Thursday, October 26, 2017


We believe in God who in the beginning poured out grace, mercy, and love on every living creature and still does so, today.
God’s good word is ever near us, on our lips and written upon our hearts.
We believe that Jesus is the Lord of our lives. Our confession of faith in him is our salvation.
We believe that Jesus’ death on the cross was not his end, rather it was our beginning.
God raised him from the dead, as promised, the Christ to reign in us.
In Christ, there is no distinction between native or alien, male or female.
We believe that the same Lord is Lord of all, generous and gracious to all.
All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be redeemed.
We believe the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us from birth to death, and is eager to guide us through life’s maze of decisions and choices.
We believe in the Church; Christ’s body in the world.
For it is certain, that faith comes from what is heard about the Christ.
As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be and proclaim the good news.
As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”
Wondrous and loving God, we are awed by the majesty of your creation, and how you have fashioned it to engage our senses. Colors delight and draw us; smells can remind us of home cooking or warn us of impending danger. What the ear hears can soothe us or shake us awake, and the touch of another human hand can calm us once again. Dearest Lord, Psalm 34 invites us to taste and see that you are good. We taste the goodness of your word and thrive upon it. The world around us is ever changing, and when these economic times are uncertain, we may be obliged to change how we live. Teach us frugality and common sense, O Lord, learning new and better ways to serve you and our fellows. All this we pray in the name of the Christ who we desire to imitate in all things. Amen.
After being struck by lightening (quite literally) Martin Luther decided to become a monk instead of a lawyer as previously planned. He entered the monastic order in 1505 and was ordained a monk in 1507. He was assigned to be a lecturer at the University of Wittenburg. His legendary 95 theses were the result of much study and were not actually demands, rather they were subjects that he felt needed to be discussed. He included the theses in a letter to Archbishop Albert of Mainz, inviting him to participate in the discussion. In Luther’s era, indulgences (what you’d call “a get out of Purgatory Early Card”) were being sold by the Roman Church to raise money for refurbishing the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome. Luther’s Thesis #27 reads: There is no divine authority for preaching that so soon as the penny jingles into the money-box, the soul flies out [of purgatory]. Luther helped us realize salvation comes by faith, not fortune.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

October 22, 2017 "AND GOD SO CHOOSES"

We believe in God who in the beginning poured out grace, mercy, and love on every living creature and still does so, today.
God’s good word is ever near us, on our lips and written upon our hearts.
We believe that Jesus is the Lord of our lives. Our confession of faith in him is our salvation.
We believe that Jesus’ death on the cross was not his end, rather it was our beginning.
God raised him from the dead, as promised, the Christ to reign in us.
In Christ, there is no distinction between native or alien, male or female.
We believe that the same Lord is Lord of all, generous and gracious to all.
All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be redeemed.
We believe the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us from birth to death, and is eager to guide us through life’s maze of decisions and choices.
We believe in the Church; Christ’s body in the world.
For it is certain, that faith comes from what is heard about the Christ.
As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be and proclaim the good news.
As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”
Gracious and Merciful God, when Moses asked: “Show me your glory, I pray,” you did not ridicule or deny him, rather you said: “I will do the very think you have asked.” Moses was anxious for his people. He feared you might leave them. Like so many of us do, Moses was asking for some assurance of your continued presence with the Israelites; that you would not leave them abandoned and alone in the wilderness. Because you said “Yes” to Moses, we gain an even greater understanding of your patience and love. Like Moses and the Israelites, we long to see your glory, to sense your presence with us, especially in these uncertain times. We believe in planning for tomorrow, but let us not worry over it, for it is beyond our control. Instead, gracious God, help us to see all the glorious goodness to be found in today. Thank you for being ever near us, in the person and name of the Christ. Amen.
I ask couples who want me to perform their wedding 2 questions. “What was the magnet that drew you to your beloved?” and “What is it about your beloved that brings out the best in you?” Today I pose these questions to you: What is the magnet that draws you to worship here? Is it the charm of the building, the warm, welcoming spirits of the folks within, the comfy seats in the alcove, the singing, the fellowship, or the goodies served at the fellowship hour? The second question requires some thought. “What is it about this church that brings out the best in you?” To the Thessalonians Paul wrote: “We always give thanks to God for all of you, remembering before God your work of faith, and labor of love and steadfast hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. For the word of the Lord has sounded forth from you; in everyplace your faith in God is well-known.” The Thessalonians suffered persecution, but in spite of that, people all over the region saw them at their best. May we discover the best in us, and let it shine through in all of life’s circumstances.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Thursday, October 12, 2017


We believe in God who in the beginning poured out grace, mercy, and love on every living creature and still does so, today.
God’s good word is ever near us, on our lips and written upon our hearts.
We believe that Jesus is the Lord of our lives. Our confession of faith in him is our salvation.
We believe that Jesus’ death on the cross was not his end, rather it was our beginning.
God raised him from the dead, as promised, the Christ to reign in us.
In Christ, there is no distinction between native or alien, male or female.
We believe that the same Lord is Lord of all, generous and gracious to all.
All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be redeemed.
We believe the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us from birth to death, and is eager to guide us through life’s maze of decisions and choices.
We believe in the Church; Christ’s body in the world.
For it is certain, that faith comes from what is heard about the Christ.
As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be and proclaim the good news.
As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”
Everliving and ever creating God, we come reverently, on this first day of the week, gathering as one body to worship you, to sing praises to your holy name, and offer prayers of thanksgiving, petition and intercession. It was on the first day of the week that you brought the risen Christ forth from the tomb, opening wide the eyes of his disciples to the meaning of your promises fulfilled. Help us to be alert to your efforts to open our eyes, to see all the ways we can serve you as disciples of Jesus. Life’s distractions are many, and are often exhausting. We confess the power these distractions have to pull our focus from the spiritual practices that renew and heal us. Remembering how Jesus found his source of renewal communing with you in prayer; we shall follow his lead and turn our eyes to heaven. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
When someone says: “I hate change!” I understand how they feel. However, change is part of our very essence. If not for the ever changing universe, we might not even be here. We might not exist at all. Change is inevitable. We can try our best to ignore it, resist it, even fight against it tooth and nail, like toddlers who simply will not give up their worn out “woobie.” Steeling ourselves against change and the fall-out we believe it leaves in its wake, is one way to handle it, but welcoming change opens us up to the possibilities it promises. The Golden calf was like the Israelites' wilderness-woobie. Feeling lost and abandoned, worshiping the familiar visage of the Egyptian god, Apis, comforted them. They forgot, for a moment, that they didn’t belong to Apis, and never really had. We shall not forget that God accompanies us through change, always leading us to the promised land.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


We believe in God who in the beginning poured out grace, mercy, and love on every living creature and still does so, today.
God’s good word is ever near us, on our lips and written upon our hearts.
We believe that Jesus is the Lord of our lives. Our confession of faith in him is our salvation.
We believe that Jesus’ death on the cross was not his end, rather it was our beginning.
God raised him from the dead, as promised, the Christ to reign in us.
In Christ, there is no distinction between native or alien, male or female.
We believe that the same Lord is Lord of all, generous and gracious to all.
All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be redeemed.
We believe the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us from birth to death, and is eager to guide us through life’s maze of decisions and choices.
We believe in the Church; Christ’s body in the world.
For it is certain, that faith comes from what is heard about the Christ.
As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be and proclaim the good news as it is written:
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”
O, most generous and patient Lord of all life, fill us with wisdom, patience and determination to serve your will and your way. As we witness and ponder the tragedies that threaten to overwhelm our own sense of safety in this land, give us spirits, hearts and hands that will work to mend the brokenness around us. Empower us, as servants of your Christ, to pray diligently that the leaders of this world together seek to find a way to stop the madness. Let us not be judge and jury of those who would undo us; rather give us the heart of Christ Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen.
The Greek King Midas was granted a wish by Dionysus as a reward for having found the god’s beloved teacher, Silenus, who had disappeared after a night of too much wine. King Midas wished everything he touched would turn to gold instantly. Granted! He soon concluded that his gift was a terrible burden, because everything he touched, from the food he wanted to eat to the daughter he cherished, turned to gold. On the verge of starving to death he returned to Dionysus and prayed for a way to be rid of his golden touch. He was told to wash himself, and everything he had turned to gold, in the river Pactolus. According to the legend the gold washed away, and settled in the river bed. Midas gave up all of his wealth and riches, moved to the country and still longing for what satisfies from without, he became a follower of the god Pan, who was a party animal of the first order. Like Midas and The Rolling Stones, all humans search for satisfaction, as if it is something to get or obtain. Finding our satisfaction within liberates us to be generous.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

October 1, 2017 "TAKE A RISK--SURRENDER"

We believe in God who in the beginning poured out grace, mercy, and love on every living creature and still does so, today.
God’s good word is ever near us, on our lips and written upon our hearts.
We believe that Jesus is the Lord of our lives. Our confession of faith in him is our salvation.
We believe that Jesus’ death on the cross was not his end, rather it was our beginning.
God raised him from the dead, as promised, the Christ to reign in us.
In Christ, there is no distinction between native or alien, male or female.
We believe that the same Lord is Lord of all, generous and gracious to all.
All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be redeemed.
We believe the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us from birth to death, and is eager to guide us through life’s maze of decisions and choices.
We believe in the Church; Christ’s body in the world.
For it is certain, that faith comes from what is heard about the Christ.
As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be and proclaim the good news as it is written:
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”
O most loving and merciful God, on this World Wide Communion Sunday, all Christians gather in worship to remember Jesus’ wondrous gift. How simple, and yet how profound that all over the world souls gather to celebrate Jesus’ presence with us in the bread of life, and the cup of redemption. Every time we partake of the sacrament, we partake of the redemption promise and are renewed. With spirits replenished we reach out a helping hand to those in need, and regard them as better than ourselves. Our joy shall be to have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus, having the same love, and being in full accord with one another. For we believe that you are at work within us enabling us to will and to work for your good pleasure. Amen.
Many of you have heard me talk before about John Wesley’s Directions for Singing on Page vii of the red hymnal. He calls upon us to learn these hymns before learning any other music, and to sing in full voice with the congregation. “Sing lustily and with good courage. Sing modestly. Sing in time. And Above all Sing Spiritually.” We sing to God, true, but someone else’s heart might be touched by your efforts to sing out to please God. To sing spiritually attests to God’s presence within us and we hope that presence shines through. Well, apparently someone has taken note of our efforts to sing spiritually, particularly our choir. Distinguished Concerts International in New York has invited the Palm Springs UMC choir to sing Pepper Choplin's Journey Through The Lord's Prayer on Father's Day, June 17, 2018 at Carnegie Hall!!! We have accepted the invitation!

September 17, 2017 'YOU TALKIN' TO ME?"

We believe in God who in the beginning poured out grace, mercy, and love on every living creature and still does so, today.
God’s good word is ever near us, on our lips and written upon our hearts.
We believe that Jesus is the Lord of our lives. Our confession of faith in him is our salvation.
We believe that Jesus’ death on the cross was not his end, rather it was our beginning.
God raised him from the dead, as promised, the Christ to reign in us.
In Christ, there is no distinction between native or alien, male or female.
We believe that the same Lord is Lord of all, generous and gracious to all.
All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be redeemed.
We believe the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us from birth to death, and is eager to guide us through life’s maze of decisions and choices.
We believe in the Church; Christ’s body in the world.
For it is certain, that faith comes from what is heard about the Christ.
As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be and proclaim the good news as it is written:
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”
O most loving God, we give you thanks for so many things; for the sunshine of a new day, for the opportunity to welcome new friends, to sing in full voice our hymns of praise, and share our concerns for old friends and loved ones. We confess how very much we miss friends who moved away, leaving our company, to be closer to family as their years of life wain. They are people of great courage, and our prayer is that they will find comfort, soon enough, in their new community. Help them share the good news they carry with them ministering to the people they meet. Remind them their strong spirit will be a gift to all those around them. Teach us, O LORD, to make the best of the time we are given here on earth. Help us let go of impatience and fear. Open our hearts and minds to the great possibilities born of our faith in your goodwill for us. Pour out your most positive Spirit upon all of us, washing away all our doubts and empowering us to make the best of what ever comes our way. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
I visited a website the other day which identified 27 different kinds of listening from Active listening to whole-person listening. Just knowing that someone has identified that many listening styles will probably find me looking curiously from now on at the person I am talking with to see what kind of listening they are engaging in. Are they actively, casually, or critically listening? Or are they fully, partially, falsely, deeply, or inactively listening. Is their technique, relationship listening, sympathetic listening or total listening? I suppose the church could launch a website that describes tithing like the types of listening: casual, active, full, partial, deep, false, sympathetic, critical or inactive tithing. Are you listening?
Wondrous, and Eternal God, bless these tithes, and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church, and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work, and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

September 24, 2017 "WHAT TIME ARE YOU COMING TO WORK?"

We believe in God who in the beginning poured out grace, mercy, and love on every living creature and still does so, today.
God’s good word is ever near us, on our lips and written upon our hearts.
We believe that Jesus is the Lord of our lives. Our confession of faith in him is our salvation.
We believe that Jesus’ death on the cross was not his end, rather it was our beginning.
God raised him from the dead, as promised, the Christ to reign in us.
In Christ, there is no distinction between native or alien, male or female.
We believe that the same Lord is Lord of all, generous and gracious to all.
All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be redeemed.
We believe the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us from birth to death, and is eager to guide us through life’s maze of decisions and choices.
We believe in the Church; Christ’s body in the world.
For it is certain, that faith comes from what is heard about the Christ.
As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be and proclaim the good news as it is written:
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”
Glorious God, we thank you for this beautiful new day and this opportunity to gather in loving fellowship. Here we take time to ponder your immense generosity, and patience, recognizing that even when we grumble about our circumstances, your generosity is always at hand. You freely give to all your abundant grace asking only that we open ourselves, our hearts and our hands to receive it. There are so many who are unable to fathom the meaning of your steadfast love, as they are overrun with hatred and fear unable to comprehend what it is doing to their soul. Awaken the haters to your merciful, presence, O God. Make them beacons of tolerance and forgiveness in this hurting world. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.