Tuesday, December 7, 2010

November 28, 2010 "NURTURE A SECOND NATURE"

Most Loving God, Creator of the Universe on this, the first Sunday of the Advent season, we lift up our hearts in hopeful anticipation of wondrous things to come. We remember all that you have given to humanity since the dawn of time. You have blessed us, and loved us, forgiven us and rescued us, made covenant with us and promised to be faithful always. We confess that, try as we might, we have not always lived up to our part in this covenant relationship. We will, in these next four weeks, begin again. We will turn our attention to you, seeking to discern your will and way for us. Keep us mindful that this is a time of introspection and self-examination, a time of surrender and soul-searching as we embrace hope for the world, hope for your Church, hope for our community of faith, hope for today and hope for tomorrow. In the name of your dear Son we pray. Amen.

Accept our gifts gracious God. We offer them as one small way of saying thank you for your love, grace and forgiveness. Our hearts are hopeful that these gifts will support the ministries of this church and the Church universal which seeks to help people in need throughout the world. Your blessing upon this offering today will add power and strength to all of the deeds that can and will be done in your name. Amen.

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