Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 12, 2013 "ARE YOU EXPECTING?"


“Are You Expecting?”

Indeed those three words “Are you expecting?” nowadays refer to impending motherhood. When we add an article and a noun after the word “expecting” we discover that the phrase is used in a wide variety of contexts. For example: “Are you expecting the bus?” “Are you expecting a raise?” “Are you expecting a win?” Are you expecting to win the lottery? All of these join the ranks of “Are you expecting a boy or a girl?” Depending upon the answer to any of the above questions we can be assured, annoyed, delighted, disappointed, gratified or hopelessly embarrassed. In the case of the baby question, if there is even an inkling of doubt, no matter how curious we are, we will hold our tongues, afraid of hearing the dreaded “NO”: “No, I am not expecting, I am just fat.” In that circumstance there is simply no place to hide our mortification and shame.
During the Advent season we should be expecting - expecting God to be at work doing something new and different in our lives? Too many of us keep this holiday as a commemoration of the something new and different God did 2000 years ago. Too many people give little thought to what God has been doing since then. Yes, in our tradition we celebrate and remember the birth of the Christ Child as it happened in the past, but if we don’t ponder how he will be “born in us today” then we allow the gift to pass us by -- to be left unopened.
Are you expecting? Let that question stir your soul over the next 10 days. How will you receive the gift of the Christ Child in your life this year, this moment, today?
Let us cling to the sure thing that God has given, and keeps on giving, Joy in Jesus. Let Jesus be the light that shines through moments of doubt and darkness. Let Jesus be the peace that comforts through any storm, because Jesus has always been the promise of Good things to come.
I awoke very early this morning with Charles Wesley’s words filling my heart and my soul. I encourage you to keep them close to your hearts.
“Come thou long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free; from our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee. Israel’s strength and consolation, hope of all the earth thou art; dear desire of every nation,
JOY of every longing heart.”

God Bless you,

Rev. Amanda

December 15, 2013 "OPEN WIDE THE DOORS"

God is the true beginning, having created from nothingness all that is, moves, breathes and has life. God moves through time and space, ever faithful, ever vigilant, ever present, and ever becoming.
God gave birth to hope in the prince of peace, who arrived without fanfare to heal a hurting and broken world. Jesus lived out the commandment to love, sacrificing himself for our sakes, because he valued us more than his own life.
We believe the promise of life beyond life, because true to his word, and again, without fanfare, God raised Jesus from the dead.
We believe that God’s Grace is further manifested by the Holy Spirit who desires to warm our hearts and revive our spirits with hope, peace, joy and love.
God makes all things new again and again and again. Thanks be to God!
Gracious God in this Advent season we long to be reminded of the moments in our lives when we have known and experienced true joy. These would have been moments of blessing when our hearts were filled to overflowing with your presence. It was Joy, wasn’t it, shining on our face when that baby first smiled at us and, O God, weren’t those tears of overwhelming joy and relief running from our eyes the day that child of ours, that brother, sister, husband or wife came home from the war. And, Dearest Lord there were times when we were invited to share in the joys of others. Did we embrace their joy, or did we envy them? Help us cherish joy as it comes to us and to others. Let this most profound emotion lift our spirits and warm our hearts, no matter who is rejoicing. Help us comprehend that your greatest desire is that every one of your children should know joy in this life and that you seek to give it to us in abundance. We are preparing our hearts to receive your promised gift. Like Mary, our spirits will rejoice in God our savior. Amen.
Our December challenge continues in this it’s 3rd week. I want to thank all of you who have responded without hesitation, cheerfully reaching deep into your hearts, as well as, your pockets to turn the numbers in the ledger from red ink to black. The $50,000 gap is closing and is now at $27,000. By your gifts given over and above your pledge-offering you have made a confession of faith —-yes, a confession of faith in the mission and ministries ongoing in this church. Because God has blessed you, you have eagerly blessed Christ’s church that we will continue to be ambassadors of Christ making disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world.
In this season of advent we love to wear our Santa sweaters and Santa hats, but it is important that we, who call ourselves Christians, be aware of the message we are communicating to our children and our grandchildren. They seem more thrilled with the joy of getting and know little about the joy of giving. We haven’t taught them to thank God for the Christ child. I heard some children say just last week that they didn’t realize Christmas was a time of thanksgiving. “We thought giving thanks to God was something we did only on Thanksgiving.” In our children’s presence we must acknowledge and give thanks to God for the gift of Jesus who will be with us and with our children through all their days, in times of turmoil and peace, doubt and certainty. Show them, by giving generously to God’s church, that His gift is greater than any that can be found at Toys R Us.


God is the true beginning, having created from nothingness all that is, moves, breathes and has life. God moves through time and space, ever faithful, ever vigilant, ever present, and ever becoming.
God gave birth to hope in the prince of peace, who arrived without fanfare to heal a hurting and broken world. Jesus lived out the commandment to love, sacrificing himself for our sakes, because he valued us more than his own life.
We believe the promise of life beyond life, because true to his word, and again, without fanfare, God raised Jesus from the dead.
We believe that God’s Grace is further manifested by the Holy Spirit who desires to warm our hearts and revive our spirits with hope, peace, joy and love.
God makes all things new again and again and again. Thanks be to God! (Written by: Amanda Burr)
Proof positive that we love a challenge. Thank you to those who responded immediately to last week’s challenge to balance our budget. What many of you may not know is this: The church needs an income of just about $6300 a week to meet our obligations. $3761.00 of that amount goes out immediately to pay the salaries of our organist choir director, secretary, children’s program coordinator, custodian, nursery worker, gardener and me; leaving $2539.00 to cover expenses, like utilities, paper products, toner for the copier, office supplies, janitorial and gardening supplies, light bulbs, plumbers, heating and air-conditioning maintenance folks and contractors making necessary repairs. The food for our feeding ministries is donated and does not come out of the church’s general budget. I am aware that sometimes you just need the bottom line to know what to do.
There is a short hymn in the Chalice Hymnal that is an offertory hymn. It goes like this: “We give thee but thine own; what e’er the gift may be. All that we have is thine alone, a trust, O Lord, from thee.” The words emphasize how God has entrusted to each of us, not just the earth and it’s creatures, but the proper use of what the Bible refers to as mammon. In the ancient Hebrew the word “mammon” refers to money, wealth or possessions. In and of itself mammon is not evil. It is an instrument like any other that when used for good can bring glory to God. However when we worship, adore, covet, hoard, secret away money using it to gratify our own needs, wishes and desires, we have broken trust with our Creator and made mammon our God.
Gracious God keep us mindful of your part in our lives. Remind us that these gifts are not controlled by our will, but yours. Bless them O God. Empower these gifts for greater deeds, deeds of kindness, compassion and mercy. We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

December 1, 2013 "NOW, WAIT JUST A MINUTE!"

God is the true beginning, having created from nothingness all that is, moves, breathes and has life. God moves through time and space, ever faithful, ever vigilant, ever present, and ever becoming.
God gave birth to hope in the prince of peace, who arrived without fanfare to heal a hurting and broken world. Jesus lived out the commandment to love, sacrificing himself for our sakes, because he valued us more than his own life.
We believe the promise of life beyond life, because true to his word, and again, without fanfare, God raised Jesus from the dead.
We believe that God’s Grace is further manifested by the Holy Spirit who desires to warm our hearts and revive our spirits with hope, peace, joy and love.
God makes all things new again and again and again. Thanks be to God!
Gracious God, how wonderful it is to be able to gather together to sing praises to your name and to give you thanks for the blessings you bestow upon us. We confess a feeling of ambivalence as we enter what we call the holiday season and the season of lights. When we acknowledge that, indeed, it is upon us, we have a tendency to feel its weight rather than its light. For many it is a season of regrets and sorrow, a season of stress and disappointment rather than a season of wonder and spiritual reflection. Fill us, dearest Lord, with a sense of wide-eyed wonderment, like we had as children awaiting the morning of gifts. Remind us that your gift will come to us as your promise fulfilled. We wait in HOPE and give you thanks in advance praying always in the name of the Christ. Amen.
What if God decided on a 5 day work week instead of 6 days. According to the book of Genesis taking that 6th day off would have meant that the fish, sea monsters and birds would have dominion over the earth. We like to think that God saved his best work for the 6th day of creation, believing that humans would live not purely by instinct, but could be creative, could learn, gather knowledge and share it in all sorts of ways. On the 6th day God designed creatures who would be linked heart, soul, body and mind with God; who were the image of God, the reflection of God upon the earth. This truth should humble us and at the same time fill us with HOPE, PEACE, JOY AND LOVE.

November 24, 2013 "IN THE END THE BEGINNING"

November 17, 2013 "THE MISSING SEVEN"

Gracious God of all, Lord of the Universe and Sovereign of our hearts, use us, we pray. Show us how best to invest ourselves in faith. We confess that when life seems most difficult we get caught up focusing on our own woes, difficulties, trials and tribulations. Then there are those days when we seem most anxious to place everyone else’s burdens on our own shoulders. We ask you to pour out a spirit of grace and possibility, a spirit of transformation and patience on us gathered here so that we may become faithful ministers of possibility and effective ministers of transformation in Jesus name. Lord, hear our prayer! We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
How many of you watch those shows, America’s Got Talent, or American Idol, or Dancing With the Stars. They have joined the ranks of football, baseball, soccer, basketball and hockey where uproarious fans root for their champions wishing and dreaming that they had the talent in their little finger that the worst player on the team has. We think to ourselves, if we had that kind of talent we could accomplish great things. If we had Michael Jordan’s money we could feed the hungry, cure the sick. The key to being talented is taking the risks necessary to discover yours. Even the most glamorous movie star risked failure before achieving fame. And too, there is always a risk in investing our talents, even those blessed by God, but if we don’t risk them there is a certainty that nothing will be gained.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 10, 2013 "DESTINATION WEDDINGS"

Loving and Compassionate God, thank you for investing in us your grace, love and mercy. We seek to honor your trust and confidence in us. Help us to realize that when we are feeling downtrodden, defeated, frightened and alone, you are at work endeavoring to relieve our distress. Open our eyes so that we may see the people you send into our lives to be our willing helpers and friends, challengers and counselors, supporters and guides. With all our hearts we accept that you are attentive to our prayers, listening to our confessions, our petitions and our hopes. Enlighten us O Lord, by your word, and wisdom. May our work and our efforts bring glory to your name and to the person of the Christ in whose name we pray. Amen.
How many of you love to travel. Since the age of 22, I have traveled most continents with the exception of Australia and Africa. I haven’t been anywhere exotic since 2005. I am not feeling sorry for myself, I just couldn’t justify the expense. I know people who take extravagant adventures working on their bucket list of things they simply must see and do before they leave this earthly plain. Here’s my question: Does the church deserve to be considered equally with your bucket list? For example: I figure if I spend $3000.00 on my annual trip to Guatemala, I should plan to give, at least, that much to the church. I guess you could call it final destination thinking.
For Desert Hot Spirngs
The destination wedding is seen as a new trend in the marriage business. They used to call leaving town to get married — eloping. Fewer brides and grooms seem interested in getting married in church let alone a church they were brought up in; perhaps because so few have a church home nowadays. Weddings today have become productions. Even the smallest weddings are the stuff of television reality shows. It is the reception that has become the primary focus not the ceremony in which one human being commits their life and love to another. Committing to anything or anyone is not made better or more lasting because of the geographical setting in which it occurs. When many of us made our confession of faith in Jesus we made it someplace else, but we carry that confession — that commitment— with us wherever we go even to our final destination. The ushers will come forward to collect the offering.
Gracious God keep us mindful of your part in our lives. Remind us that these gifts are not controlled by our will, but yours. Bless them O God. Empower these gifts for greater deeds, deeds of kindness, compassion and mercy. We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

November 3, 2013 "ALWAYS ROOM FOR MORE"

Glorious God we are mindful of your many blessings and are grateful for the abilities you have bestowed upon us, in our bodies and in our minds. We are never more cognizant of the fragile nature of our beings than when our bodies fail us and our thinking is compromised. When we, ourselves, fall or are hurt; when we ourselves, develop a debilitating condition, we are mindful of those who have weathered such trials and traumas long before us. Make us “can-do” ministers seeking to ease the way for all to worship and adore you. O God, of all things possible, craft in us imaginative, willing spirits that trust in the endurance of your grace, which has accompanied us at our worst and at our best. We are servants of your Christ, transformed by his life and his love ready to continue his healing work upon the earth. Empower us, Lord, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
We are a community of faith seeking to accommodate everyone who enters this sanctuary to worship God. Our ushers and stewards are alert to the needs of those members and visitors who use assistive devices to come in and worship. We have a system which is suppose to help our members who are hearing impaired, but it needs to be upgraded. We have lots of blue outlined parking spots, yet even with these efforts it’s hard for someone in a wheelchair to find an accessible bathroom. Let us be reconciled in our efforts to welcome people of all abilities, ages, races, statuses, orientations and identities. The ushers will now come forward to collect the offering.
Gracious God keep us mindful of your part in our lives. Remind us that these gifts are not controlled by our will, but yours. Bless them O God. Empower these gifts for greater deeds, deeds of kindness, compassion and mercy. We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 27, 2013 "PRAYER MATTERS"

Glorious God, It is a pleasure to lift our voices in prayer this morning. It is a pleasure to be able to address you, to speak your name openly for all to hear, never having to hide in the dark or be secretive about our faith. We confess that if we thought more about those obliged to worship in secret, we would relish the freedom we have to pray aloud, to our heart’s content and would do it. Let us never be timid in prayer, whether we offer thanks or ask for your mercy. Let us never hesitate to speak because we think we don’t know the right words to say. As we did when were children, cause us to make lists of those we ought to remember in our prayers. Teach us to remember supporters and opponents, friends and foes, the lost and the found. Help us to follow the example of the Christ everyday and find a place to pray. Amen.
I love reading the novels of James Lee Burke. He puts words together on a page like no other author. One of his characters, Clete Purcel, uses some slang, which is beyond my vocabulary so I am obliged to look it up in order to understand what it means. Clete who drinks hard and gambles often uses the word “vig;” it is short for vigorish, which is a Yiddish word that comes from the Russian “vyigrysh.” The vig —also the juice, the cut or the take — is the fee your bookmaker charges you, the bettor, for his services. You pay the vigorish whether you win or lose, minimizing your bookies risk since he always collects his commission from the vigorish. I suppose one’s 10% tithe to the church could be called the church’s “vig” but in this case it’s a sure bet.
Gracious God keep us mindful of your part in our lives. Remind us that these gifts are not controlled by our will, but yours. Bless them O God. Empower these gifts for greater deeds, deeds of kindness, compassion and mercy. We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

October 20, 2013 "Who's Got the Powah?"

Glorious God it is a pleasure to be here in the company of all who would adore you and love singing praises to your name. We are energized in our bodies, affirmed in our faith, and validated in our pursuit of spirituality and holiness. We confess that at times we are slow to comprehend your will for us and our anxiousness and frustration shows. We live in a fast-paced society where expectations of the individual are many and human need is great. We pray not to lose heart or feel overburdened by the weight of society’s demands. We pray not to lose heart or feel defeated by overwhelming human need. Remind us Loving Abba, that in the race between the tortoise and the hare, persistence won the race not speed. Teach us to embrace a persistent faith putting one foot in front of the other, keeping to the path as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus. In his name we pray. Amen.
The other day I was meeting with some of the church’s leaders and the subject of the budget shortfall, which we will be facing in December, came up. I reminded them all of the delightful gift we received about a month ago. We were groaning about the $10,000 deductible on our insurance policy for water damage claims when we received a gift for precisely that amount from a bequest. A man no one even remembers named the church as a beneficiary in his will, many years ago. The small percentage of his estate he designated for us turned out to be the exact amount we needed to make the necessary repairs to this sanctuary. I asked those leaders if they have named the church in their wills. Five or six year ago I named the church as a beneficiary of my estate. When I die the amount may not be grand, but I have been shown the power a decision made some years ago can have in the life of the church today.
Gracious God keep us mindful of your part in our lives. Remind us that these gifts are not controlled by our will, but yours. Bless them O God. Empower these gifts for greater deeds, deeds of kindness, compassion and mercy. We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

October 13, 2013 "NOW SAY "THANK YOU'"

Wondrous and Loving God, you have filled this earth with so much wonder that, indeed, there are days when the creativity and beauty of your art takes our breath away. We are awed by the majesty of the snow covered mountains that surround us and smile gently at the view we have of them through swaying palm fronds. Bless us Lord of the Universe, with indefatigable spirits that can envision your kingdom coming upon the earth. Let us be ever confident that you have our backs as we endeavor to witness to your love, grace and mercy; as we seek to edify your church, care for each other and respect your creation. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
When we tip waiters and waitresses in a restaurant we know that there are certain rules that one must follow. I made an error once in figuring the tip on a bill and the waitress got really mad and almost ran me out of the restaurant before I realized my mistake. I mean most of us wouldn’t dream of walking out of a restaurant without paying or without leaving a gratuity for the server. If we couldn’t afford it, we wouldn’t go in the first place. I would hate for us to think that we can’t afford the church. God would never snub us or chase us out of church for not putting anything in the offering plate. The truth be told none of us can afford to give thanks to equal the service our God has rendered unto us.
Dearest Lord we are bold to praise your name and say that money blessed is a friend to the children of light. It is an excellent gift and answers the noblest ends. In our hands most gracious One, let it be food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, raiment for the naked. May it give to the traveler and the stranger a place to lay their heads. Cause us to understand that by this we may supply the place of a husband to a widow, and a father to the fatherless. By these gifts we may be a defense for the oppressed, a means of health to the sick, a means of ease to those in pain. These gifts may be as eyes to the blind, as feet to the lame; even a lifter up from the gates of death! Bless these excellent gifts, we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.** Adapted from John Wesley’s Sermon #50 on “The Use Of Money”

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Loving and Compassionate God, we lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving. You are our most generous benefactor lavishing us with your grace and mercy everyday in every moment of our lives. This we recognize and acknowledge above all else and this is why we offer our thanks and praise first and foremost before we ask anything for ourselves or others. We must confess that when confronted with the sorrows and burdens that haunt our brothers and sisters on the planet, we desire to be extraordinary — not for ourselves — but for them. Oh, God, if we only had special powers to help heal their hurts, strength enough to lighten the load they are carrying, or the right words to comfort and soothe their fears, we would rejoice. We would see ourselves as being part of something good, having lived up to the expectations of our faith. Therefore we ask you to increase our faith. In the name of the Christ we pray.
I have been guilty of whining and putting-up-a-fuss when asked to perform a task that I either didn’t like or knew would lead to having to do many more tasks, before even starting the one I was sent out to accomplish in the first place. I think that’s the way many folks feel when the offering plate passes in front of them. They wonder why we just can’t have the offering at the beginning of the worship service and get it over with? Or why couldn’t we have it at the very end, after the postlude. Some churches don’t bother with the ritual at all; they place giving boxes strategically about the sanctuary for people to slip an envelope or some cash into before taking their seat. The offering ritual was never meant to make anyone feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. The ritual is meant to make you conscious of the power your generosity has when united with the generosity of others. Simple, easy, worth the trouble.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

September 29, 2013 "FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS"

Merciful God, when you look upon us, your sons and daughters, what do you see? Do you see us as eager to serve you and your creation? Do you see us as those who want to invest not only our heart, soul, mind and strength, but our wealth for the good of all? Or do you see us as spoiled children who can’t see beyond our own needs and wants? Forgive us now, as we confess being duped by scams and schemes and too-good-to-be-true sales pitches that promise us ease, safety, wealth, beauty and a perfect life. We get frustrated with ourselves when we realize we have fallen for such nonsense. And now we confess our fear of those most in need who seem to lack the common sense to protect themselves from the empty-promise-makers. When we look in the mirror we don’t see uncaring people, lacking compassion, just a bit anxious. By your magnificent goodwill, don’t let us resign ourselves to the idea that human suffering is inevitable and the problems that cause it are unsolvable. Lead us one step at a time from impossible to possible. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.

Dearest Lord we are bold to praise your name and say that money blessed is a friend to the children of light. It is an excellent gift and answers the noblest ends. In our hands most gracious One, let it be food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, raiment for the naked. May it give to the traveler and the stranger a place to lay their heads. Cause us to understand that by this we may supply the place of a husband to a widow, and a father to the fatherless. By these gifts we may be a defense for the oppressed, a means of health to the sick, a means of ease to those in pain. These gifts may be as eyes to the blind, as feet to the lame; even a lifter up from the gates of death! Bless these excellent gifts, we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen. (Adapted from John Wesley’s Sermon #50 on “The Use Of Money”)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Wondrous and Loving God, help us always to see your best intentions for each of us in every moment of every day. When we are suddenly overwhelmed with the burdens we carry each day, help us to let go of matters and circumstances over which we have no information or control. Guide our feet as we move forward in an effort to do all we can to bring about your kingdom upon the earth. We confess our moments of frustration when the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel seems to elude our eyes. When we are stymied by a problem for which there seems to be no immediate solution, or when we are caught off guard by an urgent call for help, calm our hearts and minds. Help us, O Lord, to focus on your presence with us however we can perceive it. Let us feel you near enfolding us in your comforting embrace, whispering the word “Yes” and nourishing our spirits on your eternal goodwill. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
How many of us use cash anymore to pay for things. We slide debit cards, and credit cards. Some folks are even smart enough to use their phones to pay for stuff, right there, at the cash register! I haven’t figured that out yet. I guess it’s faster and easier to find the phone in your pocket than rummaging for paper bills and coins. I wonder if we have any idea what we pay for stuff anymore. What do you pay for your cell phone plan? Do you have the cheapest plan, that $50 a month plan — plus taxes, fees and monthly device payment? We don’t have one of those bar code swiping machines, but If I asked you to put your smart phone in the offering plate with all of its apps, and extras, minutes, texts, taxes, fees and monthly device payment, do you know how much you would you be giving to the church offering? Even 1/2 of the cost of your monthly cell phone plan would be more than many give to the church in a year. This ushers will now come forward to collect your cell phones.
(Offertory prayer is adapted from John Wesley's Sermon #50 "The Use of Money")
Dearest Lord we are bold to praise your name and say that money blessed is a friend to the children of light. It is an excellent gift and answers the noblest ends. In our hands most gracious One, let it be food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, raiment for the naked. May it give to the traveler and the stranger a place to lay their heads. Cause us to understand that by this we may supply the place of a husband to a widow, and a father to the fatherless. By these gifts we may be a defense for the oppressed, a means of health to the sick, a means of ease to those in pain. These gifts may be as eyes to the blind, as feet to the lame; even a lifter up from the gates of death! Bless these excellent gifts, we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.**


Dr. Eddy McLachlan Preached at Palm Springs on this morning
Gracious and Everliving God, we are grateful for this day and this opportunity to thank you once again for seeking us and finding us. Rarely do we think about it, and it’s probably true that we take our found-ness for granted. We confess we have a tendency to give ourselves credit for finding you when, in fact, you are the one who came looking for us to include us among the found. Shape us into your community of grace and celebration rejoicing with you when you give the newly-found into our care. Let us never be smug about your grace or our own well being. Let us remember that each of us was once among the lost. Cause us to realize that the one lost sheep, when found, completes the ninety-nine, just as the one coin when found completes the nine. Forgive us if we act slighted by your concern for strays and remind us that everyone is invited to the party to celebrate with you. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Do you remember the lost and found at school when you were growing up? Lone mittens, hats, sweaters, jackets, dirty gym socks, things left behind, or dropped from satchels were retrieved by some caring individual and placed in the lost and found for safe keeping until the rightful owner came to retrieve them. Rev. Amanda lost her credit card once. Actually she left it at Applebee's by mistake and as soon as she realized it she called to let them know she was on her way back to the restaurant to retrieve it. She had to show two forms of ID and expected to be asked for a DNA sample to get her card back. How nice it would have been if the restaurant manager had rejoiced with her that what she lost was found. Giving generously to Christ’s church is one way of rejoicing and celebrating that you belong to the found of God.
Gracious and Loving God, pour out your Spirit of joy and plenty upon these tithes and offerings that they may be instruments of your mercy and goodwill. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide bring glory to your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing; we give generously to your church not out of indebtedness, but out of gratefulness, or all that we have and all that we give. Thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013 "GOT SALT?" or "GODSALT"

This Article is based on the Sermon preached on September 15th "RESTORING SALTINESS"
“Got Salt?” Or “Godsalt”

On Sunday September 15th I agreed to preach at the Desert Hot Springs Church. I decided to preach to this struggling-to-survive-congregation about restoring “saltiness.” Though Jesus wasn’t a chemist, the gospel writers make it clear that Jesus used the image of salt to describe how Christians are to relate to the world. “You are the salt of the earth,” he said at the very beginning of his ministry while preaching his famous Sermon on the Mount. (Mt. 5:13) It was after the Transfiguration event that Mark’s Jesus proclaimed: “For everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is good; but if salt has lost its saltiness how can you season it? Have salt in yourselves and be at peace with one another.” (Mk. 9:49) And Luke’s Jesus on his way to Jerusalem said: “Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is neither good for the soil not for the manure pile; they throw it away.” (Lk.14:34)
Salt is a chemical compound, a uniting of two elements a molecule of “Sodium Na+” and a molecule of “Chlorine Cl-.” Each has an electrical charge -- one positive and the other negative. They attract like opposite poles, magnetically drawn to one another. They have such an affinity for each other that they are hard to dissolve or break apart. Together sodium and chlorine not only season; they preserve, protect, heal, make a safe path through a blizzard, and can put out a fire. Salt is in us; it is an essential part of us. When you find yourself in an emergency room, unless you are in Congestive Heart failure, the first intravenous infusion you will be given is Normal Saline (a 0.9% or 0.45% solution of Sodium Chloride).
The salt verses were placed in different sections of the three gospels, because each gospel writer had a specific message he wanted to convey to the reader. Matthew’s message plants the seed of encouragement for the first followers of Jesus. Mark is preparing those who have ears to hear to muster their salt and get ready to take care of each other. Luke is warning the followers of Jesus that things are going to get dicey in Jerusalem and their saltiness is going to be severely tested. If you were in the garden outside the home of the High Priest listening to your master being grilled and accused of blaspheme, would you, like Peter, begin to lose your salt? When asked by others in the garden three times “Weren’t you one of his followers?” What would you say? (Remember, you’re losing your salt when you’re sweating!)
In that closing verse of Luke 14, Luke’s Jesus seems to be well aware of what his disciples will be up against in the months and years to come. Perhaps this is why the three kingdom parables in Luke 15 follow the salt verse. Jesus wants his disciples to know that God will go to any lengths to be reunited with a lost sheep, a lost coin, or a lost child. God as shepherd will go in search of the one lost sheep until it is found and when he finds it he will return it into the care of the fold. Only then will God, the shepherd, throw a party to celebrate. God as a woman will search for the lost coin in every nook and cranny, under every piece of furniture and will keep searching until she finds it. Then and only then will she return it to its rightful place among the other coins and throw a party to celebrate. God as a loving father, mourns the loss of his youngest son, and celebrates his return. No matter what condition he is in, or the circumstances of his child’s return, God as father is overjoyed, and throws a party to welcome him home.
Lest you think being salty is all you have, I have one more poured out for me by the Holy Spirit in the wee hours of Sunday morning. I am probably not the first person to have thought of this, but it was really marvelous when I did.
I first heard about DNA in the 9th grade. “It is a molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses. In living organisms DNA does not usually exist as a single molecule, but instead as a pair of molecules (like NaCl) that are held tightly together. These two long strands entwine like vines, in the shape of a double helix.” (Wikipedia) Don’t you just love the vine imagery? My science teacher called it Desoxyribonucleic acid, which is what they called it until 1953. After that the scientists (removed the “s”) calling it Deoxyribonucleic acid. Get Ready… I know you are going to love this as much as I did. DON’T YOU SEE, it’s all in the name? GOD IS IN OUR DNA. God is not only the source of life and breath, God is chemically part of us. DEO, the first three letters in the chemical name of DNA is the Latin word for God!!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!

Don’t just think about it…CELEBRATE IT!!
Rev. Amanda

Monday, September 9, 2013


I believe in God, the all-powerful Sovereign of the Universe, the loving Abba, Father, Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord, God’s only Son, who was conceived by The Spirit of God and born of Mary.
Jesus was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate. He was crucified, died and was buried.
On the third day, God raised Jesus from the dead.
I believe the risen Christ ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God Almighty.
From this throne Jesus shall come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the church universal, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and eternal life. Amen.

Dearest Lord, Most High God, our Creator and the Redeemer of the Universe we know we have the freedom to choose how we will spend our time on a beautiful Sunday morning. We have chosen to be here. We have chosen to worship you in the company of fellow believers sharing in and thus shaping this, our community of grace. We are looking for something when we come through those sanctuary doors. Maybe it is peace and quiet in the moments before everyone else arrives. Maybe it’s the opportunity to sing out at the top of our voice. Maybe it is our confidence in your presence with us, our trust that your spirit moving within us will ready us for the challenges that face us in the week ahead. And too, some of us may find ourselves persuaded realizing that positions and opinions we have held all of our lives are no longer defensible. Whatever we discover in this time of worship, precious Lord, shape us by your grace mercy and love. In the name of the Christ we pray.
During my first 3 months of training for the Peace Corps I lived in the city of Bogota, Colombia with a Colombian family. I had “two sisters and a brother,” all some years older than I and still living at home. The 4 of us lived in the apartment of their widowed mother along with a young girl they called “Muchacha.” Muchacha was not her name; it was her role. She was their servant, an uneducated girl from the country looking for a better life in the city. She slept on a makeshift cot in a clothes closet. Some nights the family made her spend the night locked up in their tienda in midtown Bogota to guard against break-ins. She had ½ a day off a week, and less than minimum wages, no health care benefits, or pension. I don’t remember her name. In her servitude I wonder what she hoped for.
Gracious and Loving God, pour your Spirit upon these tithes and offerings. Make them instruments of your graciousness and goodwill. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide bring glory to your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing of this life. We share what we have, not because of our indebtedness to you, but because of our gratefulness to you. We thank you Lord, in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 1, 2013 "FIRE AND SALT"

I believe in God, the all-powerful Sovereign of the Universe, the loving Abba, Father, Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord, God’s only Son, who was conceived by The Spirit of God and born of Mary.
Jesus was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate. He was crucified, died and was buried.
On the third day, God raised Jesus from the dead.
I believe the risen Christ ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God Almighty.
From this throne Jesus shall come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the church universal, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and eternal life. Amen.

Gracious God, we are gathered together on this Labor Day, many of us sporting the symbols of our work. Help us always to keep our eyes upon Jesus as we labor in your vineyard. We confess that we have a tendency to separate the work we are paid for from the labors we perform in your service almost as if one has merit and the other not. Even if our work is unglamorous or distasteful to many, even if our labor is the humblest of all and is the job that no one else will do — cause us to comprehend its importance. We are grateful, Lord, for our minds and our bodies. We do get flustered when these mental and physical instruments seem less able to carry out the same tasks they did in our younger days, nevertheless we seek always to honor you with our every effort. Whether we work at chores, a vocation, a profession, an assembly line, or a hobby we give you thanks for the tools you have given us to labor. We pray never to be ruled by pride in what we have accomplished, or braggadocio over our service, but humbly and quietly to give you thanks for ability and opportunity. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
I was watching a movie made in 1949 in which, I think it was Joel McCrae, was very excited announcing that he would be earning $75.00 a week at his new job. As a very little girl maybe 8 years after that movie was released I learned that my father earned $94.00 a week at the New England Bolt Company where he worked with his father and his uncle. He may or may not have been the company’s Vice-President then, but the amount of his earnings meant nothing to me. “Why” you ask? Because I thought we should all be able to trade our stuff for what we wanted. If I wanted some bubble gum from the candy store, then I should be able to trade my shoes and socks never giving a moment’s thought to the walk home.

August 25, 2013 "TAKING REFUGE"

Gracious God, bathe us in your grace and clothe us in your light. Make us beacons of your goodwill toward all people. Wash us clean of our prejudices and fears; strip us of our pretensions and presumptions. If we see ourselves as those who deserve the best treatment or better service, cast our eyes upon the faces of those who. Make us cognizant of their plight and move us to action. If we see ourselves as those deserving of nothing, open our minds and fill our every thought with the truth of your love, mercy and grace. In his every breath, your Christ sought to teach us that we were not meant to live this life carrying the burden of our sins on our backs. We were meant to stand tall, to walk straight confident always of our redemption. Thank you for visits and good words from friends who bring good tidings and smiles of appreciation. Thank you for your blessed assurance always. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
I have the honor and privilege today to present this congregation with a plaque given to you by the Palm Springs High School Band Boosters for your support in sending them to Washington last January to march in the Inauguration Parade. Your generosity in helping our own Eric and Peter Bahnson, Angelica and Juan Gutierrez play for President Obama made possible the privilege of a lifetime. They are the children who honor your love and good work.
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer these tokens of thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

August 18, 2013 "WILD GRAPES"

Wondrous and forgiving God, we aren’t sure why we feel so embraced by your presence when we gather in this holy sanctuary; maybe it is because we have entered with the intention of being fully and warmly embraced by your presence. We come with hope in our hearts that we will discover purpose in our participation. We come in search of meaning, confessing our need to feel relevant in the world, not redundant. We come to offer ourselves, not because we desire accolades, recognition, or rewards, but to feel your pleasure. We so relish these sacred moments when we can retreat from the demands of the world outside and let our spirits waltz with yours. Lord, help us realize when we are running on that Monday through Saturday treadmill, that you are running right beside us and you won’t get out of breath. Amen.
What do you expect from God? Max Lucado wrote: Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. Faith is the belief that God will do what is right. How often do we look back on an event or something that happened in our lives and say, “You know, that worked out better than I thought it would. I didn’t think it would at the time, but God must have known something I didn’t know.” If we believe that God has the best intentions for us, can we also trust that, no matter what, God has the best intentions for the gifts we offer, be they prayer gifts, service gifts, witness gifts, participatory gifts or monetary gifts?
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer these tokens of thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

August 11, 2013 "DOES IT TAKE A THIEF?"

I believe in God, the all-powerful Sovereign of the Universe, the loving Abba Father, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord, God’s only Son, who was conceived by The Spirit of God and born of Mary.
Jesus was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate. He was crucified, died and was buried.
On the third day, God raised Jesus from the dead.
I believe the risen Christ ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God Almighty.
From this throne Jesus shall come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the church universal, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and eternal life. Amen.
Glory be to God and to the Christ and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning,
is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen. Amen.
Dear Lord, someone says, “Take a deep breath and relax.” “Let go of the troubles of the world and feel the presence of the Spirit.” They say: “Be at peace in this sanctuary.” But, Lord, it’s so hard to clear our thoughts and unburden our minds, even for one hour. It’s really next to impossible to set aside the lists of things that simply must be accomplished. Some of us can’t even let go of the angst we have over whether or not there will be enough refreshments for the fellowship hour. Some of us are trying to remember just how many appointments, meetings and deadlines we have to juggle this week. We can’t even stop thinking about the things that need fixing in our own lives, never mind the things that need fixing in your church and in the world. Enough said. Just, now, Oh Gracious One, help us focus all that is within us on the task at hand. Bring us into the heart of worship as we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Tours of China end with an overnight stay in Hong Kong. About 20 years ago it was a great place to spend money, particularly on things you didn’t need. Six months after my first visit, I went back to Hong Kong and stayed a week just to spend money. I went on a spending spree, buying gold and pearls, opals, rubies and diamonds, a fancy 35 millimeter camera, a Gameboy, a gorgeous custom made suit with two skirts, and 40 silk jackets from Stanley Market for family and friends. Three weeks after I got home the pearls, the opals, my Colombian emeralds and an amethyst ring made by my grandmother, were stolen from my home. New and nostalgic possessions were gone in the twinkling of an eye, forever. Two years later the camera and the Gameboy were stolen, and I outgrew the suit. Possessions come and go. Their value is subjective; their actual worth is often determined by a pawn-broker, or an insurance adjuster, or it will be discovered by the auctioneer at your estate sale. If you invest in the church, you can realize its value now.
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer these tokens of thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 4, 2013 "GETTING ALONG 101"

Wondrous God, no matter how advanced we are or how fast things move, in this age of hyper fast, super-speedy communicating, there is really nothing faster than the speed of prayer. Whether we whisper, shout or sing; whether we write on a computer screen, on a piece of paper or across the sky — even before a word has left our lips or pen — you know our thoughts, our needs, our wants and our desires. You know our fears, our worries and even, the secrets we keep from ourselves. Nothing, but nothing, is hidden from you, Loving Lord. In the final analysis, then, praying is the sign of our willingness to acknowledge what you already know about us. The “Ah-ha” of that moment opens us up to receive grace, mercy, love, forgiveness, patience, freedom, peace, strength, inspiration, confidence, healing and so much more. Amen.
The title song from “To Sir with Love” featured these Lyrics: “How do you thank someone who has taken you from crayons to perfume; who taught me right from wrong and weak from strong, that’s a lot to learn? What can I give you in return? If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters, that would soar a thousand feet high: “To Sir With Love.” All this young lady is able to give is her heart. Maybe hers is a teenage crush, or maybe this is her moment of clarity, of true gratefulness and understanding of Sir’s teachings —teachings she will treasure in her heart for the rest of her life and pass on. Our offerings to the church are not a measure of our gratefulness; they are one more way of passing on the treasure of our hearts —Jesus Christ.
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer these tokens of thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.


AN AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: One Act in Jesus Christ ***
In the vastness of the Universe there is one God, the creator of all things, the gracious redeemer of humanity, merciful forgiver and eternal reconciling presence.
Jesus Christ came into the world that we might see the face of the invisible God, in whose image all are created. When we turn our eyes upon Jesus, the Beloved One, bringing the Christ of God into our hearts, we are re-created, becoming new beings in his name.
Through Jesus all things hold together from beginning to end. We are bound together by our common faith in him. We who were strangers, wandering and disconnected from God, have been brought close, once again, by Jesus’ self-sacrificing love, even unto death on the cross. God did not give Jesus up to death, but raised him from the dead, as promised.
Neither did God leave us desolate and alone, but gave us the gift of The Holy Spirit who walks with us through this life until Jesus will present us holy, blameless, and irreproachable before God.
Therefore, we are steadfast in our faith, clinging to the gospel hope, promised and proclaimed. We are pleased to serve our Lord, each day, offering ourselves, our prayers, our gifts and
our witness that we may bear good gospel fruit. Thanks be to God! Amen.
Gracious God, we know you are the author of the story of the universe. We wonder whether you wrote the biography of our lives even before we took our first breath, or are you recording our progress in the book of life each day? Maybe it isn’t so important that we know. We will trust that you are walking through the pages of our stories with us. Perhaps you are as surprised and as confounded as we are when we stumble or fall. We ask, in the name of the Christ, that you brush us off as you help us stand up again, and give us a little nudge to get over it and move on. Amen.
How many of you have been ensnared by paid programming. Some small time celebrity is selling a miracle gadget? They ask you how much you think you’d pay for just one of these thingys and announce that they are going to give you two of them for the price of one and “Wait, that’s not all! If you call right now we will give you two more absolutely free, plus this other super duper special gadget — which usually retails for 49.95 — but you will get it free with your purchase of that first miraculously special doodad we were talking about. Yes for just one phenomenally low price you get all this stuff.” By the time you dial the 800 number, desperate to give them your money, you are in a panic that you might miss out on getting that thing. That thing won’t change your life and that celebrity won’t answer when your call. Help your church be the place of change and miracles, not the television.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 21, 2013 "JESUS GLUE"

AN AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: One Act in Jesus Christ ***
In the vastness of the Universe there is one God the creator of all things, the gracious redeemer of humanity, merciful forgiver and eternal reconciling presence.
Jesus Christ came into the world that we might see the face of the invisible God, in whose image all are created. When we turn our eyes upon Jesus, the Beloved One, bringing the Christ of God into our hearts, we are re-created becoming new beings in his name.
Through Jesus all things hold together from beginning to end. We are bound together by our common faith in him. We who were strangers, wandering and disconnected from God, have been brought close, once again, by Jesus’ self-sacrificing love, even unto death on the cross. God did not give Jesus up to death, but raised him from the dead as promised.
Neither did God leave us desolate and alone, but gave us the gift of The Holy Spirit who walks with us through this life until Jesus will present us holy, blameless, and irreproachable before God.
Therefore, we are steadfast in our faith, clinging to the gospel hope, promised and proclaimed. We are pleased to serve our Lord, each day, offering ourselves, our prayers, our gifts and
our witness that we may bear good gospel fruit. Thanks be to God! Amen.
Dear Lord our Abba Father, we pray not to be foolish in our faith, forgetting how you have kept your promises and remained steadfast in your covenant even when we turned away. We confess our days full of bruised egos, frustrated plans, and missed opportunities to communicate patiently and with purpose. Erring is a human trait, but it cannot be an excuse for non-participation in kingdom work. It is the pursuit of human perfection that seems to trip us up. Help us pursue the way of Christian perfection, searching for the path that leads to loving one another as you love us. Let us breath in the spirit of your holy presence in this place and be renewed, revitalized, and replenished for the work you set before us. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
In all the years I attended church as a church member I seemed never to be ready for the offering time. I mean I seemed always to be scrambling for my checkbook to write out my offering the week. I couldn’t seem to get it through my thick head to have it prepared before I got to church in the envelope ready to put in the plate. Nowadays I watch people passing their smart phones over little reader machines at the Starbuck’s and realize that somehow they are paying their bill with their phone. We haven’t arrived at that level of sophistication yet, so I hope this little message has given you enough to rummage through your wallet or scramble for your check.
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer these tokens of thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

July 14, 2013 "GOSPEL FRUIT"

Dearest Lord, O wondrous bestower of Grace, we relish the opportunity to worship together this morning assured that, in some way, our souls will be fed and our spirits lifted. Maybe singing a favorite hymn will restore us or hearing the voice of one who is truly in adoration mode. Maybe the smile on our face is a reflection of the smiles on the faces of our children. Reflecting on the scripture may well fill our hearts with hope or give us the challenge we have been waiting for. We confess that in these hot summer months, if we haven’t migrated to cooler climbs, we can tend to hibernate in our air-conditioned homes. Inspire us, Lord, with visions of what we can accomplish in the name of the Christ today, and all the days of summer. In his name we pray; Amen.
Every year when I go to Guatemala new folks volunteer. Becky brought about 6 people from her church and Carol and Don brought 2 people from theirs. Their congregations raise funds to help church members have the “Guatemala Mission Experience” because it is eye opening and life changing. Today I am making the first contribution to a Guatemala Mission Experience Fund. I will make contributions to this fund regularly over the next year, above and beyond my regular tithe so that church members eager for this experience can go with me to Guatemala. Let’s find a way to send several people from our church.
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer these tokens of thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

JULY 7, 2013 "AND THEN LOVE STEPPED IN" Dr. Eddy McLachlan ~ preaching

Dearest and Loving Lord how wonderful it is to be in this sanctuary, where we can quiet our hearts and minds and focus our thoughts only upon you. We confess that we tend to let the world take us over when we are in it, getting caught up in trying to meet society’s demand for productivity and effectiveness. There are days when it seems we live more by the clock than by faith; getting to appointments, or meetings or just taking our medication on time. When we get caught up in the tilt-a-whirl lifestyle; when it seems as if we are doing for the sake of doing; help us pause for a moment. Remind us that in being so busy we just might miss the opportunity to touch someone’s soul, to reach out in love and offer them a moment of prayer. Thank you, in the name of the Christ. Amen.
When you pledge to the church you insure the support of programs that might very well help you in a time of need. Those who have suffered in the disasters of tornadoes, hurricanes and floods in these United States are cared for with relief and comfort and more through your gifts and offerings —-YES, they are cared for by the people of the United Methodist Church! The ushers will now come forward to receive your expressions of love and support for the work of the Lord.
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer our thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

June 23, 2013 "ONE IN CHRIST"

God, our creator, is neither distant nor afar off, never casual or detached, but always close at hand, vigilant and searching to be a part of our lives even when we try to hide behind rocks.
In Jesus we discover that God knows all of the sorrows and trials the human heart bears in a lifetime. Because God would not abandon the Beloved One to death on a cross, but raised him from the dead; we are assured that God will not abandon us even if we should abandon ourselves.
The Holy Spirit was, is and will be poured out in fullest measure upon all who seek God. This outpouring fulfills another promise reminding us of God’s hope that we should know joy in this life and the next.
In all our diverse shapes, colors and sizes we are part of God’s colorful creation mosaic, pieces of a vast and gloriously expanding puzzle that has no fixed boundaries up, down, behind or before – we are the church.
Thanks be to God! Amen. (***) Written with thanks to Paul Achtemeier by Rev. Dr. Amanda J. Burr
Gracious and Loving Lord, there is, in truth, nothing more wondrous in life than to have a sense that the songs we sing, the prayers we offer and the work we do, pleases you. The very idea of your smiling countenance looking upon us, is what strangely warms us from the inside out and gives us the strength, determination and energy to continue in service to you and your creation. We pray not to get so caught up in our own projects that we fail to see the larger picture. Help us to be moved and inspired by the vision of others; to see how embracing their idea, or involving ourselves in their efforts will advance the mission of transformation and a renewal of all that you created and saw was good in the beginning. We are your instruments of peace and renewal. Empower us to do your will in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
I leave for Guatemala tomorrow morning. I will take with me one of our prayer shawls to give to our friend Juan Toj who has been ill. I am not going on vacation, but to work with Interfaith Action International’s Guatemala Mission Project, which was begun 21 years ago by Carol Conger-Cross. You may think that putting wood efficiency stoves in a few peoples’ homes, doesn’t accomplish a lot, but it does. Less wood used to cook means less deforestation. Less deforestation means fewer devastating mudslides when it rains. No smoke in the kitchen means fewer deaths from years of smoke inhalation. The long and short of it our work means fewer broken people, fewer broken families and fewer broken lives. Now that’s a good thing. If you wish to donate to the mission project, please designate your gift for Interfaith Action International.
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer our thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

June 16, 2013 "LIVING TO GOD"

It was the Spirit of God who moved over the face of the waters and brought the world
into being. That same Spirit breathes life into us today.
It was the Spirit of God who conceived a Messiah, the Son and beloved One.
His very name, Jesus, signified salvation. He was our Emmanuel; God with us.
When Jesus gave up his life for ours, he entrusted his Spirit to God’s hands and God raised him from the dead.
It was the Spirit of God who poured the language of salvation in Jesus into the hearts, minds and mouths of the Apostles empowering them to tell their story to all the world.
And it is the Spirit of God who moves in and through the Church, the Body of Christ,
empowering us to witness to the truth of Christ, in loving service to all.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Ever Creating and Redeeming God, you are the bright spot in the universe, the light that shines out of the great darkness capable of filling every void. Where there was chaos, your spirit sorted it all out bringing forth from it life and a sense of order. Help us realize that you exist as a part of our every breath. Your Holy Spirit is an integral part of our very being. We confess some angst as we gather years. Maybe it is a longing for contentment in this wearisome world. Please understand, it is not that we long to live comfortable lives —although that is always nice — rather we long to feel comfortable in our own skin. Perhaps it is more truthful to say, we hate making mistakes, making poor choices, putting our feet in our mouths. These faux pas make us feel unworthy of your patience, and love. We don’t relish the days of wondering what we are meant to do and be. Are we just taking up space, acting as place holders for those more deserving. Help us realize that even before we were born you called us by your grace to be your witnesses, nothing more. Give us, then, the words to proclaim the gospel, the will to live into it, and the spirit to love through it. All this we pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
I confess that I watch the TV show “Justified.” In our society we tend to use the word justified when condoning the harsher actions of someone who wages revenge or takes the law into his or her own hands. She was justified in taking him for every last dime, because he cheated on her. He was justified in shooting the neighbors dog, because the dog bit him. To justify means to administer justice, to show something to be just or right. Justification for Christians is by faith. It means that our active ongoing faith in Jesus shows us to be just or right, to be A-OK in the sight of God. This is the better context for being justified and the reason we give thanks for the church which makes an effort to remind us of these truths.
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer our thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 9, 2013 'IN A PREVIOUS LIFE"

Glorious God, it is so very good to be here together in this place. We confess that we need to be surrounded by a community of faith, for in the company of the faithful our faith is not tested, but strengthened, compounded, made ever stronger. In community we are moved by the truth of the cross and whether we are aware of it or not our hearts are strangely warmed. Could it be, most gracious one, that when we dare to stand at the foot of the cross looking into the eyes of the Christ your revelation for us is revealed. Certainly, you would cause us to see in Jesus’ eyes that he has chosen us, not we him. This is what Paul discovered and he was changed forever. Make us instruments of your blessings and goodwill in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
When I complained about my restaurant meal not coming on time, someone told me about people who had no food at all. When I complained about the demands and expectations of my job, someone told about a person who couldn’t get one. When I complained about the church and its bureaucracy, someone told me about a place where speaking the very word “church” could get you killed. When I complained that the sanctuary was not cool enough in the summer or warm enough in the winter, someone told me about people who could only worship God underground.
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer our thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 2, 2013 "DESERTING THE GOSPEL???!!"

It was the Spirit of God who moved over the face of the waters and brought the world
into being. That same Spirit breathes life into us today.
It was the Spirit of God who conceived a Messiah, the Son and beloved One.
His very name, Jesus, signified salvation. He was our Emmanuel; God with us.
When Jesus gave up his life for ours, he entrusted his Spirit to God’s hands and God raised him from the dead.
It was the Spirit of God who poured the language of salvation in Jesus into the hearts, minds and mouths of the Apostles empowering them to tell their story to all the world.
And it is the Spirit of God who moves in and through the Church, the Body of Christ,
empowering us to witness to the truth of Christ, in loving service to all.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

Dearest Lord, in this moment of prayer, focus our every thought upon you, upon these words we speak and upon those we are loathe to utter. We relish the comfort of a familiar liturgy and at the same time confess how the sameness of the format can put us into auto-worship mode. We want to be active in this time of prayer so we say with intention and clarity: “Lord, hear our prayer.” We are awake and attentive in this moment, hearing, the words our mouths are forming. Thank you for your eternal love and care. You never falter in it and you never give up on us even when we give up on ourselves. Thank you, dear Lord, for your grace and mercy; may it always give us strength and Christian character. Help us make good decisions knowing that what we do, how we respond and what we say effects the lives of others and those we love. Give us the courage to accept help when we need it and offer help to those who lose their footing on the rocky road of life. In the name of our beloved Christ we pray. Amen.

I met a man the other day who had a compulsion to clean and wash his hands after he touched anything, food, furniture or another human being. It reminded me of how Pontius Pilate washed his hands, in a symbolic gesture washing the blood of Jesus off his hands and by doing so seeking to wash away any connection with the crucifixion of Jesus. For his conscience the symbolic act may have worked, but as far as we are concerned the name of Pontius Pilate is ever connected with that event. May we never wash our hands of the Jesus story, rather let us open our hands in a literal gesture of giving.
Lord, bless all the gifts and tithes we set before you today. Remind us that we share in a ministry to all the world when we participate in this offering. Pour out the better measure of your Spirit upon these tokens of our thanks. May they empower and energize our ministry as servants of your Christ. Let everything we do and everything we are give witness to your steadfast mercy and love bringing light into someone’s darkness and relief to the hopeless. We are grateful indeed for every opportunity to serve you in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

TRINITY SUNDAY May 26,2013 "WHO AM I?" Rev. Bob Schwartz - Preaching

It was the Spirit of God who moved over the face of the waters and brought the world
into being. That same Spirit breathes life into us today.
It was the Spirit of God who conceived a Messiah, the Son and beloved One.
His very name, Jesus, signified salvation. He was our Emmanuel; God with us.
When Jesus gave up his life for ours, he entrusted his Spirit to God’s hands and God raised him from the dead.
It was the Spirit of God who poured the language of salvation in Jesus into the hearts, minds and mouths of the Apostles empowering them to tell their story to all the world.
And it is the Spirit of God who moves in and through the Church, the Body of Christ,
empowering us to witness to the truth of Christ, in loving service to all.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

Glorious Triune God, it is a mysterious thing to ponder the threeness of you and yet when we really think about it, the three stages of you were necessary so that we might grasp the depth of your desire to be in communion with us. We confess our avoidance. We have tended to see ourselves only as wayward children, Adams and Eves, banished from the Garden of Eden. The truth is you have been chasing after us, seeking us out, wondering why we were hiding from you. You found us wearing our shame like a garment refusing to dress ourselves in your forgiveness. We forget that we were created in your image and that our own faces reflect yours. Help us Lord to crawl out from behind the rock, to stand tall in your grace. Creator, Son and Holy Spirit we call upon you to remind us on this Trinity Sunday that your three pairs of arms are ample enough to embrace each and every one of us all the days of our life. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, God of power and might, let heaven and earth ever be full of your glory as our confident hearts are enlivened, unburdened and healed by your presence. Amen.

Lord, bless all the gifts and tithes we have brought today. We share in a ministry to all the world when we participate in this offering. May your most Holy Spirit empower and energize our ministry as servants of the Christ. Let everything we do and everything we are give witness to your steadfast mercy and love bringing light into someone’s darkness and relief for the hopeless. We give you thanks for every opportunity to serve you in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


It was the Spirit of God who moved over the face of the waters and brought the world
into being. That same Spirit breathes life into us today.
It was the Spirit of God who conceived a Messiah, the Son and beloved One. His very name, Jesus, signified salvation. He was our Emmanuel; God with us. When Jesus gave up his life for ours he entrusted his Spirit to God’s hands and God raised him from the dead.
It was the Spirit of God who poured the language of salvation in Jesus into the hearts, minds and mouths of the Apostles empowering them to tell their story to all the world.
And it is the Spirit of God who moves in and through the Church, the Body of Christ,
empowering us to witness to the truth of Christ, in loving service to all. Thanks be to God! Amen.

Most Sovereign God there are those among us who seem to have enough energy to balance the demands work family and play. They seemed to be filled to the brim with energy — healthy in body, heart and mind. Others among find our energy sapped at the end of a long day and just aren’t as mobile as we once were. Our hearts long to be useful in every moment of this life so our prayer is this: When we are wandering aimlessly, confused, lost and in search of a direction be our compass, O Lord, and get us back on course. If human institutions have determined that we are redundant, you do not. Help us to find a new way to offer ourselves and our gifts to your service. Your Spirit, Gracious God, has the power to renew our sense of purpose and enrich our work. Open our eyes, hearts and minds. Let us feel the energy generated by our mutual connection. And when we rest, O Lord, let our minds be at rest as well, in the assurance that you will accompany us in all the adventures of tomorrow. Amen.
Today we celebrate the electrifying passionate presence of the Holy Spirit who blew into the midst of Jesus’ disciples just 50 days after his crucifixion and resurrection and empowered them anew to carry on. Since 2005 our prayer shawl team have been knitting and crocheting prayer shawls. To date we have given out over 567 shawls which are created by loving hands and are sent to people all over the world. They are gifts of love, goodwill and comfort, from every member of this congregation crafted first and then blessed by the laying on of hands—your hands —your fully Spirited hands. Thank you to those of you who have brought the gift of yarn today to help keep this ministry going. We accept yarn anytime.
Lord, bless all the gifts and tithes we have brought today. We share in a ministry to all the world when we participate in this offering. May your most Holy Spirit empower and energize our ministry as servants of the Christ. Let everything we do and everything we are give witness your steadfast mercy and love bringing light into someone’s darkness and hope to those in despair. We give you thanks for the opportunities to serve you in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

May 12, 2013 "WE ARE ANANIAS"

Glorious and wondrous God, we have come into this sanctuary not only to worship you and praise your name, but to adventure in your word as we mine the messages within your holy scriptures. The stories of changed lives and changed people are told to invite us not intimidate us. They are meant to stir our thoughts and awaken our senses to the nature of call. For, indeed you call each of us to serve you and your creation. Serving you, serving your church, serving your people, is how we live responsively to your unbounded grace. We confess that we are not always aware or in tune with our particular gifts. We need your input and ideas. Our prayer is that you will help us discover new gifts, or rediscover those we have allowed to get rusty with disuse. By saying “YES” when you call us to action our adventure begins. When we stop focusing on our own agenda and open ourselves to yours we are renewed. Thank You always, in the name of the Christ. Amen.
When I say the words temper tantrum, what comes to mind? Do you picture a toddler lying in the middle of the floor in your local grocery store, crying, screaming and kicking his or her tiny feet? Do you see a pouty mouthed 5 year old giving a petulant stare, arms akimbo as he or she shouts a foot-stomping, “NO!” That’s how we responded as children when we wanted something we couldn’t have or were asked to do something we didn’t want to do. How do we respond as adults when we are asked to give up something for a larger idea or are called upon to do something we already know will be difficult or dangerous? Some of us will react like children and some of us will try to negotiate. When we professed our faith in Jesus Christ we made a promise to be ready the moment God called us into action.
Lord bless these gifts as instruments of your will. Put them into action to for the good of your creation, and for the sake of all who need you, who need to know you are there for them every moment, every step along life’s way. We give eagerly without hesitation, grateful for the blessings we enjoy. Let the work of our hands and the prayers of our hearts testify to your unreserved presence in our lives. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

May 5, 2013 "NO STOPPING US NOW Part 3" WOW

Gracious God the mission you set before us is not an impossible one, but it seems to challenge us at every turn. We confess how difficult it is for us to let go of our dreams, our goals, and our opinions about what is best for us as well as others. We confess how very hard it is to let go of our own agendas, as if desiring to put a halter and reins upon your Holy Spirit, imagining that we can steer your course, moving the church forward in the direction we choose. Like the religious authorities who were affronted by the obedience of Jesus’ Apostles, we feel anxious and even threatened by those who would lead us away from our comfort zone. Teach us to trust in you, confident that you will always lead us in the way we should go. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Not until Chapter 10 of his first book, “The Pickwick Papers” does Charles Dickens introduce the character of Sam Weller. Immediately Dicken’s readership went from 500 to 40,000. An ordinary man of immense practical wisdom, Sam becomes Mr. Pickwick’s manservant and is always rescuing Mr. Pickwick from himself. When Pickwick narrowly escapes the wrong room at the inn — occupied by A MIDDLE-AGED LADY IN YELLOW CURL-PAPERS — he is greatly relieved when Sam finds him cowering in a dark corner in his nightgown. Pickwick says:  If I were to stop in this inn for six months, I would never trust myself about it, alone, again.' I’ll translate Sam’s response: 'That's the most prudent resolution you could come to, Sir. You rather want somebody looking after you, when your judgment goes out visiting.' I think The body of Christ is sort of our Sam Weller when our judgment goes out visiting. Let us keep it vital and alive.
Lord, bless our tithes and gifts to your service. We offer them with grateful hearts and pray that you will transform them into instruments of peace, liberty, rescue and goodwill. With your blessing, they will bring light into someone’s darkness and hope to someone who has known only despair. May the work of our hands, the prayers of our hearts, and the gifts we give, witness to your unreserved presence in our lives. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

April 28, 2013 "THE UNSTOPPABLE APOSTLES" Part 2

Wondrous and loving God thank you for knowing us inside and out, and for hearing our prayer. We cry out to you for help and relief from distress and you hear us. You are willing always to absolve us of our sin, working diligently to take away the pain and regret we carry within our hearts. We confess our tendency to keep lists of our sins as if we are saving them up in some special dark place. Your unfathomable grace is not to be taken lightly nor is it to be used as an excuse to sin. And yet when we falter or fail, you refuse to remember our sins or remained fixed upon them. You call us to move on in and by your grace. Give us hearts as unstoppable and courageous as the Apostles. Let us believe that the work we accomplish in Jesus’ name brings glory to your most holy name. Thank You, again, for everything. Amen.
Have you ever had one of those days where nothing you do seems to go right. It starts when a glob of green toothpaste drops onto your white blouse or you nick yourself shaving. You spill your 4 dollar Starbucks al over your shoes when some impatient 20 something honks at you for being in his way. The gas pump won’t take your debit card and you are late for an appointment. When you get to the appointment the office is closed and you find out it was yesterday when you check the 5 messages on your cellphone. You become aware of an ever escalating headache and you wonder if it is this incessant wind, persistent allergies, stress or Meningitis. You suddenly realize it is 9:40 AM on Sunday and church is just around the corner. Phew! That’s just one reason to keep us here.
We are well aware, dearest Lord, that there is nothing we can offer in material wealth that compares to all that you have bestowed upon us. The psalmist declares that you prefer a contrite heart to burnt offerings. The gifts we offer are meant to carry on the work of the unstoppable Apostles. Empower these gifts and us to spread the good news of the gospel to the ends of the earth. In the name of the Christ we pray.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 21, 2013 "NO STOPPING US NOW" PART 1 "Peter's Shadow"

Gracious and Everloving God, we come before you humbly ever grateful for your mercy and your forgiveness. Your endless patience is unfathomable to us, when we are so confounded by our own behavior. What is it, dearest Lord, that takes possession of the human heart so causing it to do harm to a fellow who is made of the same flesh and bone; who is alive by virtue of the same beating heart. What is it that goes awry in the human mind and spirit that drives us to wield a sword instead of campaign for peace? We fear irrationality and chaos, but more than these we fear acts of hatred calculated to eradicate innocence. Help us, Lord God, to remain strong in our will to love one another as you have loved us. Make us unstoppable in our efforts to live your goodwill message. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
“1837” What is it? Not a random number or a date; it is a cost. We took the average “weekly” attendance during 12 months — 185 people— and divided it into the yearly budget: $340,000 ÷ 185 people = $1837.83 per person annually. Dividing that amount by 52 weeks brings us to $35.32, which is the weekly cost of the seat you are sitting in. It comes out just about the same using: $340,000 ÷ 52 weeks = $6538.46 needed per week ÷ 185 people = $35.34 per person. Many people can’t tithe $35.34 a week to the church. Some folks have never really given it much thought. The fact remains that according to these numbers many of you are being underwritten by those individuals who do tithe. I am underwriting about three of you, whereas others are underwriting as many as six. Every gift matters.
God Bless these gifts. thank you. Amen.


Most Sovereign God, it is always good to be together offering to you our thanks and praise. We confess it feels a bit different worshiping out of doors. We hear the sounds of your creation differently, accepting the breeze and the rustle of the palms as nature’s accompaniment to our singing. So often when we are at worship inside the sanctuary we find ourselves distracted by the emergent sounds of sirens, or loud motorcycle engines and car horns. We have come to this park on purpose, to commune not only with nature, but to make ourselves more visible in our community, among our neighbors. We have come out of doors to be a welcoming presence here. We are rethinking what it means to be the church for the world, and not simply be those who attend church in the world. May the glorious light of the resurrection continue to shine in us today and everyday. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
There are people who are gifted in what is called “the ask.” They are not afraid to ask moneyed people for large donations. These giving gurus are those persons who understand that many wealthy people are eager to give to worthy causes and endeavors. I confess that I am not one gifted in “the ask,” perhaps because for much of my adult life I have worked two jobs in order to serve God and own a home. I know how it feels to lose a job, and scramble to find another one just to keep the roof over my head. That said, the church’s commercial refrigerator which has been resuscitated numerous times has finally died. A new one will cost $4500. I don’t have $4500 at my disposal just now, but I do have $250 to put toward it today. Anyone want to join me?
Lord, Bless We offer them, always, with grateful hearts. We give not from our surplus, rather we give this tithe as our first and most important gift. Pour out your Spirit of all things possible upon this offering that it may serve those in need, build up your church, and keep it ever relevant in this complex world. Let what we are fortunate enough to share be an instrument of transformation, restoring the souls of the lost and forgotten. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.


We trust and affirm that each of us is created in the image of God and that:
God’s Grace is immeasurable and God’s will for us is always Goodwill;
Jesus Christ lived to forgive, to bind up the broken hearted and proclaim release to those held captive by this world;
Jesus carried our sins and bore our shame upon the cross where he surrendered his own spirit to God.
Jesus set our spirits free.
God promised that Jesus would not be given up to death.
He rose on the third day proving that all things are possible with God.
The Holy Spirit reminds us daily that loving God with all of our heart, soul mind and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves, moves us ever onward toward perfection.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

Glorious God, Divine author of the Resurrection, our spirits are still electrified by the wonder and mystery of Christ being raised up from death. We confess our timidity to shout the news of Christ’s rising to the mountain tops as freely and easily as we declare Jesus’ birth. Let our faith in the resurrection shine in each of us as a beacon of triumphant hope for all who doubt, or who live with a fear that death will ultimately be victorious. Prayerfully, gracious God, we dare to repeat what Paul wrote in his letter to the Corinthians: “Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death is your victory? Where O death is your sting?” With Paul we challenge the power of death and are invited, energized, and empowered to excel in our service to you, and our work for the gospel, knowing that our labor is not in vain. In the name of the Christ we offer our thanks and praise. Amen.
I love reading Charles Dickens. Actually, I love to hear his books read by David Timson. Currently I am reading Dombey and Son. Dombey’s 6 year old son Paul asks: “Papa, what is money?” His father is taken aback wondering what he wants to know, but decides that young Paul will benefit most by knowing what money can do. He says: “Money, Paul, can do anything. It causes us to be honored, feared, respected, courted and admired. It makes us powerful and glorious in the eyes of all men.” Paul responds: “If money can do anything, why didn’t money save me my Mama? It isn’t cruel is it?” Through a child’s innocent question, Dickens invites his reader into a critical exploration of the moral versus the political value of money.
Lord, Bless the gifts we bring. We offer them with grateful hearts. These are the first fruits of our faith, the first fruits of our labor offered to your service, for we esteem you more than these. With these we honor our most important commitment — to you. May these tithes build up your church, and keep it relevant in this complex world. Let what we are fortunate enough to share be an instrument of transformation, helping to restore the spirits of the lost and forgotten. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.