Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 25, 2012 "CHANCE OF A LIFETIME"

Gracious God, wondrous Sovereign of the Universe, gratefully we lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving for the opportunity to greet the new day. We are ever mindful particularly during this season of Lent how fleeting is the time we have upon this earth and intend that our days should be spent in service and work that brings glory to your name. If we ever get embroiled in the politics of maneuvering for control, lobbying for power or jockeying for position, halt us in our tracks and show us the honorable way of truth. Teach us to embrace your way in all things. Let your wisdom rule in our hearts, casting out the spirits of distrust, malevolence or ill will. Be tenacious with us when we are tempted to act contrary to your commandments, keeping us attentive to your purposes for us. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Glorious God, because our commitment to Jesus is a priority in our lives, so too, is our commitment to the vitality and work of this body of Christ — the church. We are, all of us, ministers in Christ’s name, ambassadors of the assurance of all things hoped for. Bless these gifts, O Lord, that they may empower your mission as we reach out to our community and the world bringing Good News and healing in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Glorious God, inspire us this morning with a hopeful vision. We live in a world torn apart by misunderstandings, greed, fear and ignorance. The haves are suspicious and wary of the have-nots and the have-nots are suspicious and wary of the haves. Remind us Lord that strength is for service, not status. The strong and able in faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter. Faith must not be about doing what is most convenient for us.*** We confess that in our worship, many of us cling to ideas, presumptions and practices that identify us as those truly on the goodness track. Help us to accept each other — our similarities and our differences — right down to the way we worship you. Remind us that the way we hold our heads or our hands to rejoice, to give thanks and to pray need only be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our rock and our redeemer. Amen.

The year I was born the Sunshine Hydrox chocolate cookie with cream filling had already been around for 40 years. It was the cookie of choice in my house, along with Tollhouse Chocolate Chip cookies made from scratch. Nowadays you can’t find Hydrox. The Oreo came into being 4 years after the Sunshine cookie and celebrated 100 years as Milk’s favorite cookie on March 6th. Over 491 billion Oreo cookies have been sold since 1912, making them the best selling cookie of the 20th century. I’m pretty sure it was the Double Stuf Oreo, introduced in 1975, that caused Hydrox to simply fall off the face of the cookie map. I guess that proves that it takes twice as much, sometimes, just to keep going and growing. Food for thought —as it were.
Glorious God, because our commitment to Jesus is a priority in our lives, so too, is our commitment to the vitality and work of this body of Christ — the church. We are, all of us, ministers in Christ’s name, ambassadors of the assurance of all things hoped for. Bless these gifts, O Lord, that they may empower your mission as we reach out to our community and the world bringing Good News and healing in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Westminster Presbyterian Church IS ON THE RIGHT TRACK


Monday, March 12, 2012

March 11, 2012 "PERISH" -- THE THOUGHT

Wondrous and Loving God, Creator of the Universe, in this time of prayer we focus our attention on your presence, shutting out the sounds of cars and sirens and airplanes, sniffles and coughs. We loosen our shoulders and allow ourselves to be enfolded in your Spirit arms for this hour, believing that we shall be revitalized, renewed and recreated. We confess our distress over what tomorrow may bring in an unstable economy. Keep us mindful of your ever-presence, dearest Lord. You are always near, always listening, always reaching out to us, offering your strong reassuring hand, any day, everyday, in the midst of the storm, in the silence of the night, or on a walk through a springtime garden. We live each day responsively, accepting your marvelous grace, extending the hand of fellowship as the body of Christ for the world. Amen.
OK, I paid $74 to fill my car up with gas on Tuesday. The pump asked me if I wanted a car- wash — I thought they should have thrown that in for free; I said “No.” After driving to LA and back yesterday I had to fill up again — “cha-ching.” So how can we help each other out with such high gas prices? Here is one suggestion: Don’t drive to church alone, bring a neighbor and share the gas. At coffee hour today you will see that the fellowship hall is divided into geographical areas. Go get a cup of coffee, then go to your neighborhood and find someone to ride with. What have you got to lose?
Glorious God, we have designated a portion of our income to keep this church vital and alive, supporting its ministries and caring for the facility. We will ever trust in your optimizing power as we offer, faithfully, consistently and cheerfully, not only our monetary gifts, but our prayers, our service, our participation, and our witness. Thank you for all of your blessings, in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Gracious and Loving God, what a glorious morning this is! What better way to give you thanks for today, than to sing songs of praise and proclaim our love and devotion to you. On this Sabbath morning, we gratefully take time to rest our spirits basking in your most divine company. Guide us into quietness and help us embrace, fully, all the goodness and mercy that flows from your heart. Dearest Lord, we confess our lives seem to get more and more complicated with each passing day. We can get worn out with the obligations we must meet. If we find ourselves becoming ill-tempered and critical of one another, please open our eyes, our hearts and our minds. Help us recognize each other’s best efforts as you have always recognized ours. Your gracious “Yes” was in the heart of Jesus and was ever upon his lips when he reached out to heal the sick, comfort the mourners, and forgive sinners. Teach us to be the people of your gracious “Yes” working to bring healing to the world. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
This congregation believes in the benefits of scouting programs for boys and for girls. Being involved in the discipline of scouting, they benefit as individuals and in turn benefit the communities in which they reside in the present and the future. Scouts remind us of the importance of investing time, energy and financial support in programs that challenge our children and our youth. We provide the scouts a safe place to meet, to honor each other and to grow spiritually, mentally and physically. They have inspired us with their creative energy and determination, giving back to us their time and muscle as we launch projects of our own.
Most High God, bless these gifts to the care of your creation. Let us not be those who give in to anxiety and skittishness over what we do not have. These gifts are a statement of our faith in you and they herald our commitment to help those in need here and around the world. Receive these gifts and multiply them, we ask you, in the name of the Christ. Amen

February 26, 2012 "WHO YA GONNA CALL"

Awesome and ever forgiving God, hear our heartfelt prayer. We confess our need to be reconciled to you in order that we may learn to be reconciled to each other. We are people of independent spirit, who know in our hearts that you are not only the giver of grace, but you are the ground of our being, the very source of our existence. Help us to understand that every moment is an opportunity to connect with you, to sense the participation of your spirit in our lives. Lead us during this season of Lent to the core of our being where we shall find our heart’s desire. If we should discover that we have neglected or starved our souls, nourish us by all the means of grace: on your word, in worship, by prayer, through fellowship and with communion. If we discover that we have never healed from a past injury, help us find the source of healing. If we discover that we are imprisoned by negativity, break the shackles that bind us and set us free. Teach us to be honest with you and ourselves as we journey toward holiness and spiritual maturity. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
I met with my accountant on Thursday to sort out my taxes. He also handles some of my investments and as we reviewed my limited portfolio he mentioned that the stock market was actually having a good morning. I don’t visit my investments on a regular basis, because they have done little to get me enthused about their performance. My accountant remarked that the stock market has been in the longest performance slump of its history — 12 years— that’s longer than the great depression, which was pretty much over in 10.
Gracious God, it is not with hesitancy or timidity that we offer these gifts. Neither do we give with robotic or automatic gestures. We give cheerfully, gratefully and thoughtfully reminding ourselves that our singular offering combined with the gifts brought by our brothers and sisters, can and will do great things to the glory of your name. Bless these gifts, we ask you in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Ash Wednesday February 22, 2012 ...AND YET POSSESSING EVERYTHING"

Our most Gracious Creator, we come into your presence this evening to remember who we are. We have come to talk about repentance and renewal. We have come here to begin a journey which will lead to transformation. In this season of Lent we are seekers. We want to mature spiritually. We know that all growth takes discipline and commitment. Remind us to take time to partake of all the means of grace. Help us practice our praying. Prod us to read the scriptures and take some notes. We have known, since childhood, that if we don’t practice a skill regularly we get rusty. Today we confess that the same holds true when it comes to practicing our faith. Help us, Gracious Lord, in these 40 days to meet the challenges of holy living that are set before us. Empower our spiritual discipline, moving us toward self-discovery. If we get bogged down or distracted, bring us back on track and help us stay the course. Our prayer is that we will learn to love with the heart of Jesus and serve with the humility of Paul, seeking to be the Good News in our daily life. Lord, hear us as we pray in the name of the one who taught us to pray, saying: Our Abba Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Have you ever wondered about the use of the word reconcile with reference to balancing your checkbook? When you balance your checkbook, what you are doing is reconciling the balance that you have in your checkbook with the bank’s balance. In order to stay on track and not bounce checks, you need your numbers and the bank’s numbers to be the same. It’s sort like re-establishing a close and balanced relationship between your checkbook and the bank. That is what the season of Lent is all about: re-establishing a close and balanced relationship with our creator, so we are both on the same page, so to speak.
Loving God, creator of all things, from the dust of the earth you have formed us and from the dust of death you have promised to raise us up. These gifts are just one measure of our thanks for your steadfast love, mercy and forgiveness. During this season of Lent we pledge not only to examine our spiritual center, but we will also examine our commitment center. Show us the way of visionaries who can see with the eyes of faith all that we can and will do to glorify your name. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.