Thursday, November 19, 2015


Wondrous and Eternal God, if we think about it, we would be right in saying: “Everyday ought to be Thanksgiving Day.” We are most fortunate to live where we live, enjoying the freedoms that come with this particular geography. However, we give you thanks today for more than this good fortune. We give you thanks for your creativity and your presence, for the gifts of human thought and imagination, the ability to dream, to move, to see, to hear and to speak. We confess how easy it is to take for granted our moving parts, until they start slowing down, and aren’t as swift as they once were. Remind us, ever so gently, dearest Lord, that only you are eternal. Help us take advantage of the opportunity to thank you each and every day for the incredible someones and the wonderful somethings in our lives. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
In the classic movie “White Christmas” Bing Crosby sang: “When I’m worried and I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep, and I fall asleep counting my blessings. When my bankroll is getting small I think of when I had none at all, and I fall asleep counting my blessings.” In 1897 Johnson Oatman wrote a hymn called Count Your Blessings. Included in 195 hymnals — not ours — the first verse reads: “When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed, when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, count your many blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.” Why not take the week to count the blessings of your life. The exercise is bound to inspire an attitude of gratitude.
Glorious God, grateful for all of your blessings, these gifts assert our longing to be effective as Christ’s body at work in the world. Together we are transforming ourselves and the church as the world around us longs for healing. Guide our vision, our hearts and our efforts, in service to you, we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

November 15, 2015 "HANNAH'S GREAT LONGING"

We believe in God, the all-powerful Sovereign of the Universe, the loving Abba Father,
the creator of heaven and earth.
We believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord, God’s only Son, conceived by The Spirit of God,
and born of Mary.
Jesus was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate.
He was crucified, died, and was buried.
On the third day God raised Jesus from the dead.
We believe in the risen Christ, ascended into heaven,
and seated at the right hand of God Almighty.
We believe that Jesus shall come again, one day, to judge the living and the dead.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the church universal, and the communion of saints.
We believe in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and eternal life.
Wondrous and merciful God, we focus our minds in this hour of worship, seeking connection not only with you, but with each other. Our bond is special, not just one of friendship, but one of kinship in Christ. We find our way to this sanctuary not out of a sense of duty, or routine, but to satisfy the longing of our spirits to be in communion with you. Today we confess a degree of cynicism brought on by hold-buttons and customer service personnel trained to explain — in the nicest and quickest way possible — all of the reasons why their company “can’t help” us. We long for life to be simple in an extremely complex society. When we see those in our midst who are lost and ruined we wonder how they managed to get themselves into the messes they have gotten themselves into. Give us the stamina and patience, dear LORD, to help as we can, knowing that you are the ultimate giver of peace and healing. All this we are wont to pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
We have all had longings in our lives. When we were little, we may have longed for a particular toy like Ralphie’s longing for the Red Ryder Rifle in A Christmas Story. Maybe we longed for a puppy or a kitten, or a house like little Natalie Wood in Miracle on 34th Street. As we grew up, it is likely we longed for the love of a particular woman or man, children, a good or better job, good health, a warmer climate, and security in our old age. We may have believed, in the time of innocence or maturity, that having the thing we longed for would somehow abate the feeling, cure the longing, fill an empty place, appease some desire, or satisfy a hunger, but I think longings are invitations. They are invitations from God to open ourselves to God’s possibilities.
Glorious God, grateful for all of your blessings, these gifts assert our longing to be effective as Christ’s body at work in the world. Together we are transforming ourselves and the church as the world around us longs for healing. Guide our vision, our hearts and our efforts, in service to you, we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

November 8, 2015 "GIFTS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE" Guest Preacher Rev. George Crisp

Gracious God of all, creator of the universe, we lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving for this new day, and another opportunity to renew our faith and refresh our souls. Gathered together with these brothers and sisters, we realize that our faith grows stronger in their midst; we are aware of your Holy Spirit’s presence and our hearts are warmed. Some of our number are walking and dancing down the parade route today, like David they glorifying your name and inviting everyone in Palm Springs to Gravitate to you and Experience your “Yes.” We pray your blessing upon them, that the message they carry will be heard and received. And bless our worship, dearest LORD, in the name of the Christ. Amen.
“Find a penny, pick it up and all the day you’ll have good luck.” In the 20th century, pennies joined the ranks of “chump change” along with nickels and dimes, because they were considered small and insignificant; worth something only to fools and blockheads. I never hesitate to pick up coins, copper or otherwise, when I find them on the pavement, not because I consider that picking them up will bring me good luck, but because I can put them to good use. The more pennies the more good uses. Chump change is in the eye of the beholder and no gift to the LORD is insignificant. The ushers will now come forward to receive the offering.
Gracious God, we have given thoughtfully and reverently the to the support and edification of Christ’s church. Help us to see that our gifts are not swallowed up by some invisible bureaucracy, but help in so many ways to refresh the souls of those who hunger and thirst for new life. We are blessed and so in turn seek to bless others. For all that we are and have, wondrous God, we give thanks and praise, in the name of the Christ. Amen.