Monday, June 29, 2009


The words “God be in my head and in my thinking” have been repeating over and over again in my head for the past several days. I know the tune that accompanies this single repeating phrase for I have sung this phrase and more on some occasion. I decided to write about this sort of broken record petition running in my head and began to search for the hymn in the Methodist Hymnal, in The Faith We Sing and in my copy of the Chalice Hymnal. I finally found what I was looking for in the Chalice Hymnal (#268), which does not include the haunting tune. As it turns out I have been repeating the phrase incorrectly, but it is the first line of a prayerful devotion from the Sarum Primer also known as the liturgical book of devotions used in pre-reformation Salisbury, England circa 1554. No, I am not channeling Julian of Norwich. The full text of “God Be in Me” reads:

“God be in my head and in my understanding;
God be in my eyes and in my looking;
God be in my mouth and in my speaking;
God be in my heart and in my thinking;
God be at my end and at my departing.”

When we speak the words of the meditation we are petitioning God to be present in our every thought, in what we comprehend, in what we see, in how we see, in what goes into our mouths, even how we taste, and the words or sounds that come forth from them. We are petitioning God to be present in our emotions and in our thoughts, at the end of our lives and the moment of our departure from this earthly realm. Devout persons have meditated upon these 5 phrases for nearly 500 years and they are just as relevant today when pondered and repeated in times of quiet soul searching as they were in the 16th century. Each phrase is a prayer in its own right. Each is easy to remember. The themes are simple and the words are quite portable. As a matter of fact they have lately accompanied me wherever I am at all hours of the day. Since Sunday morning June 14th they have been calling me to be more alert to the opportunities that are put before me, to behave kindly, to act with patience, to be less defensive on behalf of the church and more willing to listen to the least of these. The words have been calling me to be more tuned in to the vow I made in 1983 “to be diligent in understanding the faith to which the doctrines of the church bear witness, and proclaiming by word and action the truth of the gospel as God gives me opportunity; to endeavor to be a steadfast and prayerful disciple, daily following the rule and teaching of our Lord to the end that my life and the lives I touch may be fashioned by the gospel.” I pray that these words continue to sing in my head reminding me to ask God to be a part of my every thought, word and deed, to be ever in my thinking that I may do all the good I can, by all the means I can, in all the ways I can, in all the places I can, at all the times I can, to all the people I can, as long as ever I can. Amen.
Rev. Amanda

Prayer for Sunday June 28, 2009 to Accompany Sermon "Wrestlemania-Gerasa"

Blessed Lord, Most Wonderful Creator, we are assured of your presence as you are in our every breath. As we roar and rage about the glitches, the crashes, the fumbles and stumbles, the woes and troubles that work their way into our daily lives let this be the sound of our confession. As we growl and grouse, or mutter and moan our resentments toward those who disappoint us, hear our prayer for those who let us down, family, friends, even strangers we have helped who keep messing up their lives; who can’t seem to kick start their self-supporting motivation engine. Dampen our spirit of impatience levied against the uncooperative, or the less than competent, or the seemingly clueless. Teach us the ways of encouragement. Let the voices of wisdom and good conscience rule our tongues. Keep us mindful that the quick fix is not always the best answer to solving a long standing problem. Teach us how to wait. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Prayer for Sunday June 21st, 2009

Glorious God, our Abba Father, how very grateful we are for your loving and holy presence wherever we are in this world. We know that you are with our Angelica, Peter, Vijith and Max as they travel in other lands thousands of miles from us. Bless all the children of this congregation we pray , whether they are far away from us or close at hand. Give us the patience and the stamina to love them, accept them, to take them as they are today, to encourage them on their way to tomorrow, to always lift them up from their disappointments and comfort them in times of sorrow. Help us to teach them the practical things that ought to accompany their dreams. We confess that we may not be as savvy or as up to date as our children or our children’s children. We shall strive to champion their most altruistic causes and not thwart their creative imagination. Living in this world is an unpredictable business, may we be guided on our way by your strong and loving hand. In the name of the Christ we pray.

Prayer For Sunday June 14, 2009

Wondrous God, you are and have been before the beginning of all things. When we are thoughtful, meditating on your part in our lives, we realize that we humans exist by virtue of your creating and creative energy. We are grateful for the talents, strengths, skills and capabilities you have given to each one of us, and yet we must confess that sometimes we have been envious of what we saw as incredible in others. Remind us that we are never a finished product, that you are ever shaping and molding us. Cause us, dearest Lord to be open to your creative spirit always working in us, dancing around us, ever inviting us to learn a little more, to expand our thinking and to explore new ideas. Do not let us be convinced that our brains are maxed out and over crowded with a life time of accumulated information. Remind us that some of the stuff poured into our heads you didn’t put there. Clear our minds of the debris of self doubt, put downs and criticism. Let us sweep away what we truly don’t need to make room for all the possibilities you will set before us. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Prayer to Accompany Sermon June 7th "Sweeter Seventeen"

Wondrous God, Author of Life, the testament of your love is written upon our hearts; your ever presence is imprinted on our souls. There is no place to hide from your presence. You see us at the core of our being. You know what we think in secret; you know what we fear and who we are when our last nerve is shredded, our patience tapped out. Yet you are always ready and willing to see us through the eyes of love. You recognize us as your children even when we aren’t sure we recognize ourselves. We ask your forgiveness for those moments when we miss the opportunity to let your light shine through us. Be merciful to us and forgive us we pray when we fall short of your commandments. On our worst day we beg your pardon. On our best day we offer you thanks and praise. When we behave as if we are marooned or foundering like a boat capsized on a storm tossed sea, right us again; put us on the better heading and fill our sails to get us back on course. May your grace and mercy balance us as daily we walk arm in arm with your Holy Spirit. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.