Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 24, 2013 Service of the Passion "O SACRED HEAD"

A Lenten Affirmation ***
We believe in God who, from dust and nothingness, brought forth this earth, and all that dwell hereon. Light and dark, are the special effects God has chosen to reveal the awesome colors of creation as each day begins and ends.
We believe in Jesus the beloved Son of God, begotten to love, teach, free, heal and save
humankind. He sought to show all people how best to love God and one another.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, God’s companion-gift sent to warm our hearts, walk by our side, and give us the language of glory to honor God all the days of our life. This Spirit invites us to dance the dance of transformation and sing songs of thanks and praise to the One who loves us without reservation.
We believe in the Church that gathers our hearts as one, prodding us, by the truth of Christ’s resurrection, to serve God and work for good. Thanks be to God.
Glorious God, we have come to hear the story of Jesus’ final days. Help us to trust you everyday as we ponder the decisions you have made on behalf of all humankind. Give us the strength to accept the promises you made to Jesus, and through him, the promises made to his disciples and through their work and your word the promises made to us. All this we dare to ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
SCRIPTURE READINGS Luke 22: 1-8; 14-23
Luke 22:31-34; 39-46 Luke 22:47-53
Luke 22:54-62 Luke 22:63-71

The Passion Narrative is the longest narrative in each of the gospels telling the story of the events of what the church now calls Holy Week. The percentage of people who attend Christmas Eve Services is more than twice the number of people who attend the services offered during Holy Week. The story of Christ’s passion tells of THE salvific event offered to all God’s people. From the moment of his birth God’s anointed has been driven, moving intentionally and inexorably toward his passion which was always for us. Can we hide our faces from the man of sorrows and pretend not to see? Let us not deny him by shying away from his story.
Lord, the gifts we offer today are not given in tribute, rather they symbolize our willing sacrifice. As Jesus surrendered himself to your will and gave up his life for us, so we surrender with these gifts along with our hearts. Let us remember always that these mark our participation with Christ in the act not only of giving but giving up for the sake of another. May they bring light into someone’s darkness and new life to those who have known only despair. We commit ourselves as witnesses to your ever-presence in lives. Amen.
PASSION HYMN Go To Dark Gethsemane Hymnal # 290 1 & 2
Luke 23:13-25
PASSION HYMN Go To Dark Gethsemane Hymnal # 290 3 & 4
Luke 23:44-56
SERMON O Sacred Head Dr. Burr

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