Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 27, 2013 "PRAYER MATTERS"

Glorious God, It is a pleasure to lift our voices in prayer this morning. It is a pleasure to be able to address you, to speak your name openly for all to hear, never having to hide in the dark or be secretive about our faith. We confess that if we thought more about those obliged to worship in secret, we would relish the freedom we have to pray aloud, to our heart’s content and would do it. Let us never be timid in prayer, whether we offer thanks or ask for your mercy. Let us never hesitate to speak because we think we don’t know the right words to say. As we did when were children, cause us to make lists of those we ought to remember in our prayers. Teach us to remember supporters and opponents, friends and foes, the lost and the found. Help us to follow the example of the Christ everyday and find a place to pray. Amen.
I love reading the novels of James Lee Burke. He puts words together on a page like no other author. One of his characters, Clete Purcel, uses some slang, which is beyond my vocabulary so I am obliged to look it up in order to understand what it means. Clete who drinks hard and gambles often uses the word “vig;” it is short for vigorish, which is a Yiddish word that comes from the Russian “vyigrysh.” The vig —also the juice, the cut or the take — is the fee your bookmaker charges you, the bettor, for his services. You pay the vigorish whether you win or lose, minimizing your bookies risk since he always collects his commission from the vigorish. I suppose one’s 10% tithe to the church could be called the church’s “vig” but in this case it’s a sure bet.
Gracious God keep us mindful of your part in our lives. Remind us that these gifts are not controlled by our will, but yours. Bless them O God. Empower these gifts for greater deeds, deeds of kindness, compassion and mercy. We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

October 20, 2013 "Who's Got the Powah?"

Glorious God it is a pleasure to be here in the company of all who would adore you and love singing praises to your name. We are energized in our bodies, affirmed in our faith, and validated in our pursuit of spirituality and holiness. We confess that at times we are slow to comprehend your will for us and our anxiousness and frustration shows. We live in a fast-paced society where expectations of the individual are many and human need is great. We pray not to lose heart or feel overburdened by the weight of society’s demands. We pray not to lose heart or feel defeated by overwhelming human need. Remind us Loving Abba, that in the race between the tortoise and the hare, persistence won the race not speed. Teach us to embrace a persistent faith putting one foot in front of the other, keeping to the path as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus. In his name we pray. Amen.
The other day I was meeting with some of the church’s leaders and the subject of the budget shortfall, which we will be facing in December, came up. I reminded them all of the delightful gift we received about a month ago. We were groaning about the $10,000 deductible on our insurance policy for water damage claims when we received a gift for precisely that amount from a bequest. A man no one even remembers named the church as a beneficiary in his will, many years ago. The small percentage of his estate he designated for us turned out to be the exact amount we needed to make the necessary repairs to this sanctuary. I asked those leaders if they have named the church in their wills. Five or six year ago I named the church as a beneficiary of my estate. When I die the amount may not be grand, but I have been shown the power a decision made some years ago can have in the life of the church today.
Gracious God keep us mindful of your part in our lives. Remind us that these gifts are not controlled by our will, but yours. Bless them O God. Empower these gifts for greater deeds, deeds of kindness, compassion and mercy. We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

October 13, 2013 "NOW SAY "THANK YOU'"

Wondrous and Loving God, you have filled this earth with so much wonder that, indeed, there are days when the creativity and beauty of your art takes our breath away. We are awed by the majesty of the snow covered mountains that surround us and smile gently at the view we have of them through swaying palm fronds. Bless us Lord of the Universe, with indefatigable spirits that can envision your kingdom coming upon the earth. Let us be ever confident that you have our backs as we endeavor to witness to your love, grace and mercy; as we seek to edify your church, care for each other and respect your creation. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
When we tip waiters and waitresses in a restaurant we know that there are certain rules that one must follow. I made an error once in figuring the tip on a bill and the waitress got really mad and almost ran me out of the restaurant before I realized my mistake. I mean most of us wouldn’t dream of walking out of a restaurant without paying or without leaving a gratuity for the server. If we couldn’t afford it, we wouldn’t go in the first place. I would hate for us to think that we can’t afford the church. God would never snub us or chase us out of church for not putting anything in the offering plate. The truth be told none of us can afford to give thanks to equal the service our God has rendered unto us.
Dearest Lord we are bold to praise your name and say that money blessed is a friend to the children of light. It is an excellent gift and answers the noblest ends. In our hands most gracious One, let it be food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, raiment for the naked. May it give to the traveler and the stranger a place to lay their heads. Cause us to understand that by this we may supply the place of a husband to a widow, and a father to the fatherless. By these gifts we may be a defense for the oppressed, a means of health to the sick, a means of ease to those in pain. These gifts may be as eyes to the blind, as feet to the lame; even a lifter up from the gates of death! Bless these excellent gifts, we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.** Adapted from John Wesley’s Sermon #50 on “The Use Of Money”

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Loving and Compassionate God, we lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving. You are our most generous benefactor lavishing us with your grace and mercy everyday in every moment of our lives. This we recognize and acknowledge above all else and this is why we offer our thanks and praise first and foremost before we ask anything for ourselves or others. We must confess that when confronted with the sorrows and burdens that haunt our brothers and sisters on the planet, we desire to be extraordinary — not for ourselves — but for them. Oh, God, if we only had special powers to help heal their hurts, strength enough to lighten the load they are carrying, or the right words to comfort and soothe their fears, we would rejoice. We would see ourselves as being part of something good, having lived up to the expectations of our faith. Therefore we ask you to increase our faith. In the name of the Christ we pray.
I have been guilty of whining and putting-up-a-fuss when asked to perform a task that I either didn’t like or knew would lead to having to do many more tasks, before even starting the one I was sent out to accomplish in the first place. I think that’s the way many folks feel when the offering plate passes in front of them. They wonder why we just can’t have the offering at the beginning of the worship service and get it over with? Or why couldn’t we have it at the very end, after the postlude. Some churches don’t bother with the ritual at all; they place giving boxes strategically about the sanctuary for people to slip an envelope or some cash into before taking their seat. The offering ritual was never meant to make anyone feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. The ritual is meant to make you conscious of the power your generosity has when united with the generosity of others. Simple, easy, worth the trouble.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

September 29, 2013 "FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS"

Merciful God, when you look upon us, your sons and daughters, what do you see? Do you see us as eager to serve you and your creation? Do you see us as those who want to invest not only our heart, soul, mind and strength, but our wealth for the good of all? Or do you see us as spoiled children who can’t see beyond our own needs and wants? Forgive us now, as we confess being duped by scams and schemes and too-good-to-be-true sales pitches that promise us ease, safety, wealth, beauty and a perfect life. We get frustrated with ourselves when we realize we have fallen for such nonsense. And now we confess our fear of those most in need who seem to lack the common sense to protect themselves from the empty-promise-makers. When we look in the mirror we don’t see uncaring people, lacking compassion, just a bit anxious. By your magnificent goodwill, don’t let us resign ourselves to the idea that human suffering is inevitable and the problems that cause it are unsolvable. Lead us one step at a time from impossible to possible. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.

Dearest Lord we are bold to praise your name and say that money blessed is a friend to the children of light. It is an excellent gift and answers the noblest ends. In our hands most gracious One, let it be food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, raiment for the naked. May it give to the traveler and the stranger a place to lay their heads. Cause us to understand that by this we may supply the place of a husband to a widow, and a father to the fatherless. By these gifts we may be a defense for the oppressed, a means of health to the sick, a means of ease to those in pain. These gifts may be as eyes to the blind, as feet to the lame; even a lifter up from the gates of death! Bless these excellent gifts, we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen. (Adapted from John Wesley’s Sermon #50 on “The Use Of Money”)