Monday, March 12, 2012

March 11, 2012 "PERISH" -- THE THOUGHT

Wondrous and Loving God, Creator of the Universe, in this time of prayer we focus our attention on your presence, shutting out the sounds of cars and sirens and airplanes, sniffles and coughs. We loosen our shoulders and allow ourselves to be enfolded in your Spirit arms for this hour, believing that we shall be revitalized, renewed and recreated. We confess our distress over what tomorrow may bring in an unstable economy. Keep us mindful of your ever-presence, dearest Lord. You are always near, always listening, always reaching out to us, offering your strong reassuring hand, any day, everyday, in the midst of the storm, in the silence of the night, or on a walk through a springtime garden. We live each day responsively, accepting your marvelous grace, extending the hand of fellowship as the body of Christ for the world. Amen.
OK, I paid $74 to fill my car up with gas on Tuesday. The pump asked me if I wanted a car- wash — I thought they should have thrown that in for free; I said “No.” After driving to LA and back yesterday I had to fill up again — “cha-ching.” So how can we help each other out with such high gas prices? Here is one suggestion: Don’t drive to church alone, bring a neighbor and share the gas. At coffee hour today you will see that the fellowship hall is divided into geographical areas. Go get a cup of coffee, then go to your neighborhood and find someone to ride with. What have you got to lose?
Glorious God, we have designated a portion of our income to keep this church vital and alive, supporting its ministries and caring for the facility. We will ever trust in your optimizing power as we offer, faithfully, consistently and cheerfully, not only our monetary gifts, but our prayers, our service, our participation, and our witness. Thank you for all of your blessings, in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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