Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 21, 2013 "NO STOPPING US NOW" PART 1 "Peter's Shadow"

Gracious and Everloving God, we come before you humbly ever grateful for your mercy and your forgiveness. Your endless patience is unfathomable to us, when we are so confounded by our own behavior. What is it, dearest Lord, that takes possession of the human heart so causing it to do harm to a fellow who is made of the same flesh and bone; who is alive by virtue of the same beating heart. What is it that goes awry in the human mind and spirit that drives us to wield a sword instead of campaign for peace? We fear irrationality and chaos, but more than these we fear acts of hatred calculated to eradicate innocence. Help us, Lord God, to remain strong in our will to love one another as you have loved us. Make us unstoppable in our efforts to live your goodwill message. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
“1837” What is it? Not a random number or a date; it is a cost. We took the average “weekly” attendance during 12 months — 185 people— and divided it into the yearly budget: $340,000 ÷ 185 people = $1837.83 per person annually. Dividing that amount by 52 weeks brings us to $35.32, which is the weekly cost of the seat you are sitting in. It comes out just about the same using: $340,000 ÷ 52 weeks = $6538.46 needed per week ÷ 185 people = $35.34 per person. Many people can’t tithe $35.34 a week to the church. Some folks have never really given it much thought. The fact remains that according to these numbers many of you are being underwritten by those individuals who do tithe. I am underwriting about three of you, whereas others are underwriting as many as six. Every gift matters.
God Bless these gifts. thank you. Amen.


Most Sovereign God, it is always good to be together offering to you our thanks and praise. We confess it feels a bit different worshiping out of doors. We hear the sounds of your creation differently, accepting the breeze and the rustle of the palms as nature’s accompaniment to our singing. So often when we are at worship inside the sanctuary we find ourselves distracted by the emergent sounds of sirens, or loud motorcycle engines and car horns. We have come to this park on purpose, to commune not only with nature, but to make ourselves more visible in our community, among our neighbors. We have come out of doors to be a welcoming presence here. We are rethinking what it means to be the church for the world, and not simply be those who attend church in the world. May the glorious light of the resurrection continue to shine in us today and everyday. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
There are people who are gifted in what is called “the ask.” They are not afraid to ask moneyed people for large donations. These giving gurus are those persons who understand that many wealthy people are eager to give to worthy causes and endeavors. I confess that I am not one gifted in “the ask,” perhaps because for much of my adult life I have worked two jobs in order to serve God and own a home. I know how it feels to lose a job, and scramble to find another one just to keep the roof over my head. That said, the church’s commercial refrigerator which has been resuscitated numerous times has finally died. A new one will cost $4500. I don’t have $4500 at my disposal just now, but I do have $250 to put toward it today. Anyone want to join me?
Lord, Bless We offer them, always, with grateful hearts. We give not from our surplus, rather we give this tithe as our first and most important gift. Pour out your Spirit of all things possible upon this offering that it may serve those in need, build up your church, and keep it ever relevant in this complex world. Let what we are fortunate enough to share be an instrument of transformation, restoring the souls of the lost and forgotten. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.


We trust and affirm that each of us is created in the image of God and that:
God’s Grace is immeasurable and God’s will for us is always Goodwill;
Jesus Christ lived to forgive, to bind up the broken hearted and proclaim release to those held captive by this world;
Jesus carried our sins and bore our shame upon the cross where he surrendered his own spirit to God.
Jesus set our spirits free.
God promised that Jesus would not be given up to death.
He rose on the third day proving that all things are possible with God.
The Holy Spirit reminds us daily that loving God with all of our heart, soul mind and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves, moves us ever onward toward perfection.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

Glorious God, Divine author of the Resurrection, our spirits are still electrified by the wonder and mystery of Christ being raised up from death. We confess our timidity to shout the news of Christ’s rising to the mountain tops as freely and easily as we declare Jesus’ birth. Let our faith in the resurrection shine in each of us as a beacon of triumphant hope for all who doubt, or who live with a fear that death will ultimately be victorious. Prayerfully, gracious God, we dare to repeat what Paul wrote in his letter to the Corinthians: “Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death is your victory? Where O death is your sting?” With Paul we challenge the power of death and are invited, energized, and empowered to excel in our service to you, and our work for the gospel, knowing that our labor is not in vain. In the name of the Christ we offer our thanks and praise. Amen.
I love reading Charles Dickens. Actually, I love to hear his books read by David Timson. Currently I am reading Dombey and Son. Dombey’s 6 year old son Paul asks: “Papa, what is money?” His father is taken aback wondering what he wants to know, but decides that young Paul will benefit most by knowing what money can do. He says: “Money, Paul, can do anything. It causes us to be honored, feared, respected, courted and admired. It makes us powerful and glorious in the eyes of all men.” Paul responds: “If money can do anything, why didn’t money save me my Mama? It isn’t cruel is it?” Through a child’s innocent question, Dickens invites his reader into a critical exploration of the moral versus the political value of money.
Lord, Bless the gifts we bring. We offer them with grateful hearts. These are the first fruits of our faith, the first fruits of our labor offered to your service, for we esteem you more than these. With these we honor our most important commitment — to you. May these tithes build up your church, and keep it relevant in this complex world. Let what we are fortunate enough to share be an instrument of transformation, helping to restore the spirits of the lost and forgotten. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.