Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 6, 2011 "BE BLESSED AMONG THE POOR"

Gracious and ever living God, on this glorious day we are aware of the beauty around us, of the colors and textures of this earth. We are ever aware that you have given us the privilege of caring for your creation. Guide us always in our efforts to preserve the resources in our care. Our desire is to be good stewards of the earth as well as good stewards of humankind. Teach us to be caretakers of each other. When we feel slighted, insulted, discounted or frustrated, teach us patience. When we think we have been treated unfairly, show us the face of Jesus and teach us the humility of forgiveness. Give us the courage to learn and to grow as disciples of your Christ. Let us not be undone by new ideas, different perspectives and the inconvenience of change. Remind us that the Kingdom of Heaven has come near for us and we are called to move ever forward with it. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Dearest Lord, we are blessed to be able to give to the church our tithes and offerings. We pray that we will always be aware of the good that our generosity engenders for ministry to our brothers and sisters in Christ, to our youth and children, to the community beyond the doors of our sanctuary and to the wider world. Multiply these gifts, O Lord, and magnify our best efforts, that we may be seen always as open hearted, open handed, embracing and kind to each other and all whom we meet. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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