Friday, September 30, 2016

October 2, 2016 "WITH A LITTLE BIT OF FAITH" World Communion Sunday

We believe in one creative God righteous and patient, merciful and just.
We believe that God is perpetually creating.
We believe that God’s handiwork is well thought out, diverse, colorful, and inspiring.
We accept that God has entrusted the earth, and all that is in it, to our care.
We believe that Jesus was given unto the world in order that humankind could know the true heart of God. Jesus’ life revealed God’s willing presence in our lives.
His death revealed God’s love. His resurrection from the dead revealed God’s Grace.
We believe that God’s Holy Spirit came to us in the nick of time, while we held our breath,
wondering what to do next.
God’s Spirit whispers truth, love and justice, showing us how to walk humbly with God.
We believe in the church, the body of Christ called to continue his work in the world.
Like creation, the church is a living organism, evolving, responding and transforming itself when all of creation cries out for change.
O, most gracious and loving God, it is now, when we are gathered together in worship that we comprehend the importance of being united as one body in Christ, Jesus. In our oneness of spirit we are empowered to pray and praise you without ceasing. Our thoughts, hopes and dreams, when entwined with yours, bring us to an understanding of how you would have us relate to the world around us. You do not call us to abandon the world, or isolate ourselves from her pain. Nor do you expect us to hide from those who do harm to your creation. Rather you call us to seek out ways to serve humankind and heal your creation. Let us not be undone, or confounded by the wily ways of the wicked. Make of us confident clever Christians well able to articulate our faith. Help us expound upon the blessings we have received and the trust we have in you. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
“1933 was the darkest year of the Great Depression. The storm clouds of Nazism and Fascism hovered all over Europe and threatened the entire world. The prevailing mood was anxiety—fear about economics, fear about politics and fear about the future. Shadyside Presbyterian Church gave birth to World Communion Sunday on the first Sunday of October, 1933. The congregation desired to bring churches together in a service of Christian unity, symbolizing how each congregation is interconnected one with another. When asked how World Communion Sunday became a worldwide practice, Dr. Donald Kerr the pastor of Shadyside, replied that at first: "People did not give it a whole lot of thought. It was during WW II that the spirit caught hold, because we were trying to hold the world together.” World Communion Sunday continues to symbolize the effort of Christians everywhere to hold the world together.
Wondrous and Eternal God, pour out your blessing upon these gifts and promises. We offer them with full and grateful hearts. We trust that you will always guide us to use them wisely, and always for the greater good. Proclaiming our belief that all things are possible with you, we offer ourselves in service, seeking always, in the name of the Christ, to do your work and will. Amen.

Monday, September 26, 2016

September 25, 2016 "WHO IS YOUR REFUGE"

We believe in one creative God righteous and patient, merciful and just.
We believe that God is perpetually creating.
We believe that God’s handiwork is well thought out, diverse, colorful, and inspiring.
We accept that God has entrusted the earth, and all that is in it, to our care.
We believe that Jesus was given unto the world in order that humankind could know the true heart of God.
Jesus’ life revealed God’s willing presence in our lives.
His death revealed God’s love. His resurrection from the dead revealed God’s Grace.
We believe that God’s Holy Spirit came to us in the nick of time, while we held our breath,
wondering what to do next.
God’s Spirit whispers truth, love and justice, showing us how to walk humbly with God.
We believe in the church, the body of Christ called to continue his work in the world.
Like creation, the church is a living organism, evolving,
responding and transforming itself when all of creation cries out for change.
Dearest ABBA Father, we lift our prayer of thanks and relief believing that you are always close at hand ready, willing and able to embrace even the most resistant soul. When we surrender our calloused and stubborn hearts you empty them of all our regrets. You fill them, instead with the assurance of your love, the promise of eternity, and renewed hope in the possibilities of today. Let us not be those who hide in the shadow of your wings, but let us be those who find rest and respite from the demands and rigors of our daily lives. When we awaken, send us forth invigorated, refreshed, and ready to invest our spirits in purposeful endeavors as ambassadors of the Good News. May our discipleship shine forth in everything we do and say. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
The prefix “re” means “back” and fugere is Latin for “to flee.” When we are in danger we seek refuge, find refuge, take refuge or return to places of refuge, protection and safety. In his most famous hymn, Martin Luther describes God as a mighty impenetrable fortress, a never-failing bulwark against the powers of darkness grim. Psalm 91 sings to us with other images: we shall not be caught up in the fowler’s snare, but shall be rescued and cradled in God’s wings, covered by God’s pinions. Pinions are flight feathers, very powerful, but warmer than the walls of a stone fortress, and more comforting than bulwark. It isn’t the concrete structure of our church that reminds us of God, but the welcome and care received within that offers refuge to the heart and soul.
Wondrous and Eternal God, pour out your blessing upon these gifts and promises. We offer them with full and grateful hearts. We trust that you will always guide us to use them wisely, and always for the greater good. Proclaiming our belief that all things are possible with you, we offer ourselves in service, seeking always, in the name of the Christ, to do your work and will. Amen.

Monday, September 19, 2016

September 18, 2016 "GOD AND MAMMOM"

We believe in one creative God righteous and patient, merciful and just.
We believe that God is perpetually creating.
We believe that God’s handiwork is well thought out, diverse, colorful, and inspiring.
We accept that God has entrusted the earth, and all that is in it, to our care.
We believe that Jesus was given unto the world in order that humankind could know the true heart of God. Jesus’ life revealed God’s willing presence in our lives.
His death revealed God’s love. His resurrection from the dead revealed God’s Grace.
We believe that God’s Holy Spirit came to us in the nick of time, while we held our breath,
wondering what to do next.
God’s Spirit whispers truth, love and justice, showing us how to walk humbly with God.
We believe in the church, the body of Christ called to continue his work in the world.
Like creation, the church is a living organism, evolving, responding and transforming itself when all of creation cries out for change.
O most gracious and loving ABBA, Father, as our wondrous creator and righteous sovereign of the universe, you have seen us at our best and our worst. We long to please you, O God, striving to work with the gifts and talents you have given to each of us. Ever grateful for the gift of the Christ, and the Holy Spirit who prods us to cultivate a good conscience, we learn from life’s lessons moving onward toward the kingdom goal. Your persistent pursuit of the human heart calls us to cleanse our minds of doubt, and trust in your will and way for us. We do confess a desire to feel secure, resting-assured that all will be well, in our own personal lives, with our families, and with the church. We shall however, pray for wisdom when the going gets tough. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Mammon is not some super special big-time religious term. It is a Greek word that quite simply refers to wealth or riches. I guess the English Bible translators decided to leave the Greek word in this text, because it sounded more ominous than “wealth”— like maybe folks would think that Mammon was the name of the god of money. The Greek word occurs in Matthew and Luke no more than 4 times in 22 English translations of the Bible. In the modern English translations the word wealth appears in its place. It is still true, however, that one cannot be a servant of God and of Wealth. It is possible however to make friends and serve God by giving of your wealth.
Wondrous and Eternal God, pour out your blessing upon these gifts and promises. We offer them with full and grateful hearts. We trust that you will always guide us to use them wisely, and always for the greater good. Proclaiming our belief that all things are possible with you, we offer ourselves in service, seeking always, in the name of the Christ, to do your work and will. Amen.

Monday, September 12, 2016

September 11, 2016 "ABOUT MERCY"

Beginning on Dec. 8, 2015 and set to end on Christ the King Sunday, Nov. 20, 2016, Pope Frances declared 2016 The Jubilee Year of Mercy, its motto being, “Compassionate like the Father.”

We believe in one creative God righteous and patient, merciful and just.
We believe that God is perpetually creating.
We believe that God’s handiwork is well thought out, diverse, colorful, and inspiring.
We accept that God has entrusted the earth, and all that is in it, to our care.
We believe that Jesus was given unto the world in order that humankind could know the true heart of God. Jesus’ life revealed God’s willing presence in our lives.
His death revealed God’s love. His resurrection from the dead revealed God’s Grace.
We believe that God’s Holy Spirit came to us in the nick of time, while we held our breath,
wondering what to do next.
God’s Spirit whispers truth, love and justice, showing us how to walk humbly with God.
We believe in the church, the body of Christ called to continue his work in the world.
Like creation, the church is a living organism, evolving, responding and transforming itself when all of creation cries out for change.
Most merciful and loving God, you know well that in the course of human history there are many dates and events that will live in infamy in human hearts all over the globe. Teach us to be merciful in the wake of harm, for revenge and retaliation are never sweet; they empty the soul of righteousness. When plagued with the desire to be YOU, to act in your stead, the human soul is corrupted, and these dates attest to that truth: 1229, 1585, September 3, 1939, December 7, 1941, August 6, 1945, November 22,1963, January 30, 1968, April 4, 1968, September 5, 1972, April 30, 1975, and September 11, 2001. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Have mercy upon us, O God and when we are tempted to hate, turn our eyes upon the Christ who shows us the way that leads to life. All this we pray in his name. Amen.
Disapproval, disdain, malevolence, cruelty, ill will, and unkindness, are all antonyms for the word mercy. “Mercy” is from 9th century French “Merci,” which meant reward, gift, kindness, grace or pity. Now it means “Thank you.” The Latin mercedem referred to a reward or wages paid. In 6th century church Latin mercedem referred to the heavenly reward bestowed upon those who showed kindness to the helpless. Therefore mercy refers to one’s disposition to forgive or show compassion. It is not solely an attribute of God, for when God pours out mercy upon us, we are enjoined, to follow suit. Shakespeare wrote: …”we do pray for mercy; and that same prayer teaches us all to render the deeds of mercy. Giving to the church is a deed of mercy.
Wondrous and Eternal God, pour out your blessing upon these gifts and promises. We offer them with full and grateful hearts. We trust that you will always guide us to use them wisely, and always for the greater good. Proclaiming our belief that all things are possible with you, we offer ourselves in service, seeking always, in the name of the Christ, to do your work and will. Amen.

September 11, 2016 "ABOUT MERCY"

We believe in one creative God righteous and patient, merciful and just.
We believe that God is perpetually creating.
We believe that God’s handiwork is well thought out, diverse, colorful, and inspiring.
We accept that God has entrusted the earth, and all that is in it, to our care.
We believe that Jesus was given unto the world in order that humankind could know the true heart of God. Jesus’ life revealed God’s willing presence in our lives.
His death revealed God’s love. His resurrection from the dead revealed God’s Grace.
We believe that God’s Holy Spirit came to us in the nick of time, while we held our breath,
wondering what to do next.
God’s Spirit whispers truth, love and justice, showing us how to walk humbly with God.
We believe in the church, the body of Christ called to continue his work in the world.
Like creation, the church is a living organism, evolving, responding and transforming itself when all of creation cries out for change.
Most merciful and loving God, you know well that in the course of human history there are many dates and events that will live in infamy in human hearts all over the globe. Teach us to be merciful in the wake of harm, for revenge and retaliation are never sweet; they empty the soul of righteousness. When plagued with the desire to be YOU, to act in your stead, the human soul is corrupted, and these dates attest to that truth: 1229, 1585, September 3, 1939, December 7, 1941, August 6, 1945, November 22,1963, January 30, 1968, April 4, 1968, September 5, 1972, April 30, 1975, and September 11, 2001. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Have mercy upon us, O God and when we are tempted to hate, turn our eyes upon the Christ who shows us the way that leads to life. All this we pray in his name. Amen.
Disapproval, disdain, malevolence, cruelty, ill will, and unkindness, are all antonyms for the word mercy. “Mercy” is from 9th century French “Merci,” which meant reward, gift, kindness, grace or pity. Now it means “Thank you.” The Latin mercedem referred to a reward or wages paid. In 6th century church Latin mercedem referred to the heavenly reward bestowed upon those who showed kindness to the helpless. Therefore mercy refers to one’s disposition to forgive or show compassion. It is not solely an attribute of God, for when God pours out mercy upon us, we are enjoined, to follow suit. Shakespeare wrote: …”we do pray for mercy; and that same prayer teaches us all to render the deeds of mercy. Giving to the church is a deed of mercy.
Wondrous and Eternal God, pour out your blessing upon these gifts and promises. We offer them with full and grateful hearts. We trust that you will always guide us to use them wisely, and always for the greater good. Proclaiming our belief that all things are possible with you, we offer ourselves in service, seeking always, in the name of the Christ, to do your work and will. Amen.

Thursday, September 1, 2016


We believe in one creative God righteous and patient, merciful and just.
We believe that God is perpetually creating.
We believe that God’s handiwork is well thought out, diverse, colorful, and inspiring.
We accept that God has entrusted the earth, and all that is in it, to our care.
We believe that Jesus was given unto the world in order that humankind could know the true heart of God.
Jesus’ life revealed God’s willing presence in our lives.
His death revealed God’s love. His resurrection from the dead revealed God’s Grace.
We believe that God’s Holy Spirit came to us in the nick of time, while we held our breath,
wondering what to do next.
God’s Spirit whispers truth, love and justice, showing us how to walk humbly with God.
We believe in the church, the body of Christ called to continue his work in the world.
Like creation, the church is a living organism, evolving,
responding and transforming itself when all of creation cries out for change.
Wondrous and most merciful God, we gather together working diligently to use the word disciple when referring to ourselves as those who follow Jesus Christ. We, like Levi, are disciples of privilege and substantial resources. The disparity between those who have and those who do not isn’t a matter of luck, good fortune, faith, or grace. Your grace is poured out upon all people. Jesus called upon every disciple to choose life rather than death, to love, not hate, and to repay cruelty with kindness. Gracious God, we cannot know the suffering the early disciples endured, persecuted as they were for their faith, but we can follow their determined example, take up the cross, and walk in their footsteps along the kingdom road. Amen.
The title of the sermon tells you where I was born. I grew up 7 miles outside of Boston, which was the home of Filene’s ever famous bargain basement. For 100 years Filene’s basement was THE PLACE to find designer overstock and cast-offs marked down for the frugal, cheap and fiscally challenged of Boston. People brawled in THE BASEMENT long before the arrival of cabbage patch kids. Such brawls were so famous, films depicted them often showing two women in a tug-o-war over a girdle. The triumph of the competition was in getting the worthwhile bargain. When we stop to think and realize what Jesus purchased for us we might fully grasp that we received the best part of that bargain.
Wondrous and Eternal God, pour out your blessing upon these gifts and promises. We offer them with full and grateful hearts. We trust that you will always guide us to use them wisely, and always for the greater good. Proclaiming our belief that all things are possible with you, we offer ourselves in service, seeking always, in the name of the Christ, to do your work and will. Amen.