Monday, October 12, 2009

Offertory Thought October 11, 2009

In prep school on Wednesday afternoons we received our weekly allowance of $3.00 to enjoy during what was called our “downtown time.” The allowance was to last the week, and might buy lunch at Friendly’s, or a movie, an ice cream sundae at the State Street soda fountain, or maybe even buy a gift for a friend or pay for martinizing. Few of us had any notions about not spending every last penny of that allowance. I am just about 100% sure not one of us kept a portion of that allowance to place in the offering plate at the churches we were obliged to attend every Sunday. Hmmmmm!!!???

Prayer to Accompany Sermon October 11, 2009 "Little Children"

This being National Children's Day I drew on all of the prayers I remembered from my childhood and a new one, perhaps it is from your childhood. I changed the "I's" to "We's."

“Thank you God for this lovely day. What can we contribute to it. We will try to make it for others and ourselves, a better day than yesterday. Thank you God for the world so sweet. Thank you God for the food we eat. Thank you God for the birds that sing. Thank you God for everything. For health and strength and daily food, we give you thanks, O Lord. The Lord is Good to me, and so I thank the Lord, for giving me the things I need, the sun the rain and the apple seed; the Lord is good to me. Now before we run out to play, let us not forget to pray. Dear God who kept us through the night, and waked us with the morning light, help us to love you even more than we have ever loved before. In all we do in work or play, be with us Lord from day to day.” Amen.

Offertory Thought October 4, 2009

In our Methodist Hymnal there appear three verses to the hymn “Be Thou My Vision.” There is a verse missing, which appears in the Chalice Hymnal as the 3rd verse and reads: “Riches I heed not, nor world’s empty praise, thou mine inheritance now and always, thou and thou only, first in my heart, Great God of heaven, my treasure thou art.”

Prayer To Accompany Sermon October 4, 2009 "Thou Mine Inheritance"

Dearest Lord our beloved, Abba, be gracious to us this day and invite us to dance in the company of your Holy threesome. We come before you praising your name, offering our thanks for unfailing, never flagging devotion to and your patience with our feeble efforts to be more than creatures who live by instinct. Forgive us when we are arrogant, proud, or picky. Forgive us when we react to the barbs of those who goad and annoy. Forgive us when we allow ourselves to be drained of compassion leaving us little to care for those truly in need. Restrain our desire for adulation, our need for the world’s approval or affirmation. We admit we find comfort in the more predictable things of life, perhaps believing that if we keep our present course nothing new will be expected of us. Remind us, most wise and wonderful One, that you are always doing something new and with each new day we are given a chance to get onboard and join you in the glorious adventure of today. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Offertory Thought September 27, 2009

In nursing we were taught to set priorities in order to care for our patients competently and complete our work in a timely manner. My priorities often differed from those of my co-workers and bosses. I recall the priority of some was eating breakfast first, then starting their work. Our priorities change as we move through life. Priorities at 23, are different from priorities at 33, or 43 and on and on. The fact that you are here this morning suggests that church is important to you. Please make it a priority by pledging to support it financially.

Prayer to Accompany Sermon September 27, 2009 "Praying Matters"

Dearest Lord, our prayer begins with praise, followed by our heartfelt thanks for your steadfast love and understanding. It is right, then, that we offer our confession for indeed we have sinned and fallen short of your kingdom when we could not see, sense or embrace the light of the Christ in ourselves and others. It is right, too, that in recognizing our shortcomings we ask your forgiveness and tend to the business of praying for those in need. We pray that you will comfort those who are suffering whether they are grieving and alone, are ill and in pain, frightened and forlorn. We celebrate with those who are cheerful praying your continued blessing and bounty upon them. We pray for wisdom from above among the world’s leaders, the inhabitants of nations, our children’s teachers, and for ourselves. May our passion be for the integrity of your creation always in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.