Monday, March 8, 2010

Prayer for the Sermon March 7, 2010 "And Just Then"

Glorious God our Savior, Creator and Lord, bless us with your presence. Let us breathe in your presence, your Spirit of holiness, your Spirit of redemption. We entreat you merciful God to pour out comfort upon those who are in pain and your liberating power upon those whose lives are in turmoil. We pray for those who wrestle daily with personal demons that beset them from above and below, behind and in front. You have shown us in the life and lessons of your Son Jesus the Christ that those chained to addictions, trapped in their obsessions, ensnared by depression, or fettered by fear can have new life. Let us speak clearly of your promise to set these captives free. Help us to pray with them and for them, whispering your words of wisdom and assurance. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen
John Wesley wrote about the Lord’s Supper being both an obligation and an opportunity. It is one of the 6 means of Grace which he outlines in the General Rules. Wesley said Christians should receive communion as often as they can because the benefits are so great: “the forgiveness of our past sins and the present strengthening and refreshment of our souls.” The means of Grace are important for Christian life and growth precisely because they do something. In 1784 he advised the ordained Elders of the Methodist Episcopal Church “to administer the supper of the Lord on every Lord’s day.”
John Wesley wrote about the Lord’s Supper being both an obligation and an opportunity. It is one of the 6 means of Grace which he outlines in the General Rules. Wesley said Christians should receive communion as often as they can because the benefits are so great: “the forgiveness of our past sins and the present strengthening and refreshment of our souls.” The means of Grace are important for Christian life and growth precisely because they do something. In 1784 he advised the ordained Elders of the Methodist Episcopal Church “to administer the supper of the Lord on every Lord’s day.”

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