Monday, April 28, 2014


Each of us is created in the image of God. Believe it!
God’s will for us is GOODWILL— always. Believe it!
We follow the Christ who lived to forgive. Believe it!
Jesus showed us a new way to connect with God by serving one another. We claim his mission as our mission, to bind up the broken hearted and proclaim release to those held captive by fear.
Jesus carried to the cross all that separated us from God. When he died those sins died with him. He promised that his death would not be the end and on the morning of the third day God raised him from the dead! Believe it!
Jesus opened wide the door that leads to the heart of God and invited everybody to enter in. Believe it!
God’s Holy Spirit is ever present, moving in our lives and speaking the truth to all who have ears to hear. Believe it!
We become the body of Christ living the as we strive to live out the commandment to love God and each other. Believe it! Amen!
Ever-Surprising and unfathomable Lord, what a glorious morning this is! Our hearts are triumphant. Our spirits are full and we rejoice at the news of Christ’s resurrection. Let our response to your promise fulfilled be unreserved and boisterously glad. Christ’s resurrection is your most wondrous, mysterious and wholly unchangeable gift of love. We held our breath with the disciples who witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion, afraid, paralyzed, waiting to exhale. Today you have revealed what lies beyond grief and mourning. Your message for all the world is clear. The tomb is empty, and life, with all of its ups and downs, has been touched by the promise of eternity. We can breathe again, no longer afraid. Our faith renewed, our spirits ignited we shall be your witnesses in and for the world. We’ll shout it from the mountain tops. “Today you have made all things new! Christ is Risen. Christ is Risen indeed.” We give you thanks and praise in his glorious name. Amen.
I was looking for some artwork to use in our Holy Week newspaper ad and came across this picture of an, obviously abandoned, plastic Easter Egg...emptied of its contents and left on the floor by a young egg hunter. For some reason this silly blue plastic egg spoke volumes to me. It reminded me, not of a bunny rabbit cavorting about with a basket of marshmallow, chocolate and colored eggs, but of the empty tomb. You see, before being opened the blue egg was a vessel containing a mystery. Nearby — face smeared with chocolate — is a child wondering if there might be something more in the egg. How will we tell them that the empty egg is everything! Our Special Easter Offering will go to support the efforts of the Imagine No Malaria campaign.

April 18, 2014 GOOD FRIDAY "ON THE MARGINS" From Voices For Good Friday by Rev. Dr. Amanda Burr

Loving and Merciful God, timidly we enter this sanctuary, to remember the sacrifice and ordeal of our beloved savior. We confess that had we been with his followers in the Garden of Gethsemane, we too would have felt lost, bereft and ashamed, not knowing what to do or where to turn. We have been taught by the lamb to trust in you. We are humbled by his faith and will believe that, through it all, you did not abandon your child of promise, the beloved One. Our Abba, Father, in heaven, holy, holy, holy is your name. May your kingdom come, and your will be done on earth as surely as it is in heaven. Give us this day the food we need. Forgive us our sins, empowering us, by your gracious forgiveness, to forgive those who have sinned against us. Guide us in right paths. Lead us away from temptation and keep us from evil, O Lord; for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Matthew tells a unique story of Judas Iscariot publicly repenting of his betrayal of Jesus. Unfortunately, Judas reports his regrets and his desire to give back the money he was paid, to those who have no interest. In an effort to wash his hands of it all, he throws the thirty pieces of silver clattering onto the stone floor of the temple. Matthew tells us that the chief priests took the “blood money” and purchased the potter’s field, the place where clay was extracted from the ground for making pots. Not useful for farming or agriculture, it became a common grave for those people who existed on the margins of Judaism, who could not be buried in an orthodox cemetery. Those who are marginalized by our society have much to teach us. Our goal, as the body of Christ must be to include, in the life of the church, all those on the margins.
Gracious God, we offer these gifts to your church with humble hearts. Pour out your blessing upon them. Make them a powerful witness to Christ’s love of all people in every corner of the world. Show us the better way to carry on the work of your Christ today to your honor and glory. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.


L: My Sisters and brothers, Christ shows us his love by becoming a humble servant. Let us draw near to God and confess our sin the in the truth of God’s Spirit.
P: Most merciful God, we your church confess that our own spirits have not been a reflection of the Christ within. So many times we have failed to love one another as Christ loves us. We have failed to let the light and love of the Christ shine in and through us. We have faltered in the pledge of loyalty we made to the Christ with our lips, because we did not acknowledge him to others as a very real and significant part of our lives. Reserving him for our Sunday lives is akin to ignoring him, or worse denying him. Forgive us, O Lord, we pray; and by your Spirit make us faithful everyday and in every time of trial through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
L: Who is in a position to condemn? Only Christ. But Jesus has brought us this evening to the Passover table to give thanks and praise to Almighty God who has given us life and breath, love and everlasting covenant. God has never abandoned humanity, but has remained steadfast even when we turned away. Tonight the beloved ONE of God invites us to the remember and celebrate the Passover while embracing a new covenant. At this table of remembrance Jesus offers the bread of life and the cup of redemption. Time after time we have not understood what God has done for us and time after time the holy one has interceded for us. Jesus dines tonight in the company of those who betrayed, deserted and denied him and still he offers grace. In the name of Christ you are forgiven!
P: In the name of the Christ, you are forgiven! Glory be to God. Amen.
The question was asked at the time of his birth “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? That child grew to manhood and on the day of his baptism heard the voice from heaven saying: “This is my Son, the beloved, with whom I am well pleased.” The devil knew him as the Son of God, yet this king, this beloved, this son, aspired to no grand and glorious throne; rather he sought to gather us in, to change us and make us light for the world with his urgent message: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near!” Would you laugh, cheer or cry if you saw the king of kings coming to you, humble and mounted on a donkey? Our response to that sight would be a telling moment as well as a moment of decision.
Merciful God, this evening we remember how Jesus, knowing that his end was near kept faith with you and with his disciples celebrating the Passover with all of them. Bless the gifts we offer this evening. We do not make this offering as atonement for sins. We are not trying to purchase your goodwill or favor. These are a pledge of commitment, as we embrace our covenant with you. We offer them gratefully, trusting that you will guide their purpose, in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Glorious God, we enter the gates of the city in the company of a King unlike any other. He is the beloved King, the Prince of Peace who rides on in majesty coming to us humble and mounted on a donkey. On this day, with arms held high and with the whole multitude of the disciples we praise your name for all the deeds of power we have seen. As we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem, we shall invite the blessed one to enter into our hearts as well, that he might reclaim us as his own. Indeed this is a day that You, O Lord, have made. We rejoice that you have given us the opportunity to take part in your plan for your kingdom to come upon the earth. May we never stop praising the name of Jesus. “Hosanna! Hosanna in the Highest. Blessed is the king who comes in your name. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heaven.” Amen.
I love a parade whether it is a parade of mounted horse soldiers, or foot soldiers and their machines, a parade of colorful flower-adorned floats mixed with marching bands, a parade of circus performers or even that twice-nightly-recorded-music-parade-of-lights and dancing characters at Disneyland. I loved the parade of children carrying palms this morning. To me the parade heralds the something wonderful that is coming; the something wonderful that is about to happen, whether it is a promise of renewed order in a time of war, a nostalgic reminder of times gone by, or wondrous entertainment for the eyes and ears; the parade is an invitation to be present in the moment, to be part of the promise of good things to come. Be a part of that promise by giving generously to your church.
Gracious God, remind us today that we are not just spectators along the parade route, but those who have committed our hearts as participants in ministry. Bless these our gifts, offered gladly and with grateful hearts. May they edify the body of Christ and bring about transformation in the lives of all who enter these doors. May these gifts bring comfort, healing, and strength to the down trodden, downhearted and those who feel marginalized by society. Remind us always that we witness to your presence in our lives through our gifts as well as our work. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Loving God, we celebrate this day, first and foremost, because it is brand new, especially created for us by your loving hand. You have given us a full 24 hours to experience your love, 1440 minutes to reach out and hug someone and 86,400 seconds to fill with laughter and smiles. WOW! Let us never get puffed up with thinking we have gained the upper hand, for we are seeking to flatter our own egos. Keep us from imagining that the universe should, and does, revolve around us. When we feel the weight of some sadness, or high pressure, remind us that we are not the only individuals on the planet carrying such burdens. When we find ourselves cleaning up after the mistakes of others or attempting to live up to unrealistic expectations — running on empty, fill us up, with your spirit-of-all-things-possible, that the bold and brilliant light of your Christ may shine in and through us. In his name we pray. Amen.
The first time I learned about reset buttons was with my first garbage disposal. It had stopped working and I agonized over how I was going to afford to get a new one. I called a friend for advice and he told me about the reset button on the bottom of my insinkerator. Pushing that reset button for the first time was a magical moment, of relief that told me today was not the day I would have to invest in a new disposal. It seems nearly every mechanical device in today’s world has a reset or a connect button to get us started once again, back on track when a glitch occurs or we have to change the batteries. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a reset button to push when we encounter a zero balance in our bank account!
Wondrous and Loving God, when we count our blessings we recognize our good fortune and remember that we live in the world as members of the whole human family. We pray that you will multiply and bless the gifts we offer to minister to our brothers and sisters who don’t have food to eat, clean water to drink or a safe place to sleep. May these gifts reach out to hearts and spirits that are broken and bring them to your Grace. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March 30, 2014 "BULLIES NEVER WIN"

Gracious God, we love how you created the sunshine to light the day. We consider it an awe-inspiring gift. As a matter of fact we miss it when the days are cloudy and overcast. When that shining yellow star seems to emerge from behind a cloud it’s as if it is saying: “Look, even if you can’t see me, I am still here.” And isn’t that the truth about you as well? We confess to moments of doubt, when we are prone to hiding our light. If it’s hidden we reason, no one can ask us why it doesn’t shine. But, Lord, Lord, let us never linger in the shadows of doubt. Let us not be darkness as we once were, but light capable of shining like the sun. The Apostle Paul assured us that we are light in the Lord. As light incarnate, then, we can do nothing less than shine, Shine, SHINE for the sake of and in the name of Jesus who shines fairer, purer and brighter than any star. Amen
You know that tense moment of decision when you go to buy a thing, and just as you are about to pay for it the sales person asks if you want to pay a few dollars more for a warranty? I never wondered if my grandparents or my parents purchased extra warranties for those TVs, refrigerators and radios they had that lasted simply forever, but when a sales person asks me if I want to pay more for a one or two year warranty on the item I am buying, it makes me wonder about the manufacturer’s quality assurance department. Aren’t they, in fact, encouraging me to be prepared for a dud or a lemon. There are three things that are eternally warrantied: The Grace of God, the Love of Jesus Christ and the Companionship of the Holy Spirit and you can put money on that.
Wondrous and Loving God, when we count our blessings we recognize our good fortune and remember that we live in the world as members of the whole human family. We pray that you will multiply and bless the gifts we offer to minister to our brothers and sisters who don’t have food to eat, clean water to drink or a safe place to sleep. May these gifts reach out to hearts and spirits that are broken and bring them to your Grace. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.