Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February 20, 2011 "BE BLESSED AMONG THE MEEK"

Wondrous and Loving God, we breathe in your Holy Spirit and are renewed in the company of the congregation. We are gathered to sing your praises, to seek comfort in prayer, and receive encouragement as we ponder the message of the scriptures. We confess our neglect of our spiritual lives as many of us we are timid about exploring the scriptures, fearing that we may not understand their message for us. We confess that we need reassurance, longing to know that even our most hesitant prayers are heard and understood. Teach us the ways of gentleness. When we are humbled in the midst of crisis, or by personal failure, or omission, let us not be embarrassed or mortified. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us let us rather be grateful for being brought closer to the heart of Jesus. When we find ourselves in conflict over one thing and another, remind us that Jesus is walking with us, always in our midst seeking to help us find our peace, our resolution. Give us the hearts and minds of brothers and sisters who desire to love one another as you loved us. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Dear Lord, we express our thanks not only through our songs and prayers, our worship and works, but through our financial offering. We are grateful for the church and its ministries, for the ways in which the church cares for us, the community and the wider world. Bless our efforts and our gifts as we work to minister to others seeking to make disciples for Jesus Christ and in the process transforming ourselves, along with the world. Amen.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


(Covenant prayer from a church in Ohio)
Gracious God, we are all on the journey of discipleship, all seeking to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. We are all learners and all teachers, we all have gifts to share and so we embrace our work to listen and to learn for and from each other, treating each other with respect and dignity. We are a community of grace and forgiveness, glad for our diversity and differences. We know dearest Lord, that disagreements will come and we testify to each other today that are willing to remain a part of the community and a part of the conversations so we will not walk out or close our hearts or minds. We are one body in Christ and we need the presence of each member to thrive. O, Lord, in Jesus’ name we give you thanks and praise. Amen.
Gracious God we have given our offering of money today to support the work of your church in our community and in the world. Let us not remain detached in spirit, heart and mind from the ministries we hope will be accomplished by these gifts. Let us lend our ideas, our time, and our talents to put these gifts to the best use. Pour your inspiration into us and make each one of us instruments of blessing for the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

February 6, 2011 "BE BLESSED AMONG THE POOR"

Gracious and ever living God, on this glorious day we are aware of the beauty around us, of the colors and textures of this earth. We are ever aware that you have given us the privilege of caring for your creation. Guide us always in our efforts to preserve the resources in our care. Our desire is to be good stewards of the earth as well as good stewards of humankind. Teach us to be caretakers of each other. When we feel slighted, insulted, discounted or frustrated, teach us patience. When we think we have been treated unfairly, show us the face of Jesus and teach us the humility of forgiveness. Give us the courage to learn and to grow as disciples of your Christ. Let us not be undone by new ideas, different perspectives and the inconvenience of change. Remind us that the Kingdom of Heaven has come near for us and we are called to move ever forward with it. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Dearest Lord, we are blessed to be able to give to the church our tithes and offerings. We pray that we will always be aware of the good that our generosity engenders for ministry to our brothers and sisters in Christ, to our youth and children, to the community beyond the doors of our sanctuary and to the wider world. Multiply these gifts, O Lord, and magnify our best efforts, that we may be seen always as open hearted, open handed, embracing and kind to each other and all whom we meet. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Dearest Lord, our Gracious Abba Father, beloved Son and Counselor Spirit, we are blessed this day, as we are cradled in your holy embrace surrounded by the tender hearts of this family of faith. Indeed we are blessed with freedom to express our love and devotion to you openly, without hesitation unburdened by fear. We are blessed knowing that there is no one watching us or scrutinizing us, waiting for us. We are blessed to be able to explore our beliefs and worship without fear of reprisal. Remind us gracious God, that it was not always so, for the disciples of Jesus. We confess that it is easy to take your grace for granted and for that we are heartily sorry. Today we shall dare to set our feet on a new path of discipleship. Our intention is to seen and heard, visible in our endeavors to serve you. We are seeking to learn and discern, for our time and place, what is expected of those who carry Jesus in their hearts and who would bear the marks of their connection with him. Encourage us each day, O Lord, we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Bless these tithes and offerings, O Lord, as confessions of our love for you, and pledges of our devotion and our commitment to our mission to make disciples of all nations for the transformation of the world. We thank you for the blessings we receive each day and pray for the strength of spirit and the stamina of conscience to be blessings to all whom we meet. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.