Monday, October 24, 2011

October 23, 2011 "N IS FOR NOBILITY"

Our Gracious Creator and Lord, Redeemer of all people, we step from the world outside, into this sanctuary with the hope and intention of renewing our spirits. We confess that it takes considerable effort to tune-in our hearts and focus our minds; to let go of the trifles and minor details that seem to demand our constant attention. Yes, Lord, we confess, it is the minutia that threatens to block, and clog the flow of your best, and most creative inspiration. Help us center ourselves and concentrate on your presence with us. Teach us to trust you. Teach us to hear you; to listen to your voice, even as we hear the voices and opinions of others all around us. You have promised to be ever-present, helping us find solutions to problems, opening our eyes to what we can do, and be as a faith community. Remind us, in every circumstance of life, that we are your “YES” partners. It is this partnership of believing in all good things, which will transform us, and the world. Bless our work, in the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
Dearest Lord, we are reminded each and every day how precious life is. When we experience the new birth of a child, or pray feverishly for healing in ourselves or a beloved one, or when we mourn a life ended; we are most assuredly humbled. Our community of faith helps us celebrate, shores up our most desperate prayers, and seeks to comfort our grieving. The church is our faith community center. We pray that these offerings, with your blessing, mighty God, will keep us vital for many years to come. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.

October 16, 2011 "OUTDOING IS GOOD"

Wondrous and Loving God, you have created each of us, and you have endowed us with the essence of self that makes each of us who we are. Though we profess a common belief in Jesus, we are not identical. We confess that we do not always see eye to eye, because our experiences and backgrounds are different. Even folks who were brought up in the same household often have different points of view and different outlooks on life. Do not let us be hobbled by inflexibility or held in check by fear. Remind us, dearest Lord, that we share and bear the name of the Christ. That name offers us the strength of spirit needed to weather the changes that take place in our everyday lives, in our relationships and in the world around us. Nothing in the universe is static or immovable and neither are we. Bless us in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Remember the idiom: “Keeping up with the Joneses.” *** Anyone who was not comparing him or herself with their neighbor, trying to equal or excel their prosperous image and lifestyle, was not committed to staying current— in the mainstream— on the up-escalator as it were. In today’s slang “jones” has morphed into a verb, meaning to desire or crave just about anything from drugs to things. I guess, when you think about it, jonesing, then, and now, isn’t so different. Let us cultivate a desire for the things of God.

Glorious and challenging God, you are the giver of all gifts. All good things have come from you. Help us always to be generous to a fault, living out the call to outdo one another as followers of your Christ. Bless these offerings and multiply them to do your work and will. In the name of the Christ we pray.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Wondrous God, you are the energy of all things. You are the impetus that moves electrons and neutrons, the very essence of all matter. You are not only the source of our breath, but the very nature of the energy that moves us through time and space. You have imbued each and every human being with a sense of what we are good at. You have bestowed upon each of us the ability to see and understand the things we do well, the things that give us a sense of purpose, all that impassions our souls. You, O God, know our innermost hopes and dreams. You are a witness to our moments of self-doubt and uncertainty. Help us live each day in such a way that, at the end of the day, we will know we have used our gifts to the fullest. Let us fall asleep, knowing that today we have served someone, even if it was simply by bestowing a smile, offering a kind word, or drying a tear. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
Simplicity: We hear lots of people say: “Why does everything have to be so complicated.” Maybe it’s because we can’t remember what is and isn’t necessary in our daily life. Some of the synonyms for simplicity are: ease, straightforwardness, effortlessness, plainness, minimalism, unfussiness (that’s my favorite) and cleanness. Many people are talking about simplifying their lives in order to make ends meet. I am sure we are all astounded at just how much work is involved in simplifying. Please keep the church at the top of your priority list.
Loving God, bless these simple expressions of our love and devotion to you and to your church. We honor you with these pledges and tithes believing that the work of the church is fruitful and worthwhile in this complicated world. Keep us hopeful in our pursuit of the kingdom, that we may bear fruit worthy of it always. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 2, 2011 "BUT IT'S NOT YOURS"

CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER (Adapted from a meditation by Larry J. Peacock)
Gracious God when we just slowly walk away, turn the page and switch off the heart call us back to you. A world of pain is near to us, compassionate God, but we admit to keeping a safe distance. We live in a perpetual state of hurry and a numbing tiredness that keeps the blinders up and the heart protected. We confess that excuses are easily shaped. We can always find a more pressing project. Yet the Gospel calls to us; its message echoes in our being — to feed the hungry and care for the poor. And we know that you have called us. There is no one but us whom you have chosen to be the reflection of your Christ in the world. Strengthen our will and our hands that we may take up the common tasks of love, embracing all who are your concern. Amen.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Gracious God we ponder and repeat what the psalmist wrote all those years ago, believing his words to be eternally true. “Oh Lord you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away. You know all my ways.” You know us to the very depths of our soul, for it was you who formed our inward parts. You know what we are going to say, before the words leave our lips. Help us to listen to our hearts, to be aware of everything and everyone around us. Teach us to connect with your guiding, calming, presence, when chaos reigns and solutions to problems seem to be in short supply. Let us capture your vision and embrace it. Lead us along the path of patience. Help us build spiritual endurance in spontaneous and purposeful moments of prayer. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
When I worked as a recruiter for the Peace Corps a common saying among those people I worked with was: “The right hand has no idea what the left hand is doing.” You’d think the hands could write notes to each other, or use sign language to keep the channels of communication open. Whichever hand you depend on to make the offering to the church, I hope your other hand encourages it to be generous.
Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon these gifts. They come from the labor of our hands. They are brought before you by trusted hands and are offered humbly and prayerfully to do your work and will. May these offerings bring help, relief and comfort to those in need. May they be a powerful blessing to our work as the body of your Christ in the world. Amen.