Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 28, 2011 "SIMON CALLED PETROS"

Our wondrous creator, your artistry and the work of your hands is ever a delight to our eyes. It is your attention to detail that flatters even the tiniest of flowers that grow around us. The machinations of even the smallest bird or insect can mesmerize us. Remind us of the millions of years you have invested in perfecting your creation. Teach us the way of commitment, dearest Lord, as we build your church of inclusiveness, making a place for our neighbor today. May our legacy be the fulfillment of the great commandment as we comprehend what it means to love one another as you loved us. We understand that we do not live for tomorrow, but we are called to plan for it. Move our thoughts beyond parochial notions of ownership and the possessiveness that threatens to paralyze the church. We are the church of thousands of years, past, present and future, built upon the spirit of love that hopes all things, believes all things and endures all things in the name of the Christ. Amen.

Rock, paper, scissors was a game I watched my brother play with his grade school pals. I was a little slow in figuring out what paper wraps rock; scissors cut paper; rock breaks scissors was all about. Winning requires predicting your opponents moves. It is a game similar to flipping a coin, and has actually been used to decide court battles and the fate of millions of dollars in impressionist art. As the plate is passed today, I hope you throw paper.

Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon the gifts we offer with cheerful hearts. They are a sign of our commitment to you and to Christ’s Church. Keep us mindful that our commitment matters for our own spiritual growth and wellbeing and that of our neighbors through the world. Keep us strong in Christ Jesus we pray. Amen.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Almighty God, Sovereign of the Universe, be present with us, and be attentive to our prayers and supplications. We have been aware from our first toddling steps that it is easy to trip and fall when we are trying to move too fast or aren’t paying attention to obstacles in our path. And we have learned over the years that life is full of surprises and whether they are delightful or tragic we are going to have to figure out how we will respond or react to them. Help us always to be considerate of one another along the way. When we feel skittish about ideas that break with our familiar traditions, help us listen with open hearts and minds. When we still cannot understand, let us not be ruled by disappointment throwing up our hands and giving up. Give us the courage to try again as followers of Jesus. Our savior was not one to give up on anyone or anything. We pray for the strength and stamina to keep exercising our faith to the glory of your name. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Remember King Midas. We have come to refer to someone able to build a great fortune out of nothing, as one who has the Midas touch. The moniker suggests whatever he or she touches turns to gold —metaphorically speaking. In the case of King Midas everything he touched literally turned to gold and what at first seemed a blessing became, for him, a curse. Maybe gloves would have helped old Midas put his gift to better use. Seek always to do something remarkable with what you have been given.

Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon these tithes and offerings. Grateful for all your love and care, we seek to glorify your name in our work. Multiply these gifts, we pray, that they may bless all who are in need. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

August 14, 2011 "A DISEASE OF THE HEART"

Wondrous Lord, being together in worship is one of the best things that happens to us all week. This being in each other’s company singing your praises to our hearts’ content renews us. We are lifted up as we sing and pray, brought forth from places of darkness and shadow, we are guided into your hopeful light. In this sanctuary we are sense your presence and are engulfed in your holiness, not because the building is holy, but because we call upon your name. We are not inured to the pain and suffering of those around us, neither are we immune to those who are prone to becoming downhearted. However here is where we are exercising our faith muscles, working them, building them up, strengthening them, getting ready for the day when we are called upon to help someone else recover their faith. Let ours be hopeful work, our most gracious God, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Once again, on August 8th, the stock market scared the living daylights out of us. How many of you said to yourselves, “Oh No! Not again!” or “Oh, bad word !” Because most of us don’t hide our money in the mattress, we are not immune to the to the ups and downs reported by the averagers, Dow, S&P and Russell. Pease don’t let their prophetic predictions or panic reactions stunt your stewardship giving.
Gracious God, bless the gifts we bring, not only what we offer in coin, but what we offer in heart, body and mind. Inspire our generosity, strengthening our resolve to be your people, to do what is right, to be in service to one another and our brothers and sisters throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Monday, August 8, 2011


God of grace and glory, diviner of life, we are privileged today to praise your name, to sing songs of faith and hope and to open our hearts to you. We confess that it is easy for us to get mired down in the very real worries and woes of this life wondering what will become of us. We can find ourselves on that treadmill of the endless exercise stress test, running faster and faster, while trying to juggle any number of plates. There are even some of us who spend our days jockeying for control of all the other horses in the barn while our own saddle is slipping sideways on our own mount. Dearest Lord, may we seek to live by the wisdom of one day at a time. Help me believe in what I can be and all that I am; give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do. Lord help me today, show me the way, one day at a time. And so for my sake, teach me to take one day at a time, sweet Jesus. Amen. ***
(***) Thanks to Kris Kristofferson and MariJohn Wilkins

Unemployment. I am stunned by the number of friends who are unemployed looking for a place to invest themselves, to share their gifts and skills, but it appears that employers just have no need for these in-betweeners who are too old to be hired and too young to retire. College educated they are willing to go anywhere to work. Too educated for simple jobs; too old for complex jobs and undesirable because someone unemployed them. I have to ask what is at work here: Ageism or just good old fashioned greed?
Dear Lord, bless the gifts we bring, not only what we offer in coin, but what we offer in heart, body and mind. Strengthen our resolve to be your people, to do what is right, to be in service to one another and to our brothers and sisters throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Monday, August 1, 2011

July 31, 2011 "AND LOOKING TO HEAVEN..."

Gracious and Everliving God it is good to be gathered together in your house singing your praise. It is good to breathe in your Spirit of Life and Love and Grace that moves through us and around us when we call upon your most Holy Name. Help us, O Lord, to relax in your presence, drinking in the wonder and beauty of your creation, elevated by the lustrous sounds of music, soothed by these quiet moments of prayer. Our days are so full of must do’s and have to goes, that we welcome the opportunity to stop and take stock of the meaning of our time here on earth. Be with us as we ponder it in the name of the Christ. Amen.
What can you do with money? You can hoard it, save it, hide it, keep it, invest it, spend it, loan it, or even give it away. If you hoard it, it accumulates and piles up and is hard to sort out; if you save it you usually have something in mind for it; if you hide it you may never find it again; if you strive to keep it, there will come a rainy day; if you invest it you are gambling on a multiplied return; if you spend it, hopefully you enjoy the spending; if you loan it, you worry when and if you will ever see it again. But, when you give money away, you let go of it and you let go of the control of it. You entrust it to the receiver and that takes faith. How faith-full are you feeling today?