Monday, October 24, 2011

October 16, 2011 "OUTDOING IS GOOD"

Wondrous and Loving God, you have created each of us, and you have endowed us with the essence of self that makes each of us who we are. Though we profess a common belief in Jesus, we are not identical. We confess that we do not always see eye to eye, because our experiences and backgrounds are different. Even folks who were brought up in the same household often have different points of view and different outlooks on life. Do not let us be hobbled by inflexibility or held in check by fear. Remind us, dearest Lord, that we share and bear the name of the Christ. That name offers us the strength of spirit needed to weather the changes that take place in our everyday lives, in our relationships and in the world around us. Nothing in the universe is static or immovable and neither are we. Bless us in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Remember the idiom: “Keeping up with the Joneses.” *** Anyone who was not comparing him or herself with their neighbor, trying to equal or excel their prosperous image and lifestyle, was not committed to staying current— in the mainstream— on the up-escalator as it were. In today’s slang “jones” has morphed into a verb, meaning to desire or crave just about anything from drugs to things. I guess, when you think about it, jonesing, then, and now, isn’t so different. Let us cultivate a desire for the things of God.

Glorious and challenging God, you are the giver of all gifts. All good things have come from you. Help us always to be generous to a fault, living out the call to outdo one another as followers of your Christ. Bless these offerings and multiply them to do your work and will. In the name of the Christ we pray.

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