Sunday, May 2, 2010

Prayer for the Sermon April 25, 2010 "HEROES AND VILLAINS"

Wondrous Creator, Sovereign of the Universe, to You we offer all honor, glory and blessing. We have found sanctuary here being quite deliberate in our efforts to reflect on your presence in every moment and aspect of our over-burdened, over-extended and over-scheduled lives. Give us the wisdom, we pray, to sort out today— what we will do, who we will see, where we will go— before we start spinning our wheels over what is sure to come at us tomorrow. We pray for clarity in our thinking and patience in our decision making. Remind us, ever so gently, kind Lord, to attend to what is, rather than what might be. Help us rest when we get overwrought and let us truly rejoice when we entrust our hearts and minds to your leading. Cleanse us with living water to wash away all doubt and fear; we humbly beseech You in the name of the Christ. Amen.
The black horse and rider of John’s apocalyptic vision tells us that the opportunities and occasions for greed and avarice have been a part of every age and place throughout history. In his day he derides the kind of inflation that will demand from an individual a day’s pay for a quart of wheat or three quarts of barley. When the black horse rides in the midst of humankind it is a perhaps a sign that we have forgotten how or given up the ability to spend sensibly and live modestly.

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