Gracious God, Creator of the Universe, we are humbled in your presence and awed by your graciousness to us. We are anticipating the holiday that falls mid-week this year on which we remember the decision of the people to assert and declare their independence from the English monarchy. Remind us, loving Lord, that we are never truly independent in this life, fro we depend upon you for every breath we take. We pray always to be more thoughtful than prideful, more spiritual than political and Christ-like in our encounters with each other. Pardon us when we are quick to recount the sins of others, absolutely certain that we know the score. We confess that sometimes we think too quickly, readily observing their flawed natures. Keep us mindful that our choices in this life matter and no matter the outcome you will be with us, to see us through. We call upon your divine presence to show us the wise and better way in all in every circumstance of life whether we are worshiping, working, serving or playing. Let the mind that was in Christ Jesus be in us. Amen.
PREPARING FOR THE OFFERING (a quote from a sermon by Rev. Lowell Grisham)
“For me, when Jesus says “Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s,” I sense a call from Jesus for us to embrace a different political and economic agenda. Like every other part of the material creation, Caesar’s coin needs to be saved. Redeemed. Transformed. Turned into sacrament. Caesar’s coin needs to become a vehicle for the spirit, a vehicle for justice. That’s what I want from my taxes. I want Caesar’s coin to contribute to God’s desire for the material welfare of the least of these. I want to see society transformed into liberty and justice for all. I want the Kingdom of God and the New Humanity of Jesus.” Let your giving be an act of redemption.
Glorious God we are glad to work for the transformation of the world through our acts of giving. May these offerings become a sacrament of justice and equanimity. May all of the children of creation come to know you and experience the abundance of your love and mercy. May our willing sacrifice bring relief to those in dire circumstances, oppressed, imprisoned, isolated, and forgotten, be they close at hand or far away. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
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