Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February 20, 2011 "BE BLESSED AMONG THE MEEK"

Wondrous and Loving God, we breathe in your Holy Spirit and are renewed in the company of the congregation. We are gathered to sing your praises, to seek comfort in prayer, and receive encouragement as we ponder the message of the scriptures. We confess our neglect of our spiritual lives as many of us we are timid about exploring the scriptures, fearing that we may not understand their message for us. We confess that we need reassurance, longing to know that even our most hesitant prayers are heard and understood. Teach us the ways of gentleness. When we are humbled in the midst of crisis, or by personal failure, or omission, let us not be embarrassed or mortified. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us let us rather be grateful for being brought closer to the heart of Jesus. When we find ourselves in conflict over one thing and another, remind us that Jesus is walking with us, always in our midst seeking to help us find our peace, our resolution. Give us the hearts and minds of brothers and sisters who desire to love one another as you loved us. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Dear Lord, we express our thanks not only through our songs and prayers, our worship and works, but through our financial offering. We are grateful for the church and its ministries, for the ways in which the church cares for us, the community and the wider world. Bless our efforts and our gifts as we work to minister to others seeking to make disciples for Jesus Christ and in the process transforming ourselves, along with the world. Amen.

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