Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 22, 2012 "BEARING THE FAMILY TRAITS" (Part 1)

Dearest Lord, our loving Creator, we are grateful to be awake on this glorious morning. We are happy to be greeting the sun. We are glad to be up and moving around, and blessed to have found our way here. There are lots of choices we can make on Sunday mornings instead of gathering to meditate on your word, or sing our songs of praise. Instead of humbling ourselves in prayer, asking for your intervention in our lives or the lives of our loved ones, we could be doing something else. We could choose not to come in search of comfort, protection, guidance and wisdom. We could choose to sleep in, sip our coffee and read the Sunday funnies; we could choose to visit friends, or family. We could choose to take a trip, see the sights or indulge a whim. Truth be told, dearest Lord — and you probably know this already — even when we aren’t here, we are thinking about here and we believe this is good. Continue to bless us Gracious God when we are together and when we are apart. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Inheritance, in the context of the Law, is defined as something one has the right to own or posses such as a title or wealth or property. In the context of Genetics, offspring inherit genetically controlled characteristics or qualities from their parents. First John asserts that those who are born of God experience inner changes and will — on the day of his appearing— bear an unmistakable resemblance to the One who continually breathes life into us. Now that is something to be thankful for.

Glorious God we are glad to work for the transformation of the world through our support of the church and its ministries. Our prayer is that all of the children of creation can come to know you and experience the abundance of your love and mercy. May our offerings help to bring relief to those in dire circumstances, oppressed, imprisoned, isolated, and forgotten be they close at hand or far away. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Glorious and Surprising God, how glad we are to be together this morning, gathered to worship, gathered to sing, gathered to praise your holy name, and gathered to place our petitions before you. Our hearts and minds are still lingering in the wonder and mystery that was Easter morning and the unfathomable blessing revealed in the resurrection of Jesus. And yet, wondrous Lord, we confess that we become deflated and anxious when we are confronted with the reality of our own mortality. We are shaken from our resurrection reverie, quite suddenly, when loved ones are injured and friends fall ill. All at once we are afraid. Blessed Savior, we understand that even after the resurrection you had to help your disciples believe. We pray that you will soothe rattled nerves and hurting hearts today as you sought to soothe your disciples on this day, so long ago, by the Sea of Galilee. In your name we pray. Amen.
Some folks had some questions to ask in response to my Easter Letter which might have given the impression that I wanted to hire Mary Poppins to resurrect our children’s ministry. I do wish Mary was available. Folks wanted to know how many hours this Jane or Jack Sunday School Superintending, Christian Education Directing, Program Coordinating, individual would be working? How many children would be served? And last, but not least “What would he or she cost? My hope is that “more” children will be served; “enough” hours will be worked and the cost — “manageable.”
Glorious God, Jesus taught us that whatever we ask for in prayer, we ought to believe we have received it. We believe, O Lord, that while our children are with us, we ought to be telling them the Good News of God, all the time. May the gifts we offer this morning empower our ministry to the all of the children in our care and around the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.


Gracious God, what a glorious morning this is! Our hearts are triumphant. Our spirits are full and like Mary and the other disciples, we are mystified and aflutter with the Good News of Christ’s resurrection. Most Wonderful God, let us not be afraid to dance and rejoice in response to your promises fulfilled. Help us shed our shyness so we don’t appear aloof or matter-of-fact, as if the resurrection were old hat and there is nothing new under the sun. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is the unmatchable, unchangeable gift of your love, offered to us everyday. Like the disciples who witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion, we have been holding our breath, waiting to exhale. Like the women who arrived at the break of day, we are confounded and yet relieved, sorrowful and yet uplifted, excited and yet cautious. Dearest Lord, you promised to take away the sting of death and to make all things new. Your astounding message is so very clear. The empty tomb is yet another invitation for us to embrace life today and everyday. Unabashedly we confess a renewed strength and stamina of spirit we never knew possible. Indeed you are the author of all things possible. Thank you always in the name of the Christ. Amen.
"If it’s Easter,” the Lake Champlain chocolate company exclaims, “it must be time for chocolate bunnies!” This year they have added to their classic chocolate rabbits collection, which includes their well known $75.00 — 3 pound Mr. Goodtime Bunny. New to the line-up is Cruisin’ Easter Bunny. He drives a two tone hot rod with a white chocolate grill and carries the proverbial egg on his back. Cruisin’ Bunny looks like Easter’s answer to Santa Claus, bringing chocolate gifts for good little girls and boys. Instead of putting your money in Chocolate bunnies this Easter, why not invest in our children by making a substantial donation to the Easter offering? It will be used to resurrect our children’s ministries and is bound to be much better for you in the long run.

Glorious God, Jesus taught us that whatever we ask for in prayer, we ought to believe we have received it. We believe, O Lord, that while our children are with us, we ought to be telling them the Good News of God, all the time. May the gifts we offer this morning empower our ministry to the all of the children in our care and around the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 1, 2012 Palm Sunday ""NOT THE SEASON FOR FIGS"

Glorious and most wonderful God we are grateful for leading us here, for being an enduring, patient and merciful presence in our lives. On this triumphant Palm Sunday we are confronted by the call to rejoice with the revelers and disciples shouting Hosanna and the cross that looms in the distance. We confess our desire to leap ahead, to next Sunday, skipping the dark hours of Jesus’ time of trial. Give us the willingness and courage to go with him all the way, whether we fully understand your purposes or not. As we enter this Holy Week, may we see ourselves entering the gates of the Holy City, in the company of Jesus, at the ready, come what may. Like pilgrims on a journey cause us to curtail those activities that would keep us distant from Your story. Let us create time and space in our lives, letting go of errands and deadlines to sit at Jesus feet and listen to what he has to tell us. Let us bear with him, being marked by his words and his actions. Prod us to take up the cross of discipleship, empowering us to choose — humbling us to serve, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

The most significant week of the church year begins today, Palm Sunday — also known as Passion Sunday. In the tradition of the church Passion Sunday has focused on those biblical passages which tell of Judas’ betrayal, Jesus’ arrest and his crucifixion. We begin Holy week with the Triumphant Entry narrative. I encourage you to come and listen to the whole story. Come and live the passion that is Maundy Thursday and Good Friday exhausting yourselves thoroughly in preparing your broken hearts for what is to come.
Most High God, bless these gifts to the care of your creation. On this Palm Sunday, let us be those of triumphant hearts investing in your will and way for us without hesitation. Receive our faith, our hopes and our dreams for a just and sustainable world. These gifts are our loud Hosannas raised with ever grateful hearts. Pour out your wisdom upon us. Empower us to messengers of goodwill, not only in our words, but in our work as partners with you in bringing forth your kingdom. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.