Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 27, 2012 "CONQUERING THE WORLD" (Part 2)

Gracious and Ever-moving God, on this day of remembrance we celebrate the moment, the day of empowerment, when your Holy Spirit gave the disciples of Jesus their voices. You came, at last, and gave them the words to tell their stories — to proclaim aloud how their lives were changed when they answered the call to follow. Your promised Spirit, the Advocate and Counselor of Truth rushed, unmistakably, into the company of men and women moving them from uncertainty to certainty, from reticence to determination, from paralysis to action. Pour out your ever-renewing Spirit upon each of us present today. Help us speak truth to power as did the first Christians. Teach us to speak the good word, that enlightens, uplifts and assures even the most skeptical, burdened and alienated of your children. Transform us into a living gospel, of love, mercy and all things possible. Make us the vital, re-energized, truly alive body of your Christ in the world. In his name we pray. Amen.

Jean Smoot, Pat Myers, Sally Parisi, Tina Stormont, Carolyn Murdoch, Eileen Houghton, Lorna Range, Jane Prior, Nancy Nickolopoulos, Barbara Boettcher, Vera Glur, Ruth Pitts-Litman, Palu and Salesi KapuKapu, Beryl Ganzer, Janis Garland, June Glennon, are among the regulars who knit and crochet prayer shawls for the church’s thriving prayer shawl ministry. Since this special ministry began in 2005 at the urging of Rev. Dr. Kathryne Middle the church has given out nearly 500 prayer shawls to people all over the world. For the past three years we have designated Pentecost Sunday as a day to accept yarn gifts for the making of the prayer shawls. In truth we accept yarn gifts all year long; but today, especially, we give thanks for the loving hearts and hands that make these shawls that offer comfort to all who receive them.

Glorious God, pour out your passionate Spirit upon us, today as we support the uplifting, caring and powerful ministries carried out by the members of this church. We believe that the work of our hands, our presence in this community, and our reaching out in the name of the Christ is transforming lives, bringing the world one heart closer to its transformation. We pray that through our gifts and our work people from all walks of life will come to know and experience the abundance of your grace, love and mercy. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 20, 2012 "CONQUERING THE WORLD" (Part 1)

God of Grace and Glory, we come before you, most humbly, to offer our thanks and our praise for all the blessings of this life. We are very well aware that we live well compared to so many people in the world and in this we will be satisfied. Those of us who have accumulated years beyond the halfway mark, are loathe to confess what feels like spiritual fatigue. We want to be energized once again in and by our faith. May we never feel defeated by ill health, age, or under and unemployment. When we find ourselves longing for the days of our youth when we believed every minute was fruitful, productive and promising, remind us that fruitfulness is not a matter of age, but of spirit. Help us refuse to be invisible in a world that worships the young. Make us shining exemplars of faith and positivity always lighting the way for those who have only just begun to live. Today we are honoring some extraordinary members of this family. Bless them as they move toward the day when they will light the way as we have for those who will come after them. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

What is a shareholder? According to the Investor Words glossary of terms it is an individual who owns shares of stock in a corporation or mutual fund. With ownership comes the right to declared dividends as well as the right to vote on certain company matters, including who will serve on the board of directors. Shareholders have a stake in ensuring the best management practices of the company, in order to receive the greatest dividends from their investment. One invests in the church much like one invests in mutual funds or corporations. It’s the dividends, that are vastly different — one is finite the other NOT.
Glorious God we are privileged to be shareholders in our church, understanding that we give to not only to support the present, but to invest in the future work of those who will come after us. Our hope is that our tithes and offerings will keep the ministry of this church vital and alive for us, for our community, for our conference, and for those in need around the world. Help us understand that as shareholders in the church we have a stake in the well-being of the world. Bless our efforts with our gifts. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April 29, 2012 "BEARING THE FAMILY TRAITS" (Part 2)

Wondrous and Loving Creator, true Sovereign of Hope, how amazing, indeed, is your grace, how abundant your forgiveness and how extravagant your mercy. We are at peace as we rest our spirits in your comforting presence. It seems so very simple to say it, but we confess that it is better than alright to be here. It is better than good to be in this sanctuary, in this moment of communion with you. Here we are invited, urged even, to unburden our souls. Here we can let go of anger, cast off shame and break the shackles of resentment. We can trade in those negative feelings that fetter us to the darkness and accept the gift of your grace. Sharpen our spiritual senses today gracious God. Open our eyes of understanding to visualize the light of Christ waiting to fill our hearts to overflowing. Help us to clear out the cobwebs of regret, and remove the tattered and worn curtains of secrecy, readying our heart space for radiating grace. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

It feels good to give, or it’s suppose to feel good to support your church financially. I think it must feel pretty yucky to attend church every week and never make a financial commitment, giving nothing, goose-egg, nada, zero. There are all types of givers and not-givers. Some folks put cash in the plate to remain anonymous. Some folks feel they can’t offer anything of significance and so pledge nothing. Some folks reason that giving time is like giving money to the church. Some folks won’t pledge and won’t give because the church has not lived up to their expectations. Some folks give a few dollars a year just to keep their name on the books. I confess I prefer to feel like the widow who gave the only two coins she had with no regrets. She felt privileged and glad to give. Jesus counted her most worthy.

Glorious God we are glad to work for the transformation of the world through our support of the church and its ministries. Our prayer is that all of the children of creation can come to know you and experience the abundance of your love and mercy. May our offerings help to bring relief to those in dire circumstances, oppressed, imprisoned, isolated, and forgotten, be they close at hand or far away. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.