dancing Fountains, Neiman Marcus will donate $10,000 to If you want to donate to, please let the church be your middle man.
Most High God, bless these tithes and offerings to do the work of your hands. In this world of consumer distractions, we are working to put you first in our lives. Keep us ever mindful that true blessing comes, not from the accumulation of things or the “pursuit of fleeting joy,” but from the knowledge that we have done something worthwhile for the sake of the world in which we live. Receive these gifts in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 27, 2011 "YET, O LORD....."

Most Loving God, Creator of the Universe, today, as we enter the Advent season, we lift up our prayer of hopeful anticipation. In the weeks that follow, we will be readying ourselves for the outpouring of your comfort and goodwill. We will be preparing our minds to embrace the wondrous things to come. We do this by remembering all that you have given to humanity since the dawn of time. You have forgiven us over and over again that we might learn how to forgive. You have rescued us that we might share your love and blessing with others. You have made covenant after covenant with us and promised to be faithful always, that we might live responsively in faith. We confess our failures in keeping covenant with you. In this season of new beginnings, we will focus our hearts and minds on doing that very thing. We shall turn our attention to you, seeking, anew, to discern your will and way for us. Speak to us of surrender and soul-searching; adjure us to make time for prayer and self-examination. Prayer is where you await us and where you promise comfort for our weary souls. We promise, in the name of the Christ, to meet you there each day. Amen.
In his book Christmas is Not Your Birthday Mike Slaughter writes: “You are the evidence that God’s Messiah is present with us, when everything that is broken around you is being restored, when the oppressed are being set free and the Good News is preached to the poor.” The Black Friday madness of consumption started even earlier this year, with folks in a frenzy to shop, to buy, to get a deal at Midnight on Thanksgiving. I am pretty confident when I say: “No one was thinking about Jesus’ birthday, rather they were adding up their Santa credits. Let us be the evidence of the Messiah, not Santa.
Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon the gifts we offer with cheerful hearts. As we enter this Advent Season, remind us that these weeks are meant to be a time of spiritual reflection, as well as anticipation. In these days of shopping and buying gifts for our families and loved ones, plant a seed of ever-remembrance that the birthday we are looking forward to celebrating is not ours. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November 20, 2011 "OUR GROWING SEASONS"

Great and glorious God, from whom all blessings flow, we are eager to give you thanks and praise on this Thanksgiving Sunday. We confess our shyness before you, realizing that everyday offers us an opportunity to focus our thankful thoughts upon your bountiful nature. May your most Holy Spirit capture and focus our thoughts, during this week, opening our eyes to the good. Make us mindful enough to embrace any and all of the opportunities, we will have, to be exemplars of true thankfulness. We pray for the safe passage of all those making a Thanksgiving pilgrimage, knowing they bring with them, your message of hope, and blessing, which is the light of Jesus Christ in their hearts. Pour out your comforting spirit on all whose hearts are in need of consolation this holiday season; in the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
Lord, please bless the gifts we set before you. Some of us have given out of our abundance and others have given what we can afford. You know what is in our hearts. Whether we are governed, in our giving, by a spirit of thankfulness, or obligation, we pray these gifts will breathe new life into our ministry and work. Let us not be peckish about little things, rather empower your church and each, of us here, to prove your gracious goodness to all the world. Amen.

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 13, 2011 "DON'T DIS THE GIFT"

Wondrous and Loving God, as we lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving, we ask you to pour out your blessing upon all of us gathered here. Some of us have come to worship for curiosity’s sake and others because this is the very best way for us to start our week. Here is where we refresh our souls and connect with one another, touching the lives and hearts of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Help us understand, gracious Lord, that each time we offer a hand in greeting; each embrace given and word of comfort spoken is an investment made in humanity, on your behalf. Teach us to be courageous and a little daring, always for the Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.
Gracious God, you entrusted your creation to our care, hoping and believing that we, your children — your heirs — would accept the responsibility; investing our time, our talents, and our hearts in protecting this fragile planet and all who dwell in it. We are reminded that our offering, for the work of Christ’s church, is a handing over and giving-back what is already yours. Multiply and bless them to give glory to your holy name. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9, 2011 "DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL IS NO MORE"

Dear Everyone,
A wise young woman explained, "don't ask, don't tell," in a most profound way yesterday. She said, in essence, that "don't ask, don't tell," wasn't created to protect those who were stigmatized, marginalized and told it was safest not to reveal who they really are; rather, it was created so that those who do the stigmatizing, can continue to hang on tight to their fears and prejudices and avoid confronting them. "Now that makes sense," I said.
In the first century those who made a decision to be Jesus' followers were stigmatized by all sorts of people. They were scorned by the ruling class of Gentiles and ostracized by the religious leadership in the synagogues many had called home all of their lives. These early Christians were confronted with that, don't ask, don't tell decision, as well. When they decided to follow Jesus, they, too, had to decide whether they would share their good news or keep it a secret. Keeping their membership in the Jesus cult a secret would keep them alive; revealing it could result in everything, from losing their family, to losing their life.
Luke's Jesus wrapped the great commandment up in the parable of the Good Samaritan, knowing that the people who were listening to the story were afraid of and prejudiced against the Samaritans. The Judeans and the Samaritans worshiped the same God, but they couldn't settle their dispute over the correct and proper place to worship their God. They accused each other of all sorts of bad behavior and were, for hundreds of years, accustomed to living next door to each other, with their prejudices, until Jesus lifted up the Samaritan as the paragon of mercy, the one who demonstrates truest meaning of the commandment to love one another.
During World War II, in Nazi occupied Europe, anyone who was Jewish was marked with a yellow star (homosexuals were marked with a pink triangle among other things)* to identify them as they were carted off to concentration camps and systematically tortured or exterminated. The, don't ask, don't tell, rule, in that setting, worked for very few.
In the 1960's here in the United States, pastors who supported the Civil Rights Movement, and preached their conscience, or marched their conscience, were fired from pulpits all over the country, including Southern California. They were confronted with a decision to speak or to remain silent. If they spoke out in favor of Civil Rights for ALL, they would be forcing those desperate to hang on to their fear and color prejudice, to confront those feelings or leave their church. Pastors, who spoke up, often jeopardized themselves, their careers and their families.
When I first came to Palm Springs I was invited to attend the Light Parade and loved it so much I hoped we might participate in it the following year as a way of making ourselves visible to our community. A few people got excited about the idea, but momentum waned and no flat-bed truck magically appeared for us to create our float. It costs money, time and effort to make a float and be in a parade. Being in the Light Parade would have been an opportunity for us to do exactly what we did last Sunday -- invite people to "Come and Experience God's "Yes!"' in a place that boasts Open Hearts, Open Minds and Open Doors. It's been 5 years, with no parades.
When the Administrative Council supported the proposal for the church to participate in the Pride Parade, they offered no funding support, just their vote of "Yes." The flat-bed truck we were promised, never materialized, but those church members who were determined to reach out, in love, to the people of Palm Springs, did not give up, nor did they flag in their zeal or efforts. We would simply decorate and enter the church van as our float walking alongside it and in front of it with a banner. When the parade rules said: "no crepe paper flowers on the vehicle, because they are a fire hazard," the decision was made to try cellophane flowers in all different colors. For two Saturdays people gathered to create the flowers and on the third Saturday, the 5th of November, in the late afternoon, church members gathered to attach those 800 plus cellophane flowers to netting stretched over and around the van. When folks realized the windows of the church van were not going to open so the riders inside could wave to the crowd along the parade route, the riders decided to come along anyway. We were cheered all along the parade route with people saying things like: "I have to take a picture of this; my mother will never believe it."

Pastors all over the world are well aware that church members who are unhappy, or who choose not to confront fears and prejudices harbored since childhood, will often speak with their feet; this is to say they will find a reason to leave the place that is making them feel uncomfortable, or slighted, or unappreciated. If they cannot ignore the challenge to let go of their prejudice, to open their minds, first, and then, their hearts, they will leave. If we attend church because we have always attended church, or because it is the right and proper thing to do, we are missing the point of church membership and participation. Church is where we go to figure out how to love our neighbor as ourselves, because it is difficult and we need all the help and encouragement we can get to do it. Perhaps your feet have given a great deal of thought to the direction they are taking or have already taken, but our feet aren't the part of our body that ought to do the thinking. You may not be aware of it, but your feet are saying much more than "I am no longer comfortable, or happy here." Aren't your feet also saying: "I am not willing to listen to you, because nothing you say will ever make me change my mind." Aren't your feet also saying: "Because she welcomes and embraces people I don't think ought to be embraced, she can no longer be a pastor to me." Aren't those pesky feet also saying: "Because my fellow church members -- who felt like family to me, once -- welcome and reach out to people who make me uncomfortable, I can no longer worship God in their company." Aren't they also saying: "Because I think members of my church made a spectacle of themselves in the pride parade, I can no longer be associated with them."
Don't let your feet do the talking for you; you're better than that. Don't ask, don't tell, is no more. That means we can be about asking and telling. The US military has made a statement to the world that they are willing to confront their fears and prejudices, to learn what they must, in order to create harmony in the ranks and be strong. I hate to say it, but the church might just learn something from the military. Food for thought.


Rev. Amanda

*"All prisoners of the camps wore marks of various colors and shapes, which allowed guards and camp functionaries to identify them by category. The uniforms of those sentenced as homosexuals bore, various identifying marks, including a large black dot and a large "175" drawn on the back of the jacket. Later a pink triangular patch (rosa Winkel) appeared."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 6, 2011 "ALL SAINTS DAY"

Wondrous God, Loving Creator, we are glad today to give thanks for the saints who touched our lives with theirs. They were our parents, our partners, our siblings, our children, our pastors, our mentors and our friends. Even though our hearts are sorrowing after them, we are grateful to be able to remember and embrace their goodness. These beloved ones honed the gifts you bestowed upon them offering them, to us and to others, without reservation. These saints inspired us, taught us, challenged us, and encouraged us all the while they were in our company. They showed us by example how to lead, how to serve, how to love and how to live fully in the time they were allowed on earth. We learned, from them, how to honor one another, to be diligent in our efforts and to persevere in doing good, no matter the circumstances of our life. We were blessed by their presence and give you thanks and praise. Amen.


Remember the Chock full o' Nuts coffee jingle?: "Chock full o' Nuts is that heavenly coffee, heavenly coffee, heavenly coffee”... The original jingle went: “better coffee Rockefeller’s money can’t buy,” but when Nelson Rockefeller heard it, he sued the company. They changed the words to: “better coffee a millionaire’s money can’t buy.” In the mid 2000’s the company changed the jingle again to: “better coffee a billionaire’s money can’t buy.” I guess it’s true what they say, that money just can’t buy what it used to.

Kindly and Wondrous Lord, bless the gifts we offer on this day of All Saints. We are indebted to you for so much and pray that these gifts will enable Christ’s Church to carry on great work to the glory of your name, even in these lean times. Let us not be discouraged as we reach out to the many in the name of the Christ. Amen.

October 30, 2011 "HOW TO BE NEIGHBORLY 101"

Glorious God, we give you thanks for this glorious day and the opportunity to connect with our friends and neighbors who have been apart from us in time and geography. We confess that we equate the word neighbor with those whose faces are familiar to us. Keep us ever mindful that the one whose face is unfamiliar to us is not a stranger, but, rather a neighbor whom we have not met yet, or had the opportunity to get to know. Teach us the ways of gentleness and gratitude. Give us the capacity to listen to our sixth sense when it calls to us. Help us understand when someone’s face, or name finds its way into our thoughts, you have put it there for a reason. Help us be the light of the Christ to brighten the lives of those who are surrounded by darkness. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
Gracious God, we give you thanks for the “much” that we have and offer our hearts and dollars to bring comfort, and hope to our brothers and sisters who are in need throughout the world. Pour out your Spirit of abundance and good measure upon these gifts. May they empower us to “do Jesus” in the world. It is in his name, we pray. Amen.

Monday, October 24, 2011

October 23, 2011 "N IS FOR NOBILITY"

Our Gracious Creator and Lord, Redeemer of all people, we step from the world outside, into this sanctuary with the hope and intention of renewing our spirits. We confess that it takes considerable effort to tune-in our hearts and focus our minds; to let go of the trifles and minor details that seem to demand our constant attention. Yes, Lord, we confess, it is the minutia that threatens to block, and clog the flow of your best, and most creative inspiration. Help us center ourselves and concentrate on your presence with us. Teach us to trust you. Teach us to hear you; to listen to your voice, even as we hear the voices and opinions of others all around us. You have promised to be ever-present, helping us find solutions to problems, opening our eyes to what we can do, and be as a faith community. Remind us, in every circumstance of life, that we are your “YES” partners. It is this partnership of believing in all good things, which will transform us, and the world. Bless our work, in the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
Dearest Lord, we are reminded each and every day how precious life is. When we experience the new birth of a child, or pray feverishly for healing in ourselves or a beloved one, or when we mourn a life ended; we are most assuredly humbled. Our community of faith helps us celebrate, shores up our most desperate prayers, and seeks to comfort our grieving. The church is our faith community center. We pray that these offerings, with your blessing, mighty God, will keep us vital for many years to come. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.

October 16, 2011 "OUTDOING IS GOOD"

Wondrous and Loving God, you have created each of us, and you have endowed us with the essence of self that makes each of us who we are. Though we profess a common belief in Jesus, we are not identical. We confess that we do not always see eye to eye, because our experiences and backgrounds are different. Even folks who were brought up in the same household often have different points of view and different outlooks on life. Do not let us be hobbled by inflexibility or held in check by fear. Remind us, dearest Lord, that we share and bear the name of the Christ. That name offers us the strength of spirit needed to weather the changes that take place in our everyday lives, in our relationships and in the world around us. Nothing in the universe is static or immovable and neither are we. Bless us in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Remember the idiom: “Keeping up with the Joneses.” *** Anyone who was not comparing him or herself with their neighbor, trying to equal or excel their prosperous image and lifestyle, was not committed to staying current— in the mainstream— on the up-escalator as it were. In today’s slang “jones” has morphed into a verb, meaning to desire or crave just about anything from drugs to things. I guess, when you think about it, jonesing, then, and now, isn’t so different. Let us cultivate a desire for the things of God.

Glorious and challenging God, you are the giver of all gifts. All good things have come from you. Help us always to be generous to a fault, living out the call to outdo one another as followers of your Christ. Bless these offerings and multiply them to do your work and will. In the name of the Christ we pray.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Wondrous God, you are the energy of all things. You are the impetus that moves electrons and neutrons, the very essence of all matter. You are not only the source of our breath, but the very nature of the energy that moves us through time and space. You have imbued each and every human being with a sense of what we are good at. You have bestowed upon each of us the ability to see and understand the things we do well, the things that give us a sense of purpose, all that impassions our souls. You, O God, know our innermost hopes and dreams. You are a witness to our moments of self-doubt and uncertainty. Help us live each day in such a way that, at the end of the day, we will know we have used our gifts to the fullest. Let us fall asleep, knowing that today we have served someone, even if it was simply by bestowing a smile, offering a kind word, or drying a tear. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
Simplicity: We hear lots of people say: “Why does everything have to be so complicated.” Maybe it’s because we can’t remember what is and isn’t necessary in our daily life. Some of the synonyms for simplicity are: ease, straightforwardness, effortlessness, plainness, minimalism, unfussiness (that’s my favorite) and cleanness. Many people are talking about simplifying their lives in order to make ends meet. I am sure we are all astounded at just how much work is involved in simplifying. Please keep the church at the top of your priority list.
Loving God, bless these simple expressions of our love and devotion to you and to your church. We honor you with these pledges and tithes believing that the work of the church is fruitful and worthwhile in this complicated world. Keep us hopeful in our pursuit of the kingdom, that we may bear fruit worthy of it always. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 2, 2011 "BUT IT'S NOT YOURS"

CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER (Adapted from a meditation by Larry J. Peacock)
Gracious God when we just slowly walk away, turn the page and switch off the heart call us back to you. A world of pain is near to us, compassionate God, but we admit to keeping a safe distance. We live in a perpetual state of hurry and a numbing tiredness that keeps the blinders up and the heart protected. We confess that excuses are easily shaped. We can always find a more pressing project. Yet the Gospel calls to us; its message echoes in our being — to feed the hungry and care for the poor. And we know that you have called us. There is no one but us whom you have chosen to be the reflection of your Christ in the world. Strengthen our will and our hands that we may take up the common tasks of love, embracing all who are your concern. Amen.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Gracious God we ponder and repeat what the psalmist wrote all those years ago, believing his words to be eternally true. “Oh Lord you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away. You know all my ways.” You know us to the very depths of our soul, for it was you who formed our inward parts. You know what we are going to say, before the words leave our lips. Help us to listen to our hearts, to be aware of everything and everyone around us. Teach us to connect with your guiding, calming, presence, when chaos reigns and solutions to problems seem to be in short supply. Let us capture your vision and embrace it. Lead us along the path of patience. Help us build spiritual endurance in spontaneous and purposeful moments of prayer. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
When I worked as a recruiter for the Peace Corps a common saying among those people I worked with was: “The right hand has no idea what the left hand is doing.” You’d think the hands could write notes to each other, or use sign language to keep the channels of communication open. Whichever hand you depend on to make the offering to the church, I hope your other hand encourages it to be generous.
Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon these gifts. They come from the labor of our hands. They are brought before you by trusted hands and are offered humbly and prayerfully to do your work and will. May these offerings bring help, relief and comfort to those in need. May they be a powerful blessing to our work as the body of your Christ in the world. Amen.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

September 24, 2011 "WHAT WOMEN WANT" United Methodist Women Riverside District Meeting


In the year 2000 Mel Gibson made a movie with Helen Hunt entitled "What Women Want." It was a story of romance and the reversal of traditional roles. It was also a story about a man who could, because of a fluke accident, hear everything that women were thinking and therefore could know the wants and anticipate their needs. Of course at first he used this unusual gift for all the wrong purposes.
The title “What Women Want however is well suited to this meeting of United Methodist Women.
For it was What women want, which was behind the birth in 1869 of the Methodist Woman's Foreign Mission Society, which later morphed into United Methodist Women -- UMW has been, since 1973, defined officially as the Women's mission organization of the United Methodist Church.

The History of UMW is an adventurous and generous history of response to need. It is a story of women advocating for women who could not advocate for themselves. In a time in our history when women --even in the United States-- had few rights and were considered the property of their husbands, 6 women united and took a stand for women, not themselves, but women they would never meet or know. They may not have thought it at the time, but they initiated a justice movement when they responded to the pleas of two missionary wives on furlough from their work in India. AS the 6 Bostonian Women listened to Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Parker speak about the plight and desperate need of their sisters abroad, they immediately responded with their empathetic and compassionate hearts, not to mention their highly organized, creative and committed spirits. They stepped out of their own somewhat provincial existences and put their hearts, hands and resources to work helping women thousands of miles away in India. They did not see an insurmountable problem set before them; they saw a project that needed to be undertaken immediately. Women in India were dying because they could not receive medical care –they could not be examined, that is by a male doctor. Well, if women in India couldn't receive medical attention when they needed it, because they could not be examined by a male doctor, then the obvious solution was not to change the archaic, sexist, inequitable and unjust thinking of that society, but to provide the women of India with a woman doctor. And, on top of that, since the women of India were not offered an education, provide them with an equal opportunity to become educated so that they could become doctors themselves. Inspired, empathetic and practical, that is the work of women in mission. Those 6 women got together and wrote a constitution, recruited members and organized themselves into the Methodist Woman's Foreign Missionary Society. They raised the funds necessary to send two single women to India -- an educator and a physician -- who would bring not only help and relief, but life opportunities to women whom these Bostonian ladies would quite likely never see. There were few medical schools in the America that allowed women to matriculate, but in the middle of the century a few visionaries had recognized the need for women physicians. Dr. Clara Swain, a Methodist and a graduate of the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, established in 1850, took on the incredible challenge to be the first woman missionary doctor in India. She gave her whole life to that work. Isabella Thoburn was the educator who took on the mission and started her school in Lucknow, India with 6 girls. What is now Isabella Thoburn College is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year in November.
Today there exists in the city of Lucknow the University of Lucknow which grew out of the Canning College, King George's Medical College and the Isabella Thoburn College which was is known as the very first women's college in all of Asia.
Women in Mission grew with purpose and news of need in other parts of the world. By 1875 Mission work supported by women had expanded to Africa always in response to need. The need was not focused on a necessity to convert heathens to Christianity, but to care for their physical beings and needs so they could rejoice in the goodness of God, whatever name they gave to that deity.
The motivations that inspire women in mission throughout history are many and varied, but they have always been powered by an overarching desire for equanimity and justice, a heart jarring sense of compassion for others, the determination to see right prevail, and a response to need. With all of these personal and collective motives it was their faith in God and the hopeful, responsive nature of their work that brought their hopes and dreams to fruition. This is the legacy of UMW today.
Two incredible biblical women come to mind today. You have all heard their stories before, but it is important for us to remember today that it was their need to be a part of the world, not to be trampled by it that motivated them to reach out and connect with the Son of God.
These women had a need and a want. The woman with the hemorrhage whose story is told in Matthew 9:18-26, Mark 5: 25-34 and Luke 8: 43-48 took power from Jesus.
The Syrophoenician Woman, the woman who was a foreigner and a gentile whose story is told in Matthew 15:21- 28 and Mark 7: 24-30 changed how Jesus related to Gentiles.
Both were courageous women who stepped beyond their fear and their isolation to reach out to opportunity, to recovery, to restoration and healing. They mustered the courage to truly connect with and partner with a compassionate God in order to bring healing to themselves and to another.
What women want is what God requires: To do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God. Women also want adventure.
Those 6 women in Boston were not seeking adventure when they sat to listen to the two missionary wives who came to tea. But they responded to the story with their hearts and were drawn into an adventure.
Women in Mission today still need to be adventure seekers.
Heart Adventures powered by Empathy
Foreign and Domestic Mission Adventures that require Hands on Outreach and caring.
Learning Adventures: tapping into what is happening in the world around us fuels creativity and inspires the Who, Where, What and Why -- Work.
Justice Adventures: it is the Pursuit of Justice for all the world that is part and parcel of the commandment to love one another even as I have loved you.
I have heard your leaders say, “UMW is in need of renewal.”
Perhaps, it is time to connect once again with what you want: that is what women want, what women need, what the world needs motivates women in mission and inspires women's incredible work.
Let it be an adventure once again. In this business minded world it is hard to remember the days when there are no predictable outcomes. You tried something to see if it worked and if it didn't you tried something else. We get paralyzed by a fear of failure, or the threat of loss of revenue or money, instead of believing that stepping out in faith and taking a risk on behalf of someone else might just solve a problem. One problem at a time, one person at a time, will make a difference. It may not change systems and entire social structures, but as we learned from the pioneers of this movement, who sponsored one woman at a time: one educator grows a University; one woman doctor grew a movement to educate and train female medical doctors all over India.
Caring for one, responding to a need, can start an entire chain of wonderful events. It is important to remember that as vast as the problems are that plague this world, working on one at a time can be enough.
Sometimes it is getting back to basics that spurs new birth. It may be as simple as remembering that you are adventure seekers. Your Adventures of the Heart, are adventures of Caring; they will be Creative; they will be Inspired and as they always have, they will seek Justice. Remember what you want in and for this world and partner with God to renew your joy for mission.

Rev. Dr. Amanda J. Burr
September 24, 2011

resources UM Women's webiste and Wikipedia

September 18, 2011 "WHO'S ON THE CLOCK?"

Dearest Lord, our creator and most generous benefactor, we pray never to be so absent-minded, or spiritually callous as to take your generosity for granted. If you find us muttering, or grumbling, complaining that you have forgotten us or abandoned us in a barren wilderness, forgive us, we pray. It is our fear that speaks, not our faith. As you reminded our Exodus ancestors of your divine presence with the bread of heaven, so too, awaken us to your ever presence, even today. Teach us the work ethic that is the mark of your kingdom. We confess that we often think that we, as individuals, are not equipped to labor in your vineyard. We are afraid we are going to be asked to do something we simply cannot do. Help us to understand that every effort we put forward in love and in the name of the Christ will give glory to your name. Amen
Back in the 80’s, one of the hospitals I worked for installed time clocks for all the staff. It wasn’t long before they realized that they paid more overtime with the time clock in place than without it. In those days most nurses, gave the hospital 15 to 30 minutes before and after their shifts. It is based on the work ethic that seeks to get the job done well, not just done.
Gracious God, bless these tithes and offerings given to support the work of Christ’s church. Help us be for the world, fully the body of Christ, reaching out, not only, with our hearts and our hands, but with an obvious portion of our wealth. Bless the work we are doing and will do in your name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 11, 2011 "SINS AGAINST YOU"

Loving God, forgive us in the moments when our desire for security outweighs your call to love. Forgive us when our emotions get the better of us and when fear calls us to say and do things that are not of your Kingdom. God be with all those who grieve the loss of loved ones on this sad day of the world 10 years ago. Be with those who have lost loved ones in the war on terror that has raged ever since. Comfort us all. Heal us in our despair. Fill us with hope for the day when justice shall roll down like waters and righteousness shall pour forth like an everflowing stream. Help us, Gracious God, to be a people who truly believe that your goodness is stronger than any evil, your love stronger than any hate, your light stronger than any darkness and that life in you is stronger than death. We pray this in the name of the one who triumphed over death itself, even Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. (borrowed and adapted from the internet site

When the World Trade Center was finally going to be constructed, author “Louis Mumford denounced the center as an ‘example of the purposeless giantism and technological exhibitionism that are now eviscerating the living tissue of every great city.’” The architectural design brought criticism of its aesthetics from the American Institute of Architects. Such skyscrapers were described as “just glass and metal filing cabinets.” Their absence from the skyline reminds us to love one another with all that we are and all that we have, today. ¹

Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon the gifts we offer with grateful hearts. May we be ever mindful of all the ways in which you have blessed our lives and how you continue to do so everyday. With every breath we take, we shall remember your mercies and believe, by our generosity, in the work of Christ’s Church in and for the world. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 4, 2011 "GOD'S LITTLE CHANGELS"

Our Gracious creator we focus our hearts and minds upon you, acknowledging humbly that you are the source of all life; the author of our nature; the breath and energy of our being. We give you thanks for every moment we are granted on this earth to be awed by your artistry, to touch, to see, to hear, to taste all the textures, colors, sounds and flavors of your creation. Let us never take the earth for granted. Let us never take each other for granted. When we get locked in to that critical place, finding fault, pointing out all the things that are wrong with something and never what is right; open our eyes to the shortness of our days and lead us in the way of grace. Take away our sense of entitlement. Strip us of our pride of place. In the hierarchy of creation dearest Lord, remind us, we are to seek our place among the little ones; we are called on, this very day, to embrace humility, innocence and change. Amen.
In Hebrews 13 verses 1&2 the author writes: “Let mutual love continue. Show hospitality to strangers,— don’t neglect it — for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Remembering that angels are very tight with God, we need to make sure our hospitality fund is in good order so we are ever-ready to entertain them whenever they might be with us.
Gracious God, cause us to remember that what we give to you in today’s technically and literally belongs to you. You have entrusted wealth to our good care and best stewardship, but it is not ours to possess. Whatever we offer in thanksgiving today we ask you to put to your good use. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 28, 2011 "SIMON CALLED PETROS"

Our wondrous creator, your artistry and the work of your hands is ever a delight to our eyes. It is your attention to detail that flatters even the tiniest of flowers that grow around us. The machinations of even the smallest bird or insect can mesmerize us. Remind us of the millions of years you have invested in perfecting your creation. Teach us the way of commitment, dearest Lord, as we build your church of inclusiveness, making a place for our neighbor today. May our legacy be the fulfillment of the great commandment as we comprehend what it means to love one another as you loved us. We understand that we do not live for tomorrow, but we are called to plan for it. Move our thoughts beyond parochial notions of ownership and the possessiveness that threatens to paralyze the church. We are the church of thousands of years, past, present and future, built upon the spirit of love that hopes all things, believes all things and endures all things in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Rock, paper, scissors was a game I watched my brother play with his grade school pals. I was a little slow in figuring out what paper wraps rock; scissors cut paper; rock breaks scissors was all about. Winning requires predicting your opponents moves. It is a game similar to flipping a coin, and has actually been used to decide court battles and the fate of millions of dollars in impressionist art. As the plate is passed today, I hope you throw paper.

Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon the gifts we offer with cheerful hearts. They are a sign of our commitment to you and to Christ’s Church. Keep us mindful that our commitment matters for our own spiritual growth and wellbeing and that of our neighbors through the world. Keep us strong in Christ Jesus we pray. Amen.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Almighty God, Sovereign of the Universe, be present with us, and be attentive to our prayers and supplications. We have been aware from our first toddling steps that it is easy to trip and fall when we are trying to move too fast or aren’t paying attention to obstacles in our path. And we have learned over the years that life is full of surprises and whether they are delightful or tragic we are going to have to figure out how we will respond or react to them. Help us always to be considerate of one another along the way. When we feel skittish about ideas that break with our familiar traditions, help us listen with open hearts and minds. When we still cannot understand, let us not be ruled by disappointment throwing up our hands and giving up. Give us the courage to try again as followers of Jesus. Our savior was not one to give up on anyone or anything. We pray for the strength and stamina to keep exercising our faith to the glory of your name. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Remember King Midas. We have come to refer to someone able to build a great fortune out of nothing, as one who has the Midas touch. The moniker suggests whatever he or she touches turns to gold —metaphorically speaking. In the case of King Midas everything he touched literally turned to gold and what at first seemed a blessing became, for him, a curse. Maybe gloves would have helped old Midas put his gift to better use. Seek always to do something remarkable with what you have been given.

Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon these tithes and offerings. Grateful for all your love and care, we seek to glorify your name in our work. Multiply these gifts, we pray, that they may bless all who are in need. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

August 14, 2011 "A DISEASE OF THE HEART"

Wondrous Lord, being together in worship is one of the best things that happens to us all week. This being in each other’s company singing your praises to our hearts’ content renews us. We are lifted up as we sing and pray, brought forth from places of darkness and shadow, we are guided into your hopeful light. In this sanctuary we are sense your presence and are engulfed in your holiness, not because the building is holy, but because we call upon your name. We are not inured to the pain and suffering of those around us, neither are we immune to those who are prone to becoming downhearted. However here is where we are exercising our faith muscles, working them, building them up, strengthening them, getting ready for the day when we are called upon to help someone else recover their faith. Let ours be hopeful work, our most gracious God, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Once again, on August 8th, the stock market scared the living daylights out of us. How many of you said to yourselves, “Oh No! Not again!” or “Oh, bad word !” Because most of us don’t hide our money in the mattress, we are not immune to the to the ups and downs reported by the averagers, Dow, S&P and Russell. Pease don’t let their prophetic predictions or panic reactions stunt your stewardship giving.
Gracious God, bless the gifts we bring, not only what we offer in coin, but what we offer in heart, body and mind. Inspire our generosity, strengthening our resolve to be your people, to do what is right, to be in service to one another and our brothers and sisters throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Monday, August 8, 2011


God of grace and glory, diviner of life, we are privileged today to praise your name, to sing songs of faith and hope and to open our hearts to you. We confess that it is easy for us to get mired down in the very real worries and woes of this life wondering what will become of us. We can find ourselves on that treadmill of the endless exercise stress test, running faster and faster, while trying to juggle any number of plates. There are even some of us who spend our days jockeying for control of all the other horses in the barn while our own saddle is slipping sideways on our own mount. Dearest Lord, may we seek to live by the wisdom of one day at a time. Help me believe in what I can be and all that I am; give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do. Lord help me today, show me the way, one day at a time. And so for my sake, teach me to take one day at a time, sweet Jesus. Amen. ***
(***) Thanks to Kris Kristofferson and MariJohn Wilkins

Unemployment. I am stunned by the number of friends who are unemployed looking for a place to invest themselves, to share their gifts and skills, but it appears that employers just have no need for these in-betweeners who are too old to be hired and too young to retire. College educated they are willing to go anywhere to work. Too educated for simple jobs; too old for complex jobs and undesirable because someone unemployed them. I have to ask what is at work here: Ageism or just good old fashioned greed?
Dear Lord, bless the gifts we bring, not only what we offer in coin, but what we offer in heart, body and mind. Strengthen our resolve to be your people, to do what is right, to be in service to one another and to our brothers and sisters throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Monday, August 1, 2011

July 31, 2011 "AND LOOKING TO HEAVEN..."

Gracious and Everliving God it is good to be gathered together in your house singing your praise. It is good to breathe in your Spirit of Life and Love and Grace that moves through us and around us when we call upon your most Holy Name. Help us, O Lord, to relax in your presence, drinking in the wonder and beauty of your creation, elevated by the lustrous sounds of music, soothed by these quiet moments of prayer. Our days are so full of must do’s and have to goes, that we welcome the opportunity to stop and take stock of the meaning of our time here on earth. Be with us as we ponder it in the name of the Christ. Amen.
What can you do with money? You can hoard it, save it, hide it, keep it, invest it, spend it, loan it, or even give it away. If you hoard it, it accumulates and piles up and is hard to sort out; if you save it you usually have something in mind for it; if you hide it you may never find it again; if you strive to keep it, there will come a rainy day; if you invest it you are gambling on a multiplied return; if you spend it, hopefully you enjoy the spending; if you loan it, you worry when and if you will ever see it again. But, when you give money away, you let go of it and you let go of the control of it. You entrust it to the receiver and that takes faith. How faith-full are you feeling today?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Gracious God, Creator of the Universe, we are humbled in your presence and awed by your graciousness to us. We are in holiday mode remembering our nation’s decision and declaration to assert our independence from the English monarchy. Remind us loving Lord that we humans are never truly independent in life. We are dependent upon you for every breath we take. We pray always to be thoughtful in our encounters with each other. Pardon us when we are quick to jump to conclusions, recognizing the sins of others, absolutely certain that we know the score. We confess that sometimes we think too quickly, act too quickly, speak too quickly. Keep us mindful that our choices in this life matter and that you will be with us no matter what the outcome may be. We call upon your divine presence to show us the wise and better way in all of our encounters and in every circumstance of this life whether at work or at play. Let the mind that was in Christ Jesus be in us, as we pray in his name. Amen.
I love to play bridge. It is a game of strategy and skill. A player must know the significance of the suit, how to bid, and in what order. Partners must know the code language of the suits to communicate what they have. Winners either have a great hand or the ability to finesse their opponents. What every player knows is that trump cards rule; even a “two” has the power to take a King. Like trump in bridge, the smallest gift, when offered in Jesus’ name, has the power to do great things.
Dearest Lord, accept the gifts we offer to further the work of the gospel. In these difficult times may what we share help those in greatest need in our community, our nation and throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Glorious God, as we gather this morning in worship we take we breathe in your Spirit of Grace and Holiness and we are blessed, renewed, and revitalized not for ourselves, but for your purpose. We confess that we get caught -up in our complicated lives and the demands of everyday living. We confess that in some small way everyday, we manage to set aside our call to minister in your name. We forget to apologize for a mistake or misunderstanding. We don’t have time to welcome the stranger or greet our neighbor because there are bills to be paid, groceries to be bought, or a doctor to be seen, or a child to taxi to and fro. We barely have time to take care of ourselves, we say, never mind someone else. Remind us, dearest Lord, how you are always at work caring for us in the acts of kindness offered by friends, loved ones and even strangers. May we never forget that your purpose is our purpose and that we live to honor your name. Amen.
In the opening scene of the play and the movie “The Bad Seed” little Rhoda Penmark peers up at her father and smiles sweetly as the two engage in a father-daughter ritual: “Daddy,” she croons, “what would you give me for a basket of kisses?” and he responds, “I’d give you a basket of hugs.” Then they embrace. God gives us unfathomable, unmerited Grace and the Peace that surpasses all understanding. What do you think? Do you have something to give to God?
Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon the gifts we offer with cheerful hearts. May Let us always be mindful, of the ways in which you bless our lives, and especially Christ’s ultimate act of love. We are grateful for every breath we take and every blessing we have received. Hear our humble prayer offered in the name of the Christ. Amen.

June 19, 2011 "Peace As The World Gives"

Glorious God, our Abba Father, on this Trinity Sunday we ponder the meaning of divinity, and the connection that is the oneness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The three flow in and through each other. We see that as three YOU are one in purpose, one in substance and one in presence always. We are ever grateful for the ways you have given us to receive your presence in our lives. From the moment of our birth our reflexes cause us to search for a connection to the source of warmth and nourishment. As we grow and mature we continue to search but now for approval and encouragement in order to thrive on this earth. Let us not be so confident in our independence that we forget your grace, mercy and love. Today and someday, Lord, give us stamina to truly love our children, to accept who they are and encourage them as you have always sought to encourage us. Teach us your ways of restoration and reconciliation. Let us be guides and comforters, visionaries and fellow dreamers always willing to learn. Life in this world is full of challenges guide us ever onward with your strong yet gentle hand. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
We give you thanks O Lord, for this wonderful day. Today we are going to do something marvelous in your name with these gifts offered form our most grateful hearts. These gifts will help bring Peace with Justice to the earth. They will feed the poor and secure release for the captives. They will support ministries of healing and reconciliation to the glory of your name. Bless these gifts, we ask you, in the name of the Christ. Amen.

June 12, 2011 "It's the End of the World As We Know It"

Gracious God, on this day of days, fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus, we wait in prayer with the disciples for the fulfillment of a promise. We wait in sure and certain hope of something marvelous. We wait to receive power from on high. Stir the air around us with your word. Let your voice echo in our ears. May we feel the rush of your presence moving in and through us lifting us to a place of spiritual confidence unlike any we have known before. Let us be renewed today, reborn from above by your empowering Spirit. Teach us, dearest Lord, that we cannot be timid or shy with your Spirit upon us. We cannot be weak or resigned when we are one with your Spirit. We cannot be uninvolved or indifferent clothed in your Spirit. We cannot be silent or ungracious inspired by your Spirit. Let this day be the day of our emerging like colorful butterflies released from our cocoon. On this Pentecost Sunday we where the color of our witness, the brilliant red that is the color of passion, sacrifice and the Church. Gracious Spirit dwell with us and make us to be the witnesses of your Christ here and now, today and tomorrow even to the ends of the earth. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Gracious God, we have come into this sanctuary, seeking to be more aware of your presence with us, more intentional in our efforts to be in connection with you. On this Pentecost Sunday, as we celebrate the birth of Christ’s Church we are called to attend to your will and way for us as disciples of your Christ. Because you first loved us, we are eager to offer our thanks and praise and so we present these offerings today, gifts from our grateful hearts. Bless them to their best use in your name. Amen.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Our Gracious Creator, we are mindful of the trials and tribulations suffered these last few weeks by folks enduring weather that has devastated their lives. We are skittish and baffled as we hear about tornados rampaging and tearing through places that have never seen a tornado before. We wonder about the whys and wherefores of the devastating floods, tsunamis and earthquakes that seem to be plaguing the earth. In the same moment we realize that every thing in nature is interconnected. Everything effects everything. May we learn from the synchronicity of nature that everything we think, say and do effects the lives of everyone around us. Lead us Lord toward holiness as we strive to follow Jesus’ specific instructions, always to proclaim the Good News, to forgive with abandon and repent often. When we get wound up — remind us of the tornado; when we get agitated — remind us of the earthquake; when we get impatient —remind us of the flood waters that refuse to recede. Make each of us your peaceful ports in the storm. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Gracious God, we have come into this sanctuary, seeking to be more aware of your presence with us, more intentional in our effort to be in connection with you. This our Sabbath day calls us to attend most diligently to your will and way for us, challenging us to live truly as disciples of Jesus. Because you first loved us, we are compelled to say thank you, and so we are glad to present these offerings today, gifts from our grateful hearts. Bless them to their best use in your name. Amen.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Wondrous Lord by your great mercy you have given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have been given an inheritance that is imperishable, pure and unfading. We rejoice in you, even as we live through tough times and trials, hoping and praying that the genuineness of our faith will be revealed to the glory and honor of your name. Lead us to an understanding that we are always to be preparing ourselves for action, disciplining ourselves setting our hopes on the grace that Jesus Christ bestows. Through the Christ we have learned to trust in You. Therefore, teach us the non-conformity that is the mark of the Christian life in pursuit of holiness; for You have called us to be holy as You are holy. You raised Jesus from the dead and glorified him so that our faith would be set upon You. We have been reborn through Your living and enduring word which is more precious than gold. We give you thanks and praise in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Gracious and Loving Lord, gratefully and humbly we offer these tithes and tokens understanding that you have called us to be your partners in caring for all of creation. Help us to remember that this earth and its resources is a gift as well as a responsibility. May these gifts bless our shared efforts to bring the good news and love of Jesus Christ to all the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 15, 2011 "BEYOND LAMENT"

Glorious God, Most Wondrous and Mysterious Creator, you are ever working for your children’s good even when we cannot seem to see it. We confess that we have been weighted down, wrestling with doubts, trying ceaselessly to discern your will and way for us. We did not know what to expect nor how to prepare for what might come. In that respect, how very much like Jesus’ disciples, we are. We give you thanks and praise for being with us as we moved with slow heavy steps through shadowy days reflecting on the measure of our faith. Indeed, dearest LORD, you have brought us out of that murky grayness and once again into your marvelous light. We are lifted up, no longer burdened by the weight of worry. You have set our feet once again on the path of welcome proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ risen from the dead. We shall be ever thankful and aware of your faithfulness and love. Amen.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 8, 2011 Mother's Day 'THE ORIGINAL WONDER BREAD"

Wondrous God, you created us in your image to be children of light and love, a reflection of you. Help us to understand that as a loving parent you did not intend this to be burdensome, hurtful or disappointing, but uplifting, encouraging and enlightening. Like a mother you embrace us with your strength, comfort us by your presence, nurture us with your wisdom and inspire us by your perseverance. By your nature, O glorious One, you strive to stabilize our lives always seeking to guide us along the best path. How, You must chuckle at how predictable we are, for You know us much better than we know ourselves. We confess our prideful rebelliousness and our stubborn independence. We even admit that when we can’t have our own way we would rather throw a tantrum than consider the opportunities you place before us. Open our eyes, dearest Lord, to see that we are and have always been the gleam in yours. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Bless the gifts we bring, O Lord, to be instruments of healing, tools for growth, nourishment for hungry mouths, warmth and heat for those who are naked, light for those in darkness, and blessing for those who have been lost or forgotten. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter 2011 April 24th "GOD NEVER LETS US DOWN"

Gracious God, oh what a glorious morning this is! Our hearts are triumphant. Our spirits are full and we are all aflutter with the grand good news of Christ’s resurrection. Let us not be haughty or matter-of-fact in our response to your promise fulfilled as if it is nothing new or belongs to some distant past. Christ’s resurrection is an everyday reality; the unmatched, unchangeable gift of your forever love for humankind. We strived, during these 40 days of Lent, to learn and discern your will for us and to follow the path of true discipleship. We have listened and participated; we have been in fellowship with each other; we have sought to love and serve our neighbors. Like the disciples who witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion, we have been holding our breath, waiting to exhale. Your message for all the world is clear today. The tomb is empty, and life, with all of its ups and downs, is given a whole new meaning. We are to embrace it — embrace it today. Like the women who arrived at the break of day, we are confounded and yet relieved, sorrowful and yet uplifted, excited and yet cautious. Your incredible gift arrived on the wings of your promise fulfilled and our response must be to take a leap of faith. In the instant we trust that, with you, all things are possible we find a renewed strength and stamina we never knew possible. Dearest Lord, today you have made all things new and the sting of death is no more. Hear us pray as Jesus taught us: Our Abba Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

The significant journey through Holy Week is finished today. The journey we undertook was about promises made and promises fulfilled. The journey was a painful one as we moved through Christ's passion. He gave us assurances by showing us how he trusted in God and how he followed through with God’s will for him, sacrificing EVERYTHING for us. We have but a moment in this time of worship to acknowledge Christ’s sacrifice and to give thanks for God’s brilliant demonstration of love and power in the resurrection of the Christ. Let our response be more than generous, ensuring that others throughout the world will one day be able to celebrate the promise made, and embrace the promise fulfilled.

April 21, 2011 Maundy Thursday Meditations


THE LAST STRAW Matthew 26: 1-16
Matthew tells us that Jesus had finished his teaching in the temple. He had come to Jerusalem to share his distinct message in the courts of the Temple. He had spent hours in conversation with people from all walks of life, students of religion, and professionals alike, sharing his good news his gospel his vision, version and conclusions about the kingdom of God and who it is for. When I hear the words You know placed together as the introduction to a statement, I always here them expecting an exciting proposal to accompany them. For instance: "You know, it's such a beautiful day we ought to go on a picnic." or "You know I don't have anything pressing to do tomorrow so why don't we go to Disneyland." So when I read the words "You know" in verse 2 of chapter 26 I think Matthew's Jesus is announcing a change in strategy or a change in course. "You Know" in two days the Passover is I would expect him to say here..."we ought to make preparations for the feast." But Matthew's Jesus doesn't say this. I picture him standing up in the Temple having taught his last lesson, shared his last story, recounted his last parable, straightening his tunic, brushing himself off and making his way out of the Temple as he announces: "You know the Passover will be here in two days, and the son of Man will be handed over to be crucified."
It is almost as if he offers this exit line as a suggestion the chief priests and the elders as Matthew writes that they gathered in the palace of the high priest and conspired to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill him.
That evening Jesus has dinner in the house of Simon the Leper and is strangely ministered to there by a woman pouring costly ointment on his head as he sat at the dinner table. Imagining such a scene today, is next to impossible, we would think something very hinky was about to happen in that household and well at least a few of us would excuse ourselves before coffee and dessert. The disciples are outraged by the display, wondering just what has gotten into Jesus. What happened to all that talk about reaching out to the poor and caring for them? The symbolism of what is happening here has escaped them. But Jesus doesn't question this woman's spontaneous act of love and devotion. He has not choreographed it certainly, but he interprets it nevertheless to try and help his disciples grasp just what is happening here. These days in Jerusalem are not carbon copies of the days spent in Galilee, taking the ministry to the big city to launch the movement there. Jesus essentially tells the disciples to get over themselves to stop judging this woman's gesture and wasteful. There will always be plenty of opportunity to minister to the poor, because they are always with you, however you will not always have me. "She," he says, "has done me a service; she has anointed my body and has prepared me for burial." Now if that is the kind of statement that draws the party to a close in a hurry. The disciples are really nervous because Jesus keeps talking gloom and doom. This is the last straw for Judas who has not been able to get Jesus to listen to him, to do what he wants him to do, to embrace his ideas about what Jesus should do with his power. Judas did not come all the way to Jerusalem to have Jesus throw in the regal towel. Judas wants Jesus to throw down the gauntlet, but all Jesus has alluded to, all day is his demise, the end of his mission, ministry message and the end of his life. This for Judas is the Last straw. The other disciples are just as frustrated as Judas, but he acts independently of them, for he is now convinced that Jesus has betrayed him and all of those people who believed he could change the world in which they lived for the better.

So it was two days later that the disciples asked about where they all might eat the Passover meal together. Jesus seems to have had it all set up and told the disciples to go to a certain man's house in the city where they would be invited to prepare the Passover. Matthew tells us that Jesus came to the house in the evening and took his place at the table, which probably wasn't a table, because all reclined for the Seder and Jesus would have joined his disciples as they reclined for the feast. Remember how upset the disciples were at the dinner at Simon the Leper's house? It seems that Jesus is persistent in his calling their attention to what is going to happen for, now, right in the middle of the feast of unleavened bread, he announces: "Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me." All mouths stop chewing, a few try to swallow what they have in their mouths, all hands fall slowly to their sides as they stare at Jesus. None can choke out their protest quickly enough to shatter the stunned silence...."Surely not I Lord?!!?" Jesus responds saying "The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me."
After the first cup of the Seder each participant dips the bitter herb--parsley into the salt water as an act of recalling the escape across the sea from their slavery in Egypt. So all have dipped their hands into the bowl. Our mind is focused on Judas, because we already know that he has sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver to the high priest. But the rest of the disciples don't know this. The word betrayal is such a harsh and frightening word and the disciples cannot fathom breaking the bonds of their loyalty to Jesus.
Judas' response say the commentators is telling because he does not call Jesus "Lord" as did the other disciples. Judas says, "Surely not I Rabbi!?
All remain. All are present. All of the disciples are now skittish, afraid, and nervous. Jesus, as the leader of the Seder, resignifies the next part of the ritual, by taking the traditional Matzoh, the unleavened bread, which was consumed in recollection of the haste with which the Israelites left Egypt; He blesses the loaf, breaks it and gives it to the disciples saying: Take, eat this is my body." More stunned silence. During the second cup of Seder when it is customary to recite narrations of the Exodus Story and recite prayers for the future redemption of Israel which anticipate the coming of God's Messiah. This cup looks back in time gratefully remembering how God saved his people from slavery and at the same time, this cup looks forward with eager anticipation to the future redemption of God's people. Jesus recites his own blessing over this cup filled with red wine, representing the blood of the Passover lamb and says: "Drink from it all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." This is what is to be remembered by all in attendance at this supper with the Lord. By this cup they are redeemed now. By this cup they forgiven now. The betrayal of Judas that has been and the desertion by others that will be and the denial by Peter that will be is already forgiven!

IT MUST HAPPEN THIS WAY Matthew 26:31-56
As Jesus agonizes in the garden of Gethsemane and witnesses the weakness of his disciples, we can feel his distress. Even though he is alert to the outcome, even if he is well aware of what has been set in motion, we are aware that he is distressed. His time in the garden of Gethsemane is spent asking for help, for comfort, for the power to trust in the will of God, to trust that the events set in motion the moment he entered the city of Jerusalem four days ago will clearly proclaim God's message of love for all of humankind and will herald God's reign of justice and peace until the end of the age. When Judas arrives with a large crowd wielding swords and clubs, some of whom may be the temple police sent by chief priests and elders of the people, he greets Jesus with a kiss. Jesus' response is evidence of his spiritual transformation in the Garden as he says to Judas: "Friend, do what you are here to do." As the crowd grabbed Jesus to take him away, one of his disciples managed to get his hands on the sword of one of the guardsmen and struck the slave of the high priest cutting off his ear. We want to cheer for that disciple's courage and yet Jesus true to the message he has preached from the beginning, stops him saying put that sword back in its place, for all who take up the sword will perish by the sword. Jesus proclaims to the crowd that he can rally 6000 of God's angels to rescue him, but that would halt all that has been set in motion. Such an intervention would stop the advancement of God's kingdom come. Jesus says to everyone in the crowd, "It has to happen this way." He chides those who have come after him as if he is some zealot rebel, freedom fighter or terrorist, pointing out that he was an easy target all the while he taught in the temple, but this sneaking out in the darkness fulfills the scripture as well.
In that moment, even more confused, befuddled and frightened his disciples deserted him and fled for their lives.

REMEMBERING Matthew 26:57-75
When Jesus announced to his disciples in verse 31: "You will all become deserters, because of me this night." Peter stood before Jesus -- one might guess like a knight of the round table -- right fist held over his heart in a sign of allegiance to the king-- and proclaimed himself to be loyal courageous and true unlike the rest: "Though all become deserters, I will never desert you." I picture Jesus with that knowing look on his face, looking up from half lidded eyes, his lips pursed perhaps deciding whether or not to reveal what he suspects will be the case with Peter one of his most beloved disciples: "Truly I tell you this very night, before the cock crows you will deny me three times." Peter was adamant that he would not fail Jesus, even though he must die himself. The rest of the disciples, with Peter, then swear their oath of allegiance: " I will not deny you." "Even though we must die with you, we will not deny you."
As Peter is seated in the courtyard of the high priests mansion awaiting the verdict of the priests and elders, a servant girl remarks that he is one of Jesus followers. Peter says I don't know what you are talking about. Again another servant girl identifies him as one who was with Jesus. The second time he swore and oath: "I swear I do not know the man."
Then they came to him and said in essence: "Hey buddy, you're not from around here are you. You sound like you might be from Galilee where that fella Jesus is from. In his final response he utters a curse and oath: Dammit, I swear, I do not know the man." And it was in that moment he heard the cock crow and remembered.
As Peter weeps bitterly confronted by his denial of Jesus we pray that he will remember what Jesus said at the beginning of the evening. We pray that he will remember what Jesus said as they ate the Passover together. He said I give my body for you, I shed my blood for you. I am redemption and forgiveness for all of humankind. This is the promise I make to you. The bread and the cup are this covenant sign of the promise I have made. This really is all you need to remember.

Rev. Dr. Amanda J. Burr
April 21, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 17, 2011 "MAKING AN ENTRANCE"

Glorious and most wonderful God we are grateful for your patient and enduring presence in our lives. On this Palm Sunday we join in the triumphant song of the disciples and revelers as they shout their loud Hosannas to the Son of David. Truly this is a day of your making and we shall rejoice and be glad in it. We confess our desire, however, to leap beyond Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, arriving again on Sunday 7 days from today. You call us to remember Christ’s willing sacrifice for the sake of us all. Help us to fully comprehend Your love for us in the sacrifice of Your one and only beloved Son. Help us surrender the time we devote to deadlines, and errands and this-worldly busyness, making time to be a part of Your story lived and told for our sake. For, it is, in these days, that Christ’s indelible mark is left upon us and we are forever changed. Help us, Lord, to lift up and carry the cross of discipleship. Humble us for service and empower us for mission as we carry on in Christ’s name. Amen.
Glorious God in whom we live and breathe and have our being, accept our offerings in token of our thanks and as a sign of our indebtedness to you. Help us in this Lenten season to remember that all we possess is temporarily ours. Keep us mindful that all of our accumulated treasures, unless shared, do little to care for those in need or help creation. Bless these tithes and tokens of our love, to carry on the work Jesus began. Hear our prayer most Gracious Lord, as we pray in the name Jesus Christ. Amen.

Monday, April 4, 2011


God of all Grace, blessed triune God, as people of one heart, one mind, and one Christ we lift our prayer to you. Be present with us, dearest Lord, incline your ear to hear our confessions and our petitions. We confess that we have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors and have, most assuredly, rebelled against your love. We have allowed the language of misunderstanding and impatience sow seeds of mistrust and doubt. Almighty one, send your Holy Spirit into our midst pouring over us a fresh perspective soothing our fear and easing our discontent. Help us find and claim your light within. Let us lift it high allowing it to spread in and through us to all of the dark and shadowy places of the soul, where jealousy and judgment hide, where pride and vanity hold court. Let us live as those redeemed, as those who can be for all the world the body and blood of the Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.
Gracious God, we have heard it said that you neither require of desire burnt offerings or sacrifice, rather you ask only that, we, your people, seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly with you. These offerings we bring as an expression of our, love, our devotion and our commitment to the transforming mission of Christ’s church. In these days of Lent we remind ourselves of your gift to us in the redeeming act of Jesus Christ. May our lives be a testament to his sacrifice as it is in his name that we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 20, 2011 "Be Blessed Among the Peacemakers"

Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, we look up and see the glorious mountains, and the sky, we hear your breath rustling the leaves of the trees around us and we are at worship in your glorious sanctuary. We are reminded that “Worship is the highest form of love.” When we worship together our minds are nourished with Your truth, our imaginations are peaked by Your idea of beauty, our hearts are opened to Your love, and we are inspired to devote ourselves to Your purpose. In these days of Lent we intend to grow and mature in our spirituality. We are a congregation confronted by a great challenge and we need your comforting, loving spirit flowing in and though us in the days ahead as we seek to understand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. We release our fear and place our burdens at your feet. Let us not be undone by a fragile faith, by weak resignation and doubt. Strengthen us to love with a heart like Jesus, to serve with the humility of Paul, bearing fruit worthy of our faith in your promises. Let us proclaim, in word and deed, our confidence and trust in you. Lord hear our prayer, we humbly beseech you, in the name of the one who taught us to pray saying: Our Abba Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us, this day, our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon the gifts we bring. We offer them with pure hearts, cheerful hearts, hearts of love and commitment. In these days of Lent we will be ever mindful, ever aware that you have blessed us, by your everlasting covenant in the redeeming act of Jesus Christ. We are indebted to you for every breath we take and every blessing we have received. Hear our humble prayer of thanksgiving in the name of The Beloved, even Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Gracious and ever pardoning Lord, please listen to our heartfelt prayer. We confess, as we begin this Lenten season, our need to return to you. We confess our desire to reconnect with you and to place you at the center of our lives, our thoughts and our actions. Lead us, O Lord to examine what is in our hearts, to delved deeply into our spiritual core, and reorder our faith priorities. If we should discover that we have neglected and starved our souls, dearest Lord, give us spiritual nourishment. If we discover that our we have never healed from some past injury, please, heal the hurt and help us move on in strength and holiness. If we discover that we are imprisoned by negativity, false impressions, misunderstanding or stubbornness, we entreat you most merciful and forgiving God, to break the shackles that bind us and wash us clean. Teach us to be honest with you, with ourselves and each other as we journey toward spiritual maturity. For all of this and more we shall give you thanks and praise as we follow Jesus in whose name we pray. Amen.
Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon the gifts we bring. We offer them with pure hearts, cheerful hearts, hearts of love and commitment. In these days of Lent we will be ever mindful, ever aware that you have blessed us, by your everlasting covenant in the redeeming act of Jesus Christ. We are indebted to you for every breath we take and every blessing we have received. Hear our humble prayer thanksgiving in the name of The Beloved, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February 27, 2011 "HUNGER FOR JUSTICE"

Glorious God, Sovereign of the universe, be present with us and hear our prayer. We long to be your people of justice and righteousness, to see the world through wise and loving eyes, and yet we are afraid of so much. The world places such challenges in our path each and everyday. News of unrest and evil flows through the airwaves, on our televisions and radios, even on our cell phones. How can we discern our role as disciples of the Christ in this restless world. What is our part in the worldwide devaluation of human life? What is our responsibility in the ongoing search for equitable relationships with emerging nations? Teach us to listen to your prodding whispers, encouraging us each and everyday to step outside our shyness to welcome the stranger, and heal the broken hearted. Give us the strength to care for those marginalized by unfair bureaucracies designed to cater to the elite of these, not the least of these. Empower our tiniest steps, dearest Lord, as we seek to do what is right in the most ordinary moments of everyday. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Bless the gifts we bring, O Lord, to be instruments of healing, tools for growth, nourishment for hungry mouths, warmth and heat for those who are naked, light for those in darkness, and blessing for those who have been lost or forgotten. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February 20, 2011 "BE BLESSED AMONG THE MEEK"

Wondrous and Loving God, we breathe in your Holy Spirit and are renewed in the company of the congregation. We are gathered to sing your praises, to seek comfort in prayer, and receive encouragement as we ponder the message of the scriptures. We confess our neglect of our spiritual lives as many of us we are timid about exploring the scriptures, fearing that we may not understand their message for us. We confess that we need reassurance, longing to know that even our most hesitant prayers are heard and understood. Teach us the ways of gentleness. When we are humbled in the midst of crisis, or by personal failure, or omission, let us not be embarrassed or mortified. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us let us rather be grateful for being brought closer to the heart of Jesus. When we find ourselves in conflict over one thing and another, remind us that Jesus is walking with us, always in our midst seeking to help us find our peace, our resolution. Give us the hearts and minds of brothers and sisters who desire to love one another as you loved us. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Dear Lord, we express our thanks not only through our songs and prayers, our worship and works, but through our financial offering. We are grateful for the church and its ministries, for the ways in which the church cares for us, the community and the wider world. Bless our efforts and our gifts as we work to minister to others seeking to make disciples for Jesus Christ and in the process transforming ourselves, along with the world. Amen.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


(Covenant prayer from a church in Ohio)
Gracious God, we are all on the journey of discipleship, all seeking to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. We are all learners and all teachers, we all have gifts to share and so we embrace our work to listen and to learn for and from each other, treating each other with respect and dignity. We are a community of grace and forgiveness, glad for our diversity and differences. We know dearest Lord, that disagreements will come and we testify to each other today that are willing to remain a part of the community and a part of the conversations so we will not walk out or close our hearts or minds. We are one body in Christ and we need the presence of each member to thrive. O, Lord, in Jesus’ name we give you thanks and praise. Amen.
Gracious God we have given our offering of money today to support the work of your church in our community and in the world. Let us not remain detached in spirit, heart and mind from the ministries we hope will be accomplished by these gifts. Let us lend our ideas, our time, and our talents to put these gifts to the best use. Pour your inspiration into us and make each one of us instruments of blessing for the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

February 6, 2011 "BE BLESSED AMONG THE POOR"

Gracious and ever living God, on this glorious day we are aware of the beauty around us, of the colors and textures of this earth. We are ever aware that you have given us the privilege of caring for your creation. Guide us always in our efforts to preserve the resources in our care. Our desire is to be good stewards of the earth as well as good stewards of humankind. Teach us to be caretakers of each other. When we feel slighted, insulted, discounted or frustrated, teach us patience. When we think we have been treated unfairly, show us the face of Jesus and teach us the humility of forgiveness. Give us the courage to learn and to grow as disciples of your Christ. Let us not be undone by new ideas, different perspectives and the inconvenience of change. Remind us that the Kingdom of Heaven has come near for us and we are called to move ever forward with it. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Dearest Lord, we are blessed to be able to give to the church our tithes and offerings. We pray that we will always be aware of the good that our generosity engenders for ministry to our brothers and sisters in Christ, to our youth and children, to the community beyond the doors of our sanctuary and to the wider world. Multiply these gifts, O Lord, and magnify our best efforts, that we may be seen always as open hearted, open handed, embracing and kind to each other and all whom we meet. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Dearest Lord, our Gracious Abba Father, beloved Son and Counselor Spirit, we are blessed this day, as we are cradled in your holy embrace surrounded by the tender hearts of this family of faith. Indeed we are blessed with freedom to express our love and devotion to you openly, without hesitation unburdened by fear. We are blessed knowing that there is no one watching us or scrutinizing us, waiting for us. We are blessed to be able to explore our beliefs and worship without fear of reprisal. Remind us gracious God, that it was not always so, for the disciples of Jesus. We confess that it is easy to take your grace for granted and for that we are heartily sorry. Today we shall dare to set our feet on a new path of discipleship. Our intention is to seen and heard, visible in our endeavors to serve you. We are seeking to learn and discern, for our time and place, what is expected of those who carry Jesus in their hearts and who would bear the marks of their connection with him. Encourage us each day, O Lord, we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Bless these tithes and offerings, O Lord, as confessions of our love for you, and pledges of our devotion and our commitment to our mission to make disciples of all nations for the transformation of the world. We thank you for the blessings we receive each day and pray for the strength of spirit and the stamina of conscience to be blessings to all whom we meet. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.