Thursday, April 22, 2010

Prayer for the Sermon on April 18, 2010 "TO THOSE WHO CONQUER"

God of grace and glory we are ever aware if your presence when we sing our hymns of praise. We breathe your loving and powerful Spirit into us and haven’t the least idea of its power. Help us to recognize that in us you are spiritual TNT. When we let down the barriers that distance us from you and connect with your presence we are ignited. You are the fuel that keeps us moving forward. We can dare to live your word without burning out. We can burst forth in mission to the world sharing the best of ourselves, which is the Christ in us. We can proclaim the truth of your goodness which renews broken hearts and infuses meaning in our lives. We can accept your forgiveness which restores all souls. We can boast of your love which enlivens our spirits. We are exploding with gratitude today. THANK YOU GOD in the name of the Christ. Amen.
John of Patmos says to the church at Smyrna: “I know your affliction and your poverty even though you are rich.” The churches in the first century were not giant edifices or cathedrals of great import. The church was people gathered together wherever and they were not always safe. Their wealth is not tangible. They are rich in grace, and the love of The Christ. For their ultimate faithfulness, through their affliction, the promise of the first and the last, the alpha and the Omega is: “I will give you the crown of life.”


Glorious and Magnificent Creator you continue to amaze us with your never ending patience, mercy, and love, not to mention your wondrous deeds. We confess how our attention is drawn to the obvious rather than the more subtle ways in which you touch our lives. We become aware of the intermingling of your spirit with ours in the “AHA” moments of hindsight. We suddenly realize, when all those things we worried about worked out for the better or the best, that your mark has been all over them. Tune us in to your ever presence most gracious God, empowering and energizing our own spirit of care, compassion and service. Give us the voice and will to offer our time and talents often rather than waiting to be asked. Open our eyes to the gifts we have to offer, no matter what we think our limitations may be. Lead us through and with your strength to serve you and serve your church as faithful witnesses of the resurrection. Give us an Easter faith trusting in all things possible through the one who loved us ultimately, even Jesus Christ our savior, redeemer and friend. Amen.
“Now that’s a tough act to follow.” and “So wha’dya do for an encore?” are lines we hear often in a variety of contexts including artistic performances that are really awful. God has done some absolutely fabulous things throughout human history. We sort of focus on the more elaborate demonstrations, like the parting of the Red Sea and the raising of Jairus’ daughter, Lazarus and Jesus from the dead. But God is doing wondrous things in our midst each and everyday and most especially in this our community of faith.

Friday, April 9, 2010

PRAYER FOR Easter Sunday Sermon April 4, 2010 "EVERYTHING ELSE IS HEARSAY"

Gracious and most wonderful God, more than any other day we give you thanks for this day. For 40 days we have, with purpose, pursued the way of discipleship. We have sought to learn and discern your will for us through reading and reflecting on the scriptures. We have challenged ourselves to live doing no harm, doing all the good we can. We have taken part in all of the means of grace at our disposal which keep us in love with you and connected with you and with one another. Since Palm Sunday we have felt as if we were holding our breath in wonder and anticipation. Today we can breathe in the assurance of things hoped for radically revealed in an empty tomb. Indeed this is a day full of mystery, awe and gladness. All at once when at the entrance to the tomb, we like the women are confounded and yet relieved, sorrowful and yet uplifted, excited and yet cautious. Your surprise arrived on the wings of a promise fulfilled and we must decide to believe. In the instant that we take the leap of faith; in the instant we trust that all things are possible with you; we find a spiritual strength, confidence and stamina we never knew possible. Dearest Lord, O how we cherish this day, for today you have made all things new and the sting of death is no more. Amen and Amen!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Palm Sunday March 28, 2010 "RECOGNITION = SIGHT OF THE MIND"

Glorious and most wonderful God we are grateful for your strong, enduring and patient presence in our lives. On this Palm Sunday we are confronted by the duality of our call to rejoice on this triumphant day with the revelers and disciples shouting Hosanna and our awareness of what follows in this most Holy Week. We confess our desire to leap forward in time 7 days. Help us to understand that unless we embrace Christ’s willing sacrifice for each and every one of us, we cannot fully comprehend his love, Your love for us. As we enter this Holy Week help us surrender our secular busyness , our obligations to everyday errands, and deadline in order to make room and time to hear Your story lived and told for us. As we hear Christ’s final words his indelible mark is left upon us and we are changed. Prod us, Lord, to take up the cross of discipleship. Bring us, Lord, into worship. Humble us, Lord, for service. Empower us Lord, for ministry and let us put on Christ as never before. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Offertory Thought
Palm the tree (Old English) and the palm of the hand have the same ultimate source: Latin palma. The application to the tree is a secondary one, alluding to the shape of the cluster of palm leaves, like the fingers of a hand. So it would seem that the palm tree got its name from the palm of the hand, but from now on when you are waving hello or goodbye to a loved one look up at your hand and be reminded that in your hand you have a truly physical link with Palm Sunday.