Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November 21, 2010 "The Church"

Dearest Lord, on this Christ the King Sunday, we follow the triumphant sign of love and sacrifice, the cross upon which our savior died. The king of our hearts so trusted in You that he gave up his life for ours. And just before he took his last breath, Jesus promised a place in paradise to the thief who asked to be remembered. This week as we dress the table for a feast and prepare to celebrate the abundance of our blessings we will pause and take time to pray. We promise, gracious God, whether we gather with loved ones and friends, or spend the day alone, we will stop to remember Jesus Christ. We will remind ourselves and those who give thanks with us how Christ the King purchased our redemption and opened the way to paradise for all. Amen.

Dear Lord of love, we stand in your presence offering our hearts in the gifts we bring before you. We have a part in the ministry of your church and today our efforts are affirmed as welcome more people into the body of Christ. We are partners with you in bringing your word to those who have not heard, bringing comfort to those who have none and bringing a message of hope to a hurting world. With you we are seeing to it that the Church is here for us as well, when we are in need of the good word, of tender comfort and of an encouraging message of hope. Make us courageous thoughtful stewards, who in gladness and without hesitation offer our time, our talents, our ideas, and our tangible gifts. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 14, 2010 "Wesley and Me" or "Why I am a Methodist"

Wondrous and Everlasting God, hear our prayer. What a joy it is to be in the company of those of like hearts. What peace we find in the music we sing together. What comfort we find as we look upon the cross and remember the incredible love of Jesus. The candles that burn are the light of the Christ the symbol of his passion and sacrifice. But the flame that adorns our United Methodist symbol is your Spirit of incredible love wrapped around Jesus on the cross. Fill us with a passion for our calling as disciples of your Christ. We long to feel the warmth of his light within us. Let the peace of Christ reign in our hearts. Let us embrace joy in our lives. Let us love one another with abandon. Let us trust in your goodwill, your forgiveness and your grace. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Dearest Lord, We ask your blessing on the generous hearts gathered in communion this morning. Bless their generous gifts of time and skill, their gifts of participation, devotion and prayer, and their gifts of care as well of their generous financial support. Today we remember those men and women who offered their lives in service to YOU and Your whole creation as they fought against the forces of tyranny and totalitarianism in the world. We will keep close in prayer those churches suffering persecution throughout the world and pray that our offering will help to provide strength and comfort to them. Multiply our generosity, gracious God, to equal the extravagance of your love for us. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 7, 2010 All Saints Sunday "WHY I AM A CHRISTIAN"

Wondrous and Loving Lord, our Creator today we give thanks for the lives of those who loved you with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength and us too. They sought to find the Christ within them and to live his commandment to love in and through and in spite of life’s circumstances. Dearest Lord, we commend to you these saints we have known and loved as we remember their courage, their fortitude, their integrity, their humility, their kindness, their intelligence, their resilience, their reverence, their perseverance and their determination to follow in the ways of goodness and righteousness. The journey of faith is the challenge of a lifetime. To stay the course calls for commitment, turning our lives over to God. The example has been set and the way has been shown to us by those we remember today. Help us listen, as they did, to your Spirit promptings prodding us to move ever forward on the path of discipleship. We pray in the name of our savior and pace setter, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Wondrous and Loving God you have blessed us in so many ways and yet we ask you to pour out more blessing upon the gifts we place before you. These are a portion of ourselves that we would share with others. We can do this because YOU give us the strength of spirit to adapt to all of the changes we face in this life journey, physical, spiritual, social and political. Let us, as servants with grateful hearts, be attentive to the opportunities you place before us to do all the good we can. Make us your gifts to the world that we may accomplish wondrous deeds in your name empowering the ministry and mission of your church throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Monday, November 1, 2010

OCTOBER 31, 2010 Reformation Sunday "TALKING TO GOD"

Gracious God, thank you for this day. We are grateful to be here knowing in our heart of hearts that wherever we are in your company is our church home. Here is where we come to renew ourselves from the inside out. We must do that beginning with our confession. Forgive us when we feel trapped in and by our resentments. We confess that we can get caught up in situations and circumstances from which we feel unable to extricate ourselves gently. We feel betrayed by a loved one or a friend, and we can’t let go of our frustration over how our relationship has changed. Please, O God, teach us to let go and to be people of forgiving hearts. Snatch from our minds the silly and small slights that simply are not important to the larger picture. Empower us to love beyond misunderstandings. Keep our eyes, hearts and minds fixed on the goal that we may be sanctified disciples of your Christ, chosen ones, holy and beloved put ting on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Amen.
Gracious God, people have been blessed this week by members of this church, by their ministry of love and regard for their brothers and sisters in Christ. In YOUR name women and men, young and old alike gave generously of their time, their talents and their own resources reaching out to embrace and care for a grieving family. We ask YOUR blessing upon them and upon the gifts we now place before YOU. Bless our every effort to minister to others in YOUR name. We are confident, because YOU have said so, that all things are possible for those who have faith in YOU. Pour out YOUR Spirit upon us. Bless the gifts we bring. Empower the ministry and mission of your church throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.