Saturday, September 24, 2011

September 24, 2011 "WHAT WOMEN WANT" United Methodist Women Riverside District Meeting


In the year 2000 Mel Gibson made a movie with Helen Hunt entitled "What Women Want." It was a story of romance and the reversal of traditional roles. It was also a story about a man who could, because of a fluke accident, hear everything that women were thinking and therefore could know the wants and anticipate their needs. Of course at first he used this unusual gift for all the wrong purposes.
The title “What Women Want however is well suited to this meeting of United Methodist Women.
For it was What women want, which was behind the birth in 1869 of the Methodist Woman's Foreign Mission Society, which later morphed into United Methodist Women -- UMW has been, since 1973, defined officially as the Women's mission organization of the United Methodist Church.

The History of UMW is an adventurous and generous history of response to need. It is a story of women advocating for women who could not advocate for themselves. In a time in our history when women --even in the United States-- had few rights and were considered the property of their husbands, 6 women united and took a stand for women, not themselves, but women they would never meet or know. They may not have thought it at the time, but they initiated a justice movement when they responded to the pleas of two missionary wives on furlough from their work in India. AS the 6 Bostonian Women listened to Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Parker speak about the plight and desperate need of their sisters abroad, they immediately responded with their empathetic and compassionate hearts, not to mention their highly organized, creative and committed spirits. They stepped out of their own somewhat provincial existences and put their hearts, hands and resources to work helping women thousands of miles away in India. They did not see an insurmountable problem set before them; they saw a project that needed to be undertaken immediately. Women in India were dying because they could not receive medical care –they could not be examined, that is by a male doctor. Well, if women in India couldn't receive medical attention when they needed it, because they could not be examined by a male doctor, then the obvious solution was not to change the archaic, sexist, inequitable and unjust thinking of that society, but to provide the women of India with a woman doctor. And, on top of that, since the women of India were not offered an education, provide them with an equal opportunity to become educated so that they could become doctors themselves. Inspired, empathetic and practical, that is the work of women in mission. Those 6 women got together and wrote a constitution, recruited members and organized themselves into the Methodist Woman's Foreign Missionary Society. They raised the funds necessary to send two single women to India -- an educator and a physician -- who would bring not only help and relief, but life opportunities to women whom these Bostonian ladies would quite likely never see. There were few medical schools in the America that allowed women to matriculate, but in the middle of the century a few visionaries had recognized the need for women physicians. Dr. Clara Swain, a Methodist and a graduate of the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, established in 1850, took on the incredible challenge to be the first woman missionary doctor in India. She gave her whole life to that work. Isabella Thoburn was the educator who took on the mission and started her school in Lucknow, India with 6 girls. What is now Isabella Thoburn College is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year in November.
Today there exists in the city of Lucknow the University of Lucknow which grew out of the Canning College, King George's Medical College and the Isabella Thoburn College which was is known as the very first women's college in all of Asia.
Women in Mission grew with purpose and news of need in other parts of the world. By 1875 Mission work supported by women had expanded to Africa always in response to need. The need was not focused on a necessity to convert heathens to Christianity, but to care for their physical beings and needs so they could rejoice in the goodness of God, whatever name they gave to that deity.
The motivations that inspire women in mission throughout history are many and varied, but they have always been powered by an overarching desire for equanimity and justice, a heart jarring sense of compassion for others, the determination to see right prevail, and a response to need. With all of these personal and collective motives it was their faith in God and the hopeful, responsive nature of their work that brought their hopes and dreams to fruition. This is the legacy of UMW today.
Two incredible biblical women come to mind today. You have all heard their stories before, but it is important for us to remember today that it was their need to be a part of the world, not to be trampled by it that motivated them to reach out and connect with the Son of God.
These women had a need and a want. The woman with the hemorrhage whose story is told in Matthew 9:18-26, Mark 5: 25-34 and Luke 8: 43-48 took power from Jesus.
The Syrophoenician Woman, the woman who was a foreigner and a gentile whose story is told in Matthew 15:21- 28 and Mark 7: 24-30 changed how Jesus related to Gentiles.
Both were courageous women who stepped beyond their fear and their isolation to reach out to opportunity, to recovery, to restoration and healing. They mustered the courage to truly connect with and partner with a compassionate God in order to bring healing to themselves and to another.
What women want is what God requires: To do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God. Women also want adventure.
Those 6 women in Boston were not seeking adventure when they sat to listen to the two missionary wives who came to tea. But they responded to the story with their hearts and were drawn into an adventure.
Women in Mission today still need to be adventure seekers.
Heart Adventures powered by Empathy
Foreign and Domestic Mission Adventures that require Hands on Outreach and caring.
Learning Adventures: tapping into what is happening in the world around us fuels creativity and inspires the Who, Where, What and Why -- Work.
Justice Adventures: it is the Pursuit of Justice for all the world that is part and parcel of the commandment to love one another even as I have loved you.
I have heard your leaders say, “UMW is in need of renewal.”
Perhaps, it is time to connect once again with what you want: that is what women want, what women need, what the world needs motivates women in mission and inspires women's incredible work.
Let it be an adventure once again. In this business minded world it is hard to remember the days when there are no predictable outcomes. You tried something to see if it worked and if it didn't you tried something else. We get paralyzed by a fear of failure, or the threat of loss of revenue or money, instead of believing that stepping out in faith and taking a risk on behalf of someone else might just solve a problem. One problem at a time, one person at a time, will make a difference. It may not change systems and entire social structures, but as we learned from the pioneers of this movement, who sponsored one woman at a time: one educator grows a University; one woman doctor grew a movement to educate and train female medical doctors all over India.
Caring for one, responding to a need, can start an entire chain of wonderful events. It is important to remember that as vast as the problems are that plague this world, working on one at a time can be enough.
Sometimes it is getting back to basics that spurs new birth. It may be as simple as remembering that you are adventure seekers. Your Adventures of the Heart, are adventures of Caring; they will be Creative; they will be Inspired and as they always have, they will seek Justice. Remember what you want in and for this world and partner with God to renew your joy for mission.

Rev. Dr. Amanda J. Burr
September 24, 2011

resources UM Women's webiste and Wikipedia

September 18, 2011 "WHO'S ON THE CLOCK?"

Dearest Lord, our creator and most generous benefactor, we pray never to be so absent-minded, or spiritually callous as to take your generosity for granted. If you find us muttering, or grumbling, complaining that you have forgotten us or abandoned us in a barren wilderness, forgive us, we pray. It is our fear that speaks, not our faith. As you reminded our Exodus ancestors of your divine presence with the bread of heaven, so too, awaken us to your ever presence, even today. Teach us the work ethic that is the mark of your kingdom. We confess that we often think that we, as individuals, are not equipped to labor in your vineyard. We are afraid we are going to be asked to do something we simply cannot do. Help us to understand that every effort we put forward in love and in the name of the Christ will give glory to your name. Amen
Back in the 80’s, one of the hospitals I worked for installed time clocks for all the staff. It wasn’t long before they realized that they paid more overtime with the time clock in place than without it. In those days most nurses, gave the hospital 15 to 30 minutes before and after their shifts. It is based on the work ethic that seeks to get the job done well, not just done.
Gracious God, bless these tithes and offerings given to support the work of Christ’s church. Help us be for the world, fully the body of Christ, reaching out, not only, with our hearts and our hands, but with an obvious portion of our wealth. Bless the work we are doing and will do in your name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 11, 2011 "SINS AGAINST YOU"

Loving God, forgive us in the moments when our desire for security outweighs your call to love. Forgive us when our emotions get the better of us and when fear calls us to say and do things that are not of your Kingdom. God be with all those who grieve the loss of loved ones on this sad day of the world 10 years ago. Be with those who have lost loved ones in the war on terror that has raged ever since. Comfort us all. Heal us in our despair. Fill us with hope for the day when justice shall roll down like waters and righteousness shall pour forth like an everflowing stream. Help us, Gracious God, to be a people who truly believe that your goodness is stronger than any evil, your love stronger than any hate, your light stronger than any darkness and that life in you is stronger than death. We pray this in the name of the one who triumphed over death itself, even Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. (borrowed and adapted from the internet site

When the World Trade Center was finally going to be constructed, author “Louis Mumford denounced the center as an ‘example of the purposeless giantism and technological exhibitionism that are now eviscerating the living tissue of every great city.’” The architectural design brought criticism of its aesthetics from the American Institute of Architects. Such skyscrapers were described as “just glass and metal filing cabinets.” Their absence from the skyline reminds us to love one another with all that we are and all that we have, today. ¹

Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon the gifts we offer with grateful hearts. May we be ever mindful of all the ways in which you have blessed our lives and how you continue to do so everyday. With every breath we take, we shall remember your mercies and believe, by our generosity, in the work of Christ’s Church in and for the world. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 4, 2011 "GOD'S LITTLE CHANGELS"

Our Gracious creator we focus our hearts and minds upon you, acknowledging humbly that you are the source of all life; the author of our nature; the breath and energy of our being. We give you thanks for every moment we are granted on this earth to be awed by your artistry, to touch, to see, to hear, to taste all the textures, colors, sounds and flavors of your creation. Let us never take the earth for granted. Let us never take each other for granted. When we get locked in to that critical place, finding fault, pointing out all the things that are wrong with something and never what is right; open our eyes to the shortness of our days and lead us in the way of grace. Take away our sense of entitlement. Strip us of our pride of place. In the hierarchy of creation dearest Lord, remind us, we are to seek our place among the little ones; we are called on, this very day, to embrace humility, innocence and change. Amen.
In Hebrews 13 verses 1&2 the author writes: “Let mutual love continue. Show hospitality to strangers,— don’t neglect it — for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Remembering that angels are very tight with God, we need to make sure our hospitality fund is in good order so we are ever-ready to entertain them whenever they might be with us.
Gracious God, cause us to remember that what we give to you in today’s technically and literally belongs to you. You have entrusted wealth to our good care and best stewardship, but it is not ours to possess. Whatever we offer in thanksgiving today we ask you to put to your good use. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.