Tuesday, February 27, 2018

March 4, 2018 "THE LEGACY OF TOUCH"

We believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, granter of grace and life.
We believe that nothing in all the world, can separate us from the love of God
who always forgives a repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture who came to love us into new life.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our sins upon himself,
and carried that burden to the cross where he relinquished his own life for our sakes.
This act was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, but that he was raised from the dead,
and he will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks truth to all people, in every language.
Our hearts are warmed when we embrace that Spirit, and God’s presence within us is revealed.
As the church, and as members of the body of Christ in the world,
we believe we are called to make a difference in this world.
Thanks be to God!
Wondrous and Loving Lord, here, gathered together in this sanctuary, we intentionally turn our attention to you, focusing our thoughts to encounter your very real presence with us. You proclaim your presence, come to us through the scriptures and in the hymns we sing. We encounter your presence as we speak the words of the affirmation of faith, and partake of bread and the cup. When we think about it, it’s kind of silly to imagine that you are somehow absent from the world and our lives the other 6 days of the week. Remind us today that you are with us wherever we go, and in all things. Give us the courage to reach out to you, to seek connection with you, believing that that connection will bring wholeness and healing to shattered spirits, broken hearts, and ravaged bodies. Those who touched your Son encountered your power at work within him. Be at work within us we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
There is a difference between the Sunday chef and Wednesday chef at Mario’s. The Wednesday chef put bacon bits and avocado on my chef’s salad, and I didn’t even ask for them; whereas the Sunday chef created the traditional salad with no extras. Both salads tasted good, and both were nourishing, but I liked my Wednesday salad better than my Sunday salad. With every occasion of Sunday worship, or Messy Church, with every small group study, or opportunity to serve we hope you are spiritually nourished. One of the New Beginnings small groups said church is meant to be soul food for the spiritual tribe, giving strength to the strong. Your support helps us add even greater taste to the mix.

Thursday, February 22, 2018



We believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, granter of grace and life.
We believe that nothing in all the world, can separate us from the love of God
who always forgives a repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture who came to love us into new life.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our sins upon himself, and carried that burden to the cross where he relinquished his own life for our sakes.
This act was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, but that he was raised from the dead,
and he will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks truth to all people, in every language.
Our hearts are warmed when we embrace that Spirit, and God’s presence within us is revealed.
As the church, and as members of the body of Christ in the world, we believe we are called to make a difference in this world.
Thanks be to God.
Loving and merciful God, we are both privileged and blessed to worship in this sanctuary, and to add to our number new members who have felt your welcoming Spirit at work among us. May their experiences open our eyes to new areas of ministry, or help us discover modern fixes to old problems. May our journey as disciples bear even more fruit as our years together unfold. Help us carry out our mission to bring good news not only to the poor, but to the broken hearted, the marginalized, the oppressed, the imprisoned, the lost, the confused and the disillusioned. Like Abraham let us trust you even to the end of our days. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Making do, just getting by, and eking out a living, are all related expressions used when the larder (food pantry) is thin. At least two of these words are foreign to those under the age of 50. Eke’s original meaning was “to increase, to lengthen.” So eking out a living, means attempting to increase what you have, or getting what you start out with to last longer. I know that’s why my mother put celery in the tuna fish, and it’s why people collect grocery store coupons—to stretch out a meal, or a dollar. You must remember being urged to save energy in the 70s — to keep the winter thermostat at 68 and the summer at 78, and to turn out the light when you left a room? Trust me in this, the church still has that 70’s outlook on energy conservation, and we are always striving to stretch a dollar. Our efforts are always to make do with what we receive.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


We believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, granter of grace and life.
We believe that nothing in all the world, can separate us from the love of God
who always forgives a repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture who came to love us into new life.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our sins upon himself
and carried that burden to the cross where he relinquished his own life for our sakes.
This act was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, but that he was raised from the dead,
And he will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks truth to all people, in every language.
Our hearts are warmed when we embrace that Spirit, and revealing the ever-present
Spirit of God within us.
As the church, and as members of the body of Christ in the world,
we believe we are called to make a difference in this world.
O most loving and merciful God, it seems only yesterday that we were celebrating the birth of the newborn babe, the Christ child. And yet today, we enter the Lenten season, embarking on a six week journey. We are heading to Jerusalem with the now-grown-up Jesus and his disciples. We know what awaits him there, but let us not focus on the end. There is much to learn all along the journey. Help us, O Lord, to be attentive to Jesus’ words as he teaches how best to love and care for each other. May we hone a confident and steadfast faith in the days to come, for like the fishermen, and so many others, we have chosen to follow Jesus, and to work for your kingdom in his name. We pray in the name of the Christ, that everything we do and say glorifies your name. Amen.
I was surprised to learn that the saying “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” is ascribed to Joseph P. Kennedy, John F’s dad. I guess even super-billionaire businessmen alleged to have made their money bootlegging, encounter adversity as much as the next person. The earliest connotations of the word tough refer to something being strong and firm in texture like leather. It meant tenacious, sticky, holding fast. Later on in the 12th century it came to mean strong powerful, not tender or fragile. And in the 13th century it’s connotation expanded to difficult to chew and hard to endure. The evolution of the word tough finds Kennedy’s adage describing both adversity and the strength to endure it. In their own way, all of the folks on the bulletin cover were steadfast in the face of adversity. They exemplify persistence. Funny how words, like tough, tenacious, steadfast, strong and persistent don’t appear in church mission statements. Maybe they should, for when we hold fast to our faith, we are all of these things.
Rev. Doug Purcell preached the first Service.
Rev. Amanda Burr preached the Second Service.


From dust and nothingness, we believe God created the earth and all who dwell upon it.
The Lights in the heavens above are God’s special effects,
chosen to reveal the awesome colors of creation as each day begins and ends.
We believe Jesus is the beloved Son of God, begotten to love, teach, free, and heal
humankind. His life showed all of us how best to love God and one another.
His death on a cross showed us the true meaning of surrender.
His resurrection revealed the awesome goodness of God.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, God’s gift sent to warm our hearts, walk by our side,
and give us the language of glory to honor God all the days of our life.
This Spirit invites us to dance the dance of transformation, singing songs of thanks
and praise to the One who loves us without reservation.
We believe in the Church, the body that unites our hearts,
and prods us ever onward to work for good.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Gracious and Loving God, we have come humbly into your presence to begin our journey with Jesus and his disciples to all that awaits him in Jerusalem and beyond. Lead us in paths that will mature us spiritually and strengthen our resolve. Cause us to invest ourselves in ministry, reaching out to those in need. Prod us to take the time to visit one who is cut off by illness or inability, forced to be absent from our fellowship. Inspire us to walk in the ways of servant-hood our loving, Abba, Father in heaven. We praise your holy name. May your kingdom come, and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today, the food we need to be strong in service to you and your creation. Forgive us the wrongs we have done, and show us how to forgive those who wrong us. Lord, keep us away from all that is evil, for yours is the kingdom, yours is the power, and all glory shall be yours forever. Amen.
Lent is not a season designed to help us see how rotten we are. It is a time for spiritual growth and discovery. Lent offers us another opportunity to become better followers of Jesus. It is a time of doing honor to our faith and our spirituality. Lent is always a season of decision; so I invite you to be decisive in your Lenten pursuits. Choose a spiritual discipline to practice for the next 6 weeks, join one of our small group studies, change a habit from a bad habit to a good one. Embrace one of the means of grace: pray in private, pray in public, worship weekly, communicate weekly, study the scriptures, read the scriptures, follow diligently The Three Simple Rules: "DO NO HARM; DOALL THE GOOD YOU CAN; STAY IN LOVE WITH GOD."
Loving God, creator of all things from the dust of the earth you have formed us and from the dust of death you have promised to raise us up. We offer these gifts in grateful thanks for your steadfast love and mercy. Our hope is to continue building a church where all people experience your welcoming grace. Empower us, O Lord, to live out our purpose as the body of your Christ in the world. Guide us in your service as we journey toward our future. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

February 11, 2018 "THE REVEAL"

We believe in God, the creator of all things, the giver of life and breath.
We believe in Jesus Christ, born Emmanuel, God with us.
He was baptized by John and anointed the most beloved Son of God.
Jesus sought to heal humanity by taking our brokenness upon himself.
Suffering for us, he was crucified, died and was buried.
We believe God raised Jesus from the dead for the sake of all people,
and the promise of eternal life.
We believe the risen Lord will come again, one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the inspiring counselor of truth breathed into us and poured out upon us; sent to guide our lives.
We believe in the church, Christ’s body at work in the world.
We believe God is leading us into a new day, ever onward toward the Kingdom of God.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Glorious God, when we read the stories in scripture about so many people experiencing your presence, we try to imagine what their eyes saw, and what they felt in the moment they heard your voice calling out to them. We tend to think of those individuals as chosen, hand-picked by you to see and hear. Help us understand, dearest Lord, that what distinguished the characters in the scripture stories was their response to your call, not any extraordinary physical or mental power. Even if their response was tremulous, nevertheless they followed the path you set for them. When we need it, wake us up from the slumber that fosters a complacent spirituality. Keep us from clinging to the familiar, or to a past that cannot inform or enhance the present. Open our hearts and minds to hear your voice speaking to us in the world of today not yesterday. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
In my childhood I never missed an episode of Superman and one that has stuck in my mind is the one in which Superman is trying desperately to appease the tribal tempers of jungle ancients, the diamond eye of whose idol was stolen by jungle jewel thieves. Jimmy and Lois’s lives are on the line. Superman gives us a geology lesson as he takes a lump of coal in his hand, submerges it under water and crushes it while saying that a piece of coal under tons of pressure for a thousand years becomes a diamond. When he withdraws his hand from under the water and opens it, he reveals a perfect diamond that is just the right fit for the idol’s eye. It wasn’t magic. Superman simply did what he was capable of in order to save his friends. We are capable of helping our friends, our community and the world through our gifts. Let each of us do what we are capable of.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 4, 2018 "FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOSPEL"

We believe in God, the creator of all things, the giver of life and breath.
We believe in Jesus Christ, born Emmanuel, God with us.
He was baptized by John and anointed the most beloved Son of God.
Jesus sought to heal humanity by taking our brokenness upon himself.
Suffering for us, he was crucified, died and was buried.
We believe God raised Jesus from the dead for the sake of all people,
and the promise of eternal life.
We believe the risen Lord will come again, one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the inspiring counselor of truth breathed into us and poured out upon us; sent to guide our lives.
We believe in the church, Christ’s body at work in the world.
We believe God is leading us into a new day, ever onward toward the Kingdom of God.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Wondrous God, Creator of the Universe, we are awed and humbled by your love and care for us. May our spirits always be renewed in worship as we offer hymns and prayers of thanks and praise. We believe in your timeliness and are grateful for those moments when we most clearly understand your will for us. The Psalm reminds us that you are the grand restorer of all things. We confess that there are days when the world around us feels overwhelmingly complex and troubled. As those who long to do what is right in your eyes, we are often left wondering which way to turn. Each day when we rise, we shall trust our spirits to your care, and when we lie down, accept a good night’s sleep. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
I am hoping that during the last four weeks you have given some thought about the purpose of the church, that is the ‘WHY” of the church. What is the purpose of the Big C church and what is our purpose at the local level? WHY are WE here?
Then we are obliged to ask ourselves if we believe in the purpose of our church, and if we do, then the next step is to support that purpose.
How many of you know that the term “perks” really comes from the word perquisite? Maybe they shortened it because the actual word is so formal. A perquisite is a benefit a thing regarded as a special right or privilege enjoyed as a result of one's position.
What are the perks of being a member of a church? For most of us, it is the worship experience and the fellowship of like-hearted people. We learn a lot; we laugh a lot, and we are nourished spiritually. For some of us Sunday and Tuesday pancakes are perks. OH YES, the volunteers get to sample what they serve.
We are all capable of supporting the purpose and mission of the church on some level. What do you suppose are the perks of supporting the church’s purpose? Perhaps it’s the good feeling that comes from being part of something laudable. Together we have the ability, to build and grow church, which is more than what people expect. YES, more than what people expect. We have the capability of building a surprising church, a place where people feel not just welcomed, but invited.
We are not asking you to give until it hurts. Giving shouldn’t be considered a chore, rather we need to look upon our giving as a perk, the opportunity to build a lasting and vital community of faith. Take time to think while the bells are playing the offertory after which the Ushers will come forward to collect your offerings and your pledge cards.