Thursday, August 18, 2011

August 14, 2011 "A DISEASE OF THE HEART"

Wondrous Lord, being together in worship is one of the best things that happens to us all week. This being in each other’s company singing your praises to our hearts’ content renews us. We are lifted up as we sing and pray, brought forth from places of darkness and shadow, we are guided into your hopeful light. In this sanctuary we are sense your presence and are engulfed in your holiness, not because the building is holy, but because we call upon your name. We are not inured to the pain and suffering of those around us, neither are we immune to those who are prone to becoming downhearted. However here is where we are exercising our faith muscles, working them, building them up, strengthening them, getting ready for the day when we are called upon to help someone else recover their faith. Let ours be hopeful work, our most gracious God, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Once again, on August 8th, the stock market scared the living daylights out of us. How many of you said to yourselves, “Oh No! Not again!” or “Oh, bad word !” Because most of us don’t hide our money in the mattress, we are not immune to the to the ups and downs reported by the averagers, Dow, S&P and Russell. Pease don’t let their prophetic predictions or panic reactions stunt your stewardship giving.
Gracious God, bless the gifts we bring, not only what we offer in coin, but what we offer in heart, body and mind. Inspire our generosity, strengthening our resolve to be your people, to do what is right, to be in service to one another and our brothers and sisters throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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