Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 5, 2012 "IN HIS HANDS"

O Most Divine Redeemer, what a gift you have given to us in the person of Jesus. Though we have not met him face to face, we dare to embrace him as the greatest friend, our pastor and priest, teacher and counselor. We emulate his human example, longing for purity of motive and goodness of intention in everything we do and say. Set our hearts on fire for justice and righteousness to prevail in this fearful and self-centered world. Give us the conscience and words to speak over the voices of the hate mongers and those who defame others for sport. Help us, in the course of our everyday existences to speak, preach and be the gracious gospel of goodwill and fairness for all people. Always, we pray in the name of your Christ. Amen.

There is a new show coming to the National Geographic channel called "Doomsday Preppers." These folks are seriously preparing for Armageddon -- whatever form it takes: devastating earthquake, super-volcano, terrorist attack. They are decked out with gas masks and automatic rifles and are practicing to make fire by rubbing sticks together. They have bunkers full of food -- tons of food. They are devoted to their families and some are probably "good Christian folk." What I know, for certain, in a post-apocalypse-world, the Prepper's guns will be aimed at the remnant unprepared. I believe God wants us to use our resources to make the world a better place today. Otherwise, we would have been instructed to start building an ark in the church parking lot.

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