Monday, August 22, 2011


Almighty God, Sovereign of the Universe, be present with us, and be attentive to our prayers and supplications. We have been aware from our first toddling steps that it is easy to trip and fall when we are trying to move too fast or aren’t paying attention to obstacles in our path. And we have learned over the years that life is full of surprises and whether they are delightful or tragic we are going to have to figure out how we will respond or react to them. Help us always to be considerate of one another along the way. When we feel skittish about ideas that break with our familiar traditions, help us listen with open hearts and minds. When we still cannot understand, let us not be ruled by disappointment throwing up our hands and giving up. Give us the courage to try again as followers of Jesus. Our savior was not one to give up on anyone or anything. We pray for the strength and stamina to keep exercising our faith to the glory of your name. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Remember King Midas. We have come to refer to someone able to build a great fortune out of nothing, as one who has the Midas touch. The moniker suggests whatever he or she touches turns to gold —metaphorically speaking. In the case of King Midas everything he touched literally turned to gold and what at first seemed a blessing became, for him, a curse. Maybe gloves would have helped old Midas put his gift to better use. Seek always to do something remarkable with what you have been given.

Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon these tithes and offerings. Grateful for all your love and care, we seek to glorify your name in our work. Multiply these gifts, we pray, that they may bless all who are in need. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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