Thursday, December 30, 2010

Advent Candle of "LOVE"


Last week I attended a Christmas party for the cast members and volunteers of the Palm Canyon Theater. I was navigating about the house trying to find my way to the food table when I was stopped in my tracks by a pair of tiny arms hugging me around my knees. I looked down into the face of 4 year old Eva. She looked up into my face, eyes wide and warm, sweet and full of vulnerability, obviously glad to see me and said, simply, "Manda." I hugged her tight and seeing the open, unhesitating, gladness in her expression I was suddenly aware that this is the connection that God is longing for with us. God loves us like this. God reaches out for us like this little child, with this vulnerable, unhesitatingly innocent embrace of adoration. This is what God longs for us to see and realize as we lean over the manger, wonderstruck, on Christmas Eve. God has become for us this vulnerable, innocent spontaneously expressive child. God in the child Jesus, like 4 year Eva is reaching out to us eyes wide with wonder, smile sweet and warm, tiny arms unabashedly glad to see us. They wrap around our knees, as the God-child Jesus lovingly whispers your name and mine. Isaiah it was who foretold this, the Rose, the Rose I have in mind; with Mary we behold it, the Virgin Mother kind. To show God’s love aright, she bore to us a Savior when half spent was the night.
I light the candle of Love.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"STARCHASERS" December 26, 2010

O, Wondrous God, most gracious Creator of all that exists in the universe, we praise your Holy Name and offer our thanks this day, for your ceaseless endeavors to be close to humankind. In the birth of Jesus you reach out to us with the unhesitating arms of a child. We pray that the love and goodwill that washes over us in this season of lights and carols will linger throughout the year. We confess, that we let the joyous anticipation and excitement we feel at Christmas fade all too soon and January can become a month almost as dreaded as April or September. Teach us confidence, that we may not dwell overlong about worldly matters. Keep us mindful of the ever uplifting presence of the Christ within us who offers comfort and strength always. Help us to understand that , because, we bear his name, he is part of us, living in our hearts. It is this Jesus who empowers us to live, to love, to let go and forgive without hesitation or fear. And it is in his name that we pray. Amen.
Glorious God, we are so very glad on this day after Christmas Day to bring our gifts before you. You have blessed us by your gift of the Christ Child whose promised coming we remember and embrace. Today is a day to begin once more and offer our renewed commitment to the mission of your church as it ministers to us to our community, our nation and the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

"THE LIGHT OF CHRIST" Christmas Eve 2010

Glorious God, on this night of nights we have made our way here to this sanctuary purposely taking time away from the last minute hustle and bustle that has become the reality of Christmas. We have been busy shopping and preparing looking forward to celebrating this Holy Day in the company of those we love. We want everything to be just right and ready for tomorrow morning. But, tonight we have come here to be transported, in a moment in time, to a place of holy remembering. We stand in that chilly stable and marvel with Mary and Joseph at the miracle before us. Through grateful wondering eyes we ponder the babe lying in the rough hewn manger filled with straw. Like the shepherds and the stable animals, we are quieted and humbled in the mysterious presence of the one the angels called Messiah. As we look down into the face of innocence we feel our hearts rejoice, accepting gladly what is, and will always be, God’s most incredible gift to humankind. Tonight, and for all of our tomorrows, let us give thanks and receive the treasure that is Jesus, our Emmanuel.

Monday, December 13, 2010

December 12, 2010 "FRUITS AND TREASURES"

Glorious God we praise your holy name. We are thankful for your abundant Grace and inspired by your steadfast love, we come into your presence joyfully, confident that you abide with us always. We confess our distraction in these days of shopping and planning for the time of great celebration. We love to see the lights that adorn the homes in and around our neighborhoods. They are lights of delight and good cheer, they are lights that herald the coming of a wondrous day. Dearest Lord, help us keep our hearts and minds focused on the coming of the blessed one. He will bring joy and yet will know sorrow. He will speak peace to our souls and yet will be surrounded by turmoil. Love will be upon his face even as he is scorned and hated. Give us the courage and intention to invite those who don’t know him to begin to know the Christ this Christmas. It is in his name that we pray. Amen.
Wondrous God, we give you thanks for the diligence of those who pledge their support to your church, it’s ministries of the present and those of it’s future. We are blessed by the presence of those who believe, positively, in the mission of the church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. May the gifts we bring make the glorious message even more powerful and sweet as it reaches out to help the burdened and broken people of the world. The depth of our love for you, O God, is reflected in the gifts we offer as stewards of your creation. Multiply them according to your need in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Matthew 6:19-21 and Nehemiah 10:32-39

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 5, 2010 "GIVING IN TRUST"

God of Peace and Goodwill we come into your presence this morning full of wonder and anticipation of the arrival of the promised one. Let us not take your promises for granted, settling into a holiday retail routine. Let us not succumb to the pressures of wondering who we have forgotten on our, seemingly, endless gift list. Remind us as we wrap and tie bows and stand in line at the post office to give you thanks. The gifts we will give are meant to be a reflection of your immeasurable generosity and love, not our own. Most gracious Lord, speak peace to our souls in these busy, busy days. We shall be lifted up realizing that it is your Spirit present in every card we receive, every goodwill wish uttered, and every delighted smile shared. We shall not grow weary with waiting. We shall use this time wisely preparing our hearts to receive the Prince of Peace. Amen.
Wondrous and Loving God this is just one way of saying thank you for your love and trust. You have not only entrusted your creation to our care, but you have given each of us gifts to invest in it. Some of us are smart, clever and imaginative; some of us are practical, frugal, and organized, some of us are caregivers, able to see beyond our own needs to the needs of others. In partnership with you we cultivate these gifts for your sake. Make us your gifts to the world that we may accomplish wondrous deeds in your name empowering the ministry and mission of your church throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

November 28, 2010 "NURTURE A SECOND NATURE"

Most Loving God, Creator of the Universe on this, the first Sunday of the Advent season, we lift up our hearts in hopeful anticipation of wondrous things to come. We remember all that you have given to humanity since the dawn of time. You have blessed us, and loved us, forgiven us and rescued us, made covenant with us and promised to be faithful always. We confess that, try as we might, we have not always lived up to our part in this covenant relationship. We will, in these next four weeks, begin again. We will turn our attention to you, seeking to discern your will and way for us. Keep us mindful that this is a time of introspection and self-examination, a time of surrender and soul-searching as we embrace hope for the world, hope for your Church, hope for our community of faith, hope for today and hope for tomorrow. In the name of your dear Son we pray. Amen.

Accept our gifts gracious God. We offer them as one small way of saying thank you for your love, grace and forgiveness. Our hearts are hopeful that these gifts will support the ministries of this church and the Church universal which seeks to help people in need throughout the world. Your blessing upon this offering today will add power and strength to all of the deeds that can and will be done in your name. Amen.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November 21, 2010 "The Church"

Dearest Lord, on this Christ the King Sunday, we follow the triumphant sign of love and sacrifice, the cross upon which our savior died. The king of our hearts so trusted in You that he gave up his life for ours. And just before he took his last breath, Jesus promised a place in paradise to the thief who asked to be remembered. This week as we dress the table for a feast and prepare to celebrate the abundance of our blessings we will pause and take time to pray. We promise, gracious God, whether we gather with loved ones and friends, or spend the day alone, we will stop to remember Jesus Christ. We will remind ourselves and those who give thanks with us how Christ the King purchased our redemption and opened the way to paradise for all. Amen.

Dear Lord of love, we stand in your presence offering our hearts in the gifts we bring before you. We have a part in the ministry of your church and today our efforts are affirmed as welcome more people into the body of Christ. We are partners with you in bringing your word to those who have not heard, bringing comfort to those who have none and bringing a message of hope to a hurting world. With you we are seeing to it that the Church is here for us as well, when we are in need of the good word, of tender comfort and of an encouraging message of hope. Make us courageous thoughtful stewards, who in gladness and without hesitation offer our time, our talents, our ideas, and our tangible gifts. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 14, 2010 "Wesley and Me" or "Why I am a Methodist"

Wondrous and Everlasting God, hear our prayer. What a joy it is to be in the company of those of like hearts. What peace we find in the music we sing together. What comfort we find as we look upon the cross and remember the incredible love of Jesus. The candles that burn are the light of the Christ the symbol of his passion and sacrifice. But the flame that adorns our United Methodist symbol is your Spirit of incredible love wrapped around Jesus on the cross. Fill us with a passion for our calling as disciples of your Christ. We long to feel the warmth of his light within us. Let the peace of Christ reign in our hearts. Let us embrace joy in our lives. Let us love one another with abandon. Let us trust in your goodwill, your forgiveness and your grace. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Dearest Lord, We ask your blessing on the generous hearts gathered in communion this morning. Bless their generous gifts of time and skill, their gifts of participation, devotion and prayer, and their gifts of care as well of their generous financial support. Today we remember those men and women who offered their lives in service to YOU and Your whole creation as they fought against the forces of tyranny and totalitarianism in the world. We will keep close in prayer those churches suffering persecution throughout the world and pray that our offering will help to provide strength and comfort to them. Multiply our generosity, gracious God, to equal the extravagance of your love for us. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 7, 2010 All Saints Sunday "WHY I AM A CHRISTIAN"

Wondrous and Loving Lord, our Creator today we give thanks for the lives of those who loved you with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength and us too. They sought to find the Christ within them and to live his commandment to love in and through and in spite of life’s circumstances. Dearest Lord, we commend to you these saints we have known and loved as we remember their courage, their fortitude, their integrity, their humility, their kindness, their intelligence, their resilience, their reverence, their perseverance and their determination to follow in the ways of goodness and righteousness. The journey of faith is the challenge of a lifetime. To stay the course calls for commitment, turning our lives over to God. The example has been set and the way has been shown to us by those we remember today. Help us listen, as they did, to your Spirit promptings prodding us to move ever forward on the path of discipleship. We pray in the name of our savior and pace setter, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Wondrous and Loving God you have blessed us in so many ways and yet we ask you to pour out more blessing upon the gifts we place before you. These are a portion of ourselves that we would share with others. We can do this because YOU give us the strength of spirit to adapt to all of the changes we face in this life journey, physical, spiritual, social and political. Let us, as servants with grateful hearts, be attentive to the opportunities you place before us to do all the good we can. Make us your gifts to the world that we may accomplish wondrous deeds in your name empowering the ministry and mission of your church throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Monday, November 1, 2010

OCTOBER 31, 2010 Reformation Sunday "TALKING TO GOD"

Gracious God, thank you for this day. We are grateful to be here knowing in our heart of hearts that wherever we are in your company is our church home. Here is where we come to renew ourselves from the inside out. We must do that beginning with our confession. Forgive us when we feel trapped in and by our resentments. We confess that we can get caught up in situations and circumstances from which we feel unable to extricate ourselves gently. We feel betrayed by a loved one or a friend, and we can’t let go of our frustration over how our relationship has changed. Please, O God, teach us to let go and to be people of forgiving hearts. Snatch from our minds the silly and small slights that simply are not important to the larger picture. Empower us to love beyond misunderstandings. Keep our eyes, hearts and minds fixed on the goal that we may be sanctified disciples of your Christ, chosen ones, holy and beloved put ting on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Amen.
Gracious God, people have been blessed this week by members of this church, by their ministry of love and regard for their brothers and sisters in Christ. In YOUR name women and men, young and old alike gave generously of their time, their talents and their own resources reaching out to embrace and care for a grieving family. We ask YOUR blessing upon them and upon the gifts we now place before YOU. Bless our every effort to minister to others in YOUR name. We are confident, because YOU have said so, that all things are possible for those who have faith in YOU. Pour out YOUR Spirit upon us. Bless the gifts we bring. Empower the ministry and mission of your church throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Monday, October 25, 2010

October 24, 2010 "HELP MY UNBELIEF"

Glorious God, Creator of the Universe it gladdens our hearts to come together and to sing praises to your name. Being in the company of our brothers and sisters in Christ comforts and renews us. We confess that the demands of hurting and workaday world can sap our strength. Let us not be alarmed by triviality. Keep us from getting caught up in details designed to distract. Keep our vision absolutely clear so that we do not lose sight of what is important. Help us to live our faith reminding us that we are not lone soldiers lost in the world, but one body in Christ. We are not passive participants, but active partners together with you in this kingdom journey. Dearest Lord, when it appears that we are assailed by doubts, unsure that we are on course, take our hand; guide our feet and lead us in your way. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Do any of you remember when you tipped a waiter 10% of the bill (excluding the tax)? Do you remember when the rule for tipping moved up to 15% and then 20%? How did you feel? And if you thought you received lousy service you expressed your dissatisfaction in the amount of the tip you left your server. What inspires you to be generous in your giving? Do you give spontaneously, consistently, occasionally? Do you give out of what is left? Do you view your offering to the church as a gift or a payment? Have you ever decreased it? Have you ever increased it? It is important for all Christians to examine what motivates our giving and to decide whether we are tithing or tipping.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


God of Grace be with us this morning as we turn our attention to you. As we breathe in your wondrous Spirit which is in this place, may it ignite our own. Let the flame that is your love burn within us warming our hearts and invigorating our ministry. We confess that often we are haunted by doubts, fears and anxiety that threaten to overshadow our faith. Let the humble faith that first brought us to our knees before you, that opened our lips to confess our faith The Son of life and love even Jesus Christ, rule in our hearts today. Challenge us, teach us, empower us to cultivate faith that is always inclusive and welcoming. May your light be the only light that shines within us rising up from the center of our souls always bright, ever inviting and constant. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
When you reconcile accounts in a ledger or in your checkbook you are putting things right, squaring things away, reuniting what has been torn apart, resolving discrepancies, merging, and patching up. Some would say when they are reconciling accounts they are just making sure that everything is balanced, justified, settled in it’s proper place bringing things together. God has settled us, justified us, squared us away, and brought us together through Jesus Christ. For that and so much more, indeed let us be thankful.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

September 26, 2010 "WHAT'S IN YOUR HEART?"

Ever Living God, we are grateful for this glorious day, for this opportunity to commune with you and with our family of faith. Today, in this time of prayer, we shall try to remember when and how we first heard your name. Was your name whispered in the words of a loving lullaby, or in a goodnight prayer spoken to us as we were tucked safely into our beds? Where were we when we first pronounced your name? When was it that the name of Jesus first fell from our lips and echoing forth from our mouths as if it has always been there? Who was it who taught us to say that precious name? We confess, O Lord that we have not thought about our first words of faith, our first hymns, our first prayers for a long, long time. Let us never forget that these first things, second nature to us now, were taught to us by one who wanted to tell us of your love, forgiveness and mercy. Commit us to teaching our children today. Amen.

Fresh and Easy will give $1.00 to local schools for every $20 you spend at their stores. We are collecting these receipts at the church. Have you see the ads folks who use their American Express Cards and who gain rewards points are using their rewards points to help others. One man used his rewards points to buy building supplies to build a home for a family of 14. Sometimes it isn’t enough to think outside the box, we have to climb out of it to see all the possibilities around us.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 19, 2010 "GREATER EXPECTATIONS"

Gracious God we have dreams of living up to your expectations one day. We are determined to be people of sense and sensibility, learning from our mistakes, cultivating the spirit of willingness, building our stamina and energy to extend ourselves in generosity and love. We confess our desire to be good at being Christians as if it is a skill to be acquired. We have a tendency sometimes to think that if we just knew the bible better, could quote scripture, or knew how to pray on the spur of the moment, that we would be well on our way to being better Christians. Because we see ourselves as deficient in these and other things, we have excused ourselves as being inadequate to serve. Remind us Lord, that Jesus began his service to you with a smile, a handshake, a word, the touch of his hand on someone’s tears, an embrace, a moment of fellowship over a meal, offering love, hope and assurance. These are things we already know; teach us so to use them in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Matthew told me a marvelous story this week about how three wonderful men helped to support him while he was in seminary in 1945. Three Bishops J. W. Pickett, C.D. Rockey, and E.S. Jones each gave Matthew $1.00 (one dollar) a month to help him with incidentals laundry, paper and pencils, etc. His remark was, that people have no idea what even a single dollar can accomplish in a person’s life.

September 12, 2010 "ONCE WAS"

Glorious God, Sovereign of the universe, we offer you thanks and praise remembering that all that we are and all that we have you have given to us. When we have erred in our work or our relationships, taken a wrong turn in this life or when we have made a decision we regret, remind us, dearest Lord, that if we will but turn to you, you offer us comfort, solace, and a guiding hand. You wipe away every tear, and cleanse us from all shame. We need not live in the dark place of regret, but walk forth in the light of your gracious countenance. We confess who we have been, how we once were and in the same breath we confess who we long to be. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us and make us the instruments of your goodwill. If we can find no speech, but complaint let us be circumspect. If we have time to find fault when things don’t turn out as we hoped they would or thought they should, call us to patience. Move our hearts and imaginations to embrace our mission of transformation, even as it includes ourselves. These things we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

How do you remember the past, those bygone days so many are want to call “The Good Old Days?” Are you among those folks who wonder about the days when the church was filled to the brim, when going to church with the whole family was the routine with no distractions. We tend to remember the world as a different place during those good old days when the behavior of its citizens was more civil, more controlled, more obedient, more respectful, and more honorable. The church has always been the place where we hone these qualities trying them out on one another and then the world.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 5, 2010 "EXCUSES, EXCUSES"

Gracious God on this Labor Day Sunday we are reminded that glorifying your name is not only done with the words spoken from our hearts, but through the work of our hands. Today we re-commit ourselves, our prayers, our creative thoughts, our hearts and our hands to laboring in this vast vineyard, cultivating the ground, nourishing the soil so that the vines may flourish and bear fruit worthy of your kingdom. Remind us always that laboring for the well-being of your creation is honorable work. You have given us the gift of life so that we might eat and drink and take pleasure in our toil. We humbly acknowledge, O Lord, that whatever You do, endures forever. Nothing can be added to it nor anything taken away. You have done this so all should stand in awe before You and yet there is nothing you want more for us than to be happy and to have joy in this life. When we understand this truth we shall be tireless in our endeavors. In the name of the Christ we offer you thanks and praise. Amen.
Remember when you needed a written excuse from your mother if you were absent from school because you were sick or had to go to the dentist? There were before and after excuses. Mom always wrote my excuses on her best stationery. If such a document was forged in a fit of delinquency by a felonious child, the school authorities always seemed to know. The formal excuse has been replaced by something called the “No show.” Perhaps the “No Shows” think they won’t be missed. NOT!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

August 29, 2010 "ENTITLEMENT ISSUES"

Glorious and every creating God, bless us with your presence this morning as we focus our minds and hearts in worship. You have bestowed upon us immeasurable love and endless mercy particularly when we believed we didn’t deserve it. We confess our moments of fear and frustration, our self-centeredness, and our lack of spiritual stamina. We have neglected to nourish our faith fully, failing to partake of all of the means of grace set before us. Inspire us to ruminate on your word and to indulge in prayer, sating our hunger and quenching our thirst for righteousness. Give us the strength to put our faith into action not only for the comfort, care and benefit of others, but for the comfort and care of our own souls. Carry us ever forward, dearest Lord, moving us through life’s griefs and disappointments to that place of blissful assurance, which has always been your delight to give to those who love in the name of the Christ. Amen.
In chapter 12 of Luke’s gospel Jesus is requested to adjudicate—arbitrate between two brothers who are arguing over the family inheritance. Jesus warns the man: “Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” How do we form attachments to objects? Someone said the things we collect are only valuable if someone else wants them. How do we measure abundance? How do we measure enough? What, If anything, is actually ours?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 15, 2010 "WHAT? ME WEARY?

Dearest Lord, we thank you for yet another sunrise, another morning, another opportunity to embrace the day, embrace life and embrace grace. Should we ask ourselves if we take for granted the fact that our lungs took in breath and eyes opened? Did we, in the moment of our waking, begin to obsess about the day, the hours and the minutes that lie ahead of us awaiting our decisions about all that must be accomplished. Are we able to understand the invitation to participate in the In this sacred time let our thoughts meander through your spiritual realm, pondering the eternal, lingering gently in the ethereal, wondering and smiling always at the extravagance of your love. Teach our bodies and our minds to rest and take their repose in You, O Lord, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen
I confessed it, out loud in front of witnesses just the other day: “There is one thing that can panic me and make lose my cool and that is a “zero” balance in my bank accounts...savings and checking.” I won’t dare to say “we have all been there,” but I am sure I am not alone in this heart dropping, eye popping, throat gulping, cold sweat producing experience. Indeed I only had a few table scraps to feed the yowling monster to tide it over for a day or two until other resources arrived. In sympathy I offered up a prayer for the church’s Financial Secretary and Treasurer who I am pretty sure break into a cold sweat every week of the long hot sparse offering summer.

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 8, 2010 "DOING THE WALK OF LIFE"

Glorious God, Sovereign of the Universe, Giver of light and life, we are glad to lift our voices as one to praise your most Holy name. We have longed to walk in right paths, guided by your Spirit, but we must confess that we are, too often, halted along the way by our own fears and prejudices. Help us always to rejoice in the good, which moves us ever forward. Teach us to listen in love reminding us that You alone are equipped to judge the merits of humankind. Cause us to know that You are not one to place obstacles before us as we walk through life; you present us with opportunities. We are awed by moments and occurrences in our daily existence when we recognize your intervention, your indelible mark, your unmistakable footprint, amazed at your attention to the details of what we need to see, to learn and to experience. Thank you, in the name of the Christ. Amen.
In 1985 Dire Straits released “The Walk of Life,” a song dedicated to the London subway storytellers, singer, guitar players called “the tunnel buskers.” Johnny down in the tunnels trying to make it pay. They are doing the walk of life , the traditional journey of a storyteller, carrying their stories from town to town turning people’s dark nights into brighter days. “Here comes Johnny and he'll tell you the story. Hand me down my walkin' shoes. Here come Johnny with the power and the glory. Backbeat the talkin' blues. He got the action he got the motion. Yeah the boy can play, dedication and devotion turnin’ all the night time into the day.” He do the walk, he do the walk of life.” Wow! What a concept—bringing folks stories that turn their darkness into light.

August 1, 2010 "THAT OTHER HALF"

Our most glorious and loving God, we lift our voices in prayer, to offer, first our thanks and praise. In these first moments of prayerful connection we remember to rejoice in your love and persistent patience with your creation. Our thoughts are full of our appointment calendars; our i-phones, cell phones messages, i-pods, and facebook pages are crammed full with messages and information. Sometimes if feels like we are being turned on a spit basted, prodded, inundated, stimulated, percolated, and saturated hourly. But, here, gracious Lord, we can embrace moments of peaceful communion being reminded, as we contemplate your word, what is truly important. Let us be those who cull from every encounter and every conversation, new insight into what it means to be a Christian. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
My Father always said: “It’s important to see how the other half lives.” I knew the point he was making. Not everyone in the world possesses what we possess and realizing that might make me a better person. For those of us who see ourselves in the middle between the rich and the poor, it’s not about halves, it more like 3rd’s; the third that is fiscally above me and the third that is fiscally below me. But it can’t really be 3rd’s either, because 80% of the world’s population lives on less than $10 per day. I guess that puts all of us in the other 20%.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 25, 2010 "THE MEANS FOR MERCY"


Wondrous and Unfathomable God, we are drawn to this time of focused communion with you and with our brothers and sisters in Christ, because we seek nourishment for our souls. We are assured by the nature and discipline of the Christ who prayed without ceasing, that you are ever attentive to our prayers. In these past weeks so many of our dear ones have needed comfort and relief. No matter how inadequate we imagine our prayers to be, we will continue to pronounce the names of those in need, praying on their behalf, petitions and intercessions for their healing and renewal. We shall call upon your most wondrous Spirit to embrace them, to remove all fear, to wipe away every tear, to fill them with confidence that all will be well. Amen.
Last Saturday morning I sat on the hotel patio looking out onto beautiful Lake Atitlan. Timoteo, a nurse came to talk to us about his project to provide scholarships for the children of his town, San Juan, in Solola, Guatemala. $75 per year pays for tuition and supplies. He allowed us to purchase his recycled jewelry creations at a discount in exchange for one scholarship. The jewelry is trash—quite literally— made from the discarded bags of Fritos, Doritos and Corn Nuts left as litter to tarnish the landscape and pollute Lake Atitlan. He figured out how to make trash beautiful. I am glad someone did.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Dearest Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, all people and creatures throughout time and space, we are amazed at the wonders of the universe imagined in your thoughts, sculpted by your will. Blessed giver of all grace and good things we want to be kingdom builders working with you not for self interest, not for our own puffed up sense of self, but for sowing seeds of welcome and planting good news faith in the hearts of everyone we meet. We confess our independence. We confess our pride in it. We confess our tendency to be “laws unto ourselves” and in our confession we pray that you will teach us the way of interdependence, that always trusting in your love and goodwill for us, we will value and appreciate the efforts and ideas of one another. May what is to become our mutual efforts and work be worthy in your sight our rock and our redeemer in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Quite often people will take a risk and try something new, like eating mint chocolate chip ice cream instead of plain chocolate chip, because doing so promises not to do any real damage or harm to the conventions they hold dear like their: opinions, political ideologies, pride, and even long held theological perspectives. In other words the risk is nebulous and requires no real investment of trust or faith. Being in relationship with God, however, demands trust and faith promising to wreak havoc on our pride because God is, quite simply, unconventional. RISK something today for the kingdom of God.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Our wondrous and ever loving God, thank you for being with us always. Thank you for your attentiveness to our prayer. We confess that we don’t pray as often as we should, afraid we will embarrass ourselves in the speaking and tending to start our conversations with you in moments of frustration and fear, when we are confused or in dire straits. When we give you spontaneous thanks, it is often in the context of feeling a sense of relief that you have been with us and somehow the things we were worried about managed to turn out alright. Teach us not to be afraid to pray. Teach us to speak freely, openly with you and to say out loud what is on our minds. We know in our heart of hearts that you already know what we are going to say before we say it, perhaps even before we think it. It is good for us to listen to what we say, to hear our out loud prayer. Help us to trust in the presence of your Holy Spirit moving in and through us giving us the words of blessing, thanks, and praise. In the name of the Christ we pray.
Helen Hottenstein used to pray for a parking space that was close to where she wanted to shop. I don’t know if she put a time limit on the request or how many times she had to circle the block before God made a space available, but she always found one. I learned something significant this week as I prayed Tongsung Kido with Rev. Eun Pa Hong from Bupyeong Church, Korea: pray always and always pray for what you need for the furtherance of God’s kingdom. God I pray that everyone will support the current and future work of this, your welcoming church in Palm Springs.

"TELLING OUR STORIES" at the Cal-Pac Annual Conference

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Wondrous God, you have promised good to your creation establishing an everlasting covenant with us, your children. You, O Lord, have promised never to draw back, or change your mind, rejoicing in doing good to us with your whole heart and soul. We confess that there are times when we have drawn back from you, hesitant to trust that you will always follow through on promises made. We own up to our desire to be in charge, to decide our own destinies, to control the “horizontal and vertical” of life. Forgive us, Lord, when sometimes our devotion to expediency makes us short-sighted, implacable, and doubtful. Fill us with persistent faith, growing faith, flourishing faith, a mountain-moving faith, that propels us forward with a Christ-like heart toward your kingdom. Amen.
12 step meetings conclude with folks joining hands and repeating the Serenity Prayer. They finish their time together, hands still clasped, saying: “Keep coming back, it works if you work it.” In chapter 18 of his gospel Luke writes about the persistence of a widow who kept bothering an unjust and indifferent judge. She stood before him daily, until he could stand her persistent nagging no longer and granted her justice. Luke’s Jesus assures his disciples that God who is just will not delay in helping those cry out to Him day and night. In other words: “Be persistent in faith; it works if you work it.”

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 6, 2010 "Scensing The Spirit"

Ever-living, Ever-loving, Ever-present God, our desire is to fully realize your presence with and within us. Help us comprehend that you are part of each one of us in our every breath and every heart beat. The gifts we have cultivated, you have bestowed upon us. We confess that in our efforts to be practical and wise, we have a tendency to think that having faith in all things possible is a distant and even fanciful notion. Cause us today, by whatever means necessary Almighty God, to invest our energy, our whole selves in believing that we can and do serve your purposes. Indeed, some of us made our confession of faith so long ago, that we may have lost touch with how that moment of Spirit connection felt— that moment of fresh forgiveness, absolute assurance, manifest mercy, complete encouragement, and now presence. Renew us in the “nowness” of your presence, O Lord, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
The practice of anointing with oils, perfumed or not can be traced back to Egypt where they were used to celebrate, elevate, deputize, consecrate, rehabilitate and embalm. Moses compounded oil to anoint his brother Aaron and his sons as Priests over Israel. In 1983 Rex Humbard sent miracle oil out to his followers: “Open this anointing oil. Don’t waste a drop. The spirit of Jesus is represented by this faith oil. Make a cross on your forehead with it, then by faith, go into a room by yourself and take out any money you have and make a cross on each bill. Do this in faith for God to heal your money problems. Anoint your check book if you have one.” I wonder if he has any of that oil left over.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Our Gracious Creator our source of life and breath, thank you. We are grateful for this day, for this church, and for this, our family of faith. We are reluctant to confess the fears, or doubts that hold us back from living fully in connection with your Holy Spirit. We confess, also, that we have never really figured out how the trinity works, or how we are to understand your triple presence in our lives. What we know for certain is that when you decided to be one like us, incarnated in Jesus, you wanted to feel the earth under your feet —like us, to feel the rain on your face and the wind in your hair —like us. You dearest Lord, chose to know just how it feels to be us, a man of joy and sorrow, of courage and fear, experiencing triumph and tragedy, comfort and pain. What wondrous love is this! What wondrous love is this, O God our Abba, Father; God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! Amen.
Three of a kind is a mediocre hand in poker. In the ranking Three of a kind holds 4th place beating two pair, a pair and high card. In a full house you want your three cards to be the high cards: aces or face cards. For example 3 kings and 2 deuces beats 3 Queens and 2 Aces. (Doesn’t seem fair.) On this Trinity Sunday we embrace God the three of a kind. God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit, three in one. This three of kind you can always bet on.

Monday, May 24, 2010

PENTECOST SUNDAY May 23, 2010 "Cry, Abba! Father!"

Our Abba, Father and Lord; most wondrous and loving God, your Spirit whispers calm to us on the gentle breezes of the early morning and their soft caress as the evening settles in. As well we stand alert and at attention when storm winds blow furious and alarming and we are in awe of the power of your creation. You remind us with your every breath that you are ever-present, ever-creating, ever-powerful, ever-true, ever-graceful. Our spirits are joined with yours always, but we are so very aware of it in this moment when we lift our voices together united as we are in prayer. On the day of Pentecost the disciples were united in prayer when they were startled by your presence. Spirit of God, bright wind, startle us again and let us witness to your presence, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
It is customary to bring a gift to any birthday unless of course the host instructs you to do something in lieu of bringing gifts. On this, the Birthday of the CHURCH you have come to worship, which means you have brought 2 gifts with you, your presence and your prayers. The church is happy to accept any or all of three other gifts, service, witness and tithes. We are also delighted to accept yarn for prayer shawls.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prayer for the Sermon May 16, 2010 "HINDERING GOD"

Gracious God, make us grateful for all that we have, for the beauty of this day in this glorious valley. When we open our eyes to the storms that have devastated lives in a single moment in time, in Tennessee and Oklahoma, let us not be paralyzed by a sense of helplessness. Remind us that we are not alone in our work. Inspire our most compassionate faith. We who belong to Christ plan together, strive together, reach out together as a denomination of people. We are millions of souls offering our prayers as well as our resources to care for, rescue and serve our brothers and sisters in need. May what we can offer be truly enough, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
What holds us back? What hinders us humans from making a commitment to something, to someone, to our own personal growth, to learning, to exploring visions and ideas, to growing spiritually? What would happen if we let go of things or ideas that hinder growth and weigh us down? After all, wouldn’t it be the silliest thing if we’re being held back by pre-conceived notions that have been collecting dust in our heads, like the old stuff in our closets and garages that is long past being useful?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Prayer for May 9, 2010 "SOON VERY SOON"

Our most Gracious Lord, YOU are the spark that ignites the fire of life. You brought the universe into being and birthed your creation. All that is and lives proceeds from your creative thoughts and your artistic fingertips. We confess “do-it-myself" natures that rule our days along with a “do-it-my-way” urgency in many too many things. Along with our confession we dare to ask you to be patient with us as we are still and ever your creation. Remind us, Eternal One, that we serve you and serve all that belongs to you. Never let us forget that we serve, not in your place, but with your help and for your sake. We serve not for recognition or reward, rather we serve in response as a way of saying “Thank you” for your abundant grace and steadfast love. Pour into us a spirit of “Yes” that will empower, energize and renew your church to the glory of your name. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
“Coming Soon to a theater near you” is usually accompanied by a preview of coming attractions. “Coming soon to your neighborhood” heralds the arrival of our favorite coffee house or grocer. Is the phrase “coming soon” an invitation, an enticement, a relief or an omen? When the flu is coming soon, it’s an omen. When our birthday is coming soon it is greeted with delight or dread. When family or friends are coming soon we may be gleeful or not. When we are afraid as was Paul in his letter to Timothy, Timothy couldn’t come soon enough.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Prayer for the Sermon May 2, 2010 "THE MEASURE OF PERFECTION"

Glorious God of Hope and Promise, we stand in awe of the abundance of your love for humankind. Your endless mercy confounds us truly. Just when we think we have committed the ultimate error, you call us to try yet again, a better way. We want to live your example— to live how you showed us to in the life and work of Jesus. We confess that we have fallen short of that goal and so we ask you to work on us. Open our hearts, Lord, to the brokenness around us, and give us the will and way to care. Open our eyes to see clearly the fear and prejudice that fuels unjust systems, in our society. Give us courage to speak for those who cannot. Give us the strength to stand up for those who may not. Give us the daring to advocate for those who are given no voice; Let us not only live the gospel, but teach us to BE the gospel in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Jasper and gold clear as glass describe the New city, the New Jerusalem, God’s city where God will dwell with God’s people. John of Patmos’ luxurious description of the foundations of the new city of promise and hope bejeweled with jasper, sapphire, agate, emerald, onyx, carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chyrsoprase, jacinth, and amethyst is indeed a wondrous sight for the weary mind’s eye and a sign of the abundance that awaits the faithful souls who have persevered and stood their ground in the face of injustice.

Prayer for the Sermon April 25, 2010 "HEROES AND VILLAINS"

Wondrous Creator, Sovereign of the Universe, to You we offer all honor, glory and blessing. We have found sanctuary here being quite deliberate in our efforts to reflect on your presence in every moment and aspect of our over-burdened, over-extended and over-scheduled lives. Give us the wisdom, we pray, to sort out today— what we will do, who we will see, where we will go— before we start spinning our wheels over what is sure to come at us tomorrow. We pray for clarity in our thinking and patience in our decision making. Remind us, ever so gently, kind Lord, to attend to what is, rather than what might be. Help us rest when we get overwrought and let us truly rejoice when we entrust our hearts and minds to your leading. Cleanse us with living water to wash away all doubt and fear; we humbly beseech You in the name of the Christ. Amen.
The black horse and rider of John’s apocalyptic vision tells us that the opportunities and occasions for greed and avarice have been a part of every age and place throughout history. In his day he derides the kind of inflation that will demand from an individual a day’s pay for a quart of wheat or three quarts of barley. When the black horse rides in the midst of humankind it is a perhaps a sign that we have forgotten how or given up the ability to spend sensibly and live modestly.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Prayer for the Sermon on April 18, 2010 "TO THOSE WHO CONQUER"

God of grace and glory we are ever aware if your presence when we sing our hymns of praise. We breathe your loving and powerful Spirit into us and haven’t the least idea of its power. Help us to recognize that in us you are spiritual TNT. When we let down the barriers that distance us from you and connect with your presence we are ignited. You are the fuel that keeps us moving forward. We can dare to live your word without burning out. We can burst forth in mission to the world sharing the best of ourselves, which is the Christ in us. We can proclaim the truth of your goodness which renews broken hearts and infuses meaning in our lives. We can accept your forgiveness which restores all souls. We can boast of your love which enlivens our spirits. We are exploding with gratitude today. THANK YOU GOD in the name of the Christ. Amen.
John of Patmos says to the church at Smyrna: “I know your affliction and your poverty even though you are rich.” The churches in the first century were not giant edifices or cathedrals of great import. The church was people gathered together wherever and they were not always safe. Their wealth is not tangible. They are rich in grace, and the love of The Christ. For their ultimate faithfulness, through their affliction, the promise of the first and the last, the alpha and the Omega is: “I will give you the crown of life.”


Glorious and Magnificent Creator you continue to amaze us with your never ending patience, mercy, and love, not to mention your wondrous deeds. We confess how our attention is drawn to the obvious rather than the more subtle ways in which you touch our lives. We become aware of the intermingling of your spirit with ours in the “AHA” moments of hindsight. We suddenly realize, when all those things we worried about worked out for the better or the best, that your mark has been all over them. Tune us in to your ever presence most gracious God, empowering and energizing our own spirit of care, compassion and service. Give us the voice and will to offer our time and talents often rather than waiting to be asked. Open our eyes to the gifts we have to offer, no matter what we think our limitations may be. Lead us through and with your strength to serve you and serve your church as faithful witnesses of the resurrection. Give us an Easter faith trusting in all things possible through the one who loved us ultimately, even Jesus Christ our savior, redeemer and friend. Amen.
“Now that’s a tough act to follow.” and “So wha’dya do for an encore?” are lines we hear often in a variety of contexts including artistic performances that are really awful. God has done some absolutely fabulous things throughout human history. We sort of focus on the more elaborate demonstrations, like the parting of the Red Sea and the raising of Jairus’ daughter, Lazarus and Jesus from the dead. But God is doing wondrous things in our midst each and everyday and most especially in this our community of faith.

Friday, April 9, 2010

PRAYER FOR Easter Sunday Sermon April 4, 2010 "EVERYTHING ELSE IS HEARSAY"

Gracious and most wonderful God, more than any other day we give you thanks for this day. For 40 days we have, with purpose, pursued the way of discipleship. We have sought to learn and discern your will for us through reading and reflecting on the scriptures. We have challenged ourselves to live doing no harm, doing all the good we can. We have taken part in all of the means of grace at our disposal which keep us in love with you and connected with you and with one another. Since Palm Sunday we have felt as if we were holding our breath in wonder and anticipation. Today we can breathe in the assurance of things hoped for radically revealed in an empty tomb. Indeed this is a day full of mystery, awe and gladness. All at once when at the entrance to the tomb, we like the women are confounded and yet relieved, sorrowful and yet uplifted, excited and yet cautious. Your surprise arrived on the wings of a promise fulfilled and we must decide to believe. In the instant that we take the leap of faith; in the instant we trust that all things are possible with you; we find a spiritual strength, confidence and stamina we never knew possible. Dearest Lord, O how we cherish this day, for today you have made all things new and the sting of death is no more. Amen and Amen!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Palm Sunday March 28, 2010 "RECOGNITION = SIGHT OF THE MIND"

Glorious and most wonderful God we are grateful for your strong, enduring and patient presence in our lives. On this Palm Sunday we are confronted by the duality of our call to rejoice on this triumphant day with the revelers and disciples shouting Hosanna and our awareness of what follows in this most Holy Week. We confess our desire to leap forward in time 7 days. Help us to understand that unless we embrace Christ’s willing sacrifice for each and every one of us, we cannot fully comprehend his love, Your love for us. As we enter this Holy Week help us surrender our secular busyness , our obligations to everyday errands, and deadline in order to make room and time to hear Your story lived and told for us. As we hear Christ’s final words his indelible mark is left upon us and we are changed. Prod us, Lord, to take up the cross of discipleship. Bring us, Lord, into worship. Humble us, Lord, for service. Empower us Lord, for ministry and let us put on Christ as never before. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Offertory Thought
Palm the tree (Old English) and the palm of the hand have the same ultimate source: Latin palma. The application to the tree is a secondary one, alluding to the shape of the cluster of palm leaves, like the fingers of a hand. So it would seem that the palm tree got its name from the palm of the hand, but from now on when you are waving hello or goodbye to a loved one look up at your hand and be reminded that in your hand you have a truly physical link with Palm Sunday.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Prayer for the Sermon "TO GRACE CONSTRAINED"

Praise to you O, Living God; God of power and might. Blessed are you Lord of mercy, Lord of truth, Lord of grace and light. We focus every thought on thee, in wonder and humility. Confessing in whispers our fear and distress, we pray for faith that counters weakness. As we walk with Jesus through his final days, let us hear with new ears each thing that he says. Let us not be undone if we turn away, for your grace shall renew us day after day. Like the ordinary people who said “Yes” to Jesus, our direction is clear on The Way that completes us. We love in his name and strive to maintain a ministry of true hearts and minds, offering ourselves, our hands, our work, our plans for the blessed tie that binds. Empower your servants most precious Lord to do accomplish wondrous deeds in your name, for the glory, the honor and triumph are yours the One for whom Jesus came. Amen.
The story of the woman with the alabaster flask is found in all four gospels making it a story of considerable significance. In Matthew, the disciples complain and in John, Judas Iscariot speaks out against the misuse of the perfumed ointment to anoint Jesus at the dinner party. He contends that it is worth at least 300 denarii and could have been sold to feed the poor. A day’s pay for many was one denarius. So this ointment is worth 300 days of labor. We might ask that since this woman is anointing Jesus whose labor purchased the ointment in the first place?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Prayer for the Sermon March 14, 2010 "COMING TO SELF"

Gracious and Loving Lord we are renewed like the morning gathered as a community of faith. We are aware that even though many of us are strangers, we are united in Christ. As we turn toward you in this Lenten season, bring us to ourselves in a whole new way. Awaken our commitment to ministry and pry us from the sidelines. Teach us the way of presence and participation as integral members of the one body and important players on Your team. Help us to see one another as you see us. Let us, in your name be fountains overflowing with goodwill and the generosity. Remind us today that a gold engraved invitation to your fabulous banquet was placed in our hands at the moment of our birth; we have but to accept it. Assure us that when we truly awaken to your love and mercy you are already running to greet us with your arms open wide. All this we pray in the name of the Christ . Amen.

Living “high off the Hog” or “high on the Hog” means one is living lavishly, luxuriously and indulgently, eating, drinking and spending as if one has endless resources. This could be the result of “going Hog Wild,” letting loose, throwing caution to the wind. When one goes hog wild living high off the hog one is only a breath away from going “whole hog” wallowing in “hog heaven.” Applying just a little restraint might mean there is some left over for the church.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Prayer for the Sermon March 7, 2010 "And Just Then"

Glorious God our Savior, Creator and Lord, bless us with your presence. Let us breathe in your presence, your Spirit of holiness, your Spirit of redemption. We entreat you merciful God to pour out comfort upon those who are in pain and your liberating power upon those whose lives are in turmoil. We pray for those who wrestle daily with personal demons that beset them from above and below, behind and in front. You have shown us in the life and lessons of your Son Jesus the Christ that those chained to addictions, trapped in their obsessions, ensnared by depression, or fettered by fear can have new life. Let us speak clearly of your promise to set these captives free. Help us to pray with them and for them, whispering your words of wisdom and assurance. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen
John Wesley wrote about the Lord’s Supper being both an obligation and an opportunity. It is one of the 6 means of Grace which he outlines in the General Rules. Wesley said Christians should receive communion as often as they can because the benefits are so great: “the forgiveness of our past sins and the present strengthening and refreshment of our souls.” The means of Grace are important for Christian life and growth precisely because they do something. In 1784 he advised the ordained Elders of the Methodist Episcopal Church “to administer the supper of the Lord on every Lord’s day.”
John Wesley wrote about the Lord’s Supper being both an obligation and an opportunity. It is one of the 6 means of Grace which he outlines in the General Rules. Wesley said Christians should receive communion as often as they can because the benefits are so great: “the forgiveness of our past sins and the present strengthening and refreshment of our souls.” The means of Grace are important for Christian life and growth precisely because they do something. In 1784 he advised the ordained Elders of the Methodist Episcopal Church “to administer the supper of the Lord on every Lord’s day.”

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Gracious God, I am no longer my own, but thine. Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt. Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee, exalted for thee or brought low by thee. Let me be full, let me be empty. Let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal. And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. In the name of the Christ, let it be so. Amen.

The word for parodidomi is the Greek word which translated surrender in the English. But surrender is a French word which was first used in 1487. The Greek word appears numerous times in the New testament, but only once is it translated surrender. The other words used to translate it are: to deliver, deliver up, to give over, commend, commit, entrust and betray. During lent we are called to deliver ourselves up, to give ourselves over to commit to God’s leading even to the discipline of tithing.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Prayer For the Sermon on February 21, 2010 "THE WORLD IS EVER NEAR"

Blessed Abba hear our prayer. We confess our need to return to you. We confess our desire to reconnect with you and to place you at the center of our thoughts and actions. We realize that we have an opportunity, during this Lenten season, to examine our spiritual core. If we should discover that we have neglected and starved that part of our selves, dearest Lord, give us spiritual nourishment. If we discover that our spiritual core has been injured, please, heal the hurt and help us move to a new level consciousness. If we discover that we are imprisoned by bitterness, anger or resentment, we entreat you most merciful and forgiving God, to break the shackles that bind us and wash us clean. Teach us to be honest with you and with ourselves as we journey toward spiritual maturity. For all of this and more we shall give you thanks and praise as we follow Jesus in whose name we pray. Amen.

Offertory Thought
When we look for comfort from the things of this world, we are often soothed by soft things, sweet things, things that dull our senses, activities that physically exhaust the body, release its tensions or relax us into sleep removing us from the stresses, strains and anxieties of the world. Lent is a time of turning to God and discovering the love and comfort that the world cannot and will not provide.