Thursday, December 30, 2010

Advent Candle of "LOVE"


Last week I attended a Christmas party for the cast members and volunteers of the Palm Canyon Theater. I was navigating about the house trying to find my way to the food table when I was stopped in my tracks by a pair of tiny arms hugging me around my knees. I looked down into the face of 4 year old Eva. She looked up into my face, eyes wide and warm, sweet and full of vulnerability, obviously glad to see me and said, simply, "Manda." I hugged her tight and seeing the open, unhesitating, gladness in her expression I was suddenly aware that this is the connection that God is longing for with us. God loves us like this. God reaches out for us like this little child, with this vulnerable, unhesitatingly innocent embrace of adoration. This is what God longs for us to see and realize as we lean over the manger, wonderstruck, on Christmas Eve. God has become for us this vulnerable, innocent spontaneously expressive child. God in the child Jesus, like 4 year Eva is reaching out to us eyes wide with wonder, smile sweet and warm, tiny arms unabashedly glad to see us. They wrap around our knees, as the God-child Jesus lovingly whispers your name and mine. Isaiah it was who foretold this, the Rose, the Rose I have in mind; with Mary we behold it, the Virgin Mother kind. To show God’s love aright, she bore to us a Savior when half spent was the night.
I light the candle of Love.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"STARCHASERS" December 26, 2010

O, Wondrous God, most gracious Creator of all that exists in the universe, we praise your Holy Name and offer our thanks this day, for your ceaseless endeavors to be close to humankind. In the birth of Jesus you reach out to us with the unhesitating arms of a child. We pray that the love and goodwill that washes over us in this season of lights and carols will linger throughout the year. We confess, that we let the joyous anticipation and excitement we feel at Christmas fade all too soon and January can become a month almost as dreaded as April or September. Teach us confidence, that we may not dwell overlong about worldly matters. Keep us mindful of the ever uplifting presence of the Christ within us who offers comfort and strength always. Help us to understand that , because, we bear his name, he is part of us, living in our hearts. It is this Jesus who empowers us to live, to love, to let go and forgive without hesitation or fear. And it is in his name that we pray. Amen.
Glorious God, we are so very glad on this day after Christmas Day to bring our gifts before you. You have blessed us by your gift of the Christ Child whose promised coming we remember and embrace. Today is a day to begin once more and offer our renewed commitment to the mission of your church as it ministers to us to our community, our nation and the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

"THE LIGHT OF CHRIST" Christmas Eve 2010

Glorious God, on this night of nights we have made our way here to this sanctuary purposely taking time away from the last minute hustle and bustle that has become the reality of Christmas. We have been busy shopping and preparing looking forward to celebrating this Holy Day in the company of those we love. We want everything to be just right and ready for tomorrow morning. But, tonight we have come here to be transported, in a moment in time, to a place of holy remembering. We stand in that chilly stable and marvel with Mary and Joseph at the miracle before us. Through grateful wondering eyes we ponder the babe lying in the rough hewn manger filled with straw. Like the shepherds and the stable animals, we are quieted and humbled in the mysterious presence of the one the angels called Messiah. As we look down into the face of innocence we feel our hearts rejoice, accepting gladly what is, and will always be, God’s most incredible gift to humankind. Tonight, and for all of our tomorrows, let us give thanks and receive the treasure that is Jesus, our Emmanuel.

Monday, December 13, 2010

December 12, 2010 "FRUITS AND TREASURES"

Glorious God we praise your holy name. We are thankful for your abundant Grace and inspired by your steadfast love, we come into your presence joyfully, confident that you abide with us always. We confess our distraction in these days of shopping and planning for the time of great celebration. We love to see the lights that adorn the homes in and around our neighborhoods. They are lights of delight and good cheer, they are lights that herald the coming of a wondrous day. Dearest Lord, help us keep our hearts and minds focused on the coming of the blessed one. He will bring joy and yet will know sorrow. He will speak peace to our souls and yet will be surrounded by turmoil. Love will be upon his face even as he is scorned and hated. Give us the courage and intention to invite those who don’t know him to begin to know the Christ this Christmas. It is in his name that we pray. Amen.
Wondrous God, we give you thanks for the diligence of those who pledge their support to your church, it’s ministries of the present and those of it’s future. We are blessed by the presence of those who believe, positively, in the mission of the church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. May the gifts we bring make the glorious message even more powerful and sweet as it reaches out to help the burdened and broken people of the world. The depth of our love for you, O God, is reflected in the gifts we offer as stewards of your creation. Multiply them according to your need in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Matthew 6:19-21 and Nehemiah 10:32-39

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 5, 2010 "GIVING IN TRUST"

God of Peace and Goodwill we come into your presence this morning full of wonder and anticipation of the arrival of the promised one. Let us not take your promises for granted, settling into a holiday retail routine. Let us not succumb to the pressures of wondering who we have forgotten on our, seemingly, endless gift list. Remind us as we wrap and tie bows and stand in line at the post office to give you thanks. The gifts we will give are meant to be a reflection of your immeasurable generosity and love, not our own. Most gracious Lord, speak peace to our souls in these busy, busy days. We shall be lifted up realizing that it is your Spirit present in every card we receive, every goodwill wish uttered, and every delighted smile shared. We shall not grow weary with waiting. We shall use this time wisely preparing our hearts to receive the Prince of Peace. Amen.
Wondrous and Loving God this is just one way of saying thank you for your love and trust. You have not only entrusted your creation to our care, but you have given each of us gifts to invest in it. Some of us are smart, clever and imaginative; some of us are practical, frugal, and organized, some of us are caregivers, able to see beyond our own needs to the needs of others. In partnership with you we cultivate these gifts for your sake. Make us your gifts to the world that we may accomplish wondrous deeds in your name empowering the ministry and mission of your church throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

November 28, 2010 "NURTURE A SECOND NATURE"

Most Loving God, Creator of the Universe on this, the first Sunday of the Advent season, we lift up our hearts in hopeful anticipation of wondrous things to come. We remember all that you have given to humanity since the dawn of time. You have blessed us, and loved us, forgiven us and rescued us, made covenant with us and promised to be faithful always. We confess that, try as we might, we have not always lived up to our part in this covenant relationship. We will, in these next four weeks, begin again. We will turn our attention to you, seeking to discern your will and way for us. Keep us mindful that this is a time of introspection and self-examination, a time of surrender and soul-searching as we embrace hope for the world, hope for your Church, hope for our community of faith, hope for today and hope for tomorrow. In the name of your dear Son we pray. Amen.

Accept our gifts gracious God. We offer them as one small way of saying thank you for your love, grace and forgiveness. Our hearts are hopeful that these gifts will support the ministries of this church and the Church universal which seeks to help people in need throughout the world. Your blessing upon this offering today will add power and strength to all of the deeds that can and will be done in your name. Amen.