Thursday, October 14, 2010


God of Grace be with us this morning as we turn our attention to you. As we breathe in your wondrous Spirit which is in this place, may it ignite our own. Let the flame that is your love burn within us warming our hearts and invigorating our ministry. We confess that often we are haunted by doubts, fears and anxiety that threaten to overshadow our faith. Let the humble faith that first brought us to our knees before you, that opened our lips to confess our faith The Son of life and love even Jesus Christ, rule in our hearts today. Challenge us, teach us, empower us to cultivate faith that is always inclusive and welcoming. May your light be the only light that shines within us rising up from the center of our souls always bright, ever inviting and constant. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
When you reconcile accounts in a ledger or in your checkbook you are putting things right, squaring things away, reuniting what has been torn apart, resolving discrepancies, merging, and patching up. Some would say when they are reconciling accounts they are just making sure that everything is balanced, justified, settled in it’s proper place bringing things together. God has settled us, justified us, squared us away, and brought us together through Jesus Christ. For that and so much more, indeed let us be thankful.

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