Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 21, 2013 "JESUS GLUE"

AN AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: One Act in Jesus Christ ***
In the vastness of the Universe there is one God the creator of all things, the gracious redeemer of humanity, merciful forgiver and eternal reconciling presence.
Jesus Christ came into the world that we might see the face of the invisible God, in whose image all are created. When we turn our eyes upon Jesus, the Beloved One, bringing the Christ of God into our hearts, we are re-created becoming new beings in his name.
Through Jesus all things hold together from beginning to end. We are bound together by our common faith in him. We who were strangers, wandering and disconnected from God, have been brought close, once again, by Jesus’ self-sacrificing love, even unto death on the cross. God did not give Jesus up to death, but raised him from the dead as promised.
Neither did God leave us desolate and alone, but gave us the gift of The Holy Spirit who walks with us through this life until Jesus will present us holy, blameless, and irreproachable before God.
Therefore, we are steadfast in our faith, clinging to the gospel hope, promised and proclaimed. We are pleased to serve our Lord, each day, offering ourselves, our prayers, our gifts and
our witness that we may bear good gospel fruit. Thanks be to God! Amen.
Dear Lord our Abba Father, we pray not to be foolish in our faith, forgetting how you have kept your promises and remained steadfast in your covenant even when we turned away. We confess our days full of bruised egos, frustrated plans, and missed opportunities to communicate patiently and with purpose. Erring is a human trait, but it cannot be an excuse for non-participation in kingdom work. It is the pursuit of human perfection that seems to trip us up. Help us pursue the way of Christian perfection, searching for the path that leads to loving one another as you love us. Let us breath in the spirit of your holy presence in this place and be renewed, revitalized, and replenished for the work you set before us. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
In all the years I attended church as a church member I seemed never to be ready for the offering time. I mean I seemed always to be scrambling for my checkbook to write out my offering the week. I couldn’t seem to get it through my thick head to have it prepared before I got to church in the envelope ready to put in the plate. Nowadays I watch people passing their smart phones over little reader machines at the Starbuck’s and realize that somehow they are paying their bill with their phone. We haven’t arrived at that level of sophistication yet, so I hope this little message has given you enough to rummage through your wallet or scramble for your check.
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer these tokens of thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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