Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 12, 2010 "ONCE WAS"

Glorious God, Sovereign of the universe, we offer you thanks and praise remembering that all that we are and all that we have you have given to us. When we have erred in our work or our relationships, taken a wrong turn in this life or when we have made a decision we regret, remind us, dearest Lord, that if we will but turn to you, you offer us comfort, solace, and a guiding hand. You wipe away every tear, and cleanse us from all shame. We need not live in the dark place of regret, but walk forth in the light of your gracious countenance. We confess who we have been, how we once were and in the same breath we confess who we long to be. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us and make us the instruments of your goodwill. If we can find no speech, but complaint let us be circumspect. If we have time to find fault when things don’t turn out as we hoped they would or thought they should, call us to patience. Move our hearts and imaginations to embrace our mission of transformation, even as it includes ourselves. These things we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

How do you remember the past, those bygone days so many are want to call “The Good Old Days?” Are you among those folks who wonder about the days when the church was filled to the brim, when going to church with the whole family was the routine with no distractions. We tend to remember the world as a different place during those good old days when the behavior of its citizens was more civil, more controlled, more obedient, more respectful, and more honorable. The church has always been the place where we hone these qualities trying them out on one another and then the world.

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