Wednesday, September 16, 2009

OFFERTORY THOUGHT September 20, 2009

There are folks who think congregations that are part of a large denomination get their money for operating expenses, from some great central vault, like the Fort Knox of churches I guess. Nooooooo….the money for our utilities to keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter; the money for repairs, the money to pay my salary and salaries of the church secretary, the organist, the bell choir director, the gardener and the custodian come directly from your contributions. You are the church’s only source of income. If we are to expand our programs for your sake and grow we need you to think MOOORRRE.

Prayer for Sermon "BITTER PILLS" September 20, 2009

Our Most glorious and ever patient God, we are humbled in your presence ever eager to praise your holy name and give thanks for this new day. We confess that we are people of predictable routines. We confess, too, that these routines can give us comfort in an unpredictable world, but at the same time we can be so ruled by them that we are lulled into complacency. Gracious God, when we find that we have joined the “set in our ways” society; when we hear ourselves saying “we have always done it this way;” when we shake our heads “no” more often than nodding “yes;” snap us to. Wake us up; bring us into the place of faith. Yes, we confess, we are fearful of change. We say we can’t know what will come with it —success or disaster. Lord, make us understand, that you are the source of all success. If we keep you at the center of our communal life and our goal is to glorify your name we can only succeed. Be with us on the journey in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


James writes: “Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift is from above.” He says plainly that generosity comes from God. It is a gift of faith. We might think the opposite of being generous is being stingy, but in truth I think people who are stingy are afraid. They cannot trust anyone other than themselves to put their money to good use. People are not stingy because they are mean; they are stingy because they are faithless.

PRAYER FOR September 13th Sermon: "Ask, Think, Do, Speak In Faith"

Dearest Lord, with reverence and thanksgiving we enter this sacred space seeking respite from all that demands our attention in the world outside. We come knowing that we shall find a graceful connection with you and with each other. Our hearts, minds and spirits shall be full of your presence. Like fuel for the soul your spirit empowers us to find the way of the Christ in the circumstances that confront us. Instead of thinking the worst we can ponder the possibilities. Instead of looking at the glass half empty, we can envision it full and brimming over. Instead of feeling frustrated that we are not being heard, we can become the most profound listeners and astute hearers. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of this life, we can shed the mantle of anxiety and trust that your hand is ever in ours tugging us in the better direction. Thank you; thank you and once again, thank you; we say in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Offertory Thought for September 6, 2009

What is an OFFERTORY THOUGHT? These are the thoughts I share with the congregation prior to taking up the offering. Most are least the ones I will offer here are. Pastors who follow this blog may or may not find the ideas useful in their own ministry.

My grandmother was never one to remember birthdays, however when she came to visit she always brought gifts with her. When I visited her, she always had some special treasure to give me and an accompanying story about where the treasure came from and any special significance it held. The story about the gift was as important to me as the gift and whenever anyone admired the treasured gift I would share its story. I have come to believe that all gifts have a story whether it is about the gladness or the sacrifice made by the giver; the story is always significant.

PRAYER FOR SERMON Sept 6, 2009 "Is it a Gift to be Simple"

Glorious God, we are assured always of your steadfast love and loyalty and gratefully acknowledge your unflagging zeal for your creation. Perhaps we have never envisioned it, but let us understand that you are always at work, laboring for the good of all humanity. May we truly comprehend that we are your Labor of love. We confess how often we have thought of you as a distant observer, rather than a full participant in our daily lives. We beg your pardon for our short-sightedness. Indeed, dearest Lord, you are not a bystander, rather you are attentive to our every breath, our ever step, our every decision, our every effort in this life. Groom us, now, to be the best stewards of your garden, that we may gently tend to the brand new seedlings, nurture the young plants as they blossom and grow and prune the mature plants. Make us sowers of your love, cultivators of kinship, planters of justice and instruments of your peace. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.