Tuesday, July 23, 2013

JULY 7, 2013 "AND THEN LOVE STEPPED IN" Dr. Eddy McLachlan ~ preaching

Dearest and Loving Lord how wonderful it is to be in this sanctuary, where we can quiet our hearts and minds and focus our thoughts only upon you. We confess that we tend to let the world take us over when we are in it, getting caught up in trying to meet society’s demand for productivity and effectiveness. There are days when it seems we live more by the clock than by faith; getting to appointments, or meetings or just taking our medication on time. When we get caught up in the tilt-a-whirl lifestyle; when it seems as if we are doing for the sake of doing; help us pause for a moment. Remind us that in being so busy we just might miss the opportunity to touch someone’s soul, to reach out in love and offer them a moment of prayer. Thank you, in the name of the Christ. Amen.
When you pledge to the church you insure the support of programs that might very well help you in a time of need. Those who have suffered in the disasters of tornadoes, hurricanes and floods in these United States are cared for with relief and comfort and more through your gifts and offerings —-YES, they are cared for by the people of the United Methodist Church! The ushers will now come forward to receive your expressions of love and support for the work of the Lord.
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer our thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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