Tuesday, March 26, 2013


An Easter Affirmation (***)
Each of us is created in the image of God. Believe it!
God’s will for us is GOODWILL always. Believe it!
We follow the Christ who lived to forgive. Believe it!
He showed us a new way to connect with God by serving one another. His mission
became our mission to bind up the broken hearted and proclaim release to those held captive by the ways of the world.
Jesus took all that separated us from God and carried it to the cross where he died. He was buried in a tomb.
But on the morning of the third day, he rose. He rose from the dead! Believe it!
In his death and resurrection he threw open the doorway that leads to the heart of God and invited us to enter in. Believe it!
The Holy Spirit is God with us speaking truth to all who have ears to hear. Believe it!
When we live the commandment to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbor as ourselves, we become the body of Christ. Believe it!

Ever Surprising and unfathomable Lord, what a glorious morning this is! Our hearts are triumphant. Our spirits are full and we rejoice at the news of Christ’s resurrection. Let our response to your promise fulfilled be unreserved and boisterously glad. Cause us to cheer even louder today than we do when our favorite team wins the Super Bowl. Christ’s resurrection is not the stuff of everyday. It is an event unmatched in human history. And it is your most wondrous, mysterious and wholly unchangeable gift of forgiveness and love. With the disciples who witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion, we held our breath, in anticipation waiting to exhale. Today you have revealed what lies beyond the grief of loss, the mourning of death. Your message for all the world is clear. The tomb is empty, and life, with all of its ups and downs, has been touched by the promise of eternity. We embrace the gift you offer us in Christ’s resurrection and respond with a renewed and more powerful faith. Dearest Lord, today you have made all things new and the sting of death is no more. We give you thanks and praise in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Some of you know that I can be a bit obsessive about the importance of not celebrating Easter or preaching about the resurrection during Lent — that is before it has happened. But on Tuesday, I heard about a church — a really big church— that held its annual Easter Egg Hunt two weeks before Easter. 500 kids with parents in tow, showed up. When I couldn’t figure out why the church would do that, someone who is much smarter than me, said: “You get them to come to the church for the candy and the bunny and when you have their candied attention you convince them to come back on Easter Sunday to give credit to the creator of the bunny and the eggs.” Now, why didn’t I think of that?
Gracious God we are so very grateful for this day of resurrection. There is no clearer message of goodwill; no more graphic demonstration of your love; no greater assurance of your hope for humanity. The gifts we offer on the Easter Sunday cannot compare to the gift you have given us, but we hope they will, in some small measure, bring the message of your love and goodwill to those who have never known it. In the name of the risen Christ we pray. Amen.
*** The Easter Affirmation written by Rev. Dr. Amanda Burr

March 31, 2013 Easter Sunrise "THEY HEARD IT TOO"

Gracious and wonderful God, we greet this new morning with a sense of wonder, awe and triumph. These early morning hours were much beloved by Jesus. It was in these quite peaceful moments when he opened his heart to you and reflected on your mission together. We have come to this garden to remember and give thanks for your most profound statement, proclaimed without words — an empty tomb!! Like the stunned women who came to the tomb to minister to the one who had died, we gasp in surprise and then remember that with you all things are possible. We lift our eyes and arms to heaven in a gesture of praise and thanksgiving for your promise so stunningly fulfilled. Lord God, today you have swallowed up death and offered, in its place, life everlasting. In the resurrection you have not only opened wide the gaits of paradise, but our eyes, as well, to see the brightness of a new day. Our Abba Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
We thank you, wondrous and loving God, for this glorious resurrection day. The gifts we bring are more than a gesture of thanksgiving; they are an expression of our trust and confidence in you. By these gifts we believe you will empower your church to carry out wondrous deeds in the name of the Christ. Amen.


Good Friday

March 29, 2013 7:00 PM
All: Save me, O God. Do not let those who hope in you be put to shame
because of me. Answer me, O Lord for your steadfast love is
good; according to your abundant mercy, turn to me.
Do not hide your face from your servant,
for I am in distress—make haste to answer me.
*OPENING HYMN In the Cross of Christ I Glory Hymnal # 295 1-4
AFFIRMATION OF FAITH An Affirmation of Faith for Lent **
We believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, the giver of light and truth, life and breath. We believe that nothing can separate us from the grace, love and mercy of God who never hesitates to forgive the repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture, who desired to be in this life with us, reaching out to love us into new life. We believe that he took upon himself our sin and regret carrying these to the cross, where he gave himself unto eternity for our sakes. This was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, and that he will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks a fiery, passionate truth to all people, in every
language. Our hearts are warmed and we become the living proof of God’s transforming
We believe that we are the church, the body of Christ, called to serve and to make a
difference in God’s world.
Our Abba, Father, in heaven. Holy, holy, holy is your name. May your kingdom come, and your will be done on earth as it most surely is in heaven. Give us this day the food we need and forgive us our sins as we forgive the sins of our neighbor. Guide us in right paths. Lead us away from temptation and keep us from evil; for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
HYMN OF CONTRITION: Ah, Holy Jesus Hymnal # 289 1- 3
The Good Samaritan Speaks
HYMN OF CONTRITION Ah, Holy Jesus Hymnal # 289 4
The Woman with the Alabaster Flask Speaks
Luke describes individuals casting lots after Jesus says: “Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” Traditionally people have imagined soldiers at the foot of the cross shooting dice, as if gambling for Jesus’ garments, but casting lots was a a method used to foretell the future. In Old Testament stories priests threw painted dice or knuckle bones onto the ground to determine which goat was to be sacrificed to the Lord and which goat would serve as the “scapegoat” carrying upon its back all of the sins of the children of Israel. The “scapegoat” was sent off into the wilderness alone. Today we are aware that as the soldiers cast lots, Jesus has taken on both roles.
*DOXOLOGY Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven Hymnal # 66
Praise my soul, the King of heaven, to the throne thy tribute bring;
Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, evermore God’s praises sing.
Aleluia! Aleluia! Praise the everlasting King.
Gracious God, we offer these gifts with humble hearts. Bless them we pray to do your work and will in the name of the Christ. Amen.
PREPARATION HYMN O Love Divine, What Hast Thou Done Hymnal # 287 1& 2
SCRIPTURE Luke 23:50-56
The Wife of Chuza Speaks Dr. Amanda Burr

CLOSING HYMN O Sacred Head Now Wounded Hymnal # 286
*BENEDICTION “Go In Peace to Love and serve as never before.”
POSTLUDE Solo: Were You There

The Original Script "THERE IS A BALM" (three Monologues) IS Available from the author Rev. Dr. Amanda Burr The United Methodist Church of Palm Springs


SCRIPTURE Luke 22: 1-6
MEDITATION Fear-filled Intentions Dr. Burr
This night is different from all others. We intend by our presence here to remember the saving acts of God throughout human history. We have come as the disciples of Jesus to eat the Passover meal and, in his company, we are forever changed, for on this night Jesus will become the lamb of God, sacrificed to redeem the lost people of God. As we contemplate the gifts we offer we are compelled by the covenant Jesus has made with us, to carry on in his stead, to proclaim the good news, heralding freedom and release to all who are imprisoned and living in darkness. Your gifts bring the light of Christ into their lives.
Merciful God, this evening we remember how Jesus kept his mission promise, to set at liberty those who are oppressed and to restore sight to the blind. We are still longing to find favor in your sight, knowing that each one of us falls short of your glory. When we offer our gifts to your service we are seeking to prepare our hearts, minds and spirits for the better day. With these gifts we perpetually acknowledge and seal our covenant with you. Bless them, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
SCRIPTURE Luke 22:7-13
MEDITATION Readying Ourselves Dr. Burr
Following the words of Institution, you will be guided to the table in groups of twelve. Standing around the table, you will pass the communion elements around, serving each other. As you offer the bread, please speak the blessing “Shalom” and as you offer the cup, please say to the one you are serving “Remember.”
SCRIPTURE Luke 22: 31-34; 39-46 Dr. Burr
MEDITATION Who is Willing? Dr. Burr
HYMN All Praise to Thee, My God This Night Hymnal # 682 1, 2, 4
SCRIPTURE Luke 22: 47-62
MEDITATION What Will You Remember? Dr. Burr
CLOSING HYMN What Wondrous Love Is this Hymnal #292 1-2

March 24, 2013 Service of the Passion "O SACRED HEAD"

A Lenten Affirmation ***
We believe in God who, from dust and nothingness, brought forth this earth, and all that dwell hereon. Light and dark, are the special effects God has chosen to reveal the awesome colors of creation as each day begins and ends.
We believe in Jesus the beloved Son of God, begotten to love, teach, free, heal and save
humankind. He sought to show all people how best to love God and one another.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, God’s companion-gift sent to warm our hearts, walk by our side, and give us the language of glory to honor God all the days of our life. This Spirit invites us to dance the dance of transformation and sing songs of thanks and praise to the One who loves us without reservation.
We believe in the Church that gathers our hearts as one, prodding us, by the truth of Christ’s resurrection, to serve God and work for good. Thanks be to God.
Glorious God, we have come to hear the story of Jesus’ final days. Help us to trust you everyday as we ponder the decisions you have made on behalf of all humankind. Give us the strength to accept the promises you made to Jesus, and through him, the promises made to his disciples and through their work and your word the promises made to us. All this we dare to ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
SCRIPTURE READINGS Luke 22: 1-8; 14-23
Luke 22:31-34; 39-46 Luke 22:47-53
Luke 22:54-62 Luke 22:63-71

The Passion Narrative is the longest narrative in each of the gospels telling the story of the events of what the church now calls Holy Week. The percentage of people who attend Christmas Eve Services is more than twice the number of people who attend the services offered during Holy Week. The story of Christ’s passion tells of THE salvific event offered to all God’s people. From the moment of his birth God’s anointed has been driven, moving intentionally and inexorably toward his passion which was always for us. Can we hide our faces from the man of sorrows and pretend not to see? Let us not deny him by shying away from his story.
Lord, the gifts we offer today are not given in tribute, rather they symbolize our willing sacrifice. As Jesus surrendered himself to your will and gave up his life for us, so we surrender with these gifts along with our hearts. Let us remember always that these mark our participation with Christ in the act not only of giving but giving up for the sake of another. May they bring light into someone’s darkness and new life to those who have known only despair. We commit ourselves as witnesses to your ever-presence in lives. Amen.
PASSION HYMN Go To Dark Gethsemane Hymnal # 290 1 & 2
Luke 23:13-25
PASSION HYMN Go To Dark Gethsemane Hymnal # 290 3 & 4
Luke 23:44-56
SERMON O Sacred Head Dr. Burr

March 24, 2013 Palm Sunday Service "BLESSED IS THE ONE"

Glorious God, let us stand and celebrate the arrival of the Beloved One, even your Son, Jesus Christ. Ride on, ride on in majesty. Let us with arms held high and with the whole multitude of the disciples joyfully praise your name for all the deeds of power we have seen. Let us beckon to the one who comes in the name of the Lord; the Messiah, who descends from the Mount of Olives as promised. As we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem, let us also make today the day when Jesus’ triumphantly enters our own hearts. Indeed this is a day that You, O Lord, have made. We rejoice and are glad in it. May we never stop praising the name of Jesus. Hosanna! “Blessed is the king who comes in your name. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heaven.” Amen.
Palm branches were the former day parade banners, waved in the air to salute or greet dignitaries arriving in grand procession through the gates of a city. The fate of those palm fronds afterward isn’t frequently discussed. Perhaps they are discarded in the street or carried home. The church fashions the palm fronds into crosses to remind us that after the parade the Blessed One gave up his life for us. The dried out discarded palms are then burned and the ashes placed upon our brows next Ash Wednesday to remind us yet again of our own mortality.
Lord, on this day remind us that we are not just spectators in a parade of watchers, but participants in ministry. Bless these our gifts, offered gladly and with grateful hearts. May they sustain and assist in the growth of your church. May they bring comfort to those who mourn, healing to the sick, and strength to the downhearted. Remind us always that we witness to your presence in our lives by our gifts as well as our work. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 17, 2013 "MESSIAH'S LAMENT"

Wondrous and loving God, grateful for this day, grateful for your presence and most grateful for your love and mercy, we humbly offer our thanks and praise. If not for you, we could not take a single breath. If not for you, we could not sing our songs of praise. If not for you, we could not love. We confess our worry, our angst, and our days of going about our business oblivious to your guardian, guiding presence. When we look into the eyes of a friend, or find ourselves mirroring the innocent, trusting smile of a child, or feel the reassuring embrace of a loved one, let us see you; let us mirror you, and let us so embrace one another. Keep us from carrying our regrets and lamentations like so much baggage on our backs. Teach us to carry the Christ instead, the embodiment of forgiveness, in whose name we pray. Amen.
Stephen King wrote a book which was made into a movie starring Ed Harris and Max von Sydow called Needful Things. The story delves into the lives of unremarkable folks in an unremarkable town in Maine. A mysterious new shop opens in town, which always seems to stock the deepest desires of each shopper who enters it. The much needed object is dangled by the shop-owner like a carrot before a hungry donkey. The price to own it — their soul. As we journey toward Jerusalem with Jesus, let us pay close attention to the not-so-remarkable biblical characters, their deepest desires and the needful things that will motivate their actions.
Lord, Bless the gifts we bring. We offer them, always, with grateful hearts. We give not from our surplus, rather we give this tithe as our first and most important gift. Pour out your Spirit of all things possible upon this offering that it may serve those in need, build up your church, and keep it ever relevant in this complex world. Let what we are fortunate enough to share be an instrument of transformation, restoring the souls of the lost and forgotten. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sunday March 10, 2013 "BY LOVE FORGIVEN"

An Affirmation of Faith for Lent
We believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, the giver of light and truth, life and breath.
We believe that nothing can separate us from the grace, love and mercy of God who never hesitates to forgive the repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture, who desired to be in this life with us, reaching out to love us into new life.
We believe that he took upon himself our sin and regret carrying these to the cross, where he gave himself unto eternity for our sake. This was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, and that he will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks a fiery, passionate truth to all people, in every
language. Our hearts are warmed and we become the living proof of God’s transforming
We believe that we are the church, the body of Christ, called to serve and to make a difference in God’s world.

Wondrous God, as we continue our journey through Lent, following in the footsteps of the Beloved One, we are wearied by the resistance of those who cannot or will not open their ears to hear the good news. Through the scriptures we have witnessed Jesus’ efforts to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind; to set at liberty those who are oppressed and announce that the year of your favor has arrived. We confess how easy it is to judge others whose values and experiences are not like ours. It can be troubling to see ourselves in the stories of Jesus; it is like looking into a mirror. We are not always pleased with what we see realizing, in that moment, that we are all sinners who fall short of your glory. Forgive us, Lord, when we presume our own goodness to the detriment of another. Hear our prayer as offered in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Hand lotions in our day are given names like “Loving Care,” “Extra Healing Moisturizing,” “Ultra Healing Moisturizing,” restores, soothes, rescues, softens, nourishes, protects, heals, is anti –aging, rich, pleasurable, maximum strength, leaves skin feeling touchably soft, works instantly, is therapeutic, and is dermatologist tested. Please know that your tithes and offerings to the church restore, rescue, soothe, heal, nourish and protect. They give strength, work instantly, and are therapeutic in more ways than you can imagine. And feeling good about giving will make you touchably soft. I knew that part was important to you.
Lord, Bless these our gifts, offered gladly and with grateful hearts. We pray that they will bring comfort, healing, strength, nourishment and protection to all those in need. Let what we are fortunate enough to share, shine your loving light into someone’s darkness and bring new life to those who have known only despair. Let our gifts and our work, our prayers and our commitment be a testament to our faith and your presence in lives. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Scouting Sunday March 3, 2013 "LET THERE BE LIGHT"

Wondrous God, we give you thanks for this glorious day, knowing that we are among the most fortunate people in the world. We confess, however, that there are times when a shadow of darkness sneaks into the center of our being, and we doubt our ability to live up to our call to discipleship. But you, O Lord, are the light that can break through the darkness. You are the fountain from which all-things-possible flow. Give us strength, creativity and imagination. Inspire us to pool our individual gifts and talents in service to your church and our neighbor. Working together using our congregational muscles and the spirit of fellowship we know we can do wondrous deeds in your name. Shedding all timidity we place our light upon the lampstand. May we be the beacon that leads those who are searching, lost and alone into your light. In the name of our most magnificent savior, we pray. Amen.
Lord, bless our tithes and gifts to your service. We offer them with grateful hearts and pray that you will transform them into instruments of peace, liberty, rescue and goodwill. With your blessing, they will bring light into someone’s darkness and hope to someone who has known only despair. May the work of our hands, the prayers of our hearts, and the gifts we give, witness to your unreserved presence in our lives. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.