Monday, May 24, 2010

PENTECOST SUNDAY May 23, 2010 "Cry, Abba! Father!"

Our Abba, Father and Lord; most wondrous and loving God, your Spirit whispers calm to us on the gentle breezes of the early morning and their soft caress as the evening settles in. As well we stand alert and at attention when storm winds blow furious and alarming and we are in awe of the power of your creation. You remind us with your every breath that you are ever-present, ever-creating, ever-powerful, ever-true, ever-graceful. Our spirits are joined with yours always, but we are so very aware of it in this moment when we lift our voices together united as we are in prayer. On the day of Pentecost the disciples were united in prayer when they were startled by your presence. Spirit of God, bright wind, startle us again and let us witness to your presence, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
It is customary to bring a gift to any birthday unless of course the host instructs you to do something in lieu of bringing gifts. On this, the Birthday of the CHURCH you have come to worship, which means you have brought 2 gifts with you, your presence and your prayers. The church is happy to accept any or all of three other gifts, service, witness and tithes. We are also delighted to accept yarn for prayer shawls.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prayer for the Sermon May 16, 2010 "HINDERING GOD"

Gracious God, make us grateful for all that we have, for the beauty of this day in this glorious valley. When we open our eyes to the storms that have devastated lives in a single moment in time, in Tennessee and Oklahoma, let us not be paralyzed by a sense of helplessness. Remind us that we are not alone in our work. Inspire our most compassionate faith. We who belong to Christ plan together, strive together, reach out together as a denomination of people. We are millions of souls offering our prayers as well as our resources to care for, rescue and serve our brothers and sisters in need. May what we can offer be truly enough, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
What holds us back? What hinders us humans from making a commitment to something, to someone, to our own personal growth, to learning, to exploring visions and ideas, to growing spiritually? What would happen if we let go of things or ideas that hinder growth and weigh us down? After all, wouldn’t it be the silliest thing if we’re being held back by pre-conceived notions that have been collecting dust in our heads, like the old stuff in our closets and garages that is long past being useful?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Prayer for May 9, 2010 "SOON VERY SOON"

Our most Gracious Lord, YOU are the spark that ignites the fire of life. You brought the universe into being and birthed your creation. All that is and lives proceeds from your creative thoughts and your artistic fingertips. We confess “do-it-myself" natures that rule our days along with a “do-it-my-way” urgency in many too many things. Along with our confession we dare to ask you to be patient with us as we are still and ever your creation. Remind us, Eternal One, that we serve you and serve all that belongs to you. Never let us forget that we serve, not in your place, but with your help and for your sake. We serve not for recognition or reward, rather we serve in response as a way of saying “Thank you” for your abundant grace and steadfast love. Pour into us a spirit of “Yes” that will empower, energize and renew your church to the glory of your name. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
“Coming Soon to a theater near you” is usually accompanied by a preview of coming attractions. “Coming soon to your neighborhood” heralds the arrival of our favorite coffee house or grocer. Is the phrase “coming soon” an invitation, an enticement, a relief or an omen? When the flu is coming soon, it’s an omen. When our birthday is coming soon it is greeted with delight or dread. When family or friends are coming soon we may be gleeful or not. When we are afraid as was Paul in his letter to Timothy, Timothy couldn’t come soon enough.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Prayer for the Sermon May 2, 2010 "THE MEASURE OF PERFECTION"

Glorious God of Hope and Promise, we stand in awe of the abundance of your love for humankind. Your endless mercy confounds us truly. Just when we think we have committed the ultimate error, you call us to try yet again, a better way. We want to live your example— to live how you showed us to in the life and work of Jesus. We confess that we have fallen short of that goal and so we ask you to work on us. Open our hearts, Lord, to the brokenness around us, and give us the will and way to care. Open our eyes to see clearly the fear and prejudice that fuels unjust systems, in our society. Give us courage to speak for those who cannot. Give us the strength to stand up for those who may not. Give us the daring to advocate for those who are given no voice; Let us not only live the gospel, but teach us to BE the gospel in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Jasper and gold clear as glass describe the New city, the New Jerusalem, God’s city where God will dwell with God’s people. John of Patmos’ luxurious description of the foundations of the new city of promise and hope bejeweled with jasper, sapphire, agate, emerald, onyx, carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chyrsoprase, jacinth, and amethyst is indeed a wondrous sight for the weary mind’s eye and a sign of the abundance that awaits the faithful souls who have persevered and stood their ground in the face of injustice.

Prayer for the Sermon April 25, 2010 "HEROES AND VILLAINS"

Wondrous Creator, Sovereign of the Universe, to You we offer all honor, glory and blessing. We have found sanctuary here being quite deliberate in our efforts to reflect on your presence in every moment and aspect of our over-burdened, over-extended and over-scheduled lives. Give us the wisdom, we pray, to sort out today— what we will do, who we will see, where we will go— before we start spinning our wheels over what is sure to come at us tomorrow. We pray for clarity in our thinking and patience in our decision making. Remind us, ever so gently, kind Lord, to attend to what is, rather than what might be. Help us rest when we get overwrought and let us truly rejoice when we entrust our hearts and minds to your leading. Cleanse us with living water to wash away all doubt and fear; we humbly beseech You in the name of the Christ. Amen.
The black horse and rider of John’s apocalyptic vision tells us that the opportunities and occasions for greed and avarice have been a part of every age and place throughout history. In his day he derides the kind of inflation that will demand from an individual a day’s pay for a quart of wheat or three quarts of barley. When the black horse rides in the midst of humankind it is a perhaps a sign that we have forgotten how or given up the ability to spend sensibly and live modestly.