Monday, February 20, 2012

February 19, 2012 "AND SO IT BEGINS"

Glorious God, how wonderful it is to be in your presence, here in this sanctuary. When we gather together to partake of your grace, our hearts are strangely warmed. We willingly accept the mercy you offer so abundantly and which you impart so readily without exception. In a world where the rhetoric of cynics is prevalent, it is good to be in awe of your creation. It is good to be moved by the music of much-beloved hymns, and it is good to be nourished and refreshed by your word. Let us see you today, O Holy One, as Peter, James and John saw you revealed on the mountain top. Let your radiance pour over us through the light of your profound and never-ebbing forgiveness. Let our spirits dance, knowing that we are made new in every moment of prayer and pondering what your love and goodwill means for all of us. This is our grateful prayer offered in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Gracious God, open our eyes to see the vision of these tithes and offerings not as paper and coin, nor as sacrifice. Let us see our gifts, transfigured by your blessing into powerful instruments of justice; into medical care that reaches out to cure disease; into missions which help to restore devastated lands and people, and into education for peace and the building of a better tomorrow. All this we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 12, 2010 "WHY SUCH SECRECY"

Gracious and Loving God, we are reminded today of your eternal desire to change, for the better, the circumstances and lives of those relegated to the outermost margins of society. It was your heart that was pounding in the person of Jesus as he reached out, with immeasurable compassion, to cleanse the leper, to console the widow, to deliver the possessed and heal the sick. His distress over the lot of those who had no way of helping themselves was palpable. We confess, O Lord, our own distress over the woes of the poor and the downtrodden. Help us turn our distress into powerful action following the example of the Christ, who was moved by every emotion to act, to heal and thus to change the lot and lives of those who reached out to him. Make us instruments of your mercy, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

We Give Thee, but thine own; what e’er the gift may be. All that we have is thine alone; a trust, O Lord, from thee. This single line hymn reminds us that the tithes and offerings we place in the offering plate we are entrusting to God. That is we are entrusting once again what was entrusted to us in the first place. The question we must ask ourselves is: “How much do we trust that God will see to it that, what we trust back to God, will be used wisely?”

Loving God, bless the gifts we bring before you to carry the message of goodwill and the good news of your kingdom come. May they provide comfort to the distressed and inclusion to the marginalized. May they provide food to the hungry and clothing to the naked. Let these gifts empower the work of our hands in our community and in the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 5, 2012 "IN HIS HANDS"

O Most Divine Redeemer, what a gift you have given to us in the person of Jesus. Though we have not met him face to face, we dare to embrace him as the greatest friend, our pastor and priest, teacher and counselor. We emulate his human example, longing for purity of motive and goodness of intention in everything we do and say. Set our hearts on fire for justice and righteousness to prevail in this fearful and self-centered world. Give us the conscience and words to speak over the voices of the hate mongers and those who defame others for sport. Help us, in the course of our everyday existences to speak, preach and be the gracious gospel of goodwill and fairness for all people. Always, we pray in the name of your Christ. Amen.

There is a new show coming to the National Geographic channel called "Doomsday Preppers." These folks are seriously preparing for Armageddon -- whatever form it takes: devastating earthquake, super-volcano, terrorist attack. They are decked out with gas masks and automatic rifles and are practicing to make fire by rubbing sticks together. They have bunkers full of food -- tons of food. They are devoted to their families and some are probably "good Christian folk." What I know, for certain, in a post-apocalypse-world, the Prepper's guns will be aimed at the remnant unprepared. I believe God wants us to use our resources to make the world a better place today. Otherwise, we would have been instructed to start building an ark in the church parking lot.