Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March 30, 2014 "BULLIES NEVER WIN"

Gracious God, we love how you created the sunshine to light the day. We consider it an awe-inspiring gift. As a matter of fact we miss it when the days are cloudy and overcast. When that shining yellow star seems to emerge from behind a cloud it’s as if it is saying: “Look, even if you can’t see me, I am still here.” And isn’t that the truth about you as well? We confess to moments of doubt, when we are prone to hiding our light. If it’s hidden we reason, no one can ask us why it doesn’t shine. But, Lord, Lord, let us never linger in the shadows of doubt. Let us not be darkness as we once were, but light capable of shining like the sun. The Apostle Paul assured us that we are light in the Lord. As light incarnate, then, we can do nothing less than shine, Shine, SHINE for the sake of and in the name of Jesus who shines fairer, purer and brighter than any star. Amen
You know that tense moment of decision when you go to buy a thing, and just as you are about to pay for it the sales person asks if you want to pay a few dollars more for a warranty? I never wondered if my grandparents or my parents purchased extra warranties for those TVs, refrigerators and radios they had that lasted simply forever, but when a sales person asks me if I want to pay more for a one or two year warranty on the item I am buying, it makes me wonder about the manufacturer’s quality assurance department. Aren’t they, in fact, encouraging me to be prepared for a dud or a lemon. There are three things that are eternally warrantied: The Grace of God, the Love of Jesus Christ and the Companionship of the Holy Spirit and you can put money on that.
Wondrous and Loving God, when we count our blessings we recognize our good fortune and remember that we live in the world as members of the whole human family. We pray that you will multiply and bless the gifts we offer to minister to our brothers and sisters who don’t have food to eat, clean water to drink or a safe place to sleep. May these gifts reach out to hearts and spirits that are broken and bring them to your Grace. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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