Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Our Gracious Creator our source of life and breath, thank you. We are grateful for this day, for this church, and for this, our family of faith. We are reluctant to confess the fears, or doubts that hold us back from living fully in connection with your Holy Spirit. We confess, also, that we have never really figured out how the trinity works, or how we are to understand your triple presence in our lives. What we know for certain is that when you decided to be one like us, incarnated in Jesus, you wanted to feel the earth under your feet —like us, to feel the rain on your face and the wind in your hair —like us. You dearest Lord, chose to know just how it feels to be us, a man of joy and sorrow, of courage and fear, experiencing triumph and tragedy, comfort and pain. What wondrous love is this! What wondrous love is this, O God our Abba, Father; God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! Amen.
Three of a kind is a mediocre hand in poker. In the ranking Three of a kind holds 4th place beating two pair, a pair and high card. In a full house you want your three cards to be the high cards: aces or face cards. For example 3 kings and 2 deuces beats 3 Queens and 2 Aces. (Doesn’t seem fair.) On this Trinity Sunday we embrace God the three of a kind. God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit, three in one. This three of kind you can always bet on.

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