Tuesday, June 26, 2018


June 24, 2018 MY PRAYER FOR YOU

We believe in God the creator of the universe,
and loving Abba Father who breathed life into us and gave the earth into our care.
We believe that Jesus is the incarnate word of God, messiah and man,
who lived and died for our sakes.
When Jesus was crucified, he spoke words of forgiveness just before his death.
God raised him from the dead as promised calling all
who follow to believe in the promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus first loved us, we carry him in our hearts, and his name is ever on our lips.
This loving savior promised we would not be left orphaned and alone.
We receive the Holy Spirit as the companion he promised, our counselor of truth and our advocate.
We believe that the Spirit speaks the language of redemption to our souls.
As the body of Christ, we gather spiritual strength from our unfettered worship
of the Abba Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Refreshed and renewed, we work out our salvation, side by side,
united in heart, body, and mind, ministering in Jesus’ name to all the world.
Glorious God, you have been guiding each of us along our individual paths from the moment of our birth and somehow you brought all of us together as a congregation to be a worshiping community. A dozen years ago we couldn’t have imagined who we would become, but we began to see your handiwork as we stepped up and took a risk with our hearts and spirits, making daring commitments to “feed your lambs,” “tend your sheep,” and “feed your sheep,” in the name of Jesus. We know the work of the church is never complete, and though we have accomplished much, there is no resting on our laurels. Give us courageous spirits ready and willing to grow and flourish as we welcome newcomers and mentor them as leaders for the sake and life of the body. All this we pray in the name of the one whose love is over all, Jesus Christ, our savior, friend, and Lord. Amen.
Like our own alphabet there is a first and last letter in the Greek Alphabet: Alpha — Α α — is the first letter, its meaning recognized as the primary force. The Omega — Ω ω — is the last, its meaning recognized as the ultimate limit of a set. The small alpha and the capital Omega, which is transcribed “o” in the modern Greek alphabet, are closed letters, circular in appearance denoting, perhaps a continuity between endings and beginnings. Let the spirit that has united us be a circle unbroken, ever-widening to include all people continuous in our mission and commitment as we strive to live up to our role as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

June 10, 2018 "JESUS MELTDOWN"

In the beginning, the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters,
and brought the world into being.
That same Spirit breathes life into us.
The Spirit of God conceived a Messiah, the Son and beloved One who would be the revelation of God’s steadfast love and mercy.
Throughout his life, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit.
When he died on the cross he commended his spirit into God’s keeping,
and God raised him from the dead.
This Spirit is THE VOICE that speaks to us in our present, moving ever onward
as the enlightened body of Christ into our future.
The Spirit teaches us to speak the language of salvation and empowers us to tell the stories of Jesus and his love.
The Spirit compels us to be at our spiciest when things look bleak, to be the light in someone’s darkness, and to dance even when we are weary.
The Spirit urges us to be resilient and steadfast in our witness, while we have life and breath, proclaiming the Good News to and for all!
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Most awesome and loving Creator God, we lift a triumphant prayer of thanks and praise as we ponder all of the blessings you have bestowed upon us. This glorious sanctuary has been home to this worshiping community for 53 years. Many of us have embraced a whole new spiritual life here understanding at last, that your love for each one of us is not only immeasurable, but unbreakable as well. We pray never to forget the enormity of your grace and patience when it comes to dealing with human foibles. Give us hearts full of hope and spirits ready for anything. Let us not dwell in doubt, but lead us into a new day of discovering your will and way for us. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
That expression “too close for comfort” is the idiom we use to describe the physical and psychological dis-ease we feel when we have had a “close shave” or a “near miss” or our personal space invaded by something or someone. Remember when you were a kid wondering how all those clowns fit into the clown car at the circus? Remember the teens of the 50’s working out just how many bodies could be crammed into a phone booth? Admittedly we like to see the church filled with worshipers, but if it was the case every Sunday, we would begin talking about the need for breathing room. The church is called to make a place for every soul. It is only your support that sustains us in that calling.


In the beginning, the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters,
and brought the world into being.
That same Spirit breathes life into us.
The Spirit of God conceived a Messiah,
the Son and beloved One who would be the revelation of God’s steadfast love and mercy.
Throughout his life, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit.
When he died on the cross he commended his spirit into God’s keeping,
and God raised him from the dead.
This Spirit is THE VOICE that speaks to us in our present, moving ever onward
as the enlightened body of Christ into our future.
The Spirit teaches us to speak the language of salvation and empowers us to tell the stories of Jesus and his love.
The Spirit compels us to be at our spiciest when things look bleak,
to be the light in someone’s darkness, and to dance even when we are weary.
The Spirit urges us to be resilient and steadfast in our witness, while we have life and breath, proclaiming the Good News to and for all!
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Beloved Creator, we lift our prayer of praise and thanksgiving, assured of your ever-presence with us. From the beginning of all things, you have believed in your creation, unabashedly proclaiming that everything made with your hands was good. Help us to embrace without hesitation, without fear or timidity the goodness and authenticity you have breathed into each one of us. When we get anxious about what’s next, what’s new and different, what is to come, what may or may not change, remind us that you are walking with us through all of it. Who knows change better than you, anyway? Plant the seeds of possibility in our fertile hearts, O God, and we shall bring glorious things to flower in the name of the Christ. Amen.
The third verse of Hank William’s famous song goes like this: You'll never know how much it hurts to see you sit and cry. You know you need and want my love yet you're afraid to try
Why do you run and hide from life, to try it just ain't smart? Why can't I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold, cold heart?
I think similar words came tumbling from Jesus’ mouth any number of times as he encountered broken, hurting people in his ministry. As many as were healed, I am guessing there were many others who wouldn’t risk it, because that would require letting go of the past where the slights, hurts, disappointments, and regrets live. The church invites the whole world to risk being healed; the community of faith builds hearts of good courage to sustain it.

Thursday, May 17, 2018


In the beginning, the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters,
and brought the world into being.
That same Spirit breathes life into us.
The Spirit of God conceived a Messiah,
the Son and beloved One who would be the revelation of God’s steadfast love and mercy.
Throughout his life, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit.
When he died on the cross he commended his spirit into God’s keeping,
and God raised him from the dead.
This Spirit is THE VOICE that speaks to us in our present, moving ever onward
as the enlightened body of Christ into our future.
The Spirit teaches us to speak the language of salvation
and empowers us to tell the stories of Jesus and his love.
The Spirit compels us to be at our spiciest when things look bleak,
to be the light in someone’s darkness, and to dance even when we are weary.
The Spirit urges us to be resilient and steadfast in our witness,
while we have life and breath,
proclaiming the Good News to and for all!
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Wondrous and surprising God, today we celebrate the coming of your Holy Spirit. John proclaimed that the Spirit was gifted to Jesus’s disciples on the day of the resurrection. Luke wrote that the Holy Spirit came crashing in like a might wind on the day of Pentecost causing the 120 remaining disciples of Jesus to speak in foreign languages. And growing up in the church, we are taught that on the day of our Baptism we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. We confess that we are not always attuned to that Spirit at work in us, but we believe that when we are in synch with the Spirit, we are fully connected with you. O, Lord, when our hearts are one with yours, we can do marvelous things in your name. Help us not to get downhearted or put off, when our work is delayed or sidetracked by the workings of the world. Set our eyes, hearts, and minds on the prize which is forever and always, your kingdom come, upon the earth. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
How many of you are drawn to high-spirited people? We hope what they have is catching. I confess I am not drawn to people who are chronically low-spirited, because that can also be contagious. When people’s good spirits are in evidence we want to bask in the glow of their good vibrations. Further we describe people as free spirits and kindred spirits, or possessed of a holiday spirit, a willing spirit, a carefree or blithe spirit, a spirit of adventure and a fighting spirit. But how often have you described a kindred spirit as “Holy Spirited?” Right here, right now own that we are Holy Spirited people, thoroughly and completely possessed of the promised Holy Spirit individually and corporately. Let us celebrate our Holy Spiritedness as the ushers come forward to receive your high-spirited gifts.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


We believe we are created in the image of God, male and female.
Believing that God’s will for us is goodwill, we follow in the footsteps of God’s beloved Son,
Jesus the Christ.
We believe Jesus lived to forgive, and showed us that by serving one another,
we are connected to the heart of God.
We believe we share Jesus’ mission to bind up and heal the broken hearted.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our regrets and sorrows upon his own shoulders,
and bore them to the cross where they died with him.
Jesus was buried, but on the third day God raised him from the dead, as promised.
After Jesus’ resurrection, we believe God sent the Holy Spirit to empower Jesus’ followers.
The Holy Spirit was their ever-present advocate, counselor of truth, and companion.
We believe that same Spirit resides with us, interceding for us,
and empowering our work in the name of the Christ.
The Spirit reminds us daily to love God and one another as
the Christ loved us. Amen.
Loving and Generous Lord, today is the final Sunday of Eastertide, the day of Christ’s ascension to that heavenly seat at your right hand. Before his death and after his resurrection, the gospels tell us how Jesus prayed mightily for his disciples and the work that they would carry on his name. As we embrace our future open our eyes as you did the eyes of the first disciples. Let us see all of the new and glorious ways there are to serve you in this day and age. Because we have needed you in our lives, we believe others we meet along the WAY will need you as well. As we share stories of how we came to be your friends through Jesus, may those who are listening believe your friendship also belongs to them. All this we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
It was my mother who first quoted these verses from Hamlet: “To Thine own self be true.” I assumed she was telling me to be truthful, honest, and ethical, never being afraid to stick to my guns, to keep my own counsel, not follow the of the crowd. If I marched to a different drummer so be it. The full verses of Polonius to Laertes read: “This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” I learned that this fatherly advice to be loyal to his own best interests first, and take care of others later, finds Laertes betraying his best friend. Contrary to modern day interpretation “To thine own self be true” was not written by Shakespeare as an ideal to be lauded or emulated. Judas was true to himself. Jesus taught us to put others before ourselves.


We believe we are created in the image of God, male and female.
Believing that God’s will for us is goodwill, we follow in the footsteps of God’s beloved Son,
Jesus the Christ.
We believe Jesus lived to forgive, and showed us that by serving one another,
we are connected to the heart of God.
We believe we share Jesus’ mission to bind up and heal the broken hearted.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our regrets and sorrows upon his own shoulders,
and bore them to the cross where they died with him.
Jesus was buried, but on the third day God raised him from the dead, as promised.
After Jesus’ resurrection, we believe God sent the Holy Spirit to empower Jesus’ followers.
The Holy Spirit was their ever-present advocate, counselor of truth, and companion.
We believe that same Spirit resides with us, interceding for us,
and empowering our work in the name of the Christ.
The Spirit reminds us daily to love God and one another as
the Christ loved us. Amen.
O most glorious Creator, you are not only the master builder of the universe, but a doting, patient, and forgiving parent. Indeed, You surprise us by your immeasurable grace. Even when we think the very worst of ourselves, you work diligently to help us move beyond self-denigration. When we head out in the other direction thinking too much of ourselves, puffing ourselves up to great heights of entitlement, you open our eyes to the plight of those who have lost everything. You are always at work inspiring us to take that oh so, necessary step forward, prodding us to choose the smarter way, the compassionate way, the way of Jesus. Strengthen our resolve to be an even stronger, more open, ever more involved and welcoming body of Christ as we reach out to the community and the world around us. Let us bring glory to your name, O Lord, we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
In anticipation of his death Jesus left humanity a will. He had no hard cash, property, blue-chip stocks or bonds to leave his disciples. He had nothing in the way of tangible assets to help his followers carry out their call to minister in his name. He hadn’t the wherewithal to build a Chrystal Cathedral in downtown Jerusalem. Nevertheless Jesus did leave a will, an ethical will, which he gave to his disciples for safekeeping. His words, his deeds, his encounters with people from all walks of life he left for us, a treasure to cherish. Much liked the servant in the parable of the talents who buried his one talent in order to return it to the master intact; not all of Jesus’ disciples shared what was left to them. Please help the church carry on sharing Jesus’ legacy of Love.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Offerings Off the Wall


When folks pass through the receiving line on Sunday, they ask me about my plans for retirement. "What are you planning to do?" I confess I have had all sorts of harebrained ideas, from almost buying a house in Costa Rica to planning a run for City Council. The Costa Rica house was cute, but I am not a surfer and with my history, it's not likely that I would be taking long walks on the beach in the hot sun. I do love the ocean, but that shore was surfing shore, not swimming shore. I realized I would have to lash a line to one of the palm trees high up on the shore, and attach it to my waste in order to pull myself out of that surf. Dick Clapp suggested I run for City Council, thinking I would be a good addition to Cathedral City's city council, but running for city council in a city where one is virtually unknown probably isn't the best use of one's resources and friends. I am such an unknown resident, I couldn't even get appointed to the Commission for Parks and Public Events, and there were only 2 applicants. At one time I thought about going to work in Guatemala. I went so far as to apply for the Director position of the Clinica Salud Y Paz on route 15, in Camanchaj, Guatemala. I didn't get it.

When it was determined by the Bishop that I would be retiring in 2018, there was the slightest hint from the Annual Conference that it would be nice if I decided to move away, and live someplace else, thus giving whoever the new pastor was an uncluttered path for pastoring the church. After a short visit to Tampa Bay in February of 2017, I gave some thought to moving to Florida when I retired, even looking at homes for sale in the Seminole area, near an aunt, a first cousin, a past sister-in-law, and an old high-school roommate. I thought living on the Gulf would be the perfect place. It is in February, but then I pondered hurricanes, humidity, and alligators.

I remember when my ministry at the First Christian Church in Hemet ended, people asked me if I was going to move back to the San Fernando Valley from whence I had come. But although I lived in Reseda for 11 years, served a church there, and worked at the same hospital for a decade, it was no more my home than Claremont, where I attended seminary, or Tucson, Arizona where I became a Christian and received my call to the ministry, or Popayan, Colombia where I taught nursing to vocational nursing students as a Peace Corps Volunteer, or Lawrence, Massachusetts where I worked for some months before joining the Peace Corps, or New York City where I studied nursing, or Poultney, Vermont, where I earned my AA in pre-nursing or West Newbury, Massachusetts the town my parents moved to when I was 16 years old.

In 1998, Hemet was home for the time being, the place where I had established my residence and friendships. I would find work and stay until the next thing came along. The next thing began in stages seven years later, and in 2007 I landed here in the desert. We had no idea I would be here for eleven years, but here is where I have established my residence and friendships. After living in a place for over a decade, packing up and moving elsewhere takes thought, decisiveness, a reason, time, effort, and planning. I am having a tough enough time clearing out my office.

Often people who are retiring decide to move closer to children and grandchildren they can spoil-rotten. But that isn't leaving or moving away so much as it is moving toward a renewed connection with family. Having never married or had children, there are no grandchildren calling out to have me close.

So my answer to the question, "What are your plans?" is "I haven't got the faintest idea." The next thing will make itself known, I am pretty sure of that. What you must know is this: on July first, even if I am living here in the desert, I am no longer your pastor. It is unethical for me to agree to marry you or bury you without the express invitation and/or permission of your new pastor. I will no longer be your spiritual counselor or guide and I won't be worshiping with you. However, I will always hold you ever so close in my heart, praying that your ministry in this community continues to flourish and grow. You are the best thing that has happened to me in my ministerial career!!

With buckets of love and endless blessings,

Rev. Amanda

Monday, April 30, 2018

April 29, 2018 "PERFECTING GROWTH"

We believe we are created in the image of God, male and female.
Believing that God’s will for us is goodwill,
we follow in the footsteps of God’s beloved Son,
Jesus the Christ.
We believe Jesus lived to forgive, and showed us that by serving one another,
we are connected to the heart of God.
We believe we share Jesus’ mission to bind up and heal the broken hearted.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our regrets and sorrows
upon his own shoulders, and bore them to the cross where they died with him.
Jesus was buried, but on the third day God raised him from the dead, as promised.
After Jesus’ resurrection, we believe God sent the Holy Spirit to empower Jesus’ followers.
The Holy Spirit was their ever-present advocate, counselor of truth, and companion.
We believe that same Spirit resides with us, interceding for us,
and empowering our work in the name of the Christ.
The Spirit reminds us daily to love God and one another as
the Christ loved us. Amen.
Gracious and Loving God, how sweet it is to ponder your grace, to bask in the light of your mercy and love. It is as lovely and gently glorious as the sunrise. We pray never to have a sense of alienation from you or our community of faith. Let us never —not for a single second — take for granted your outpouring of goodwill and concern. With each and every breath we take you remind us of your presence. With each and every step we take, we are reminded that your handiwork knit each of us together in our mother’s womb. Even if we aren’t as nimble as we once were, keep our spirits limber as we serve you in the name of the Christ. Amen.
In the United Methodist Church if a member is not attending the church where enrolled, the member is requested to: 1. reaffirm their baptismal vows and return to living in community with that church where their name is recorded; 2. request a transfer to another UMC where the member will return to living in that community of faith; 3. arrange transfer to a particular church in another denomination; 4. request withdrawal. If the church can’t find the member to offer these choices their name may be removed from the rolls by a vote of the charge conference. The gospel of John asserts that a vine branch cannot bear fruit unless it is attached to the vine, so too the Christian cannot bear fruit unless he or she is similarly attached to Jesus who is the vine who gives us life and consequent produce.


We believe we are created in the image of God, male and female.
Believing that God’s will for us is goodwill,
we follow in the footsteps of God’s beloved Son,
Jesus the Christ.
We believe Jesus lived to forgive, and showed us that by serving one another,
we are connected to the heart of God.
We believe we share Jesus’ mission to bind up and heal the broken hearted.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our regrets and sorrows
upon his own shoulders, and bore them to the cross where they died with him.
Jesus was buried, but on the third day God raised him from the dead, as promised.
After Jesus’ resurrection, we believe God sent the Holy Spirit to empower Jesus’ followers.
The Holy Spirit was their ever-present advocate, counselor of truth, and companion.
We believe that same Spirit resides with us, interceding for us,
and empowering our work in the name of the Christ.
The Spirit reminds us daily to love God and one another as
the Christ loved us. Amen.
Dearest Lord, when we live far away from loved ones, friends or family, we keep in touch by calling them on the phone or writing to them in some form. When we sign off we will actually say “keep in touch.” We can lose track when we don’t stay in touch. O Lord, may we realize that every moment of prayer is our way of keeping in touch with you, whether we are greeting you with praise and thanksgiving, or asking for guidance, comfort or relief. Let us be bold in our communication as Jesus taught us. When he prayed he held nothing back, he asked you to intercede on behalf of others and himself. Show us we need not be timid, even if it’s been a long time since we reached out; you are still there and always will be. Thank you for that, in the name of the Christ. Amen.
I grew up hearing the expression “keeping up with the Joneses.” I really didn’t understand what it meant, because I never saw my parents as the keep up with the Jones’s types. I do remember when I was around 12 or so, we started going to a country club. I took tennis lessons there until we stopped going, because I guess my parents decided not to belong anymore. My older brother and I both had summer jobs as lifeguards at two different country clubs, and although we could swim in the pools we guarded, we weren’t members—we were employees. To belong in some organizations/clubs you have to have money, social standing or political standing, influential friends, or adequate sponsorship, and once you belong you are obliged to live up to certain expectations. It is true some churches have modeled themselves after country clubs, but the Lord requires no such “buy-in” to belong to the body of Christ, only your word that you will serve others with the gifts God has given you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April 15, 2018 "THE WALK OF LIFE"

We believe we are created in the image of God, male and female.
Believing that God’s will for us is goodwill, we follow in the footsteps of God’s beloved Son,
Jesus the Christ.
We believe Jesus lived to forgive, and showed us that by serving one another,
we are connected to the heart of God.
We believe we share Jesus’ mission to bind up and heal the broken hearted.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our regrets and sorrows upon his own shoulders,
and bore them to the cross where they died with him.
Jesus was buried, but on the third day God raised him from the dead, as promised.
After Jesus’ resurrection, we believe God sent the Holy Spirit to empower Jesus’ followers.
The Holy Spirit was their ever-present advocate, counselor of truth, and companion.
We believe that same Spirit resides with us, interceding for us,
and empowering our work in the name of the Christ.
The Spirit reminds us daily to love God and one another as
the Christ loved us. Amen.
Glorious God, in this season of Eastertide, we continue to ponder and marvel at your wondrous deeds and your grace. Even while the disciples were wringing their hands, pacing the floor wondering what would become of them and the gospel, you were at work planning something extraordinary. We are bold to say, we believe that your love, your creativity, and your hope for humankind surpasses anything our minds can fathom. You want only the best for your children. May we always be willing to open our hearts and minds to see the good you have planned for us. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
I think the hardest thing anyone has to learn in life is how to make a decision. When we are kids, our decisions are pretty much made for us by the guardian(s) of our days, whether a brand of parent (birth, step, adoptive, foster) or grand. But when suddenly we find ourselves of legal age, grown-up decisions can be cumbersome. My grandfather advocated making a decision chart with two columns, pros on one side, cons on the other. It isn’t the same as a priority list, which often puts the long list of bills to be paid in order of importance. Giving to the church is often found on our grown-up priority lists; on some lists supporting the church is at the top, on others closer to the bottom, and on some it doesn’t appear at all. Where is the church on your priority list? Do you need to start with a decision chart?

Thursday, April 5, 2018


We believe we are created in the image of God, male and female.
Believing that God’s will for us is goodwill, we follow in the footsteps of God’s beloved Son,
Jesus the Christ.
We believe Jesus lived to forgive, and showed us that by serving one another,
we are connected to the heart of God.
We believe we share Jesus’ mission to bind up and heal the broken hearted.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our regrets and sorrows upon his own shoulders,
and bore them to the cross where they died with him.
Jesus was buried, but on the third day God raised him from the dead, as promised.
After Jesus’ resurrection, we believe God sent the Holy Spirit to empower Jesus’ followers.
The Holy Spirit was their ever-present advocate, counselor of truth, and companion.
We believe that same Spirit resides with us, interceding for us,
and empowering our work in the name of the Christ.
The Spirit reminds us daily to love God and one another as
the Christ loved us. Amen.
Gracious God thank you for pouring out your Spirit of wisdom upon the leadership of our annual conference. We truly believe you have been at work in their process of discernment. Today we let go of any remnant fear or anxiety about the future believing that in Reverend Jane, you are sending us a clergywoman who is truly called to the pastoral ministry, who is inspired by scripture, is resilient, energetic and enthusiastic, with a wonderful sense of humor. May she lead us onward to do great things, serving our community and the world, as we endeavor to shine the light of your love and goodwill all around us. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
Isn’t it interesting that when the Lenten season begins, we make a plan to ramp-up our spiritual discipline, and often our physical discipline, as well? We make an informed choice and a concerted effort to give up something we indulge in, or exchange a bad habit for a good one, or even add something altogether new to our daily lives. But when Lent is over and Holy Week has passed, what then? I think it is high time we embraced the 50 days between Resurrection Sunday and Pentecost as days of great opportunity not days full of waiting for something to happen. For the disciples, the 50 days following the resurrection were occasions for confronting next steps. Luke’s risen Christ instructed the disciples to get about building up their spiritual muscles, devoting themselves to prayer and each other. When Holy Week ends, I think many of today’s churches go on automatic pilot until Pentecost arrives, that is, if they are willing to acknowledge that Holy Day at all. On this Second Sunday in the season of Eastertide, let’s make a plan that will carry us through Pentecost and beyond. Let us dress our spirits in the bright colors of new beginnings, devoting ourselves to one another and the Spirit’s leading.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


We believe we are created in the image of God, male and female.
Believing that God’s will for us is goodwill, we follow in the footsteps of God’s beloved Son,
Jesus the Christ.
We believe Jesus lived to forgive, and showed us that by serving one another,
we are connected to the heart of God.
We believe we share Jesus’ mission to bind up and heal the broken hearted.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our regrets and sorrows upon his own shoulders,
and bore them to the cross where they died with him.
Jesus was buried but, on the third day, God raised him from the dead, as promised.
After Jesus’ resurrection, we believe God sent the Holy Spirit to empower Jesus’ followers.
The Holy Spirit was their ever-present advocate, counselor of truth, and companion.
We believe that same Spirit resides with us, interceding for us and empowering our work in the name of the Christ.
The Spirit reminds us daily to love God and one another as
the Christ loved us. Amen.
Gracious God, with hearts full of joy, awe and triumph we greet you this morning. We imagine you smiling as we rejoice in the news of Christ’s resurrection. We shall not be reserved with our response to your promise fulfilled; it is too wonderful to be shy. We are gladder than glad! This resurrection Sunday is your most wondrous gift of love, bringing hope to a hurting world. On this day, you chose to reveal what awaits your children beyond grief and mourning. Your message for all the world is clear. The tomb is empty, and our human existence, with all of its ups and downs, has been touched by the promise of eternity. Today you call upon us to let go of the fear of death, and embrace what awaits us beyond time itself. With our spirits ignited and our faith ever strong, we shall be your witnesses in and for the world. We’ll shout it from the mountain tops: “Christ is Risen!” Today you have made all things new! “Christ is Risen!” We may not comprehend all that you have done for us, but we humbly thank you in Jesus’ name and say again: “Christ is Risen indeed! Amen! and Amen!”
Whether you attend church on Christmas and Easter or fifty-two Sundays out of the year, the church intends to be here for you. The communities of faith that the early followers of Jesus began, sought to provide mutual support to their members, not only to help them grow spiritually, but often to meet their most basic needs for food, clothing, and comfort. The earliest communities of faith shared everything in common. Today the church endeavors to continue that legacy of caring for people’s spiritual and physical needs, reaching out to our local community and beyond. But the wherewithal to care, and do that outreach, comes only through your generosity, whether you share it twice or fifty-two times a year. Your gift helps this church do its part in healing this broken world.
Gracious God there is no clearer message of your love and goodwill for humanity, no more graphic demonstration of your forgiveness; no greater assurance of your hope for humanity than Jesus’ resurrection. The gifts we offer this morning cannot compare to the gift you have given us, but we hope they will serve your kingdom purpose, bringing the message of your love and goodwill to those who have never known it. In the name of the risen Christ we pray. Amen.


Dear Church Family,
When we sing, Christ the Lord is Risen today, we join thousands of joyous voices and celebrating hearts across time and space who plainly agree that even death’s strong bands could not hold the beloved Son of God. In the days before Jesus, a terrible fear of death gripped those who considered death a powerful force to be contended with and conquered.
The common notion was that in a state of death, one was not with God. So, in order to be with God, the state of death needed to be overcome, negated, by a resurrection, not of the spirit, but of the body. Martin Luther wrote these words in his resurrection hymn (#319 in our hymnal): Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands, for our offenses given; it was a strange and dreadful strife when life and death contended; the victory remained with life; the reign of death ended. Stripped of power, no more it reigns an empty form alone remains; death’s sting is lost forever.
On Easter Sunday, all over the world people celebrate new birth and re-birth gifting chocolate bunnies carrying baskets filled with colorful eggs, which have come to symbolize the inviting pastel picture of spring. But how many of us truly embrace Resurrection Sunday? Like Santa hoards Christmas, the Bunny hoards the resurrection day and God takes a back seat.
Maybe it is because it is easy for most of us to fathom and embrace the birth of a new baby; we see it all the time but embracing the idea of a physical re-birth beyond death is a gigantic leap. I propose that we go back to the beginning and re-think the process. The baby, who we pray will emerge in nine months perfect and complete, evolves from the successful uniting of two cells that proliferate. Is not Jesus’ resurrection the successful re-uniting of his spirit with God’s? The same Spirit that breathed life into his infant being, breathes life once again and releases him up from death’s strong bands.
Jesus made it clear to us that it is not folly to choose him, for in so doing we choose life. When we humble ourselves to confess our faith in Jesus Christ, we become aware of a greater sense of purpose in this life. But let us never forget to embrace the bonus gift, that of eternal life in Christ. This is not foolishness, it is grace!
Your “Easter” offering this year will bring additional support to our worship team’s budget and our music program.
Make the leap and live,
Rev. Amanda

Good Friday March 30, 2018 Pepper Choplin's Cantata "JOURNEY THROUGH THE LORD'S PRAYER"

CALL TO WORSHIP (from Psalm 69)
Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me. I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God. Do not let those who hope in you be put to shame because of me, O LORD God of hosts; do not let those who seek you be dishonored because of me. It is for your sake that I have borne reproach. As for me, my prayer is to you, O LORD. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love, answer me. With your faithful help rescue me.
Deliver me from my enemies.
Wondrous God, we cannot begin to comprehend the measure of your love for humankind. We bow our heads humbly before you, confessing that this day, more than any other, mystifies us and confounds us. The willingness of Jesus, the Beloved One, to give his life so that humankind could forge a new and different relationship with YOU takes a lifetime to understand. Remind us, O most Holy God, how Jesus’ death launched us into a new way of thinking about YOU and our part in YOUR kingdom. Help us embrace the truth that it is through Jesus our hearts and souls are reconnected with YOURS. In him, YOU sought to release us from the burden of our own regrets. Such grace, mercy, and love is so amazing, we cannot fathom it. You have freed us from shame and sorrow over past mistakes, lifting away every weight that fetters us to an unforgiving world. You have cleared away the rubble of sin, and made a space in the vault of the human heart for your Christ to reside. As we look upon the cross, we realize we have left behind regrets that haunt us , things we need never remember again. What wondrous love it this, O my soul!? Our Abba Father in heaven, HOLY is YOUR name. May YOUR kingdom come and YOUR will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day the food we need to be strong in service to YOU and YOUR creation. Forgive us our wrongs and help us to forgive those who have wronged us. Keep us from all temptation and all evil we pray, for YOURS is the kingdom, YOURS is the power, and YOURS is the glory, forever. Amen.
The definition of Sacrifice is, “a giving up of something valuable or important for somebody or something else considered to be of more value or importance. This is its first definition in the Encarta Dictionary. I guess maybe the gospel writer, John, was correct when he wrote that God valued the “kosmos,” more than his own divinity. That is to say, God valued more than life and breath the universe, the arrangement of the stars, the heavenly hosts, the earth, and humanity itself, loving all beyond measure, even those who walk in darkness and remain alienated from God. Amazing isn’t it.
Gracious God, on this night of nights, we offer not only our gifts, but ourselves to love and serve you. The path that Jesus walked on this Good Friday was the path of sacrifice for the sake of all. Teach us to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, along the true way of discipleship. Bless the gifts we offer in love to the furtherance of your Kingdom. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

March 29, 2018 Maundy Thursday "ANOREXIC MOMENTS WITH JESUS"

L: My sisters and brothers, Jesus humbled himself before God and humanity, and in so doing he showed us the way of love. Let us come close to our Lord and confess what separates us from the Lord, opening ourselves to the Spirit of truth.
P: Most merciful God, we your church confess that often our spirits have been a poor reflection of the Christ within us. So many times we have failed to love one another as Christ loved us. Too often we let the darkness in the world overshadow us. May the light of the Christ burst through the barriers, erected by fear and anxiety to shine in and through us. We falter in our discipleship when we confess our faith with our lips, but fail to proclaim aloud that Jesus is real to us and a significant part of our lives. Reserving him for Sunday is like giving him one-seventh of our devotion. When we fail to embrace a stranger, we place the Christ within on the back burner. Forgive us, O Lord. By your Spirit help us to be faithful each and every day, in our joys and in our sorrows. Amen.
L: Who is in a position to condemn? Only God. Our love for Jesus has brought us here this evening to share his supper and to give thanks to our creator, who has given us life and breath. Even when we grumbled and turned away, God never abandoned humanity, remaining steadfast, always keeping covenant with us. Tonight, Jesus, the Beloved ONE, calls us to communion with God, to celebrate God’s wondrous deeds and elaborate acts of goodwill. At the table of remembrance, Jesus is present, offering us the bread of life and the cup of redemption, inviting us into a new covenant with God. Time after time we have not understood what God has done for us, and time after time the Holy Spirit has interceded for us. Jesus dines tonight in the company of those who betrayed him, deserted him, and denied him, and still he offers us all grace, peace, and mercy. In the name of Christ, you are forgiven!
P: In the name of the Christ, you are forgiven! Glory be to God. Amen.
Jesus first arrived at the Jordan and was baptized by John, who didn’t recognize him or speak to him. He appeared as if out of nowhere, with no family history to share, a stranger with an urgent message. “The time has arrived; the kingdom of God is upon you. Repent and believe in the gospel.” He wasn’t saying: “Take your time and give it some thought.” He meant: “The time is now! Turn now, and believe in the Good News.” There is no better time than the present to turn, til by turning, turning we come round right.
Merciful God, this evening we remember how Jesus, knowing that his end was near kept faith with you and with his disciples, celebrating the Passover with all of them. Bless the gifts we offer this evening. We do not make this offering as atonement for sins. We are not trying to purchase your goodwill or favor. These are a pledge of commitment, as we embrace our covenant with you. We offer them gratefully, trusting that you will guide their purpose, in the name of the Christ. Amen.


We believe in God, the creator of heaven and earth, granter of grace and life.
We believe that nothing in all the world, can separate us from the love of God
who always forgives a repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture, who came to love us into new life.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our sins upon himself,
and carried that burden to the cross where he relinquished his own life for our sakes.
This act was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, but that he was raised from the dead,
and he will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks truth to all people, in every language.
Our hearts are warmed when we embrace that Spirit, and God’s presence within us is revealed.
As the church, and as members of the body of Christ in the world,
we believe we are called to make a difference in this world.
Thanks be to God.
Glorious God, we picture your majesty, your splendor the opulence of your abode and are struck by the contrast with the life you chose on earth. Today we process with Jesus followers watching as those closest to him lifted him up upon a donkey. Just like Solomon rode his father’s donkey to Gihon to be anointed king, so too Jesus rode into Jerusalem, your anointed messiah descending the Mount of Olives. When Solomon received his anointing the people shouted, “Long live King Solomon.” Today Jesus’ followers are shouting, “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David!” Dearest Lord, help us focus our hearts and minds on the significance of every moment of this Holy Week. Help us comprehend that Jesus gave everything so that his disciples might continue spreading the Good News, giving of themselves over to the task. Let us follow in their footsteps giving ourselves over to the task. In the name of the Christ, let us be light and Good News to all whom we meet. Amen.
Two options for a worship theme are provided for this final Sunday of the Lenten season: Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday. When we choose Passion Sunday as the theme, during worship the entire story of Jesus final week of life is told. If we choose Palm Sunday as the theme, the hope is that worshipers will attend the Holy Thursday and Holy Friday Services, to hear the rest of the story, before getting dressed up for Easter. Remembering that there must be endings that precede new beginnings, let us trust God, opening ourselves to the grief that will come always anticipating that God promises only good for us, and will deliver on that promise.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 18, 2018 "WHO GETS IT?"

We believe in God, the creator of heaven and earth, granter of grace and life.
We believe that nothing in all the world, can separate us from the love of God
who always forgives a repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture, who came to love us into new life.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our sins upon himself,
and carried that burden to the cross where he relinquished his own life for our sakes.
This act was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, but that he was raised from the dead,
and he will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks truth to all people, in every language.
Our hearts are warmed when we embrace that Spirit, and God’s presence within us is revealed.
As the church, and as members of the body of Christ in the world,
we believe we are called to make a difference in this world.
Thanks be to God.
Glorious God, what a joy it is to sing your praises, surrounded by such tender company. We are lifted up and drawn in by what seems to be the mere combination of notes, yet they are capable of reaching deep into our core, touching the heart. Beloved music, strange music, new music can trigger our emotions evoking feelings of awe and reverence, joy and triumph, laughter and lament. Let your presence permeate the sanctuary, with every breath we take. Let us treasure every moment of our time together, as we gather strength for our journey into our future. Like Jesus’ first followers, we embrace our mission and purpose to serve you, moving ever onward toward your kingdom goal. We thank you always in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Are you a good navigator? I mean, do you have a natural sense of direction, or do you get lost backing out of your driveway? Are you one who likes the turn by turn directions that your GPS app provides, or do you like to wing it? Do you prefer landmarks, or are you good with the old standbys of north, south, east and west? If the directions to the church read about a mile east of the mountains, does that resonate with you, or is just west of the intersection at Sunrise and Alejo more helpful? Some folks have to see the map, some folks work well with two lefts, a right and another left, while still others want every street name at every intersection they will encounter all along the way. As different as our directional preferences are, so too are the different directional preferences of the church. While we may be in the driver’s seat, let’s not forget that God is our navigator.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 11, 2018 "FIG SEASON"

We believe in God, the creator of heaven and earth, granter of grace and life.
We believe that nothing in all the world, can separate us from the love of God
who always forgives a repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture, who came to love us into new life.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our sins upon himself,
and carried that burden to the cross where he relinquished his own life for our sakes.
This act was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, but that he was raised from the dead,
and he will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks truth to all people, in every language.
Our hearts are warmed when we embrace that Spirit, and God’s presence within us is revealed.
As the church, and as members of the body of Christ in the world,
we believe we are called to make a difference in this world.
Thanks be to God.
O most loving and patient God, here within these walls we seek and find sanctuary from the frenzied world beyond our doors. But it is not the building itself that calms the heart and soothes the soul, it is the communion of hearts and souls united within. We share a purpose, which is to serve you and your creation. We share in the spiritual nourishment your word offers and the sacraments provide. When we sing and when we pray we are assured that our spirits connect with yours. With all that, we confess a desire to cling to what is familiar, and what is already known. Lord, help us to remember our days of daring, longing for all things new, when we trusted that you would be with us through thick and thin. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
I have a fig tree in my back yard. I imagine the previous owners of the house planted it to make fig jam. I regret to say that jam is not in my current cooking portfolio, but the tree does its job well when it is watered and pruned, producing pretty tasty figs. Let’s say the fig tree symbolizes the church. The expectation of the church as the body of Christ is to bear good fruit, and in so doing, glorify God. The fact is that those of us who follow Jesus need to be watered and pruned in order to bear the best fruit. I know we object highly to the pruning part, but the seasons of human life are full of occasions of pruning. So too are the seasons of the church as we experience endings and beginnings, as well as losses and gains. Jesus challenges the church to strive to be in season always. I believe it is doable if we let go of selfish motives and embrace our purpose supporting one another through all of life’s seasons.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

March 4, 2018 "THE LEGACY OF TOUCH"

We believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, granter of grace and life.
We believe that nothing in all the world, can separate us from the love of God
who always forgives a repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture who came to love us into new life.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our sins upon himself,
and carried that burden to the cross where he relinquished his own life for our sakes.
This act was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, but that he was raised from the dead,
and he will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks truth to all people, in every language.
Our hearts are warmed when we embrace that Spirit, and God’s presence within us is revealed.
As the church, and as members of the body of Christ in the world,
we believe we are called to make a difference in this world.
Thanks be to God!
Wondrous and Loving Lord, here, gathered together in this sanctuary, we intentionally turn our attention to you, focusing our thoughts to encounter your very real presence with us. You proclaim your presence, come to us through the scriptures and in the hymns we sing. We encounter your presence as we speak the words of the affirmation of faith, and partake of bread and the cup. When we think about it, it’s kind of silly to imagine that you are somehow absent from the world and our lives the other 6 days of the week. Remind us today that you are with us wherever we go, and in all things. Give us the courage to reach out to you, to seek connection with you, believing that that connection will bring wholeness and healing to shattered spirits, broken hearts, and ravaged bodies. Those who touched your Son encountered your power at work within him. Be at work within us we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
There is a difference between the Sunday chef and Wednesday chef at Mario’s. The Wednesday chef put bacon bits and avocado on my chef’s salad, and I didn’t even ask for them; whereas the Sunday chef created the traditional salad with no extras. Both salads tasted good, and both were nourishing, but I liked my Wednesday salad better than my Sunday salad. With every occasion of Sunday worship, or Messy Church, with every small group study, or opportunity to serve we hope you are spiritually nourished. One of the New Beginnings small groups said church is meant to be soul food for the spiritual tribe, giving strength to the strong. Your support helps us add even greater taste to the mix.

Thursday, February 22, 2018



We believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, granter of grace and life.
We believe that nothing in all the world, can separate us from the love of God
who always forgives a repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture who came to love us into new life.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our sins upon himself, and carried that burden to the cross where he relinquished his own life for our sakes.
This act was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, but that he was raised from the dead,
and he will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks truth to all people, in every language.
Our hearts are warmed when we embrace that Spirit, and God’s presence within us is revealed.
As the church, and as members of the body of Christ in the world, we believe we are called to make a difference in this world.
Thanks be to God.
Loving and merciful God, we are both privileged and blessed to worship in this sanctuary, and to add to our number new members who have felt your welcoming Spirit at work among us. May their experiences open our eyes to new areas of ministry, or help us discover modern fixes to old problems. May our journey as disciples bear even more fruit as our years together unfold. Help us carry out our mission to bring good news not only to the poor, but to the broken hearted, the marginalized, the oppressed, the imprisoned, the lost, the confused and the disillusioned. Like Abraham let us trust you even to the end of our days. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Making do, just getting by, and eking out a living, are all related expressions used when the larder (food pantry) is thin. At least two of these words are foreign to those under the age of 50. Eke’s original meaning was “to increase, to lengthen.” So eking out a living, means attempting to increase what you have, or getting what you start out with to last longer. I know that’s why my mother put celery in the tuna fish, and it’s why people collect grocery store coupons—to stretch out a meal, or a dollar. You must remember being urged to save energy in the 70s — to keep the winter thermostat at 68 and the summer at 78, and to turn out the light when you left a room? Trust me in this, the church still has that 70’s outlook on energy conservation, and we are always striving to stretch a dollar. Our efforts are always to make do with what we receive.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


We believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, granter of grace and life.
We believe that nothing in all the world, can separate us from the love of God
who always forgives a repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture who came to love us into new life.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our sins upon himself
and carried that burden to the cross where he relinquished his own life for our sakes.
This act was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, but that he was raised from the dead,
And he will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks truth to all people, in every language.
Our hearts are warmed when we embrace that Spirit, and revealing the ever-present
Spirit of God within us.
As the church, and as members of the body of Christ in the world,
we believe we are called to make a difference in this world.
O most loving and merciful God, it seems only yesterday that we were celebrating the birth of the newborn babe, the Christ child. And yet today, we enter the Lenten season, embarking on a six week journey. We are heading to Jerusalem with the now-grown-up Jesus and his disciples. We know what awaits him there, but let us not focus on the end. There is much to learn all along the journey. Help us, O Lord, to be attentive to Jesus’ words as he teaches how best to love and care for each other. May we hone a confident and steadfast faith in the days to come, for like the fishermen, and so many others, we have chosen to follow Jesus, and to work for your kingdom in his name. We pray in the name of the Christ, that everything we do and say glorifies your name. Amen.
I was surprised to learn that the saying “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” is ascribed to Joseph P. Kennedy, John F’s dad. I guess even super-billionaire businessmen alleged to have made their money bootlegging, encounter adversity as much as the next person. The earliest connotations of the word tough refer to something being strong and firm in texture like leather. It meant tenacious, sticky, holding fast. Later on in the 12th century it came to mean strong powerful, not tender or fragile. And in the 13th century it’s connotation expanded to difficult to chew and hard to endure. The evolution of the word tough finds Kennedy’s adage describing both adversity and the strength to endure it. In their own way, all of the folks on the bulletin cover were steadfast in the face of adversity. They exemplify persistence. Funny how words, like tough, tenacious, steadfast, strong and persistent don’t appear in church mission statements. Maybe they should, for when we hold fast to our faith, we are all of these things.
Rev. Doug Purcell preached the first Service.
Rev. Amanda Burr preached the Second Service.


From dust and nothingness, we believe God created the earth and all who dwell upon it.
The Lights in the heavens above are God’s special effects,
chosen to reveal the awesome colors of creation as each day begins and ends.
We believe Jesus is the beloved Son of God, begotten to love, teach, free, and heal
humankind. His life showed all of us how best to love God and one another.
His death on a cross showed us the true meaning of surrender.
His resurrection revealed the awesome goodness of God.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, God’s gift sent to warm our hearts, walk by our side,
and give us the language of glory to honor God all the days of our life.
This Spirit invites us to dance the dance of transformation, singing songs of thanks
and praise to the One who loves us without reservation.
We believe in the Church, the body that unites our hearts,
and prods us ever onward to work for good.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Gracious and Loving God, we have come humbly into your presence to begin our journey with Jesus and his disciples to all that awaits him in Jerusalem and beyond. Lead us in paths that will mature us spiritually and strengthen our resolve. Cause us to invest ourselves in ministry, reaching out to those in need. Prod us to take the time to visit one who is cut off by illness or inability, forced to be absent from our fellowship. Inspire us to walk in the ways of servant-hood our loving, Abba, Father in heaven. We praise your holy name. May your kingdom come, and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today, the food we need to be strong in service to you and your creation. Forgive us the wrongs we have done, and show us how to forgive those who wrong us. Lord, keep us away from all that is evil, for yours is the kingdom, yours is the power, and all glory shall be yours forever. Amen.
Lent is not a season designed to help us see how rotten we are. It is a time for spiritual growth and discovery. Lent offers us another opportunity to become better followers of Jesus. It is a time of doing honor to our faith and our spirituality. Lent is always a season of decision; so I invite you to be decisive in your Lenten pursuits. Choose a spiritual discipline to practice for the next 6 weeks, join one of our small group studies, change a habit from a bad habit to a good one. Embrace one of the means of grace: pray in private, pray in public, worship weekly, communicate weekly, study the scriptures, read the scriptures, follow diligently The Three Simple Rules: "DO NO HARM; DOALL THE GOOD YOU CAN; STAY IN LOVE WITH GOD."
Loving God, creator of all things from the dust of the earth you have formed us and from the dust of death you have promised to raise us up. We offer these gifts in grateful thanks for your steadfast love and mercy. Our hope is to continue building a church where all people experience your welcoming grace. Empower us, O Lord, to live out our purpose as the body of your Christ in the world. Guide us in your service as we journey toward our future. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

February 11, 2018 "THE REVEAL"

We believe in God, the creator of all things, the giver of life and breath.
We believe in Jesus Christ, born Emmanuel, God with us.
He was baptized by John and anointed the most beloved Son of God.
Jesus sought to heal humanity by taking our brokenness upon himself.
Suffering for us, he was crucified, died and was buried.
We believe God raised Jesus from the dead for the sake of all people,
and the promise of eternal life.
We believe the risen Lord will come again, one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the inspiring counselor of truth breathed into us and poured out upon us; sent to guide our lives.
We believe in the church, Christ’s body at work in the world.
We believe God is leading us into a new day, ever onward toward the Kingdom of God.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Glorious God, when we read the stories in scripture about so many people experiencing your presence, we try to imagine what their eyes saw, and what they felt in the moment they heard your voice calling out to them. We tend to think of those individuals as chosen, hand-picked by you to see and hear. Help us understand, dearest Lord, that what distinguished the characters in the scripture stories was their response to your call, not any extraordinary physical or mental power. Even if their response was tremulous, nevertheless they followed the path you set for them. When we need it, wake us up from the slumber that fosters a complacent spirituality. Keep us from clinging to the familiar, or to a past that cannot inform or enhance the present. Open our hearts and minds to hear your voice speaking to us in the world of today not yesterday. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
In my childhood I never missed an episode of Superman and one that has stuck in my mind is the one in which Superman is trying desperately to appease the tribal tempers of jungle ancients, the diamond eye of whose idol was stolen by jungle jewel thieves. Jimmy and Lois’s lives are on the line. Superman gives us a geology lesson as he takes a lump of coal in his hand, submerges it under water and crushes it while saying that a piece of coal under tons of pressure for a thousand years becomes a diamond. When he withdraws his hand from under the water and opens it, he reveals a perfect diamond that is just the right fit for the idol’s eye. It wasn’t magic. Superman simply did what he was capable of in order to save his friends. We are capable of helping our friends, our community and the world through our gifts. Let each of us do what we are capable of.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 4, 2018 "FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOSPEL"

We believe in God, the creator of all things, the giver of life and breath.
We believe in Jesus Christ, born Emmanuel, God with us.
He was baptized by John and anointed the most beloved Son of God.
Jesus sought to heal humanity by taking our brokenness upon himself.
Suffering for us, he was crucified, died and was buried.
We believe God raised Jesus from the dead for the sake of all people,
and the promise of eternal life.
We believe the risen Lord will come again, one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the inspiring counselor of truth breathed into us and poured out upon us; sent to guide our lives.
We believe in the church, Christ’s body at work in the world.
We believe God is leading us into a new day, ever onward toward the Kingdom of God.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Wondrous God, Creator of the Universe, we are awed and humbled by your love and care for us. May our spirits always be renewed in worship as we offer hymns and prayers of thanks and praise. We believe in your timeliness and are grateful for those moments when we most clearly understand your will for us. The Psalm reminds us that you are the grand restorer of all things. We confess that there are days when the world around us feels overwhelmingly complex and troubled. As those who long to do what is right in your eyes, we are often left wondering which way to turn. Each day when we rise, we shall trust our spirits to your care, and when we lie down, accept a good night’s sleep. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
I am hoping that during the last four weeks you have given some thought about the purpose of the church, that is the ‘WHY” of the church. What is the purpose of the Big C church and what is our purpose at the local level? WHY are WE here?
Then we are obliged to ask ourselves if we believe in the purpose of our church, and if we do, then the next step is to support that purpose.
How many of you know that the term “perks” really comes from the word perquisite? Maybe they shortened it because the actual word is so formal. A perquisite is a benefit a thing regarded as a special right or privilege enjoyed as a result of one's position.
What are the perks of being a member of a church? For most of us, it is the worship experience and the fellowship of like-hearted people. We learn a lot; we laugh a lot, and we are nourished spiritually. For some of us Sunday and Tuesday pancakes are perks. OH YES, the volunteers get to sample what they serve.
We are all capable of supporting the purpose and mission of the church on some level. What do you suppose are the perks of supporting the church’s purpose? Perhaps it’s the good feeling that comes from being part of something laudable. Together we have the ability, to build and grow church, which is more than what people expect. YES, more than what people expect. We have the capability of building a surprising church, a place where people feel not just welcomed, but invited.
We are not asking you to give until it hurts. Giving shouldn’t be considered a chore, rather we need to look upon our giving as a perk, the opportunity to build a lasting and vital community of faith. Take time to think while the bells are playing the offertory after which the Ushers will come forward to collect your offerings and your pledge cards.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

January 28, 2018 "THE RESISTANCE"

We believe in God, the creator of all things, the giver of life and breath.
We believe in Jesus Christ, born Emmanuel, God with us.
He was baptized by John and anointed the most beloved Son of God.
Jesus sought to heal humanity by taking our brokenness upon himself.
Suffering for us, he was crucified, died and was buried.
We believe God raised Jesus from the dead for the sake of all people,
and the promise of eternal life.
We believe the risen Lord will come again, one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the inspiring counselor of truth breathed into us and poured out upon us; sent to guide our lives.
We believe in the church, Christ’s body at work in the world.
We believe God is leading us into a new day, ever onward toward the Kingdom of God.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Loving and merciful God, help us to comprehend how well you know each one of us, our gifts and graces, as well as, our idiosyncrasies and our flaws. You know, too, our hopes and dreams, our fears and anxieties, our moments of triumph and our frustrations. We confess our desire to be in control of nearly everything that effects our lives. That said, we believe that you are always at our side working with us and in us as we strive to follow Jesus on the path of righteousness. Help us resist evil in all its forms, but alert us to those moments when we resist that which can better our lives. All this we pray in the name of our savior and Lord Jesus Christ who trusted you to be with him always through thick and thin. Amen.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

January 21, 2018 "BUT CAN THEY COOK?"

We believe in God, the creator of all things, the giver of life and breath.
We believe in Jesus Christ, born Emmanuel, God with us.
He was baptized by John and anointed the most beloved Son of God.
Jesus sought to heal humanity by taking our brokenness upon himself.
Suffering for us, he was crucified, died and was buried.
We believe God raised Jesus from the dead for the sake of all people,
and the promise of eternal life.
We believe the risen Lord will come again, one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the inspiring counselor of truth breathed into us and poured out upon us; sent to guide our lives.
We believe in the church, Christ’s body at work in the world.
We believe God is leading us into a new day, ever onward toward the Kingdom of God.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
O, Most Loving and Eternal God, we greet you this morning with hope and thanksgiving, believing that you are ever at work in each of us, guiding us toward the kingdom goal. When they looked into the face of Jesus, those first fishermen, Peter, Andrew, James and John, must have been filled with that same sense of hope, and something wonderfully new about to happen in their lives. They had no thought for what might or could go wrong, only that Jesus was offering them a new way to look at themselves and their place in the world. Help us to be alert to the leading of the Holy Spirit, who speaks to us, often in moments when we least expect it. Temper our resistance with trust, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

January 14, 2018 "SEEING GREATER THINGS" John 1:43-51

We believe in God, the creator of all things, the giver of life and breath.
We believe in Jesus Christ, born Emmanuel, God with us.
He was baptized by John and anointed the most beloved Son of God.
Jesus sought to heal humanity by taking our brokenness upon himself.
Suffering for us, he was crucified, died and was buried.
We believe God raised Jesus from the dead for the sake of all people,
and the promise of eternal life.
We believe the risen Lord will come again, one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the inspiring counselor of truth breathed into us and poured out upon us; sent to guide our lives.
We believe in the church, Christ’s body at work in the world.
We believe God is leading us into a new day, ever onward toward the Kingdom of God.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Gracious and Loving God, as we gather this morning in worship, help us ponder our purpose. As disciples of Jesus we are called to minister in his name, declaring our faith not only by our words, but also in our work for the gospel. During our fifty-five years we have experienced many new beginnings and endings. As we have become more socially aware, we have become more spiritually sturdy. Save us from the malaise that accompanies prideful, self-satisfaction; prod us to embrace transformation. United as the body of Christ we are ever-ready for the next step toward the kingdom. Confident in the presence of your most guiding Holy Spirit, we shall not fear change. O, hear our prayer, most gracious Lord, in the name of the Christ. Amen.
People employed for the long term like to know when they will be vested— referring to the time when they will be fully and unconditionally guaranteed pension and benefit privileges. It wasn’t until my mid-30s that I had any inkling of what such promises and guarantees meant. Some employees are vested after 5 years working full-time with the company, while others may be vested after 7 years. I believe that long time church members are vested in the promises of God’s grace having made their commitment to the church, and investing themselves in the church’s life and ministry for the long-term. They are vested in the hope that the church will live on, for many years to come, and that it will continue to exemplify a spirit of welcome and openness to all. That hopeful future for the church is built on a commitment of financial support, and you are being given an opportunity over the next four weeks to ponder your commitment of support to your church for the coming year.