Monday, November 1, 2010

OCTOBER 31, 2010 Reformation Sunday "TALKING TO GOD"

Gracious God, thank you for this day. We are grateful to be here knowing in our heart of hearts that wherever we are in your company is our church home. Here is where we come to renew ourselves from the inside out. We must do that beginning with our confession. Forgive us when we feel trapped in and by our resentments. We confess that we can get caught up in situations and circumstances from which we feel unable to extricate ourselves gently. We feel betrayed by a loved one or a friend, and we can’t let go of our frustration over how our relationship has changed. Please, O God, teach us to let go and to be people of forgiving hearts. Snatch from our minds the silly and small slights that simply are not important to the larger picture. Empower us to love beyond misunderstandings. Keep our eyes, hearts and minds fixed on the goal that we may be sanctified disciples of your Christ, chosen ones, holy and beloved put ting on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Amen.
Gracious God, people have been blessed this week by members of this church, by their ministry of love and regard for their brothers and sisters in Christ. In YOUR name women and men, young and old alike gave generously of their time, their talents and their own resources reaching out to embrace and care for a grieving family. We ask YOUR blessing upon them and upon the gifts we now place before YOU. Bless our every effort to minister to others in YOUR name. We are confident, because YOU have said so, that all things are possible for those who have faith in YOU. Pour out YOUR Spirit upon us. Bless the gifts we bring. Empower the ministry and mission of your church throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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