Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Prayer for Sermon "BITTER PILLS" September 20, 2009

Our Most glorious and ever patient God, we are humbled in your presence ever eager to praise your holy name and give thanks for this new day. We confess that we are people of predictable routines. We confess, too, that these routines can give us comfort in an unpredictable world, but at the same time we can be so ruled by them that we are lulled into complacency. Gracious God, when we find that we have joined the “set in our ways” society; when we hear ourselves saying “we have always done it this way;” when we shake our heads “no” more often than nodding “yes;” snap us to. Wake us up; bring us into the place of faith. Yes, we confess, we are fearful of change. We say we can’t know what will come with it —success or disaster. Lord, make us understand, that you are the source of all success. If we keep you at the center of our communal life and our goal is to glorify your name we can only succeed. Be with us on the journey in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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