Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prayer for the Sermon May 16, 2010 "HINDERING GOD"

Gracious God, make us grateful for all that we have, for the beauty of this day in this glorious valley. When we open our eyes to the storms that have devastated lives in a single moment in time, in Tennessee and Oklahoma, let us not be paralyzed by a sense of helplessness. Remind us that we are not alone in our work. Inspire our most compassionate faith. We who belong to Christ plan together, strive together, reach out together as a denomination of people. We are millions of souls offering our prayers as well as our resources to care for, rescue and serve our brothers and sisters in need. May what we can offer be truly enough, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
What holds us back? What hinders us humans from making a commitment to something, to someone, to our own personal growth, to learning, to exploring visions and ideas, to growing spiritually? What would happen if we let go of things or ideas that hinder growth and weigh us down? After all, wouldn’t it be the silliest thing if we’re being held back by pre-conceived notions that have been collecting dust in our heads, like the old stuff in our closets and garages that is long past being useful?

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