Wednesday, June 20, 2012

July 1, 2012 "Follow the Flags" Preaching: Rev. Bob Schwartz

Gracious God, Creator of the Universe, we are humbled in your presence and awed by your graciousness to us. We are anticipating the holiday that falls mid-week this year on which we remember the decision of the people to assert and declare their independence from the English monarchy. Remind us, loving Lord, that we are never truly independent in this life, fro we depend upon you for every breath we take. We pray always to be more thoughtful than prideful, more spiritual than political and Christ-like in our encounters with each other. Pardon us when we are quick to recount the sins of others, absolutely certain that we know the score. We confess that sometimes we think too quickly, readily observing their flawed natures. Keep us mindful that our choices in this life matter and no matter the outcome you will be with us, to see us through. We call upon your divine presence to show us the wise and better way in all in every circumstance of life whether we are worshiping, working, serving or playing. Let the mind that was in Christ Jesus be in us. Amen.

PREPARING FOR THE OFFERING (a quote from a sermon by Rev. Lowell Grisham)
“For me, when Jesus says “Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s,” I sense a call from Jesus for us to embrace a different political and economic agenda. Like every other part of the material creation, Caesar’s coin needs to be saved. Redeemed. Transformed. Turned into sacrament. Caesar’s coin needs to become a vehicle for the spirit, a vehicle for justice. That’s what I want from my taxes. I want Caesar’s coin to contribute to God’s desire for the material welfare of the least of these. I want to see society transformed into liberty and justice for all. I want the Kingdom of God and the New Humanity of Jesus.” Let your giving be an act of redemption.
Glorious God we are glad to work for the transformation of the world through our acts of giving. May these offerings become a sacrament of justice and equanimity. May all of the children of creation come to know you and experience the abundance of your love and mercy. May our willing sacrifice bring relief to those in dire circumstances, oppressed, imprisoned, isolated, and forgotten, be they close at hand or far away. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

June 24, 2012 "It's Been A Hard Days Night" Preaching: Bill Dyar

Wondrous God, Sovereign of the Universe, we sing of your faithfulness with the pleasing notes of a familiar and much-beloved hymn sounding in our ears. We confess that, sometimes, we let our familiarity with the music prevent us from attending fully to the thoughts born in the poetry. Indeed you are faithful, merciful, loving, and compassionate, morning by morning, season to season; our strength and our hope. We are grateful for the inspired verses that soothe and assure us when we are knocked off balance by the, often, storm tossed seas of life. They guide us like the lighthouse beacon, which keeps us off the rocks and shows us the way home. When we ought, dearest Lord, cause us to hear the words that challenge us and call us to awaken from our sleepy spirituality. Then we shall put on faith, wearing Jesus Christ as our life jacket. For it is he who buoy's us up even in life’s most troubled waters. Amen.
Malapropism sounds like a creepy illness, but it is just the unintentional use of the wrong word. Ringo Starr was famous for getting his word’s mixed up and one of the best known songs of the Beatles came from just such a Ringo-ism. After the group spent all day and all night working a job, Ringo started to say they had had a hard day’s work, when he realized it was night, so it came out: It’s been a hard day’s…..night —famous now, for almost 50 years. Mondegreens are misheard lyrics like: José can you see? Our Father, who art in heaven, Harold by thy name. Gladly the cross-eyed bear. Sleep in heavenly peas. And last but not yeast: All that we have is thine along a truss, O Lord, from thee.

Glorious God you are ever present to lift our spirits and keep us from despair. We express our gratefulness in a variety of ways. Giving to support your church is only one of the ways we express our thanks. We ask that you will bless this offering. Bestow upon these gifts power and purpose to do your work in the becalmed as well as the storm tossed corners of the world. May our giving transform us and our gifts transform the lives of those in need of a life jacket and relief. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

June 17, 2012 "WITH THE EYES OF A CHILD"

Glorious God, Today we want to sort out our relationship with you. Ever since Jesus first called you “Abba” as if it were his first word, we have wanted to feel that close to you. Somehow Abba became Patera, then Pater, then Father and Jesus’ sweet name evolved into a formal name that somehow distanced us rather than bringing us close to you. O, Lord you have become, to too many people, the overarching, all powerful, threatening and overbearing parent of whom we are more afraid than awed, inspired or comforted. Pour out your Abba Spirit of gentleness upon us this morning and show us how to embrace your grace-full presence in a way we have never embraced you before. Fill us with knowing that the last thing you would ever do is disapprove of your children. The birth of Jesus, the life of Jesus, the death of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus are the clearest and most profound messages of your enduring love as you wait patiently for us to comprehend your will for us. We need reminders all along life’s way, but we promise to understand, one day, in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Glorious God we are glad to work for the transformation of the world through our support of the church and its ministries. Our prayer is that all of the children of creation can come to know you and experience the abundance of your love and mercy. May our offerings not only help to enhance the spiritual experience of our children and youth but also bring relief to those in dire circumstances, oppressed, imprisoned, isolated, and forgotten, be they close at hand or far away. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

June 10, 2012 "CHANNELS OF LIFE"

Wondrous and Everloving God, how marvelous it is to be able to lift our hearts and voices to praise your holy name. We, gratefully and humbly, offer our thanks, acknowledging the privilege of our circumstances as we worship in this, much beloved and beautiful, sanctuary. We lay at your feet, our worries and frustrations, our fears and apprehensions. We confess that they weigh us down and with our spirits bent, our eyes to the ground, it is impossible for the world to see your light shining in us. Unburdened, we will carry ourselves with confidence, our faces reflecting the glow of your presence. Let this radiance be an invitation to all whom we meet, that they may discover the abundance of your love and grace. As the body of your Christ in the world, we pray that our actions and our words proclaim the good truth as your ever-searching presence reaches out to indwell in every human heart. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
A channel is the naturally occurring (English Channel) or human-made deeper course (Intracoastal Waterway)  through a reef, sand bar, bay, or any shallow body of water. Channel is especially used to refer to the dredged and marked safe lane of travel guaranteed to all vessels crossing a body of water. Channels are the deep dredged parts of an estuary or river navigable for ships heading to ports or the inlets used by smaller craft accessing marinas. Repeated dredging is often necessary to keep the channels open, particularly those that traverse unstable muddy and sandy bottomed bays. The bottom-line purpose of a channel is to provide a safe path of connection. Your tithes and gifts support our efforts to open channels for all people to connect with God.
Glorious God bless these gifts to be instruments of your love, mercy and acceptance, that through our work, our efforts, our prayers and commitment they may lead to the softening of hardened hearts and the opening of closed minds. Our prayer is that all of the children of creation will be offered a clear path to know you and experience the abundance of your grace. May our portion meant for others bring relief to those in dire circumstances, oppressed, imprisoned, isolated, and forgotten, whether they are close at hand or far away. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.