Monday, October 25, 2010

October 24, 2010 "HELP MY UNBELIEF"

Glorious God, Creator of the Universe it gladdens our hearts to come together and to sing praises to your name. Being in the company of our brothers and sisters in Christ comforts and renews us. We confess that the demands of hurting and workaday world can sap our strength. Let us not be alarmed by triviality. Keep us from getting caught up in details designed to distract. Keep our vision absolutely clear so that we do not lose sight of what is important. Help us to live our faith reminding us that we are not lone soldiers lost in the world, but one body in Christ. We are not passive participants, but active partners together with you in this kingdom journey. Dearest Lord, when it appears that we are assailed by doubts, unsure that we are on course, take our hand; guide our feet and lead us in your way. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Do any of you remember when you tipped a waiter 10% of the bill (excluding the tax)? Do you remember when the rule for tipping moved up to 15% and then 20%? How did you feel? And if you thought you received lousy service you expressed your dissatisfaction in the amount of the tip you left your server. What inspires you to be generous in your giving? Do you give spontaneously, consistently, occasionally? Do you give out of what is left? Do you view your offering to the church as a gift or a payment? Have you ever decreased it? Have you ever increased it? It is important for all Christians to examine what motivates our giving and to decide whether we are tithing or tipping.

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